"Is this a battleship?" asked the small dragon woman looking at the cannon in front of her.

I observed the structure in the room and said, “It’s not necessarily a battleship if there are guns, but the probability of the battleship is above 60%.”

"Just leave him alone. Is it a battleship? Let’s go and see the door run first.” Ling said to Ye Yue next to him: “Send me up.”

“Look for a professional for this kind of thing.” I said. Just released Brigitte and Inverite directly.

As soon as Brigitte appeared, she was armed directly on Ling’s body from behind, and then flew up with her. Ivrit did not arm herself on me, but flew up to help. As for me, of course I flew up and watched it by myself. Yeyue stayed below to be on guard, and the small dragon girl flew up to provide us with sufficient lighting.

Although the gun in front of you can tell that it is a gun at a glance, it is still very different from modern artillery in structure. After all, this is in the game, so this gun is most likely It is a magic weapon rather than a modern thermal weapon.

Because it is a naval gun, this thing uses a huge rotatable metal platform as the base, and the base is more than one meter high and more than five meters in diameter. The main part of the cannon on it is a barrel about 13 meters long and divided into two sections. The front section of the barrel is about eight meters long and has a relatively thin outer diameter, but the diameter is also more than 1.5 meters, and its internal caliber is about 1.2 meters. The outer diameter of the second half of the barrel has reached about 1.7 meters. This part is directly connected to a huge trapezoidal metal box comparable to a small container, and the inside should be something like magical parts. There are two curved steel rails on both sides of the box, which can be swayed back and forth like the thing under the rocking chair, but this thing is not placed on the base at will, but through a set of gears and several sets of special pulleys. For auxiliary movement, the rotation angle of this thing can be controlled by the rotation of the gear, thus playing the role of controlling the elevation angle of the cannon. But looking at the length of this thing, I guess the pitch angle of this gun should not be large.

Ling, who was wrapped in Brigitte, flew to the front of the cannon's barrel, and then looked inside, but because Brigitte was too big, she couldn't get in. In the end, Brigitte had to disintegrate and put Ling in alone. After studying in the barrel for a while, Ling retreated again. I hurried over to help her out, and then asked: "How is the situation inside?"

"There are a lot of them on the barrel. The magic repels the array. It is preliminarily estimated that this is a magic guided gun. There is a very complicated crystal structure at the bottom of the barrel that prevents me from getting through, but from the outside, I can see that there are several mirror arrays inside, so it should be some kind of energy beam weapon. Of course, it may also be a short energy bomb."

"Want to see the structure behind?"


Ling is finished. After that, she was wrapped by Brigitte again, and then flew to the side of the box behind. This box is not a closed whole, there are many holes in it, but all are sealed with metal plates, and the surface is fixed with screws. But because Ivorite is there, this is not a problem. Remove all the screws in twos or twos, and all these covers will be taken off. Ling checked the past with the help of Brigitte, and finally came to the conclusion that this thing is an independent system, which means that it can be used in the same way when it is removed.

With the lessons of the previous mushroom bomb, this kind of thing that we know is a large weapon at first glance, we don’t have the guts to try again, although it looks like an energy beam weapon, but the ghost knows that in the end it will What do you type?

After checking that the rotating chassis and pitch angle mechanism of this thing are not as good as our guild’s, we didn’t want those things at all, and directly removed the barrel and the box from the bracket. Enter the gate of the earth and leave it alone for the rest. However, there was no corresponding shell or energy fired in this room, which made us a little disappointed.

Not far from this room is the second room, so I went in and inspected it, and what I saw was the same gun bay as the one in front, with a super-sized magic guided gun standing in the center of the room. , The difference is that there is a skeleton hanging on the muzzle of this gun, but it doesn’t look like a human being. Although the structure is similar to a human, there is a skeleton with a pair of wings on the back. Obviously this thing is either an angel or a demon. However, there are no traces of horns on his head, so it is judged that he is an angel 80%.

Because the structure in the room is basically the same, we took down the cannon as usual, and then focused on observing the skeleton. In addition to finding that it was an Angel Race, we also determined that the angel’s cause of death. The opponent apparently died of a heavy blow, because the entire position on the back of his head was broken into a pile of bones, but the rest of the body was not damaged.

Although the cause of death was probably seen, because the corpse was completely decomposed, it was impossible to judge the situation at the time with a skeleton, so we had to give up studying the corpse for the time being.

After returning to the passage again, we searched several rooms all the way forward, and the results were all exactly the same gun rooms, until the tenth room finally encountered a little different place. This room is still an artillery room, but the difference from the previous room is that a large amount of soil has poured into this room, and a big hole has been opened between the artillery room and the passage, and the door is even missing. The cannon in the room is still there, but it has been distorted and distorted. There is an obvious big hole in the top of the mud where the mud enters, and from the appearance of the metal edge, it is clearly that it was forcibly penetrated by an irresistible force from the outside. of.

"Is this... shelling damage?" The small dragon girl turned to look at me and asked.

I shook the head: "I don't know, but it depends on the situation."

Ye Yue also nodded and said: "It looks like it was hit by a cannonball. Look, There are burn marks here, and even the metal surface has melted. The temperature must be very high at that time."

"Do you want this cannon?" Ivorite pointed to the twisted cannon. ask me.

I thought for a while and said: "No, more than a dozen doors have been demolished anyway, and it’s useless to get them back. Let’s walk forward and see if this ship really happens. The battle was sunk, It shouldn't be only this damage."

As I guessed, we passed through here and went on not far, separated by a good cannon. Sure enough, a heavily damaged gun room was found after the room, and the damage here was obviously more serious than the previous gun room. Not only was the gun room above our heads completely penetrated, but the bombardment seemed to have penetrated the main channel and shot into the other side, which is the room under our feet. But now it's completely filled with mud, so it's not easy to check it out. Even if we continue to move forward, it depends on the Blazers making a hole in the mud to get us to the opposite passage.

"It seems that the damage on this side is more serious than expected."

Just after passing through the dirt-covered passage, we discovered that the other side was far more damaged than the other side. Even more serious. The blocked passage just now has a large amount of mud flowing into the ship, so the overall damage cannot be seen. It can only be guessed from the large amount of inflowing mud that the damage is serious, but the breach here is just given by a few large rocks in the mud. It was blocked, so not much mud entered the interior of the hull, so we were able to see the entire cabin.

The passage on this side can no longer be called a passage. The cabin is no longer distinguishable. The main passage collapses on all sides as if it is blooming, and the gun chamber is compressed to a normal size. One third, the cabin on the other side becomes a pile of metal blocks that have melted and then cooled and condensed. It is impossible to see what it was like before.

Obviously, there should have been a shell that shot through the armor of the hull from the gun room before, and then exploded when it entered the main channel and the walls of the other side of the cabin. The high temperature dissolved the metal cabin on the other side. , The main channel blamed the instant pressure generated by the explosion and turned into an open structure. As for the front gun chamber, it was compressed and reduced a lot due to the expansion of the main channel.

Because the damage here is extremely serious, we have to fly over this area, because the originally narrow passage has been blown into a considerable space, and the opposite passage is still separated from this side. With more than 30 meter away, I had to fly over.

After entering the opposite passage, we only walked about 30 meters and couldn't move on. The passage in front was completely squashed for unknown reasons, and the walls on both sides of the passage merged into one in front of us, sealing the whole passage to a deadly place.

"What should I do now?" The small dragon woman asked me.

I thought about it and decided to listen to Ling’s opinion. Ling said that it’s best to go through because we are not familiar with the environment here. If you take a detour, it’s easy to get lost. When entering, proceed according to your own judgment, regardless of the road, so that you will not lose your way because of the need to detour.

Since Ling said so, we can only proceed in the direction of our goals. As for the problem of blocked passages, this can be solved with eternity, and it is very fast.

As mentioned before, after cutting through the squashed channel, we directly entered a large piece of soil, and the road behind had to rely on the pioneer to dig a hole. Obviously, this side cabin of the ship should have been hit by a violent impact, or some other blow, anyway, a large area was dented, and the entire hull seemed to be distorted, Ling said. The impact may have been the cause of the sinking of the ship.

In order to confirm Ling’s guess, we did not keep digging forward after entering the soil. Instead, we let the Blazers dig down for a while, then released the chili peppers and scanned the surrounding situation with the spirit strength field. As a result, Surprisingly.

"There is another ship here?" I asked in surprise.

Chili nodded and said: "Yes. We entered the half-stern before, and there are long metal bodies vertically inserted in the mud in front. It should be another ship. As for us just now I don’t know if the first half of the stern is in front of that ship. I can’t sense the distance.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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