The easiest way to find out what type of building this underground space originally was is to explore the internal space of the entire ruin, and then analyze it after confirming the internal environment of the entire ruin The original building is much simpler.

If you want to inspect the entire building, you cannot stay here, you must move. The space I just entered is obviously a warehouse or a hall, and there is nothing to investigate in such an empty room anyway.

After checking this room carefully, I found that in addition to the door I fell off, there are three doors on my left hand, but one of them is located at a height more than a hundred meters. One is more than 50 meters above the ground, and only one door is closer to the ground where I am standing, about four meters above the ground.

Because the boots of the Dragon Soul suit have surface adsorption attributes, it is not a problem for me to climb the wall, even if it is a vertical wall like glass, I still go up.

Follow the wall all the way up, climb to the lowest door, and then check the door a bit. The wooden gate obviously couldn't stand the test of time, and it shattered with a single push. However, if you want to enter the door, you have to turn your body sideways before you can get in.

Before I guessed that this place should be a sloping building, now I am more sure of this, because the door is obviously horizontal. If the slender space in this room is due to the slender figure of the previous owner, it is impossible to explain why the door is horizontal. Therefore, the most reasonable explanation is that the building is now slanted into the ground at a ninety-degree angle. This can be explained as the room is so tall and narrow, and why the door is horizontal.

After I got through the door, what I saw was a very long passage, but it was not the same as the room outside. The passage was square, so even if I lean over, there is no way to walk inside. What a different feeling. However, from the interior decoration of the passage, it’s easy to see the leaning posture of the building, because the passage under my feet, right hand and overhead are all made of the same material, while the wall on my left hand side is a different structure. This shows that the wall on my left hand is actually the floor, and the side I am standing on should be a passageway.

Although I have perfect dark vision, I can't see colors at all in this state. That is to say, if there is a simple paint painting with a non-concave structure on the wall, I will not pay attention to simply not see Because everything looks like one color in the dark vision state, which is worse than the situation on a black-and-white TV. Although black-and-white TVs cannot present colors, they can be distinguished by the difference in grayscale. Therefore, if you use black-and-white TVs to view color pictures, you can distinguish between lines and color intervals although you cannot see the original colors of the pictures. However, if I observe a painting or a photo under my dark vision, what you see will only look like a piece of white paper, and you can't see what is in the photo at all. My dark vision effect is actually more like the ultrasonic detection ability of bats. I can see the shape, distance, movement track and even the surface touch and a small amount of structural features of objects, but I can't distinguish colors.

Since this is a relic of the civilization of God, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no murals and the like. If it is like this, 100% of the past will be ignored, so although the darkness will not affect my actions, I still Let Xiaochun and Ling out.

Xiaochun’s lighting technique is much stronger than the lighting technique released by ordinary people. The light is not dazzling, there are no dead ends, and it can also move with people. Of course, it is low mana consumption and long lasting. Basic configuration. As for Ling, of course she has been a consultant for me. Who would call her the most knowledgeable existence among my demons.

In a light environment, the passage we are in is obviously different from when there is no light. For example, the color of the surrounding passage wall is well presented, and I seem to be still A strange phenomenon was found.

"This is...?" I squatted down to blow off the floating soil on the ground, and then I saw a row of small magic lines. Because the structure of the magic pattern is deformed, it looks like a decorative pattern at first, but if you look carefully, you can recognize that these are actually magic patterns. It feels as if the Chinese characters are connected into a lace in the form of cursive script. The same, here is to connect the magic pattern into a decorative strip.

In fact, this kind of magic pattern is not only found on the ground, but also on the top of our heads. If the building is not tilted, then the two sides engraved with magic patterns should be the left and right walls of the passage.

The reason why I found the magic pattern buried under the floating soil just now is not because the light illuminates the space, but because the magic pattern underneath is absorbing light and transforming it into magical power. Although the fluctuations are very weak, here is a place more than a hundred meters deep below the ground. There is no magical fluctuations around it, just like a little sound will become very loud in a quiet night. In this environment without magical fluctuations, This little magical fluctuation still caught my attention.

"What are these magic patterns?" I asked Ling while sweeping a longer engraving of magic patterns on both sides.

Ling cautiously knelt on the ground and observed the structure of the magic pattern, then opened up my Phoenix Dragon space and turned it up inside. After a little bit of time, Ling unexpectedly got out of my wind. A small thing like a monocular telescope came out in the dragon space. This thing is also a metal tube with a glass lens, and it can also be retracted and folded, but it is much smaller than that of a single-tube telescope. Even if it is fully expanded, it is less than five centimeters long, and it is only one centimeter when it is folded. More.

After pulling this little thing away, Ling put one of his heads on his eyes, then squinted the other eye to observe the magic pattern structure. Ling just walked along the lines of the magic lines, watching and crawling, and in order not to affect her observation and research, I kept sweeping away the dust on the next section of magic lines in front of her.

After looking at a magic pattern that can be more than one meter long, Ling finally raised his head and put away the little thing on his eyes and said: "This is a composite magic array that uses the principle of multi-layer superposition, although The function is very simple, but the technology is exaggerated. It feels like someone has used the most advanced self-learning intelligent system with strong electromagnetic joints to make an automatic napkin paper box. It is extremely exaggerated, but the function is too simple to imagine."

"Who would do this thing?" Xiaochun asked.

I directly replied excitedly: "Extremely advanced people." Seeing Xiaochun still did not understand, I added: "Multiple composite magic arrays are high-tech for us, and it is difficult to make the finished product. The rate is low, and it is easy to malfunction. It is really nervous to be used as a small energy conversion array, but what if the other party does not take this technology seriously? If they can make composites like we make a small bench What about the magic array?"

"Oh my God..." Xiaochun finally realized what we found. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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