The liquefied magic crystal is the product of the liquefaction of the magic crystal, and the liquefied magic crystal steam used by our guild is not the same thing. Although they are all magic crystals in essence, and they are all in liquid state, and even the colors are the same, but they are not the same when they are different. The liquefied magic crystal simply liquefies the magic crystal, and the impurities in it are not well removed. Compared with the general magic crystal, the advantage of the liquefied magic crystal is that it is easy to store and transport, and can be adjusted at will The size thus changes its aggregate attribute. However, in any case, compared to magic crystal, liquefied magic crystal is actually limited.

Although the liquefied magic crystal steam is also a magic crystal, it has several more processes than ordinary liquefied magic crystals, because the magic crystal steam is produced by the volatilization of the liquefied magic crystal through a special process Gas, and because of the special attribute of magic crystal, during its gasification process, the impurities in the magic crystal will be separated in solid form, making the magic crystal vapor purer than ordinary magic crystal and liquefied magic crystal. If the liquefied magic crystal only causes the magic crystal to produce quantitative changes, then the magic crystal steam causes the magic crystal to produce qualitative changes, turning low-quality inferior magic crystals into high-quality super magic crystals. As for the liquefied magic crystal steam, it is still a quantitative change, but it is quantitatively changed on the basis of the magic crystal steam, so the formidable power is countless times stronger than the liquefied magic crystal.

However, even if the liquefied magic crystal is inferior to the liquefied magic crystal steam in various attributes, especially the explosive formidable power, this does not affect its own high explosive power characteristics, so the big tank in front of you The liquefied magic crystal can still be regarded as a super blockbuster, and may not be as effective as the small nuclear weapons like the liquefied magic crystal steam, but it is definitely the overlord of conventional weapons.

Seeing that there is no way to stop me, the guy who was pressed by his mount finally got this thing out by taking all on one throw, and then violently in my nervous expression Raising an arm and smashing an elbow on the glass, followed by a loud explosion sound. A large area around me and him was completely engulfed by flames in an instant. The orange red fireball rolled with thick black smoke. On the ground, a small mushroom cloud was created.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh...did the other party use nuclear weapons?" Zhenhong, who had just arrived at the scene, cried out looking at the tumbling mushroom cloud.

After a round of inspections, Masaga Matsumoto asked, "Have you seen President Purple Moon?"

"Ah, there will be no problem with this level of explosion. "Gold coin said.

Christina also echoed: "I agree with this point. The last time he was fighting with that ice-bound Banshee, a whole car of liquefied magic crystal steam exploded, and it didn’t explode in the end. Die him?"

"Correct, I died once, but because I have Phoenix blood, the semi-attribute was resurrected once."

The sudden voice made everyone It was a daze, then Kristina asked in surprise: "President, what are you...?"

"Can you use the crystal communicator?" After I asked, I didn't wait for Kristina. Na and the others said directly: "Just look at the coordinates of your own guild map."

"Map?" Hearing my words, these few people in the sky moved neatly and touched their back waist, and then Everyone took out a small tablet that looked like a handheld computer. Of course, this thing is not a technological product, so there are a lot of magic patterns on the surface, it looks very complicated, and the center of this thing is not a flat screen, but only a small crystal, but compared to the actual technology, this thing In fact, it’s a little bit more dazzling, because when everyone is operating this thing, the small crystal makes a sudden flash, and then a three-dimensional Earth is projected on top of this thing, and it moves with their attention. , This thing can also be zoomed in, you can view the map information of any area on Earth that has been recorded. Of course, it's only map information, and it can't display monster or enemy information. At most, it can display the location of other people in the guild who also carry this device and the user's own location.

Kristina and the others cried out in surprise after seeing the data displayed by this thing.

"Are we back to the main world map?" Masaga Matsumoto asked in surprise.

"Have you not noticed that there are too many players around?" I said directly: "If the previous guild entered our mission map because of the mission, so many irrelevant personnel Appearing here is obviously a bit unreasonable. So I tried the crystal communicator and found that it was able to connect to the military god, which means that we have re-entered the crystal communicator base station."

" Then I have to use skills carefully!" Matsumoto Masaka said.

Christina said: "If there is nothing necessary, you'd better not take action, and I don't think we all need to be dispatched now. The violent explosion just now, the enemy should be dead, right? "

"Yes, that guy doesn't even have ashes left, but if you don't mind, you'd better help me come down to my prison and find our magic net core, because that thing is gone!"< /p>


The guild experts who were chatting and farting on it were anxious as soon as they heard that something was missing, so everyone jumped down and started looking around. The missing core of the magic net.

"It should be already not in nearby, I didn't feel the magic wave." Kristina said after coming down.

Matsumoto Masaka asked: "Will it be destroyed? I think the explosion just now was quite violent."

"The core of the magic net that can support a world energy operation How is it possible that trifling can't bear such a bit of explosive formidable power?" Kristina said: "I think the biggest probability is being lifted by the blast wave."

"Right, yes, this probability is the greatest. "Zhenhong said: "Boss, do you know the relative position of the explosion location and the core of the magic net? If you know, just look for it along the extension line."

"Damn, I know that thing Which way is it flying? It flew into the city!"

Just a short distance in front of the road in front of me is a city. The scale is not too big, but it is definitely not small. The medium-sized cities are relatively large, but they are still smaller than the large cities.

I saw this city in the sky before, but I didn't care much at the time. Now I want to come here and run to the other side. It's possible that it's simply not escaping aimlessly. Judging from the opponent's behavior so far, the opponent has already calculated all the possible situations after receiving the task, how can it not even plan an escape direction? So, the city in front of you probably didn't happen to appear here, but the other party originally came here.

"Hurry up, go find it in the city."

As I shouted, everyone immediately rushed towards the city, but the one who ran the most When the fast real red was only a few tens of meters away from the city gate, a dazzling white aperture suddenly burst into the city, and it disappeared as it swept across the periphery of the city. Originally I thought this thing had no formidable power, but soon the system hint appeared.

"A certain guild’s special mission A is reached, stage B quests are opened, stage A temporary quest rewards are activated, and the defensive NPCbattle strength of a certain guild’s city increases tenfold. All players of the guild get special Strengthen, temporarily increase the strength of the lowest member of the guild to the level of 1,700, and other members refer to this member to superimpose the extra level."

"Damn, is this going to kill us?" Really Red immediately stopped doing it when he heard this prompt.

Matsumoto Masaka said helplessly: "It seems that I can't think of the time when I shot it. It might be impossible to get everyone to get here together."

"Regardless of them What attributes have we got, we can’t just wait and die anyway, everyone stepped up, now is the time to do our best.” I said, surpassing Masaka Matsumoto and gold coin and rushed to the front.

Kristina looked at me who ran past and stretched out her hands helplessly to hug the front, followed the whole person and rose into the air, seven magic balls of different colors began to emerge next to her, and then Flying up and down around her.

gold coin looked at his Universe Bag distressedly, and then sighed: "Oh...I'm going to lose money again!" As he said, he threw the Universe Bag and suddenly Myriad Swords Simultaneously Flying, in the Sky immediately added a large flying sword. The gold coin looked towards the previous finger after the Flying Sword appeared. All the Flying Swords collectively dropped their heads and their swords pointed forward. Then, after hearing the whiz whiz whiz, they all jumped out just like a missile launch.

"Huh? Isn't that Purple Moon?" In the city, some players who did not belong to the guild looked at me who appeared outside the city in surprise.

Another player is cry out in surprise: "Look, that is the world’s first fortress Kristina, known as the humanoid artillery group. God, she has entered the magic wizard mode! She is here! Is it going to attack the city?"

Amidst everyone's discussion, I was the first to rush out of the city, and then with a thump, a star full of gold bounced back. In front of me, a wave of water rippled away, obviously there was a protective Formation.

"Damn, what is this?" I asked, rubbing my head.

Christina flew over and touched the protective shield, then suddenly her eyes opened: "Not good, this thing is the protective shield that comes with the core of the magic net. They have activated the core of the magic net. , Now that’s no longer a masterless object. The magic net core is helping them build defenses. The longer the time delay, the more disadvantaged we will be."

"Is there a way to pass through this protective cover?"

"Impossible." Kristina said: "This is the protection of the law. Unless we defeat it head-on, we will never get past it."

"Head-up defeat?" I asked in surprise: "This thing represents the total magic power of a world. How do you want me to defeat it?"

"No, it's not that exaggerated." Kristina said: "The low magic plane is just the system opened up for us. It’s not as large as Earth, so it can be said that its area is very small, so even the magic of the entire world is not really irresistible. But even without our main world The magic is terrifying, but it is a world after all, so the general attack is definitely useless!"

"Damn it!" I looked at the time, and there were only more than two hours left before the mission time limit. If you continue to do the task like this, it will really fail! "He's grandfather, he's fighting it!"

"Hey, boss, what are you doing?"

"Call reinforcements!"

——This Isinger at the time--

Woo..."Warning, Isinger Mobile Fortress Level 1 is requested to move. The connection channels will be closed after one minute. All relevant personnel should pay attention to evacuate the connection area. Warning, Isinger Mobile Fortress..." The alarm sounded over and over again, but the crowd outside was in a mess.

"What are you kidding? How come this is the time?" Vina suddenly stood up from her seat.

The old Divine Immortal that we brought back right here to talk about things said: "It should be the president who is in trouble. According to your description of the president, he should be very careful about saving. People. This mobile fortress spends all money when it moves. Because of the president’s character, he will never use this mobile fortress."

Vina nodded said: "You didn’t say anything. Wrong, and this time it should be a major problem, because the level 1 movement request means not to let the mobile fortress fly over, but-Space Jump. This will consume a huge amount of magic crystal, and the stingy character of Purple Moon is not really critical. The state will never use this kind of movement."

"Then, shall we follow the past to help?" Xinghuo asked.

The peacock said immediately: "That's more to say. By the way, go and call the people on Hades's side as well. It's a critical moment now."

After Xinghuo heard it. She didn't move immediately, but looked towards Vina. After seeing Vina nodded, she went to inform Hades and them. Hades immediately ran to the mobile fortress side after receiving the order, and Noreen also heard the emergency notice, so she hurriedly sent a lot of new weapons to the Isengard mobile fortress.

"Attention, Isengard Mobile Fortress Level 1 separation program is activated, all connection channels are closed, restraint locks are opened, and Isengard Mobile Fortress all anti-gravity systems are activated, and the liftoff countdown is five, four, three, Two, one, start."

Boom. Accompanied by a tremor like The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the entire Isengard mobile fortress suddenly separated from above the Sky City of Isengard Twin Cities, and then the entire fortress began to rise slowly, and gradually separated from Isengard below. The Sky City rose above the clouds.

Beep... "Isinger Mobile Fortress has reached a safe height, the space transmission system is activated, positioning begins, subspace movement preparation, five, four, three, two, one, switch."

As the last switch sounded, the surrounding area of ​​Isinger Mobile Fortress suddenly blue light flashed. Following the huge Isinger Mobile Fortress, it suddenly disappeared in midair, and it was far above the European battlefield. Over the city, a small blue spot of light suddenly appeared, and then suddenly expanded and shone violently. After the light disappeared, the huge Isengard mobile fortress had appeared at an altitude of 20,000 meters directly above the city.

Despite the astonishing height, someone in the city below immediately noticed Isinger Mobile Fortress. Isinger Mobile Fortress is not an airplane after all, it is a city, and a super city that is dozens of times larger than the city below. With such a big thing, even at an altitude of 20,000 meters, people below can still see the boss hanging there.

Looking at the Isinger Mobile Fortress that suddenly appeared in the sky, Kristina and them all looked at me in surprise. Finally, Masaka Matsumoto asked: "Is this not a foul?"

I shook my head and said: "The mission system has brought us back to the main world, which means that the restrictions on our personnel have been lifted. It is a fool not to call reinforcements at this time."

"But is it necessary to get Isinger Mobile Fortress?" Kristina asked.

"You said it yourself, it takes extraordinary power to penetrate this protective shield." I said with a finger at the mobile fortress Isinger above his head and said: "Apart from that, what else can you think of Unusual power?"

Kristina was also asked by me for a while and didn't know how to answer. After much deliberation, it seems that only Isinger Mobile Fortress has such a decisive martial power. To fight against a world, even if it is a very small, incomplete world, it cannot be done by one person. Therefore, we need super weapons and this unconventional martial power. Strategic weapons are not usually unusable, but there is no suitable target worthy of being shot. But now, I have found the target, and it is definitely worth the shot. Therefore, it is time for those sealed strategic weapons to take off.

In Isinger Mobile Fortress, Vina and the others saw that the teleportation was completed and they were about to fly out to help. Suddenly they felt light on their feet, and then there was an obvious sense of falling. Xinghuo first said: "We are descending."

As the commander-in-chief of the city's NPC armed forces, Vader was the first to react. "It's not just a drop, the president is going to use a super weapon!"

Vina also reacted when she heard the younger brother's words. "Yeah! Apart from serving as a transport plane, Isinger Mobile Fortress is most useful for those super weapons. Purple Moon’s such anxiousness to make Isinger Mobile Fortress come over is definitely not for our battle strength, but he needs Isinger Mobile Fortress. Super weapon!"

Just when Vina and the others are talking, the mobile fortress of Isengard has dropped a few kilometers quickly, and it is still falling at a constant speed, until it is less than five kilometers from the ground. When it started to slow down, when it stopped again, the bottom of the city was only more than 2,000 meters away from the city below.

Don’t think that more than two thousand meters is very high. If it is a building that can be built for two kilometers, you will feel that it is as straight as the Heaven Supporting Pillar, but if it is a city floating at a height of two kilometers above your head, you may even want to lower your head and avoid it. impulse. This is mainly because the city is really too big. It is not as slender as tall buildings, but as huge as covering the heavens and shielding the sun. Think of the clouds before the thunderstorm in summer. It looks like they are going to press on top of people's heads, but isn't that cloud still several kilometers above the ground? Therefore, the human senses are actually not very accurate.

"Meeting...President..." At this time, in the city below Isengard Mobile Fortress, a player tremblingly grabbed a player next to him and asked while looking at the sky. : "Did we make the gang of Frost Rose League anxious?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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