The effect of the mushroom bomb was too unexpected. The Qilin warrior and I exhaled for nearly 20 minutes before taking a breath. Ling and Xiaochun on the ground were It takes more than half an hour to wake up in a coma, and the first thing you do when you open your eyes is to turn over and vomit violently. That state is the same as when we were shot.

In fact, the effect of this thing is far more effective for us, because the mother of the earth appeared on the scene less than one minute after the explosion, and severely warned us that we can no longer use this in her garden. thing, because it is said that even she was sick just now and almost vomited it out. Of course, this is not to say that Mother Earth’s magical power is not as good as ours, nor is it because she is a High God. Magic is only a method of her ability to use her ability. The law is her fundamental, so this thing is for her The impact is not as great as ours. However, the warning from the Mother of the Earth also proves in disguise that the range of influence of this thing may be as high as several kilometers or even farther, because the sleeping hall of the Mother of the Earth is actually more than two thousand meters away from the place connected by the Gate of the Earth. If Saying that even she feels it, then this range is definitely more than two kilometers.

Because this thing is too dangerous, we don't dare to experiment again, and because Ling and Xiaochun are vomiting in a mess, we can't continue exploring at all. I had to put them on Mother Earth’s side for a while and let the small dragon girl do some treatment for them.

Small dragon female is Divine Dragon, and the Chinese Taoist system has theories and methods specially used to adjust the state of small-scale cultivation deviation. We have just been affected by the evil mushroom bomb and we are actually equivalent to It was a state of magical misfire, but the degree was relatively minor. However, because magic is our own thing, just as national riots often damage productivity more severely than foreign wars, our own magic riots are also far more serious than external damage. After all, our defenses are all external, who Didn't even think about guarding against your own magic power?

"Huh, fortunately you are here, otherwise I would kill myself!" Xiaochun breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the treatment of the small dragon girl.

The small dragon woman said with some fear: "You should be thankful that I was not outside at the time, otherwise this will definitely be like you vomiting, and there is no way to treat you."

< p>Ling said seriously: "Professional things should be done by professionals. It is too dangerous for us to test weapons. Fortunately, this is an absolute Safety Sector. If this is recruited in the crowd, we will really I’m in a state where I don’t have the power to bind the chicken!"

"In fact, it can’t be said that if you are attacked by this thing, you will be killed." I explained: "I thought about it just now. Actually We just suffer because we don’t know the purpose of this thing. If we knew it in advance, we only need to use magic power to build a protective wall outside the body at the moment of the explosion. Will be affected, and this method has the same effect regardless of whether the expert or ordinary person is used. Although ordinary persons cannot form a magic barrier of the same strength as ours, their magic sensitivity is also low, so even if the impact of penetration is relatively large, they are because The body is unclear, so the final effect is not much worse than ours. At most, some people with super magical power but very weak will suffer. In fact, most people can easily block it as long as they know the characteristics of this thing. It's attacking."

Xiaochun said: "That is to say, this thing is actually only useful when it is thrown within 20 meters?"

I nodded and said:" This is true when the enemy knows the characteristics of this thing, so those manufacturers will treat this as a conventional weapon rather than a weapon of mass destruction."

Ling asked me as he spoke: "That How many of these things are there on the side?"

"Use one and three are left."

"Then let the research institute try not to tear it down. Don't forget. Outside players don’t know the characteristics of this thing, so the first time it’s on the battlefield, it will inevitably have an unexpected effect. It is definitely useful to leave one or two. However, the news will circulate soon after using it for the first time. Come on, when the time comes, naturally someone can think of a way to deal with it, and at that time this thing has become a conventional weapon."

After resting for more than an hour on Mother Earth’s side, we did not restart. I started the journey of exploration, but this time I put Xiaochun away and replaced it with a small dragon girl and Yeyue. Originally, I didn't bring too many people because Ling and Xiao Chunjia and I already had a strong battle strength, so I didn't need to bring so many people, but now it's not working. Although it took us more than an hour to regain our mobility, there are still some problems in the fight. We may not even be able to exert 20% of the battle strength when we really fight, so we must have someone to protect it. As for Xiaochun, she was only responsible for maintaining the lighting technique, but when she was okay, she was fine. Now that it's all done like this, it's a bit sad for her to hold on. It happens that small dragon women can also use spells for lighting. Although they are not as effective as Xiaochun's enhanced version of lighting, they are good enough. It's a pity that Ling's knowledge is the best, so there is no way to change people, so she can only persevere. Fortunately, there is treatment for small dragon women. We just feel that we still have slight dizziness, nausea and general weakness, but there are no serious problems.

The weapon arsenal just now seems to be located at the top corner of a functional area of ​​this ship, which ends here, and the new functional area starts from the front. The reason for this speculation is that soon after we got out of the arsenal, we found that an upward passage appeared above the head, which stretched out to be more than a hundred meters long. In addition, there was also a corresponding deep well on the ground, and it was more than the one above the head. It's even longer. Of course, the two passages are called this way because the ship is now lying on its side in the soil. If it can restore balance, the overhead passage and the downward deep well should be understood as a horizontal passage. However, considering that it is not convenient to go down or up, we still choose to cross the channel and continue forward.

In fact, we found a very valuable room just after passing the passage. This room is above the head of the passage we passed. Of course, this is also due to the tilt of the ship, so the rooms on both sides of the passage are now either above our heads or under our feet.

This room is different from the previous rooms. First of all, the wall between it and the main passage is very thick, and there is a hollow mezzanine in the middle. In addition, this room is also equipped with multi-layer airtight doors. Moreover, there has been no corrosion or damage for so many years, indicating that the materials used are very hard, and it also means that the room is very important.

After we took a bit of effort to open the door and get into this room, we immediately understood why this room had to be repaired so exaggerated. Because this room turned out to be a gun bay. Yes, if this room is in a horizontal state, you will find that this room is very large, and there is only one thing in the whole room, that is, a cannon fixed on the ground in the center of the room. Of course, because the ship is tilted, the current posture of the gun is fixed to the wall, and the muzzle is pointed at the ceiling.

"Is this a battleship?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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