"Block him!" As soon as the person on the other side saw me rushing over, he immediately greeted me and tried to block me, but the two guys on the left and the right rushed up to face me. I was photographed on the ground, and the third person who rushed up in front of me saw that the situation was not right. It was like using a skill to block it. I didn’t expect to cut off his spell-like skills by my use of Wushuanglong cutting method, followed by a knee. Hit on his face door.

Looking at me and knocked out their three companions within a second, the rest of them were not calm. One of the warriors evacuated directly from Zhenhong and was held by someone nearby. He quickly rushed in front of me, then waved his giant sword and greeted me on my face.

"Don't stand in the way."

"You are blocking you." The guy tried to block the long sword, but after I fell in front of him, the Eternal Sword immediately raised upwards. Push it back, then accelerate and rush forward. The guy saw my breakthrough and his line of defense immediately leaned up from the side in an attempt to stop him, but after a black shadow flashed past, a person who looked exactly like me appeared in front of him, directly blocking this guy’s pursuit. route.

The person was stunned when he saw my Avatar immediately, but he stunned my Avatar without being stunned, he just stabbed it with a sword. Although the opponent put the giant sword in front of him and tried to block my Avatar attack, but my Avatar made an unexpected action. He didn't hesitate to squat, swept his legs, and then made up the stab after seeing the opponent holding the sword to block. The warrior who was swept over with one leg lost his balance and immediately got into a mess. After all, the player is not a fighter. After his body loses his balance, he can no longer maintain a fighting stance. Therefore, my Avatar sword penetrates the opponent’s throat directly without much effort, a sword seals the throat.

"Damn, who are these people? Why is the battle strength so strong?" Seeing that the warrior was killed, the rest of the people started to retreat. Before I appeared, they were barely able to block the three of them. Now they have killed four people as soon as they played. Naturally, the comparison of strength has been seriously tilted, and the more important thing is just when I disappeared at the entrance of the hole. At that moment, two more people appeared at the entrance of the crypt over there.

Kristina, who had been prepared to shoot down the bottom of the hole, flew up again with the help of Masaga Matsumoto. Now not only has our battle strength recovered, but there are also more people, but the other party has lost. four people. As the strength of the two parties increased and decreased, the Scales of Victory naturally tilted seriously.

Don't worry about the situation in the cave, just talk about me. As soon as I rushed out of the cave, I heard the muffled sound of peng sound before I got used to the outside light, followed by a whistling sound, and then a huge impact that shook me back several steps, if I didn’t touch the wall of the cave. At once, I almost fell straight down. Moreover, even if I stood firm, the huge force still seemed to have no intention of disappearing, and continued to push me continuously to make me retreat. However, this kind of power comes quickly and goes fast. It takes at most three to five seconds before and after. The power suddenly disappears just like when they appear. At this time, I have adapted to the outside light and can see the surroundings clearly. Case.

Now, there is a piece of grass in front of my eyes—a piece of grass composed of countless trembling arrow shafts.

Of course it’s impossible to grow feather arrows on the ground. These all are feather arrows shot down from the sky, and the vibration I heard before was the result of tens of thousands of bows loosening the bowstrings at the same time. The sound, and the reason I felt a huge force before was because there were too many arrows hitting my body, so that the combined impact force actually pushed me back more than one meter forcibly . However, compared to my current mood, my enemies are obviously more surprised, because, just now, they witnessed a person hitting at least three-four hundred arrows against their arrow array. But it turned out that none of so many arrows could penetrate, either sliding along the armor to the sides or directly breaking on the armor.

Although I didn't see myself being shot by an arrow just now because of the sudden light problem, but looking at a broken arrow in a place, I probably guessed what it was like now. It really didn’t expect that the other party actually prepared so many manpower, and it seemed to know that we were going out from here. Not only was there a group of experts blocking it, but there was also an arrow formation of tens of thousands of people waiting for us outside. The whole thing seemed to be The same as a trap.

No matter how well prepared the person on the other side is, our task must be completed anyway, so I must rush over. However, just as I adjusted to the light outside and was just about to rush forward, I suddenly saw a spot behind the front team flashing, and following me, I was directly blasted into the hole by a huge force.

Because the battle strength in the cave is tilted, and our side has a quality advantage, the battle between the two sides will soon be over. Kristina, who had dealt with the remaining enemies, was about to chase them out when they saw me flying in from outside, and because I couldn’t dodge, even Zhenhong and Matsumoto Masaka were taken by me. , The two of them rolled out in a spin. Fortunately, they were both types with relatively high physical defenses, so although they fell very embarrassed, they didn't cause much damage.

"Cough cough...I shit, boss, what did you get hit by?" Matsumoto Masaka and Mahong, who got up again, saw my two legs kicking in the air at first sight. , And my entire upper body all the way to the bottom was inserted into the wall behind. You must know that this is not a man-made masonry house. No matter how hard you turn your head, it is not as hard as stone. What's more, the rock inside the mountain that has been squeezed by the pressure of the mountain behind us is not much harder than concrete. I can save half of it. Everyone is embedded, how powerful is this?

"wu wu...Gu Lu don't stop..."

"Boss, what did you say?" Zhen Hong asked as he approached.

Matsumoto Masaka directly hugged my leg while pulling while saying: "The boss said to pull him out!"

"It's easy." Zhenhong didn't pull it. Instead, I went straight up and hit the wall with a punch, and then a large wall around me was completely cracked, and I suddenly jumped out of the wall.

"Boss, are you okay?" Gold coin ran over and looked at me and asked.

I depressedly took a few shots of the stone powder on my body, and then tore a piece of metal cake directly from my chest and threw it on the ground with a loud noise, and then said: "His grandma's is actually at the door. I set up a cannon. Fortunately, I opened the magic shield cleverly, otherwise I will kill at least 10% of my health!"

"I rely on it, a cannonball can kill 10% of your health. If you don’t use magic defense, how many defenses have you achieved now, boss?"

"I haven’t counted the specific numbers. The various equipment and basic attributes are mixed together and it should be over one million. ."

"I said you couldn't break the defense when you slashed with the training sword last time!" Gold coin complained on the side.

"It's alright, we still have something we haven't chased back. Why are we standing here? Why don't you hurry to chase after me!"

I just reminded everyone that I suddenly reacted come over. It's not because the people in our guild are unreliable, but because they habitually feel that as long as there is me, nothing is a problem, so these guys don't feel nervous at all.

Although there is no sense of tension, everyone still knows what is going on. Hearing my words, Zhenhong immediately rushed out. Masaka Matsumoto was the fastest responder, but I was held back by it. I have discovered just now that it is not NPCs, but players who are fighting with us, and they are all from a guild, but I don’t know why the name of the guild of the opponent is hidden. The system battle record only displays the attack data. All the information is a row of question marks, and you can't see anything. However, just know that the opponent is a player. Because it is the player outside, Masaka Matsumoto's identity cannot be revealed, so he must activate the cloak to disguise. By the way, thanks to Rose’s preparation, otherwise Masaga Matsumoto would not be able to participate in the war.

Because of this delay, the fastest-moving real red rushed out of the hole first, and then we saw her flying back before we could catch up, and there was a dense crowd just behind. The cannonball flew in. Kristina opened her defense Formation in an instant, but was penetrated in the next second. The opponent was obviously using magic-breaking ammunition. Although it was outrageously expensive, the effect was remarkable. However, the cannonball failed to injure Kristina after it penetrated the magical Formation, because her full form was already unfolded. After entering the elemental state, she is almost immune to all non-magical damage. The shells are only physical damage, and they are also lethal to her, but they are minimal.

Because Kristina’s protective Formation weakened the power of the cannonballs, gold coin was able to perform Taoism and spread a flag to cover the entrance of the cave, and then the cannonballs that flew in seemed to have encountered a magnet. They all automatically turned towards the location of the flag and flew past, but they disappeared on the flag as soon as they touched the flag. It can be seen that this thing is not afraid of shell attacks at all.

Although some of the shells were blocked by Kristina and gold coin, there was not a fish that escaped the net at the scene. Fortunately, there were not many shells left. Matsumoto and I were both Not ordinary people. Masaka Matsumoto directly activated the Guangming Formation, and the shells entering him were vaporized by high temperature, and I was much better than him. I didn’t prepare before, but now I’m not afraid of shells. Eternity was danced by me like Copper Wall Iron Bastion. All the shells that hit me were cut into pieces by me and embedded in the wall paper on both sides.

After intercepting this wave of shells, we hurriedly returned to the cave. As a result, we saw Zhen Hong posing in a pose like launching turtle wave qigong, and she stretched forward. There was a shell before his arms. Although Zhenhong was hit before, she was not hit in the chest like I did. Instead, she caught the cannonball with her hand. So although she was smashed back into the hole by the kinetic energy of the cannonball, at least she was not like me. The same is embedded in the wall.

"Wow, it's hot..." As soon as we came in, the real red just completely removed the kinetic energy of the cannonball, and then she found that her palm was hot, and quickly threw the cannonball down and patted it with her hand on the ground. To cool down.

Matsumoto saw that she was okay and turned to me and asked me: "There are so many cannons outside, how can we get out in a while?"

Gold coin directly in front of me and shot Klee Stina said on the shoulder: "The world's first fort is by our side, are we afraid of their small cannons?"

"Oh, I forgot this!"

As gold coin said, we are not afraid of cannons if Christina is there. After a little preparation, Kristina entered full body form, and the huge butterfly-shaped elemental wings suddenly opened behind it, and the powerful elemental tides gathered in an instant. We can even directly use naked eye to see the colorful light. Brought from the hole to gather together.

Different from our comfort in the cave, people outside are anxious to see this light band. A player approached the other player next to him and asked: "Guild Master, do they want to zoom in on the move? I'm afraid we can't stop it?"

"If you can't stop, you have to give it to me. Stop it. This is an opportunity that we finally got, and we must not miss it." The person thought about it and added: "Let the part of the personnel facing the entrance of the hole leave, and the opponent will attack inside and outside the hole. The shooting angle is restricted. , Even if it’s a big move, at most people on this straight line can be attacked. Let’s move away from this line and attack from both sides. I see what other tricks they can play."

Although the other party said they wanted to see what tricks we could play, we didn't even plan to play tricks at all. Strategies or something are used to assist when the strength is insufficient. Since it can be crushed, what do you need to do?

Just when the other side gave way to the frontal passage to intercept our second breakout, suddenly the entrance of the cave gradually became brighter, a kind of colorful rays of light illuminated the cave wall abnormally. Beautiful, even though it is actually just a few stones, it looks like a dream and it feels super cool.

Originally, the commander who was guarding saw the rays of light and immediately raised his hand to let the cannon fire. Anyway, the hole is there and it won’t move, and we can only get out from there. , So as long as they have a good grasp of the time difference, they can achieve every success. However, just as the commander raised his hand to give the order, he did unexpectedly find that his hand seemed to be held by someone. Although he could still lift it up, it took a lot of effort and moved. It's also terribly slow, just like slow motion. No, it’s not just his harvest, even his whole body, even his eyes have received the same suppression. It feels as if the whole person has fallen into a sticky mud, and every movement of yours is affected. Obstructed by the viscous mud, the speed had to be reduced.

Just as the conductor made his tense efforts to move himself, a beautiful silhouette floated out from the hole in front of him very slowly. Under a pair of huge and gorgeous crystal butterfly wings, the whole body is shining with dreamy luster, with gorgeous pink and light purple armor. The huge golden magic array rotates slowly under the feet, and countless naked eyes can’t distinguish between them. The magic array seemed to be surrounded by golden light spots. At that moment, everyone felt that their breathing had stopped.

Maybe because the overall structure is too huge and cumbersome, Kristina's movements are very slow and elegant. Just like the Princess who deliberately maintains the image of a lady, her movements are gentle and beautiful. Although slow, she doesn't make people anxious, but she feels calm.

However, while Kristina remained calm, the people on the other side couldn't calm down, because they all encountered exactly the same problems as the commander. The whole body seems to be stuck in the mud, even moving a finger requires a huge effort, and the speed is horribly slow.

An archer who had pulled the bowstring a long time ago loosened his fingers hard, but the feather arrow that he thought would shoot out at a high speed showed him what it means to be calm. However, the arrow was very calm. After being released, it did not fly out immediately, but slowly contracted along with the bowstring and moved forward, but the speed was quite slow, even though it was much faster than human movements. However, for an arrow, the speed is too slow.

I saw that the arrow took nearly a second to fly out of the bowstring, and then kept moving forward slowly at the speed of three to four meters per second, while the surrounding archer’s hands The feather arrows also flew out one after another, but the speed was astonishingly slow. Those flying arrows that can only move three or four meters per second are like a group of slow Flying Insects and gradually lift off moved towards Kristina, and the other party has started to fly upwards when they see these arrows. . Although her movements are not fast, it is much faster than this archer. At least at this speed, she can easily escape the attacks of those feather arrows, and she even has time to count the first to the first. How many arrows are flying.

Seeing that the opponent was preparing to take off, a gunner finally rang the gun rope after abolishing Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, and then saw the shell flying directly out of the muzzle. What's more, it is gratifying that the shells this time are obviously much faster than the bows and arrows. At least compared to the feather arrows that have not yet reached the first third distance, these shells only took a little more than five seconds to cross the second more than The distance of a hundred meters flew to the entrance of the cave. It's just... why can I see the shells?

Everyone reacted at this time, and the shell was obviously slowed down, just because the original speed of the shell was faster than the feather arrow, so it looked like it was very fast. It took only five seconds to fly 200 meters, and only 40 meters in one second. In terms of human running speed, this is considered fast, but it is painful for a cannonball to fly at this speed!

Although the speed of the cannonball has obviously dropped a lot, the opponent can finally see that the cannonball can hit Kristina before she flies, so they are somewhat comforted. However, just when they thought they could kill, or at least push the opponent back into the hole, a golden silhouette rushed in front of Kristina first, and then raised his hand and hit the side of the cannonball with a punch. .

Normally, a person uses his fist to hit a cannonball. Even if he hits it, he is unlucky. However, if this person is replaced by Hong Yue wearing a True Martial suit, it will be different. Other people's fists can open mountains and waters. The opening of the mountain here does not refer to breaking the stone with the fist. The opening of the mountain here means literally, which means that a mountain can be beaten through. Compared to a mountain, a shell is obviously much weaker. So, an accident happened. The cannonball was smashed into the air by a punch, and it did not cause any harm at all. Oh no, it hurt, but it hurts its own people, because the projectiles flying diagonally fell into the side line of defense, and as a result, many people were killed.

Before, the real red can receive cannonballs with both hands without any assistance at all, let alone in this state. In fact, this state is a domain of Kristina, called time control. The ability of this field is to reduce the Time Flow Speed ​​of all objects in the field at the same time. Of course, because the player's body is in the real world, Kristina cannot slow down the player's consciousness. However, although the consciousness has not slowed down, the body can slow down. So those people will feel as if their bodies have fallen into a quagmire, and their actions are blocked. In fact, their actions have not been impaired, but they have only become very slow.

Of course, if you just turn everyone into a turtle speed, then Kristina’s domain is a bit too rubbish, but in fact this is a very awesome domain skill, because it uses It is a doubling of asymmetric deceleration, that is, the speed reduction ratio of Kristina and the enemy in the domain is not the same. The actual doubling attribute Billy of this thing is one to four, which means that for every time Kristina’s speed drops, the enemy’s target drops four times. At present, with Kristina’s ability, the limit reduction factor is three times, which means Kristina’s speed was one third of her normal speed, and the group of people on the opposite side, including the arrows they fired and the shells they fired, Both are only 1 in 22 at normal speed. Therefore, the speed of the projectile that could fly 480 meters per second was reduced to 40 meters per second. This speed is actually 1 in 22 of the original speed.

In fact, Kristina’s domain is not just effective for herself and her enemies, but for everything within the domain, and the relatives of us are also within the scope. However, because this is a domain capability, it is controllable. Therefore, we don't need to reduce to 1 in 22 speed like the enemy, but just reduce to one third speed like Kristina herself.

With the attributes of our group of people, even if the speed is reduced to the original one third, it seems that only Kristina herself will be reduced to the speed of the ordinary person, and even if we are reduced to the original speed One third, that is faster than the normal speed of ordinary players, and not a little faster, but a lot faster. As for Christina being so slow, this is mainly because she doesn't need to be fast. As a super strong plastic energy mage with the title of the world's first fort, there is no need to consider speed or anything. No matter what enemy she encounters, she just needs to drown the enemy with a magic rainstorm. After all, with her attack output, I don't want to do anything to avoid the frontal firepower, even I can't get close to her against her magical attack. With her ability, as long as the distance is pulled, the enemy is dead.

After Real Red flew a cannonball with a punch, I rushed out with Masaga Matsumoto, who had turned into me with a camouflage cloak, and then gold coin. Although the enemy on the opposite side was slowed down, after such a long time, many people managed to set off the cannons in their hands, so a large number of shells flew towards us one after another. However, because of the drastic drop in speed, these shells are basically useless to us. Masaga Matsumoto and I were playing with swords as if they were playing badminton. The one from the left to the right shot down most of the shells to the ground, and we simply ignored more shells. After all, the original firing route of those shells could not hit us. If the speed is too fast, we may have to stop all shells by feeling. Now that the shells are so slow, we can clearly see which shells will not hit us. Then we don't have to worry about the shells, just shoot down the part that will hit us.

After the round of shells was over, the opponent's arrow rain finally arrived. However, if it were the arrow rain at the normal speed, maybe we would still have a little trouble, but now at this speed, it is not a problem at all.

The four-meter-per-second feather arrow is not as fast as human running speed in reality. For us, it is almost like stopping. If it weren't for the large number, we could completely achieve Through a field of ten thousands flowers, the realm of A leaf didn't touched body. However, even with so many dense feather arrows, we didn’t have to spend much major event, and we directly searched for sparse areas in the arrow rain. It will be biased, so there will be more intensive arrow rain in some places, while neutrals will appear in other places. What we have to do is to walk into these neutral positions, and then remove the occasional mixed arrows that might hit us.

Finding that the arrow rain launched by oneself had no effect at all, the group of people on the opposite side immediately began to prepare to launch the second round, and the gunners were naturally not idle, they were all busy reloading and preparing to do it again. However, even their artillery shells are slow to such a degree, which originally took more than 20 seconds to reload, how can it be completed according to the original time now? Indeed, decelerating twelve times does not mean that the reloading time that originally took 20 seconds will become 240 seconds. After all, the accuracy will improve after the body speed slows down, so the movement actually speeds up, just because the speed is slow. So it will still exceed twenty seconds, and it's a serious one, but it won't take two hundred and forty seconds. However, even if they doubled and could complete it in 120 seconds, that would be two minutes. Is it possible for us to give them two minutes to prepare? Obviously impossible. Besides, they have no time to reload in two minutes.

From the very beginning, Christina, who was flying upwards, was not about to dodge the feather arrows there. She had her own mission when she flew. When she was completely lifted into the sky, a red magic array suddenly appeared in front of her, and at the same time began to gradually light up until it emitted dazzling rays of light. This process was very slow, and the opponent was also using this time to prepare for a counterattack, but just after the magic array was completed, all the enemies suddenly felt that the power that suppressed them had disappeared.

A person who is being dragged from behind and still trying to run forward, if the people behind suddenly stop pulling him, but push forward instead, what do you think will happen to him? This is almost the case now. Kristina turned off the deceleration field when she completed her magic, and activated the acceleration array at the same time. Similarly, this array will not speed up people's thinking speed, but will speed up the flow of object time. As long as your brain can keep up, you can actually speed up all your actions along with it.

However, the enemies who just came out of the deceleration field didn't expect to enter a double-speed acceleration field in the next second, and the body was completely unable to adapt to this sudden change. Many people did. mistaken. Some people broke the bow in their hands, some people loaded the shells and threw the shells out, and some people ran forward and stepped on their left and right feet. However, their mistakes are actually irrelevant at all, because, at a 30-degree angle in front of them, Kristina's magic array has already begun its death performance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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