"I rely on...!" Holding my shield, I was preparing to defend against the attack of the mysterious creatures. I pushed my feet off the ground, but because of inertia, my body did not move significantly, so I was tragic. I kept my whole person face-down and threw directly on the ground, while the fascinated creature on the opposite side was like lightning. After retracting the ejection organ, he rushed up again.

"Do you still want to take advantage?" This time I have experience. As soon as I hit the ground, I turned over and rolled out. As a result, the mysterious creature landed directly on my shield, and then he didn't wait for him to take off. As soon as I pulled the Longjinsuo in my hand, the guy immediately felt his feet slip, and followed his whole body backwards.

Just now after I fell down, I knew this guy would pounce on it, so I fixed the dragon's tendons to the shield in advance, and now it comes in handy.

When the guy's feet were unstable and flew backwards, I directly used the dragon's tendons to pull the shield into my hand, and then set up the shield and rushed towards the enchanted creature. His strength is relatively weak, so I will fight for strength with him. Fighting focuses on your own strengths and your opponents' shortcomings. You can compare others to what others are the least good at. Everyone is fighting in their best field. It is not a fight but a sports competition.

Monster obviously also knows that his power is not my opponent. After landing, he turned over and got inside my defensive circle from under my shield, and then his two front paws grabbed my ankle and used it. He had the advantage of two arms more than me and used the third and fourth arms to prop up the ground and stood up. He even took my whole person up and down by his feet. However, the guy lifted me up before I could make the next reaction. I spread my wings and flashed on him, then the monster screamed, and I flew forward and fell out. On the other hand, the monster took a few steps back with a green liquid sprayed on his shoulders, which might be blood.

My wings are not as simple as mere wings. The wings attached to the player’s bloodline in the game are only for decoration and do not have the ability to fly. My wings can fly rocks because the dragon soul suit has flying parts, and the name of this thing in the system attribute is called "wing blade" instead of "wing", so this is not a simple flying prop, it is more of a one. Pieces of weapons. The edges of the wings are metalized so that they only look like feathers, but those feathers are actually all sharp small blades. It is not a joke to be cut.

"Did you finally make a sound? I thought you wouldn't make a sound." Turning around and looking at the quiet monster, I coldly said. This guy once yelled when he was injured, his voice sounded a little hoarse, but it wasn't too harsh, just not very nice. In addition, judging from the sound, this mysterious creature may have evolved from arthropods or other classifications. It should not be based on mammals, because his vocal organs seem to be resonance chambers instead of vocal cords. This feature shows that this thing is likely to have some of the weaknesses of arthropods. For example...

"Shock bomb."

As I shouted, a metal can the size of a can flew directly to the guy's feet. This thing is a kind of props made in the guild. Although the system admits that it has offensive power, because the formidable power is too small, it is basically useless. It is more suitable for hunting green snakes, such as exploration missions. If you don’t know if the target area is safe, throw one first.

The mysterious creature obviously does not recognize the shock bomb waiting for us to make. Of course, he also knows that he can’t approach it. Unfortunately, this one of mine is a contact detonation, and it explodes as soon as it hits the ground. The circle spread out like lightning. In fact, this white circle is not a magical effect, but a shock effect produced when the shock wave passes through the air, which separates the water vapor originally contained in the air, forming a large number of suspended droplets in the air. Because the whole process is fast, and the position where the white fog appears is the range where the shock wave spreads, you can also think of the white aperture as the diffusion path of the shock wave.

As the circle of white clouds quickly spread and disappeared, the body of a fascinated creature appeared on the ground. At this time, the guy was shaking on the ground.

Sure enough, the mysterious creature does have certain characteristics of arthropods. The body structure of mammals is fur, meat, skeleton, and organ system from the outside to the inside. Reptiles are basically similar, but arthropods are different. The external skeleton of their body is wrapped with muscles and internal organs, but the internal organs are not inside the muscles, but only grow muscles on the parts of the body that need to be exercised. As for the internal organs, they are directly wrapped in certain fixed external skeleton cavities. .

When the shock bomb explodes, it does not produce strong light, shrapnel, high temperature and other killing effects, but it will release a strong shock wave. The fur of mammals and reptiles can consume most of the impact energy, and the muscle tissue can also resist and insulate this vibration well. Finally, the skeleton can provide Third Layer protection, and then the internal organs system. With the previous three layers of protection, the bodies of reptiles and mammals will show a very high shock resistance effect, but arthropods cannot. There is only a layer of outer skeleton outside of their bodies. Although this thing is hard enough, it has a very low ability to insulate shock effects because of its hardness. In reality, arthropods are not large in size, so this structure is not a big problem. After all, a smaller body means a higher average body strength, just like it is difficult for you to crush a bacterium, and smaller things are not easy. Under the condition of the same material, the small item will be less likely to be destroyed. However, the above is a small arthropod, and the mysterious creature in front of him has a body that is taller than a human, which determines that he does not have the advantage of miniaturization. Of course, his body will definitely not be the same as the arthropod in reality. Except for the skeleton, which is the internal organs, some supporting structures should have evolved in his body. Will immediately hang up.

However, even if this mysterious creature has an evolutionary support structure in its body, its arthropod characteristics will not change. No matter how many times it is supported, the shock absorption capacity of a hard outer skeleton will never compare to that of soft muscle tissue, so this thing is still not shock resistant.

The shock bomb just now may have no effect on ordinary creatures. Most creatures will only be dizzy for a few seconds at most. Just shake their heads twice. However, this mysterious creature is still rolling all over the floor until now, and it seems that he has noticed that I am approaching and is struggling to get up again. It is only because of the shock effect that his sense of balance has obviously been completely lost. , So what I saw was like a drunk drunk who was struggling to get up there. Although the six limbs that kicked and kicked seemed very hard, they didn’t have any control at all, either too hard or too hard. Too light, in short, I can't get up, and the more anxious he sees me, the more anxious he is, the more he can't get up.

I easily walked to the mysterious creature, and then threw this new shock bomb up and down in my hand and said, "Haha, you are afraid of this thing. Would you like to try another one? I have a lot here."

Mysterious creatures probably really can’t speak, because arthropods basically have no brains, even if they are humiliated by me, they still don’t have the slightest response. But what I want to know is already known, and there is no need to know anything from him anymore. Anyway, our task is to eliminate the mysterious creatures and not to interrogate the mysterious creatures.

Since I had no more questions, I walked directly to the side of the monster's neck and patched it up. As a result, the monster just spurted blood and didn't hang up immediately. After thinking about it, I tried it all over his body again, and it turned out that the weakness of this guy seemed to be only the head, and it wouldn't be too much of a problem if he was injured in other positions.

When the mysterious creature was successfully solved, the task system immediately gave a prompt message, that is, an additional prompt such as "(156)" was added behind the attribute of the mysterious creature. The game has been in progress for so long, and when I look at this thing, I understand the number of hints, which means that in addition to the one I just killed, there are actually fifty-five middles in the remains of the gods. But if you think about it in a different direction, this number is actually quite good. After all, this is an arthropod. What can only be complained about when a city is only fifty-six? The other party did not produce millions of offspring like a cockroach, and it was already a shame.

After reading the data, I ordered the remaining Qilin warrior in the Earth Gate to dig a pit and bury the body of the mysterious creature. I myself went back to the remains of the gods and summoned all the scattered Qilin warriors. When they came back, they sent a shock bomb to each of them and asked them to open the insurance of this thing and pinch it with their hands. Once they were attacked, the shock bomb would explode as soon as they were released. With the defensive power of the mysterious creature on the shock bomb, even if he attacks from a distance, and the Qilin warrior fails to throw the shock bomb over, it can also have a certain impact, at least it can delay the opponent's reaction and persist to the vicinity. The Qilin warrior arrived.

After finding the weakness, it is indeed much faster. After tens of thousands of Qilin warriors with shock bombs dispersed throughout the ruins of the gods, I kept hearing explosions. Of course, my Qilin warrior casualties were also rising. Basically, as long as contact occurred, the first An assaulted Qilin warrior never survived. However, Qilin warrior is a summon creature. It can be summoned again for a long time after death, but the mysterious creature over there is dead and one less. I just sit in the teleportation hall and watch the number in the task prompt jump up by myself. However, the number jumped to 4756 in half an hour, which means that there are only 9 left.

We waited another ten minutes in the teleportation hall, and the number of kills finally rose to 53, but there were 3 others that did not appear. I continued to wait, and another ten minutes later, I killed another one, but the remaining two made me wait for two full hours and did not show up.

"What the hell is going on with these two?"

"Is it because you understand our purpose and deliberately avoid us and stop being fooled?" Because I'm sitting in the teleportation hall, so Crystal Princess doesn't have to work hard to open the Formation. Now it's time to talk to me.

I frowned and said: "I cannot be sure of this probability. If the mysterious creatures are all the same individual, it should not be the reason. From the previous battles, it can be confirmed that the mysterious creatures are not very high. The intelligence of these people is very low, only fighting instinct. I am afraid that these guys are like insect race with low individual intelligence but a high intelligence commanding class."

"This is not an impossible thing! "Crystal Princess exclaimed.

I thought for a while and said: "It seems that I can only use a stupid way." As I said, I stood on the top of the teleportation hall and started sending out a large number of ghost worms. These little fellows did not attack. Power, but absolutely satisfying in terms of quantity. After the ghost bug hiding the sky and covering the earth was spilled out, it immediately began to search inch by inch along the ruins of the city like an all-terrain scan, without even letting it go underground. Under this kind of exclusion search, which was almost a dragnet, the mysterious creature still failed to escape.

"Crystal Princess, hold up your Formation, I am going to deal with the last two mysterious creatures."


Just now the ghost worm The information returned showed that the last two mysterious creatures had gathered together, but their appearance was indeed a bit surprising. When I rushed to the place where I found them, I found that these two mysterious creatures actually lived less than ten meters under the ground of the altar we dug up earlier. I have to say that these two guys really can hide.

Because of the concealment of ghost worms, the mysterious creatures don't know for the time being that I have discovered their location, so I don't plan to attack directly. These guys will teleport, and the range is very large. If the other party just uses this ability to attack me, then I will not be afraid, but if they want to escape me, they really can't help it.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I can’t attack by force, otherwise I won’t have a place to catch them if they run away. In the end, I adopted a smart plan. First, let the ghost worm dig a sloping ramp from a little farther away directly into the cave, and then I took out three timed shock bombs and set the time. After that, the three ghost worms of summon came out, and then the shock bombs were fixed on the backs of the three ghost worms with a wire, so that I had three suicide ghost worms. It's not right. In this task, the ghost worms can't die at all. The shock bomb is not known for its formidable power, and the ghost worms have diamondized body attributes, so it is not easy to destroy their bodies.

The ghost worm carrying the shock bomb slowly follows the channel dug in advance and starts to deepen into the channel, while the two remaining mysterious creatures are still ignorant of the approach of danger. The shock bomb itself is a non-living substance and does not produce any fluctuations, so even if it is discovered, it cannot attract the attention of the other party. As for the ghost worm, on the one hand, hiding itself is one of the characteristics of these small things, on the other hand, it has an ultra-low health value. It is determined that these things will basically not cause other creatures to be alert, because low life force also means that they are not threatening, so most creatures can feel Dragon's Might from far away, but will not care about the small insects crawling around. .

In this situation, the suicide ghost worm finally successfully entered the newly dug space underground with the shock bomb, and the two fascinated creatures were still waiting there stupidly. In the past of the crisis, everyone knows that the danger is approaching.

Boom... the explosion happened so suddenly that the two mysterious creatures were stunned without any reaction. Compared with the open environment outside, the enclosed underground space is obviously more suitable for shock bombs to exert formidable power, not to mention that the three exploded together this time, and the huge formidable power instantly stunned the two fascinated creatures.

"OK, it should be active." With a snap of my fingers, luck appeared next to me, and then began to dig a hole.

"I said the boss I am a giant dragon, OK, why do you always let me make holes?" Lucky complained.

"Who told you that your claws are bigger, and those who can do more."

"But does this affect my image a lot!"

"Don't worry Well, no one thinks that a dragon that can punch holes is not a decent giant dragon. You are also a dragon king at any rate. You have to be a little confident."

"Understand and understand, I just keep digging." Lucky said. I efficiently dug out the entire ground and took out a large hole, and then pulled out a few times with my claws, and the soil inside was lifted out.

After I was lucky enough to dig through the surface soil, I took my luck and let the ghost worm clean up the last debris. Although the size of the ghost worms is small, the victory is that there are enough, and the debris is cleared to the side in a few strokes. I jumped directly into the hole and saw the last two mysterious creatures that had been dug out.

The last two mysterious creatures are indeed quite special. One of the limbs does not have six limbs like other fascinated creatures, but has only four limbs like normal creatures. At the same time, it seems to be smaller than the average fascinated creature, but the crown on its head is much larger. It seems a little out of proportion.

The other mysterious creature is several times larger than this small mysterious creature. The other fascinated creatures that I have seen before are only four meters long, and the one that has only limbs and is relatively small is only about three meters long, which is shorter than the average fascinated creature. About half a meter. However, the length of the large mystery creature in front of us has almost reached more than eight meters. Although the proportion of this tail is obviously higher than that of general mystery creatures, even if the tail is removed, this guy is at least It has a length of more than three meters, which is almost the entire length of other mysterious creatures.

In fact, in addition to being exceptionally large, this strange giant mystery creature has several differences. In addition to being large, the limbs of this thing are also different from ordinary mysterious creatures. Although he also has six limbs, it has four limbs similar to ordinary creatures as long as the small one, but on his back. It has grown a pair of huge wings that look like bats. In addition, this guy's head seems to be smaller than the average fascinating creature, the crown is not that big, but the front end is thicker, and the overall feeling is more powerful.

Although it is strange why there are two different mysterious creatures, it is important to complete the task now, so I did not study how these two mysterious creatures mutate, but that’s it. Killing seems a bit wasteful, so I let Yeyue use Petrified Eye to turn these two strange and mysterious creatures into stone statues and throw them into the wind dragon space. Sure enough, the system will also decide to kill, so the task is straightforward. It's finished.

After completing this task, the task of protecting the Transmission Formation is equivalent to completion. After all, in the entire ruins of God, apart from our own people and our allies, there are only those who have already surrendered. Free NPC, so Transmission Formation no longer needs protection. System seems to admit that this kind of active protection is effective, because after I solved the last two mystery creatures, system directly labeled the protection task as completed.

In this way, we only have one mission that we haven’t completed in the remains of the gods, that is, the mission to find the civilization of gods, but it looks like we searched for mysterious creatures before. I have searched the entire ruins of the gods by the time, and in order to find the last two fascinated creatures, I even searched under the ground. Such a large-scale and high-density search still did not find any clues. This result is really unexpected.

I was standing at the bottom of the pit where I found the last two mysterious creatures, thinking about where to find the civilization of God, I suddenly felt loose under my feet, and the whole person fell directly, but I The reaction was quicker. Although my body fell, I immediately launched the dragon tendons and buckled the edge of the pothole. The Qilin warrior, which had not been retracted nearby, did not react slowly. I fell immediately. I ran over, and when I saw the dragon-jinsuo that I had hit, I quickly grabbed it and started to pull it up, but they only pulled it twice before they heard my voice from below.

"Don't pull it yet, find something to help me fix the grappling hook."

"Understand." Several Qilin warriors quickly turned around to find some big rocks and came back. Then he fixed the dragon's tendons to one of the rocks that weighed at least a few tons, and then shouted to me in the cave: "Okay, master, what are you going to do next?"

" Don’t move on it, I’ll let you know if something is going on."

"Yes, master."

After I ordered Qilin warrior, I manipulated the dragon's tendons to slowly release the stringer. Cable, so that my whole person began to slowly descend downward.

Just after I fell in, I discovered that this place seemed to be an artificially structured environment. Reminiscing about the mission of the God’s Ruins, I was basically sure that this place was the so-called God’s Ruins. It’s strange that I rummaged through the whole city and couldn’t find it. Didn’t expect it to be in such a deep place, and there is no such thing as a passage connecting the ground outside. If it weren’t for the two mysterious creatures, it’s just here. At the entrance, it is estimated that we may not be able to reach this place even if we look for it for three days.

With the release of the dragon's tendons, my feet finally touched the ground, but the feeling of this place is very strange. It's not that the ground is strange, but the structure of the room is strange.

The place as a whole is a trapezoidal space. The structure is very regular, but the direction is very strange. You can imagine placing a rectangular rostrum on a flat ground in your brain, and then build a ramp on one of the shorter sides of the rostrum to connect the ground to the top of the rostrum. The width of the ramp is exactly the same as the width of the rostrum. . Now, cut the rostrum together with the ramp from the ground, and then erect it so that the long side of the rostrum and the side of the ramp touch the ground. At this time, if you look at the whole inside of the erected thing If it is a space, its shape and direction are exactly the same as the place where I am.

My current position is at the bottom of this space, but because this space is completely erected, my position feels like a narrow but extremely exaggerated tunnel. The hole I just fell off just touched one of the walls, and the height of this wall was at least more than a hundred meters high. Right now is this wall behind me, and another wall less than seven meters away in front of me. My left hand is more than two hundred meters away from me is the 3rd wall, and on the right is a slanted wall about more than two hundred meters away. This wall is perpendicular to the ground, but it is not as long as the connection point between the two walls before and after me. The distance between the connection point of this wall and that wall behind me and the connection point of the left wall is about two hundred and fifty meters, and the distance between the connection point of the wall in front of me and the two side walls The distance is about two hundred and seventy meters. In other words, the wall behind me is more than ten meters shorter than the wall in front.

These four walls, the dome above the head and the ground under the feet form a closed space, and its volume is quite large, but such a large space is so high and so narrow. Unless the original users here look like telegraph poles, with a waist circumference of one meter and a height of fifty-sixty meters, I really don't understand why the room was built into this structure.

Although it may seem strange at first, I found the problem after carefully observing it here for a while.

After careful inspection, I found that the walls on my left and right sides, the surface above my head where I fell off, and the ground under my feet, the materials and patterns of the walls in these four directions are the same Yes, but the materials and patterns of the walls in front of and behind me are not exactly the same. What does this show? After my guess, a more reasonable explanation is that this room was actually not in the present posture. It must have been tilted for some reason. The face I fell off, the face under my feet, and the walls on the left and right sides. These four faces should actually be the surrounding walls, and the road behind me The wall was probably originally the floor, and the wall in front of me was the ceiling.

The reason for this inference is that, firstly, the structure of the house is wrong, and secondly because I found evidence. The most important feature is that there are anti-skid lines on the wall behind me. The front wall is covered with a soft hollow board, which can pierce a hole with just a little effort. Except for the ceiling, I don’t think the walls in any direction need to be so soft, and the walls on the vertical ground obviously don’t need non-slip design. Therefore, the wall behind me is most likely to be the floor, and the one in front is the ceiling. , And the side where I fell should be the side wall. The hole where I fell into, I think it should have been a door.

If all the above inferences are established, the structure of this place is not surprising at all. After all, except for a slanted wall, other places feel similar to the internal space of a large supermarket . But what exactly is this building? Then ask what would be inserted under the ground at an angle of ninety degrees? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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