Volume 20, Chapter 171, Cheating Exploration Mission

Through Pepper’s description, we quickly constructed such a picture in our minds . A huge battleship was shelling another battleship on the sea, and the next battleship suddenly drove over and crashed into the middle of the battleship. The battleship broke, and the wreckage of the two ships was dragged together by the vortex. It sinks to the bottom, and then after many years, the earth's crust changes, the waters become land, and the sediment has completely buried the remains of the ship.

Of course, this is just our guess. After all, it is still uncertain whether this thing is a battleship or whether it is a surface vessel, so this is only our guess for the time being.

"Chili, can you find the power part of this ship?" I suddenly remembered that since Chili can sense the entire second half of the hull, it should be able to sense the power unit. Judging from the weapons on this ship, this thing will definitely not be sail-powered, so it must have its own power system, and as long as the power system can be found, it is not difficult to guess what kind of ship it is, because the power system It must be designed for the navigation environment. Spaceship and sea-going ships must be propelled by a system.

Although my idea is very good, but the answer of the pepper is like a basin of cold water poured me out. "Sorry, master, the power room may no longer exist."


"This ship should have a special design. The power system seems to be able to be taken out of the ship directly. Outside. Now there is only one big hole left in that part."

"You mean the power system is missing?"

"If the big hole I sensed was originally For the power system."

"Show us the way, just look at it in the past." Ling said.

Under the guidance of Chili, we found the direction easily. When encountering the collapsed soil along the way, let the pioneers go up, enter the cabin by ourselves, and if there is a wall blocking the way, we simply cut it with eternity. . Under this kind of straight propulsion with almost no turning, we quickly reached the place that Pepper said it was the power room, and then we discovered that this is actually not the power room but the energy center.

The reason why I dare not see the core and dare to say that this is an energy room is mainly because there are a large number of disconnected pipes on the walls here. Although these pipes are designed differently, they have the same principles. So Ling only took a glance to confirm that this is the magic transmission pipeline, and finally came to the conclusion that this is not the power room where the driving machinery is located, but the energy center. Its function is like the nuclear reactor on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The power of the ship is provided by this, but it is not a component that directly generates power, so it is useless to find this thing. At most, we can only know that the ship was originally powered by magic.

However, although we did not find the propulsion system, we have found the energy pipeline for the propulsion system here. There is a human-shaped perspective instrument called pepper, and it only took us ten minutes to find the propulsion system. The power room.

I have to say that the structure of this power chamber is a bit unexpected, because we originally imagined that we would find an anti-gravity device or one of the propeller system here. As a result, we found a group of 30 or so driving devices similar to electric motors, and the final power component connected by these things turned out to be wheels.

"This is a car?" Looking at the row of huge wheels, I really feel speechless.

Ling was also surprised to see this row of driving wheels, half in the power room and half outside the hull, and didn’t know what to say. Only the small dragon woman finally said, “This should be considered. Car? I think such a big thing is more appropriate to call a mobile base."

"No matter what it is, this thing won’t fly and won’t fall into the water, it’s for sure, and even if it’s not broken, and It doesn't make any sense to us to get it back intact." Ling commented after he recovered his calm.

I know what Ling means. The location of the driving wheel of this thing is not sealed, indicating that this thing cannot be put into the water because it will leak. And it does not have anti-gravity components, so it must not be able to fly. Finally, this thing is so big that there are almost no roads for it to travel, and it is not as big as the Isengard Mobile Fortress, which can use huge driving tracks to directly flatten forests and hills and move freely without being affected by the ground. Combining these factors, in the end we can only say that this thing is a waste, unless it is a super-great plain with a flat ground, otherwise the whole thing is a waste platform. It looks pretty good, but it has no actual value at all. Of course, this refers to the overall structure of the vehicle, not the internal equipment, at least the artillery and individual weapons are quite good, especially the disgusting mushroom bomb.

In view of the fact that this thing is such an outrageous car, we finally decided to abandon the research on the main control system of this thing, and instead look for some technical relics that may exist in various parts of the car body. Of course, the first thing to disassemble is the row of wheels in front of you and the few things that look like electric motors.

There are actually electric motors in the game. Many players have tried this. After all, the basic principle of the motor is very simple. It is not troublesome to make one by hand. Even players who learn the lightning spell can generate and drive the motor by themselves. However, the ones that are used to drive the vehicle forward are not electric motors. They are truly magical devices, and the internal structure does not touch the electric motor at all.

After dismantling this row of magic devices and installing them, we began to return along the original road, then returned to the dirt and relied on the tunnel dug by the pioneers to enter the place that was detected by the pepper before. The ship's head is down and its tail is slanted into the vehicle in the dirt. This car is obviously smaller than the one I entered before, but the structure is stronger because it took a lot of effort to cut the outer armor plate of the car as we entered the car.

Because the armor plate of this car has caused a certain obstacle to eternity, we collected a large piece of armor and stuffed it into the wind dragon space. Analyze the formula and manufacturing method of this metal, so that we can also manufacture this metal.

In fact, compared to the hardness of this metal, I value the density of this thing more. Originally, I thought that such a strong metal should have a large specific gravity, but after cutting off the boss, I discovered that the density of this thing is actually lower than that of aluminum. Even if it is the size of a bed board, it feels light and light when held in my hand. Because our guild is manufacturing spaceship, I think this kind of metal, which is harder than steel and lighter than aluminum, should have a very wide range of uses.

After collecting metal samples, we entered the interior of the car.

It’s different from the half of the vehicle we entered before. Because this vehicle was inserted upside down in the soil, almost all the original passages have become vertical wells. It is very inconvenient to move up and down. The mobility here is good, otherwise it is really not convenient to move here.

The position we entered this time is the parking space of this car, and because of the help of pepper, we directly moved towards the power room. After successfully entering the powerhouse, we discovered a magic device similar to the previous car, except that the number of equipment here is relatively small and the volume is smaller. It seems that this car should be a lightweight model. Of course, this lightweight is analyzed according to the ratio of the car just now. After all, even if it is smaller than the car just now, this thing is nearly a kilometer long. Such a big thing is quite scary even in terms of battleship, not to mention this is just a car.

"This car won't be produced by a group of people, right?" The small dragon woman asked after observing the power.

Yeyue also nodded and said: "Maybe this is a car accident scene."

"Such a big thing can cause a car accident, then the driver has to be blind to the end ?" Pepper said curiously.

"The accident is definitely impossible." Ling said, "You have seen the traces on the car before. It can only be traces of battle. The two cars were not in a car accident, but Now this car voluntarily hit the other one. But from the traces of the scene, someone left after the collision and some things were taken away, so we are impossible to find something too valuable."

< p>I also nodded and said: "Exploring the remains of God’s civilization is a task rather than a reward, so I also think that I will definitely not find too many valuable things. We just need to collect as many possible useful things as possible to complete the task."

Everyone nodded and started to work.

After leaving that power room, we continued to explore other locations. Except for the damage caused by the collision, this ship is obviously not as broken as the one just now. There is only a slight twist and deformation on the hull, and there is no penetration injury, so the internal structure is pretty good.

We followed the passage all the way down, that is, advancing towards the front of the car. Along the way, we found more than N rooms of various types, and found a bunch of messy small things, but basically it was not nothing. The thing we use is not exactly what it is used for, and because of the psychological shadow caused by the mushroom bomb, we don't dare to try those unknown objects.

Just like this, I ran all the way to the position near the front of the car. It took more than two hours to spend more than two hours. During this period, I heard other groups of people completing the tasks. The tasks that have not been completed are except for ours. In addition to this exploration mission, it seems that only the three missions of the low magic plane are left. Seeing that the time is still early, we are not in a hurry to complete the task to help others, anyway, they have more people than mine on any task.

We finally found a very special room near the front of the car. The internal structure of this room is rather strange. In the center of the room is a relatively low area, where a large pile of densely packed pipelines are connected to a spherical metal device. Surrounding this relatively low area is a high, middle and low three-layer circular corridor, each layer corridor has a circle of densely packed consoles, and each console has a lot of control switches, let alone actual control , I feel dizzy even at a glance.

"What's this?" After entering the room, Ye Yue relied on her snake tail to move strongly, and said the first one swam to the metal ball next to the metal ball in the center and said.

Ling also flew down with the help of Brigitte, then approached the sphere to check it, and then ran to the consoles to observe for a while, and even opened one of the consoles. Some simple checks were performed. During this period, Chili used his own psychology to draw us the Dissection diagram of the equipment in this room. The most obvious thing that can be seen is that the inside of the metal sphere in the center is actually empty. Although I don't know what was originally contained in this sphere, it is certain that this thing was not like this.

After spending more than ten minutes checking, Ling concluded that this is a place similar to a command center. The metal ball with a diameter of more than two meters in the center should be a very important core. It may be some kind of magical device with computer functions. In addition, these consoles outside are all positions for operators, and their job may be to assist the central thing. This mode can be considered that the central thing that may be a computer has relatively weak computing power, or it may be just the opposite. The hormone is too strong for one person to read the results.

Regardless of the reason, the answer to this thing may be a computer still surprised us. However, after Ye Yue and the others rummaged around and didn't know what they had encountered, we found something even more amazing.

Just when everyone was checking various items separately, a beam of light was suddenly projected from the top of the room, and then this beam of light spread to the surroundings and became a cone-shaped beam of light, and finally the beam of light shone After a few shots, an old man in a strange robe was depicted in the air.

After this old man appeared, the room began to play spirit strength fluctuations synchronously. It is not a sound signal, but a fluctuation of spirit strength, which solves the problem of language barriers. As the words of spirit strength fluctuating transmission appeared, the old man also began to explain simultaneously, and we quickly understood what was going on here.

First of all, the damage to these two cars is not because the small car we are in now collided with the big car, but the big car deliberately caused the small car to hit it.

In fact, the makers of these two cars are a nomadic higher civilization. This kind of car is a city to them, a car is a city, and they can drive the car to move to various places at will to find resources.

According to the meaning conveyed by the spirit strength of the old man, the car we are in should actually be the capital of their country, and the car that was crashed is a Fortress City city in a hostile country.

At that time, the forces that belonged to the Fortress City city car attacked the forces that belonged to the capital city car, and the capital city car was like running on the road. During the interception, the opponent deliberately stood in front of it to block its escape, but didn't expect the capital city car to be so sturdy that it actually broke the Fortress City city car. Of course, the auto industry in the capital city has broken down because of this, so it can be said that neither side is fishing.

After confirming that the capital city car was damaged and could not continue to escape, the captain of this car, which is equivalent to the mayor of the capital, made a decision. . He decided to use special weapons that were still in the research stage to deal with the chasing soldiers.

The name of this weapon is named "Time and Space Possibly Disordered Generator". The name is weird, and the ability is weird. To put it bluntly, this thing is to change the current historical state. If you have read traversing literature and know the principles that change ancient history and then influence modern history, then you can roughly understand how this weapon works. Although it will not send people to the past to change the existing history, it can skip this step and directly change the current history. That is to say, this thing may make a certain existence become non-existent as soon as it is activated, or it may cause non-existent things to appear suddenly, in short, it will change the current state.

However, because the research has not been completed, this thing is not reliable for the time being. Although it can work, the effect cannot be specified, so I don’t know whether it will produce good or bad results in the end. However, this country and another country are mortal enemies. No prisoners are left between the two. If caught is dead, the people here don't care about the progress of the research, they just plan to take a gamble.

In the end, they obviously played. The machine started, and it did have an effect, but the results were surprising. The first is that the chase is gone. In fact, it is not just chasing soldiers. According to the old man, all the lives in the world are still alive, except for the old man himself. They disappeared completely, as if they had never existed.

This change is really too terrifying. The old man had a nervous breakdown at that time. He tried to use the thing again to bet again, but it turned out that the unfathomable mystery disappeared after activation. As a result, the old man had to face the fact that he was the only one left in the world.

The old man who couldn’t bear the mental pressure finally committed suicide. He left this image before his death. He didn’t know who he would watch it. He just said that if anyone sees it in the future, he must remember Their lesson.

Originally, I wanted to study their "probable spatio-temporal disorder generator", but as the old man said, the thing disappeared, and the hollow area missing in the metal ball was originally Just put that stuff.

In addition, although this "space-time may disorder generator" is gone, according to the source, the other equipment here is intact, and his identity authentication was lifted before he committed suicide, which means This thing can now accept all operations without permission.

Unfortunately, the old man's approach is actually meaningless. Although she said that the permission restrictions were cancelled, the car was already in a semi-scrapped state, and there was no use value at all, and I couldn't get it out. The only thing I could do was use the control terminal here to open the car. All the doors, and through the structural diagram inside the vehicle displayed in the image, we know the function of each cabin here, so the next action is to find useful things according to this diagram.

Because there is a map, and I know that the defense mechanism on the car is closed, so I no longer cautiously look for things everywhere. I directly put out all the familiars and summon creatures suitable for moving here and started to help me move. When the Qilin warrior and the familiars were looking for something, Ling, who did not leave because of physical discomfort, pointed to the map. Asked in an area of ​​"What's this here?"

Because this is a three-dimensional image, this unremarkable area was previously blocked by another specially marked ammunition depot, so I didn’t see it before. To this place. After hearing Ling's question, I went to the other side to read the introduction above. Because of the previous spirit strength reminder, we have also deciphered part of the text here. With the help of electronic brains, we can basically learn a language in an instant, so this thing does not trouble me.

After reading the strange text marked on the room, I knew what it was when I compared the memory bank. "Database."

"Database? Is it a library?" Ling asked in surprise.

I also reacted suddenly. "In the mission, it is said that investigating the civilization of the gods does not mean the information of this place, right?"

"Look at it in the past and you will know it." Ling suggested.

"But everyone is busy."

"Then we will pass by ourselves. Anyway, it is not very far."

"But you...?" I I was also worried that Ling hadn't recovered. After all, she relied on magic to eat her food, and her magical power was much stronger than mine, so the previous mushroom bomb had a much stronger impact on her than on me.

"It’s getting better, it’s okay."

"Then let’s go take a look."

Pull Shang Ling out of this room and we follow the notes The next route moved, and soon the room marked on the map was found. This place is not far from the ammunition depot, separated by a warehouse and a corridor for replacement parts stacking.

After successfully arriving in this room, I immediately stepped forward and pushed open the door of the room. As a result, I immediately saw a huge space with densely packed rows of cabinets. Unlike a general library, this is a pure data storage room, not a place for people to read books, so there is no gap between the bookshelves and the bookshelves here. Each cabinet is densely packed with books and materials of different categories, and then the cabinet and the cabinet are closely attached to each other. You need to see what materials you need to pull the other cabinets apart along the sliding rails before you can enter that Go in a very narrow gap to check information.

Thanks to this dense placement method, although this room is not as huge as a general large library, its collection of books is quite considerable, and the moment we entered the room, the task prompt Finally there is a change. A parenthesis appeared after the original mission of searching for the civilization of the gods, with information like "0100000" in the parentheses.

After seeing this information, I immediately guessed that the task was these books, so I tried to get a book, and the result was not changed at all. It made me feel nervous, so I hurriedly tried again Fortunately, this time the prompt in parentheses became "1100000".

"It seems that not all the information here is useful." Ling said.

I thought about it for a while and said: "I now understand what the system is doing to release this kind of task." Ling looked towards me with some confusion, waiting for my explanation. I didn’t make her wait for a long time, but just continued: “This task seems strange, but in fact it is testing our intelligence screening, personnel allocation, and material transportation capabilities. According to the task prompt, we need to transport from here. There are hundreds of thousands of books, but there are at least two million books and materials here, so we have to filter out these things, but the system gives us limited time, which requires our personnel to have the ability to quickly filter, at least not like me. Pick up one by one to see if the number has changed, otherwise the task will have timed out when all the 100,000 books are found. In addition, even if these books can be found quickly, whether they can be carried away is still a problem. A pile of 100,000 books There is enough to fill several cars together. Our mission is only given a total of 24 people, and the system obviously requires us to act separately, that is, this exploration mission is impossible with 24 people to participate. To such a small number of people Transporting a few truckloads of books requires considerable space and equipment. This is also one of the tests of the strength of the guild. Therefore, this task is not as simple as it seems. In other words, the conditions of our guild are better. , Even if the guild finds it here, it’s estimated that they won’t be able to transport all the books away. They don’t even have time to pick out the books before the task time arrives."

"But this is not a problem for us. "Following a snap of Ling’s fingers, the Phoenix Dragon Space appeared directly next to us, followed by a large group of Nether Souls suddenly appearing out of thin air, and then these Nether Souls began to carry the books on the shelf back and forth, and some Nether Souls even directly Several bookshelves outside were taken down and thrown into Fenglong Space. The reason why others need to screen books and materials is that they can’t carry so many books, but for me, this is not a problem at all. I can install all the books here, so I don’t need to screen them now, I can do them all. Pack and take away, go back and pick it slowly.

Selecting useful books one by one and throwing them into the Fenglong space full and full, this speed is definitely different, so we only took less than 20 minutes to completely empty this place Yes, but, just after we got this room, I got anxious, because the reality on the prompt information turned out to be "99937100000".

"Damn, why are there 63 fewer books?"

Ling looked at all parts of the room in confusion, because the Nether Souls later found out that removing the bookshelves is better than moving the bookshelves one by one. Books are coming quickly, so now it has been completely evacuated. The library room without bookshelves is now blank. It is impossible to hide things. There are still omissions. It can only mean that the target book is simply not here.

"Would you like to ask Chili to come and see if there is a secret room or something like this?"

I frowned thinking for a while, and then suddenly understood. "Damn it, I was cheated by the system. This task is really cheating!"

"What's the matter?" Ling asked me suspiciously.

I frowned and said: "Those books are simply not here, nor are they lost, but the most normal situation happened."

"The most normal situation?"

"Yes, the most normal situation."

Ling suddenly reacted and shouted: "They were lent out?"

I nodded and said: "Only this The explanation is the most reasonable."

"So what should I do? This place is so big, when can I find it when I can find it?"

"Don’t have to work so hard, but I can’t save much effort.” I said: “There will be records of books borrowed from the library. As long as you know who borrowed them, you can check the map to find the person’s activity area in the main control room. Find the book. The system will not deliberately set up tasks that cannot be completed, just to test us."

"But we don't have a library record here."

"The record is in the book Room, it’s just thrown into the Phoenix Dragon Space by us."

"What should I do now?"

"Use the most stupid way to find out one by one. Anyway, we There are too many people. It should be late."

Although the crowded tactics are not omnipotent, many times you have to admit that the fact that there are many people and power is correct. After all the scattered summon creatures were recruited, I took everyone back to the ground, and then asked Fenglong to pour out all the books we stuffed in, and then I used various connections with the summon creatures. The channel transmits all possible recorded phrases such as directories and records in the local text to everyone's memory, and then everyone starts to look for books with these keywords.

Although there are nearly 2 million books and materials of various types here, I have more than 20,000 Qilin warrior here, and on average it is only 200 books per person. Besides, even if we are unlucky, we won't just find the catalog after finding the last one, right?

In fact, not only is our luck not bad, but on the contrary, it is quite good. It only took less than ten minutes for a Qilin warrior to find the record, and then we found a lot of borrowed books against the record translation Records, but the number is obviously much larger than the information we lack.

This is actually another trap. If we were to find all the books we lent, we would definitely waste time, but in fact, we can be lazy here. After comparing the general situation of useful and useless books among the several books in our hands, we inferred the scope of screening required by the system. According to the situation of the books counted by the system among the books we have, what system wants us to bring out is actually only three categories of technical materials, humanities history, and artistic achievements. Other personal autobiography, academic conjectures, and Many pure literary works such as essays and prose are simply not included in the category, but in fact this part is actually the most books in the library.

According to this rule, the records of borrowing novels can be directly passed off. Although there are still many remaining records, they are at least not as exaggerated as before. In addition, it is more fortunate that this record not only records the name of the borrower, but also records the location of the person’s residence, so we don’t have to go to the main control room to guess the approximate range against the map, and just follow the record. It is possible to accurately find the place of residence of that person. Of course, it is possible that someone took the book out of the place of residence when they disappeared, but at least the probability of this is very low, so this saves us a lot of time.

After confirming the possible book locations, we immediately divided our troops into two places. Some people stayed on the ground and stuffed the books that had just been poured back. The other people and I went down to the ruins below to find books again. Because of the detailed location information and the assistance of the map, we retrieved more than 100 books in less than 20 minutes. After the test, we found that the missing 63 books were all found in the first batch. When we returned to the ground, all the books that were poured out before were put back in the Phoenix Dragon Space, and the system prompts the task to be completed at the same time.

Up to now, the tasks on the God World side are all done. Because the mission on the low magic plane has not yet been completed, I put away the summon creatures and familiars and returned to the Transmission Passage, and then returned to the low magic plane to help others complete the task.

I have just arrived at the low-magic plane and haven’t had time to inquire about the location of the rest of the troops guarding here. The system has already prompted the mission goal eight: help the monarch Akaron establish a new unity of politics and religion. The task of the empire is complete. In other words, we still have two tasks left to complete, one is the ninth task: start the magic net system of the low magic world to evolve it to the high magic world. One is the tenth task: teach the monarch Akaron how to manage a country.

The tenth task is the teaching task, because the king can’t do two things at the same time to learn two courses at the same time, so no matter how many people go to it, it’s useless. Then, the only thing left is to help. Only one task remains busy.

Although I know that I should help the three of Gold Coin get the ninth task, because there is no crystal communication base station here, we can’t communicate with each other, so I am also I don't know where the three of them went, so they can only find the king first.

Because the low magic plane has been basically controlled, we can operate everywhere just and honorable. Therefore, gold coin and their actions do not need to be kept secret, but will be in and local from time to time. To get in touch with the garrison and leave a message, this is mainly a convenient way for us to communicate with each other. Although these soldiers with low magic planes have poor battle strength and can't help much, they still have no problem acting as messengers.

When I arrived outside the king’s palace and was about to go in and ask the other people where they were going, I just saw a large group of long spears flying out of the Imperial Palace. I didn’t say a word, and the summon birds caught up.

Matsumoto Masaka saw me catching up from behind and took the initiative to deviate from the team and leaned forward. "President, are you back?"

"Well, the tasks on the God World side are all done. The tasks on the rose side don’t need help. I’m going to ask where they are going under gold coin. When I was ready to help, I didn’t expect to see you flying out of the Imperial Palace. I guess you must have asked the three of them to help out, so I caught up."

After hearing what I said, Masaka Matsumoto nodded and said: "We did help, but I don’t know where they are. The latest news says that they have appeared in a place called Bailin, like Kristina. I also used a big move to blast off a mountain. We plan to go over and see if we can find them."

I thought for a while and said: "My birds are fast, you and me first In the past, let them fly slowly behind, so as not to waste time.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Power.)

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