
I grabbed my head before the female ghost had finished speaking Pulling her hair to the ground, raising her knees, and making a close contact with her face with a chirp. No matter what she looked like, now I am sure her face cannot be seen anyway.

The female ghost who didn't react at all wanted to struggle, but after a knee-knee, I pulled her head up and went up to an iron mountain to knock it off completely. The female ghost hit the wall, but did not bounce back as I expected, but disappeared directly into the cave wall.

Matsumoto has probably adapted to the surrounding environment now, and hastily got up from the ground for fear that the female ghost will trouble him. But what do you say about that sentence? Ghosts are afraid of the wicked. This should be the truth, because the living are also afraid of the wicked, and they are naturally afraid when they die.

For that female ghost, I am the wicked person, and the kind of fierce one. I was beaten violently without saying a curse. Even a ghost was scared of such a terrible thing. So, in view of the fact that I am a dangerous person, the female ghost decided to change to a less dangerous target, so she was...


Seriously Yes, I really didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto would call mother when he was scared. Fortunately, there is only me here. Otherwise, if he spreads out today, he will definitely be ridiculed to death. I saw the female ghost who just disappeared on the wall. I don’t know when Matsumoto Masaka slowly emerged from the top of Matsumoto’s head, and then he was watching the surroundings and the ground nervously, worried that the female ghost would suddenly appear. When I got a little itchy neck, I reached out and touched it. Didn't expect caught a few hairs, and then he raised his head along those hairs, and then...

And then there is no more. Masaga Matsumoto is indeed a decisive person.

After frightening Matsumoto Masaka, the female ghost began to follow the normal procedure, preparing to absorb the yang energy from Matsumoto Masaka's body to strengthen herself. It is said that ghosts in Asia are scarier than Nether Soul in Europe. In addition to being good at creating a horrible atmosphere, this attribute that absorbs the yang of living people seems to have played a big role. I don’t know what the status of this attribute is in the legend, but in the game it is basically equivalent to experience to increase the attribute. Ghosts in Asia can get EXP after killing the player, and at the same time they can absorb the yang energy of the opponent in close contact to gain extra experience. The final effect of this attribute is that ghosts in Asia are generally higher than the Nether Soul in Europe. High, and thanks to the super-high population density in Asia, ghosts in Asia rarely appear alone, each time they are scary in groups. This difference creates the fact that Asian ghosts are much scarier than European Nether Soul. After all, if there is one more way to gain experience, the level will naturally be higher. With this advantage, even more powerful is as it should be by rights.

No matter how powerful the ghosts of Asia are, I can't let Matsumoto Masaka be killed anyway. Seeing that the female ghost floated down from the top of the cave after frightening Masaka Matsumoto, trying to cover Masaka Matsumoto's face to absorb the Yang Qi, I made a decisive decision and directly shot out a golden rays of light with a flick of my hand. Short arrow.

The female ghost seemed to feel the short arrow I shot, and her falling body suddenly stopped. At the same time, her head turned around and looked towards the direction of the short arrow. Originally, she thought that this kind of physical attack would not take effect on her, after all, she was a ghost and intangible. However, just after the arrow hit her face door, the female ghost immediately uttered a mournful scream, and at the same time her whole body was lifted off by the huge force, and the powerful impact pulled her back all the way. It took more than ten meters to land. However, even after landing, the female ghost still struggled and twisted on the ground, apparently suffering tremendous pain.

In fact, if the ordinary arrow is really useless for her, but unfortunately the one I just shot out is a soul chaser, with its own attribute attack, and the damage to Spirit Physique creatures is undiminished.

This thing is originally a high level weapon, and physical immunity is of no use to it. The female ghost relied on being a Spirit Physique and thought she could not hide from my arrow. This was purely courting death.

Looking at the female ghost rolling all over the floor, I walked directly over, and then threw a water polo on Matsumoto Masaka’s face to wake him up. As soon as Matsumoto got up, he started waving wildly and hid back, but soon he noticed that there was no shadow of a female ghost around him, and after looking at it, he found that the female ghost was rolling on the floor a few meters away.

In fact, if a pure soul chaser arrow would not cause such a serious blow to the female ghost, the other party is also a monster of more than 3,000 levels, even if the monster of the same level in the system setting does it. But the player, this guy is hundreds of levels higher than me after all. This strength is impossible and too bad, so if there is really only one soul chasing arrow, at most it will make her hurt, and will not struggle like this. Long.

The reason why the female ghost is so painful, in fact, just pay attention to the arrow stuck in her forehead. Because there was a cable attached to the tail of that arrow, and the end of the cable was attached to my body. At this moment, although the surface above this cable line seemed very calm, anyone who touched it would know why the female ghost reacted so strongly.

Yes, there is electricity on the cable, and it is high voltage. Originally, this thing is supposed to deal with people, but Spirit Physique creatures are energy creatures, and electricity is also energy, so clicking is actually effective for all Nether Soul creatures.

"She won't run away again, will she?" Masaka Matsumoto calmed down a bit and walked to me and asked in a low voice.

I looked at him and said: "As long as there is no electricity on my side, she don't expect to get up. But if you want to use this thing to kill her, I guess you will have to wait at least a few hours."

"It's okay, I can go up and make up the knife." The reason why Matsumoto Masaka is shocked is not to say how timid he is. As explained before, after the appearance of ghosts in the Asian region, the system will stimulate the player’s body to produce various hormones to touch you. Once the hormone level may threaten the player’s health, the system will protect the player. The premise of health sends a simulated dormancy signal to the player's body, so the player faints. This kind of dizziness is not the same as a normal person fainting. It is not so much that Masaka Matsumoto fainted, but rather that the system issued a "shutdown" command to him, causing his brain to temporarily shut down. Therefore, this kind of fainting is not really fainting, nor can I just say how timid Matsumoto Masaka really is. Of course, he must be afraid of the female ghost, otherwise the system will not start to simulate the special hormone produced during fear. Although this hormone is the control of the player's body through the game helmet, the system essentially does this. The judgment is because the player has a fear first. If you are not afraid at all, the system will not let your body secrete fear hormones.

Because Masaka Matsumoto is not really afraid of female ghosts to death, so after seeing me subduing female ghosts, Masaka Matsumoto became bold again. In fact, this kind of horror atmosphere created by the system will circulate. The more you are afraid, the more the system will manipulate your body to secrete hormones, and the more such hormones, the more afraid you will be, which in turn will continue to increase hormone levels. If the other way round, if you are not afraid, system will not let your body secrete hormones, so you will not be afraid. So once you start to be afraid, there will be a vicious circle. The more you are afraid, the more you are afraid. In the end, being frightened is also as it should be by rights.

When I heard Masaka Matsumoto now say that he wants to make up for me, I certainly won’t object. "If it is difficult, just go ahead and try a few times. It will help your phobia."

"Actually, I would rather not get used to this situation!" Although Matsumoto said so, he moved his hands. But it didn't slow down at all. Slowly moving to the female ghost over there, after confirming that the other party really could only scream and struggle on the ground and could not escape, Matsumoto Masaka became bolder.

Because Masaka Matsumoto himself is a bright attribute, he actually restrains this female ghost, so as long as the fear factor is eliminated, he will still deal with these ghosts and the like. Quite an advantage.

After spending dozens of seconds to fix the female ghost in front of us, Masaka Matsumoto and I both got a certain amount of EXP. After all, it is a three-thousand-level thing, and it can be regarded as a small boss. Good stuff. However, I am still curious why there are so few dead souls here, but Yin Qi is so heavy. It is said that Yin Qi with such a density, even if there is a high level undead creature that swallows other undead creatures, there shouldn't be only a female ghost at this level that has just been killed. According to my guess, if the Yin Qi concentration here is calculated according to the normal amount, there must be at least one large BOSS-Rank undead creature above 5,000 to explain why there are so few undead here.

Although I don’t know what caused the scarcity of undead here, we have no plans to investigate this issue, because our first task now is to get along with Kristina and the others. Although I personally feel that with the strength of the three of them, there is no danger even if we don't catch up, but it is better to have more people than fewer people.

Stepping on the bones on the ground and walking all the way to the center of the cave. This is the lowest place in the cave, but this low-lying refers to the ground of the cave, not the bone mountain where we are standing now. . In fact, there is a hole just above our heads, and below this hole is this large piece of white bones. Judging from the situation here, none of the bones here should have died directly here, but were thrown down from above. That's why a mountain of bones was piled up under our feet.

"Are we going up?" Masaka Matsumoto asked me looking at the hole above his head.

My nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Although I didn't see the mark left by Kristina and others, there is only such an exit here. Where else can I go if I don't go up?"

< p>Matsumoto Masaka nodded said: "I'm just worried about going the wrong way."

"Don't worry. Zhenhong and Kristina, I'm not sure, but gold coin is very careful. After a path is gone, she is impossible to leave no hint for such an obvious deflection."

Masaga Matsumoto didn't say anything after thinking about it, but flew up with me. However, just as we were about to reach the entrance of the cave, we suddenly heard a loud explosion sound from above, and then we saw a silhouette flashed down from above.

"It's Kristina, you catch her. I'll go up and help." After seeing who was falling, I immediately reminded Masaka Matsumoto, and then speeded up and flew past Kristina. Rushed directly.

The hole above is at least five meters in diameter, enough for me to fly out. However, I just flew out of the hole and immediately saw a silhouette flying towards me. In a hurry, I had no time to react. I could only reach out and hug the body that was flying over. As a result, even myself was knocked and flew out from the hole. The top fell to the other side of the cave.

The upper part of this cave is not connected to Heaven and Earth outside, but another cave, but compared to the one below, this cave is slightly lower, but the area is not much smaller.

The hole that I flew up just now is in the center of the cave, and now I was smashed into the inside of the cave. There is an exit on the other side, and a faint white light can be seen. It may be there. It is connected to the outside.

After observing the terrain clearly, I quickly confirmed that the person who hit me was the gold coin. At the same time, my other eye caught the red silhouette, but she was Is fighting with a group of people. The battle strength of that group of people is obviously quite good, but it is a pity that the real red single body is too lethal, although there are many people on the other side, it can't help her at all. In terms of damage output, True Red may not be as good as Gold Coin and Kristina, but in terms of single lethality, True Red is definitely No. 2 in our guild. Apart from me, she is the strongest penetration warrior. . Any line of defense in front of her is the same as paper. The group of people over there are obviously quite struggling because of Zhenhong’s powerful penetration ability. Their goal seems to be to prevent Zhenhong from leaving the cave, and Zhenhong wants to go out, but there are many people on the opposite side, and all of them are fighting. The strength is not bad, so Zhenhong can't rush out at all. However, because Zhen Hong’s attack power was too high and it was all concentrated on one person, the group of people who intercepted her was also miserable. Someone was injured continuously, but because of their large number of people, the injured can The treatment is rotated, so the two sides are still tied. If I don't join, whoever wins the final victory in this battle will probably have to see whether the opponent has more medicines, or the real red endurance.

After I saw the situation on the field clearly, gold coin also discovered that I was catching her, so he immediately shouted: "I'm fine. Go help Zhenhong. The other party ran away with the core of the magic net. You can complete the task by grabbing it back."

As soon as I heard that the task was to grab the core, I immediately put the gold coin on the ground, and followed the moved towards without the slightest hesitation, and the crowd in front rushed over. . There are only more than four hours left on the mission, and I don’t want any more problems. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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