Since we got the long spear species, the mobility of our guild has been the existence that people look up to, especially my flying bird, because it is a long spear evolutionary body, and because It is a familiar without attribute restrictions, and its flight speed completely crushes any flying unit. Before the war with Buddhism last time, even the guy Tathagata didn't catch up with me, but I can imagine how fast Asuka is already. Moreover, we were not at a high level at the time, and now Asuka is better than before. However, even so, the distance between me and the guy in front is still widening. As for Kristina and their long spear, don't even think about it, this will be almost invisible. !

"Damn it, is that guy a missile? Asuka, how fast are we now?"

"Mach 7.3, continuing to increase."

< p>"Can you calculate the opponent's speed?"

"Mach 7.4 is also increasing, and the acceleration is slightly higher than ours."

"I rely on , What kind of skill is this! This speed is really..." I thought about it or clenched the teeth and said: "Asuka, it seems that you have to work hard this time, prepare to work hard."

Asuka without the The slightest hesitation’s replied: "Observe the master, I was born for speed. I am surpassed in speed. I will be worse than dead!"

Following Asuka’s answer, there are various kinds of things in his body. The function began to run wildly, and at the same time, a group of special substances in the afterburner was secreted from a special pipe and flowed into the combustion chamber. Following the flame behind Asuka, which was already more than two feet long, it more than doubled. At the same time, the color of the flame changed from blue to bright white, and I could clearly feel the whole body of Asuka began to vibrate violently.

"Magic energy is starting to burn, accelerating...7:5, 7:6, 7:7,..., 8.5, 8.7, 8.9, Mach 9.1. We The hypersonic limit has been breached. If you continue to accelerate, you will start to lose blood. Do you need to continue?"

I looked at the approaching target and said, "Don't let it go for now, we are already faster than him. I should be able to catch up soon."

I just finished talking here, but the guy turned his head as if had a feeling in the heart, only to see that we were rushing towards him After he rushed in, he was shocked immediately, and when he turned his head back, the speed started to soar again. It turns out that his acceleration was not due to the limit, but because he thought we could not catch up with him, so he wanted to save a little bit.

"Damn, how can this guy accelerate?" Seeing that the distance between the two sides is close to only a few tens of meters, I am ready to do it. Didn't expect that guy suddenly Jumped out, the speed is simply scary. "What is his current speed?"

"Nine-five, still increasing."

I thought about clenched the teeth and said: "Accelerate to Mach 12."


"Understand, start speeding again. Please master tightly to my diversion trough. At this speed, any part of your body will be thrown out immediately if the wind blows."

< p>"I know, you can speed up."

Asuka didn't say anything this time, but started to accelerate. I felt a violent shaking again, and then watched the guy in front of him gradually move away. The silhouette that went away began to stabilize, and then after a few seconds, his silhouette gradually enlarged again, obviously we were chasing closer and closer.

"It has reached Mach 12. At the current speed, my blood volume can only last for 38 minutes and 20 seconds." Asuka said after accelerating.

"What is the stacking speed?"

"Mach 11:3, but still accelerating."

"If the other party keeps this acceleration constant, we can Can you catch up?"

"No. If the other party maintains this acceleration, it will keep the same speed with us when we both approach a distance of 70 meters. After that, the other party will exceed our speed, and then the distance will be It will start to expand again."

"Then increase the speed by one Mach."


The guy in front hasn't looked back much before. Passed us, but it was because he was very confident at the time and thought we could not catch up with him, so he didn't look back, but now he knows that we are fast, so he will look back from time to time. Just now he looked back and found that our distance was less than a hundred meters. He was scared to accelerate quickly, but he was accelerating, and the birds were also accelerating, and his acceleration ability did not seem to exceed the burning of birds. The acceleration after life, so we are not only faster than him, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that the distance between us starts to get closer and closer, the sweat is coming out of the guy's anxious head.

"A good bird, fifty meters left. Come on!"

"I am adding blood, not cheering. But master, this speed is really not The problem? We have reached Mach 17. At this speed, even if I hit a sparrow, I will be punched through a hole!"

"Don't worry, we are not so unlucky. "

I am not comforting Asuka, but I really don't. Don't forget that before this mission, we brushed various states for a while, and of course, our guild's invincible lucky star auspicious BUFF. Therefore, we are now under the protection of the lucky attributes that are auspicious and wishful. We dare not say such things as windfall, but those unlucky events with a small probability will definitely not be encountered. It is necessary to know that Jixiangruyi’s lucky attribute is almost invincible. It is speculated that if someone wants to kill Jixiangruyi, then because of the Jixiangruyi attribute, the other party’s thoughts may cause him continuous bad luck, and if If this person dares to act, then he will definitely die of unlucky luck. This unlucky death is not an extended meaning, but a literal meaning, because the other party will be unlucky enough to hang up directly due to various accidents. We must know that when we did the experiment by ourselves, the NPCarcher just shot an arrow at the sign's ass. As a result, the bowstring broke and hit the arrow shaft, and then the bow and arrow adjusted its head and poke a hole in the archer's own arm. You said that such a perverted event with a small probability can happen, so what else can't happen? So, after brushing so many BUFFs, in fact, what I am most assured of is this lucky BUFF.

Looking at the constant approaching distance, I have taken out the eternity, and then began to manipulate its transformation, ready to attack.

There is really no way to use the eternal transformation ability to attack. Now our speed has reached more than Mach 17, and it is still increasing at a rate of Mach 0.1 per second. If you stick your head out of the window in a car at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, you will feel the airflow hitting your face as if someone is touching your face, and when the speed doubles, When you reach 800 kilometers per hour, the wind on your face is no longer touching, but tearing. However, 800 kilometers per hour is actually less than Mach 1, and our current speed is above Mach 17, which is more than 20,000 kilometers per hour. At this speed, let alone stand up and take a knife to cut people, as long as I dare to stretch my fingers out of the bird's protection range, my whole person will be forcibly pulled from the bird's back and still get out. This is because my armor is good enough. If a person in reality dared to stretch his finger into the airflow outside the aircraft at this speed, his finger would immediately disappear. The uniform flow at this speed is not much worse than that of the pulverizer.

Because of this huge wind resistance, I couldn't stand up and cut people, so I had to deform the eternity and let it extend along the deep meaning of the bird into a long spike. The advantage of this structure is that it will not affect the aerodynamic balance of the bird. Otherwise, if I stick out something laterally, when the time comes, the wind resistance on the bird is unbalanced, and the huge tearing force will immediately make the bird start to spin. At this speed, if the bird is not aiming its streamlined front in the forward direction, its body will immediately disintegrate like ordinary creatures.

What? You ask me physical attacks are so troublesome, why don't you use arrows or launch magic attacks?

This idea is very good, but unfortunately it doesn't work. The crossbow arrows fired by the Avengers do not have this flying speed. Even though I am launching them on a bird, the crossbow arrows do have this speed when they are fired, but because the arrows themselves fly by inertia, and the air moves at this speed. Resistance will quickly consume inertial energy, so in fact, even if I use the Avengers to shoot the guy in front of me, the crossbow arrows I shoot can only fly a few meter away, and then we will catch up and be thrown behind us. Even if the crossbow arrow hits the target in this process, its formidable power will be too low to be completely inaccessible. Of course, the more important reason is that I can't shoot arrows at all, because I don't dare to raise my hands at all now, otherwise I will fly before I shoot the crossbow arrows.

In addition to crossbow arrows, magic is also a good choice. You don't need to extend any part of the body out of the bird to use magic, so I can do it now. But what kind of magic can hit the target of seventeen times the speed of sound? Normal magic attacks do not have this speed, and magic is not an entity, and will not inherit my current inertia, which means that no matter what my own movement speed is, the flying speed of the magic is the same. Therefore, if I throw a magic missile forward, the result will be like spitting in a typhoon, and it will definitely cover your own face. As for those non-direct shot spells, such as thunderbolts and lightning, the speed of this thing is enough, but the problem is that there is always a few tenths of a second between the release and the appearance of the magic. Usually we are on the ground for a few tenths of a second without much problem, anyway, the enemy is impossible to get out of the way in such a short time. However, at our current speed, one-tenth of a second is enough to jump out five more than a hundred meters. The time difference of a few tenths of a second is usually nothing, but how do you let me aim in this state? Even if you calculate the advance amount, you can’t calculate five more than a hundred meters far away, right? Can calculate the advance amount after five more than a hundred meters, that is not called a divine archer, that is called a prophet.

Because all the magic box bows and arrows are not available, I can only use the most stupid method to let the bird stab the guy against the eternal past. No matter how fast he is, the person is still that person, and being hit by a weapon of eternal this level will definitely kill him. Besides, I didn't expect to poke him to death, as long as it can slow him down.

However, my plan is good, but that guy is really depressing. My eternity has been extended, and Asuka gradually adjusted its flying attitude so that the protruding spike approached to a place less than a meter away behind the guy. However, that guy suddenly sank at this critical moment, and then the whole person began to roll in the sky. In the electromagnetic induction of my connection to Asuka, I could clearly "see" that guy slipped past us all at once. After all, our speed is so exaggerated, we will naturally rush over as soon as the opponent slows down. Of course, there is a price to pay if you dare to play this kind of action at this speed.

Just after the guy sank to avoid our stabbing, he immediately lost his balance, and the whole person began to roll in the sky. Even though the flames on his body seemed to play a certain protective role, the basic law is the basic law. The guy with the various turbulence created by the strong air resistance was tumbling wildly in the air, and then he just rubbed with him. The dough was kneaded into a soft mud by the strong air current. Although the others were not dead, the skeleton of his body had been completely shattered, and the equipment on his body was completely disintegrated and burst. At the same time, he himself sprayed blood all over his body, like a water sac hit by a shotgun.

"Flying bird, slow down."

"I'm reducing, but the impossible suddenly stopped at this speed!"

I thought about it and knew It was unrealistic to slow down the bird, so he jumped out by kicking the bird's back and activated the Absolute Barrier skill at the same time. With this protection, I don't have to worry about being kneaded into dough by Qi Liu like that guy, and my attributes and equipment also determine that I will not be blown to death by the wind.

Compared to Asuka, my air resistance is much larger. As soon as I left Asuka, my speed began to drop suddenly, and because the absolute barrier was a circular cover, although my speed dropped quickly, people did not somersault in the sky, but occasionally rotated a little.

Relying on the protection of the absolute barrier, I was finally able to safely and quickly reduce the speed, but even so, it was still charge ahead. Even if the telephoto function of the star pupil was activated, I only saw the small one below. point.

After confirming the target position, I felt that the speed has been reduced to the range I can control, and then I decisively removed the absolute barrier, and then I took a wing and completely stopped the forward thrust in three or two strokes. The momentum, and then the whole person turned over and dived head down. I have to catch the core of the magic net in the air. Although I don't know if the thing will be broken, once it hits the ground, it won't be so easy to find it again. It is easier to find no obstacle in the air, so it is the best solution to catch it before landing. However, planning this thing will never keep up with changes. As I approached the dead guy who was still holding the core of the magic net, a flying unit suddenly rushed up from below, and then grabbed the core and entity of the magic net and quickly moved towards another direction. go.

"I rely on, don't bring such a!" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support, that is My biggest motivation.)

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