Volume 20, Chapter 176, is pressing.

When I first met Kristina, she already had the first place in Europe. The title of a fort, which shows how sturdy Kristina’s attack method is. Later, after entering our Frost Rose League, it is supported by various resources. This characteristic is even more as the rise tides, the boat floats. Now Finally, he was completely promoted to the honorary title of the world's first fort.

Of course, the fort can’t have only one gun. Although Kristina is a person, she is not good at super single attack magic. If that is the case, then her title should be Europe. Number One Person-shaped self-propelled gun, not the first fort in Europe. Even if Kristina is a humanoid self-propelled artillery, it is a multiple rocket launcher, not a traditional artillery, because she fires in bursts.

As Kristina who is best at group attacks, her magic attacks were originally based on a large number of small magic intensive bombings, and now suddenly there is an acceleration field, you can imagine what it is. The sight is gone. I saw that the magic array in the sky was spinning like a wheel, and at the same time, a large number of dense magic missiles were covered with rustling sound like a heavy rain. The people on the opposite side were caught in flames before they realized what was going on. Completely submerged. The rotating magic array is like the multi-barreled short-range defense artillery installed on the battleship, except that the rapid-fire cannon only fires formidable power and concentrated metal bullets, but Kristina’s magic array fires all the diameters. Seventy-eighty centimeter magic bullets, and the formidable power of each of these magic bullets is at least equivalent to a bunch of cluster grenades, which is called a huge might, an absolute piece of damage. Within a five-meter radius of the impact point, you will either die or be injured. Within a three-meter radius, you will not even be able to find the whole body. If you hit it directly, let alone, it is impossible to confirm whether anyone is standing there before. Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the distribution of Kristina’s magic missiles is about one per five square meters, that is to say, in fact, people in the entire strike range are impossible to hide five meters from the point where the magic missiles fall. In addition, it is not even three meters away. Therefore, the battlefield has become a hell's kitchen, full of debris and meat, and even a complete part can not be found.

Looking at Kristina just like a bomber pushing it all the way, gold coin squeezed her Universe Bag behind and said with a smile: "Hehe, this time you can save repair costs. ”

Gold coin’s sword array has huge formidable power, and mass killing is not much better than Kristina, but it’s not good at all. Too expensive. You think, her sword array is Myriad Swords Simultaneously Flying, and the weapons in the game are durable. The swords in her sword array are real equipment, and they are not changed things, so when they are in use It will also lose durability, and this durability will have to be repaired when you go back, but this weapon repair costs money, even if it is discounted by our Frost Rose Alliance's own blacksmith shop, it does not mean it is free. Of course no one cares about the small amount of money to repair a handful of two weapons, but if you repair tens of thousands of swords this time, people who have money will shake their hands. What's more, in order to gather so many swords in the sword array, gold coin usually spends a lot of money itself, so even with her greedy personality, gold coin's disposable funds are still ranked in the bottom of the guild. If it hadn’t been for the set of national instruments on her body that were indestructible and did not need to be replaced, which saved her a lot of money, I guess gold coin would have been insolvent long ago. However, even if those things don’t cost money, the current gold coin still implements the fighting principle that she can save on saving. Usually, if you can’t produce a sword array, you won’t produce a sword array. If you can do things with a sword, you definitely don’t need to use it. Second, although this sometimes reduces the battle strength, it can indeed save money, so gold coin still insists on doing this.

Kristina’s ultimate move almost sent all enemies within a radius of one kilometer to the field of love. As soon as the gold coin could not be used, he immediately put the Universe Bag away without using the sword array. You can save a lot of money again.

After clearing the nearby enemies, Kristina did not immediately land, but first cancelled the time domain, and then began to shake her pair of huge crystal butterfly wings, a large piece of crystal clear crystal. The pink began to fall off from the beautiful wings, and then flew into the forest ahead with a breeze, and then we saw the screams of the forest in front of us constantly coming one after another, and from time to time we could still Seeing a huge Fireball suddenly rise up in some places, there is still a dead body in it.

In fact, this crystal powder is also one of Kristina's skills, and this thing is not as beautiful as its appearance. These crystal powders should be regarded as a toxin in the strict sense, but its function is not to harm the human body, but to create magical disorders. Basically, there will be no change when warriors breathe in this thing. After all, although warriors also have blue bars, their skills are not called magic, so it's okay. However, if the mage inhales this thing, it will be unlucky. First of all, the mage will find that his magic power output becomes unstable. When he uses magic, he will find that the magic power he outputs suddenly increases and decreases, and then directly collapses, because when the magic power is unstable, he cannot maintain a magic to continue casting. In other words, this kind of crystal powder actually has the magic sealing effect, but it is relatively special. Moreover, this is only the result of inhaling a small amount of crystal powder. If you suck more, then congratulations. Soon your magic power will be sublimated. They no longer need the master’s command, they will naturally communicate with the external elements, and then release energy. The final result is to directly burn the mage into a pile of coke from the inside out, and the more mana is profound, the more unlucky.

This skill sounds awesome, but in fact the effect is not as exaggerated as it seems. The main reason why so many people are recruited here is that they have been scared by Kristina's previous magic bombardment. If you have no courage, you only know to escape, and naturally you can't think of a way to fight. In fact, for people who understand this skill, this skill is not a problem at all. First of all, this skill itself is useless for other professions except wizards. Secondly, this kind of crystal powder enters the body through the respiratory tract, which means that the problem can be solved by wearing a mask or a helmet with air formation. Of course, the wizards usually wear headdresses and crowns instead of helmets, so most people can no longer think of this problem immediately, and now naturally they don't think about it under lose one's head out of fear.

Because of terrified, this flawed skill of Kristina actually played a huge role, not only burning many mages to death, but also directly showing the enemy's escape path. After all, these burning mages were all running in one direction, and the row of torches passed by, and everyone knew that the enemy was retreating in front.

Seeing that the enemy was knocked back, we immediately chased after him. But as I chased it, I was wondering what the origin of this group of people came from.

The group of experts who intercepted us in the hole** are obviously players. The archers who intercepted us when they came out were all NPCs, but the commanders standing next to the artillery were players, and These people are all protected by the system. I couldn’t see their faces and couldn’t read their data for the second time. All the parts related to them in the displayed data are question marks, and their faces, even if they are close, can only see a rough outline. It seems that these people have a frosted glass mask on their faces. They can see the facial features but can't see the specific features at all. Even if they encounter them later, they will not be able to recognize them.

Of course, if I really want to find these people, I won’t be able to find them. The protection of the system is obviously that we don't want us to recognize this group of people, but what they can identify is not only the face and the names in the system attribute. Equipment, skills, combat habits, these things are not hidden by the system. As long as I am willing to work hard to find them, these people will be able to get me out sooner or later. After all, they are a guild, not individual free players, so as long as I find one of them, the other party will basically be exposed.

However, even though I said that, I didn't plan to bother to find these people because it didn't make sense. Retaliation against them is of no practical value to us, and these people are likely to have just taken the system task, and they may not be deliberate actions against us. It can only be said that everyone is doing tasks, but the tasks of both of us are in conflict. Don't be modest in the task, and I don't want to pursue it afterwards. This is the easiest way to deal with it. Of course, if one day finds out that this group of people is deliberately coming to make trouble for us, then I will definitely not let them go. Unintentional evil, although evil is not investigated; intentional evil, evil will be condemned.

The reason why I just judged that these people just received the system task, and that's why I did it, is actually justified. Because their behavior is clearly prepared. If these people came to us deliberately at the Frost Rose League, then they are impossible and know what our system mission is, and naturally impossible is here to put everything out of the battlefield and confront us. After all, if they don’t know the task, it’s impossible to know that we’re going to pass from here, let alone set ambush in advance. However, now they have not only prepared expert blockades, but also set up an array of arrows and artillery positions of 10,000 people. The preparation time alone will take at least one day, so we estimate that they might already know this when we first entered the mission. The news is about to intercept us, and we can know that we are going to pass from here when we don't know what the next task is. The only way is to inform the system. So, I guess these people simply took on a task related to us, and the rewards are certainly not small, otherwise they would not dare to take the risk of doing it with us in the guild. We must know that our Frost Rose League is not the small guild that was previously unknown. Now the Frost Rose League is also a world-class large guild. In addition, our guild has so many high-end martial power, as long as people with normal minds Will not want to have enemies with us for no reason, so these people must have been tempted, or they have had enemies with us before, otherwise Impossible will take on this kind of task. Of course, this system protection that hides appearance and information is definitely one of the reasons why they have the courage to take on the task. After all, with this thing to protect, it is really not easy to find them.

No matter what the purpose of this group of people is to take this task, we will never let them complete the task anyway, because they have completed the task, our task is not 100% complete, it is abandoned. We don't want to get a pass or something in the end because of such a great effort. That would be too bad.

We didn’t care too much about the enemies that had been defeated. After Kristina burned the mages, we all summoned the birds and rode directly over these people and flew in front of them. This is our goal, and even killing all these people is of no use to our task.

Before it was restricted underground, now it has come out, and our speed advantage, which is high and wide, is immediately shown. Although we were blocked by those experts and arrow formations for a while, the only people who ran away were ordinary mounts, and their speed was not the opponent of the long spears at all. We just caught up to the few escaping guys after flying for more than ten minutes.

I have to say that these people really think about everything. After catching up, we immediately relied on martial power to kill one of them, but the remaining three people even got their heads up and would not keep running, but it only bought them a few more seconds. Kristina went up to a big Fireball and blasted all the remaining three to the ground, then Zhenhong went over and pulled them off the hood and mask on their heads, and immediately jumped up.

"Oops, I was fooled!"

Since the opponent asked the system to conceal their identity, it means that they knew that the opponent was us when they took the task, so even with so much preparation, they still I feel uneasy, after all, the lineup of our guild is too gorgeous this time. Even if Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru were assigned to Japan to become national idols, the professional club expert will not be counted. Looking at the list, you can still count several battle strength experts familiar to players, especially It is the four of us who are present except Masaga Matsumoto. My battle strength ranks first with Kristina, gold coin, and real red. With such a luxurious lineup, it is no wonder that the opponent has no confidence.

However, the opponent’s task is obviously not to kill us. According to our guess, the opponent’s task should have only two possibilities. The first is to take away the core of the magic net, and then run with it. As long as the mission time is delayed and we can't get it, even if they win. Second, as long as they bring the core of the magic net to a certain place, or beyond a certain range, even if they win.

If it is first, our task is relatively low. After all, there are still four hours. We don't think the other party can drag it for that long. But if it's second, it's troublesome. We don't know the specific range. If the mission requirement is that the other party can't take the thing away from the distance of how many kilometers, for example, 100 kilometers, then we really can't guarantee that the mission can be completed. So, the only thing we can do is to get back the core of the magic net as soon as possible. However, the other party is obviously not so easy to deal with.

Because we know that our lineup is too luxurious, and we also know that the arrow formation and the expert in the hole may not last long, so the other party can only use all the details, one of which is us These avatars in front of me.

Because when Masaka Matsumoto and I arrived, the person carrying the core of the magic net had already ran out of the cave, so only Kristina and the others had seen each other, and they hurriedly What you can remember is that the other party is wearing a black cloak and a golden mask. Such an image can be said to be not a feature at all, because once the other party wants to deliberately disturb our sight, he can easily create a bunch of fake targets like now. Of course, there is one thing that cannot be faked, and that is the core of the magic net. According to Kristina, that thing exudes noticeable magical fluctuations all the time, as long as it is within a range of 200 meters, it will not be unnoticeable. Moreover, that thing doesn't seem to be able to receive any space equipment, and its body is quite large, maybe two or three laps bigger than a basketball. Such a big thing fluctuates with strong magical power, and it can't be installed in space equipment. It's not easy to hide it. However, even if it’s impossible to conceal it after getting closer, it is difficult to confirm which is the target when the distance is relatively long, because I just called Asuka to go around the sky and saw six groups of people like this one in different directions. The directions are fanned out, and the ghost knows which group of them is true, and it may even be all false. After all, the other party can arrange a ten thousand arrow formation, can't they arrange another group of people in different costumes to transport the core of the magic net? So, these people in cloaks are chasing or not chasing or not.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" Zhen Hong looked at me and asked.

I looked at Kristina, and then at Masaka Matsumoto and gold coin next to me, and finally I asked cruelly: "Can the core of the magic net be destroyed?"


Kristina and the others were stunned when they heard what I said, and then gold coin responded faster, and they thought of my purpose.

"Hey hey hey, don't you want to use that method, do you?"

"What method?" Zhenhong hasn't reacted yet.

Matsumoto Masaka explained: "It is estimated that the president intends to use all his own power to release a range of big moves to blast the entire forest, so that no matter how many sets of disguise the opponent has, Regardless of whether the other party transfers the magic net core to someone else, as long as the magic net core can be preserved after the ultimate move, we can directly find it. It’s just the next big pit."

Matsumoto’s guess was completely correct, and I even figured out the skills, so I used Vermilion Bird’s trick to set fire to the fire, and directly burned the entire forest. Cheng Baidi, as long as there is no forest and interference team, then everything is easy to handle. But the question now is-can that magic net core withstand this magic? If I go down with one move, people are gone, and the core of the magic net is also burned. Isn't that a shot at myself in the foot? I can't do such a silly thing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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