The so-called mysterious creature has a black camouflage color, and the body surface is covered with an outer skeleton tissue, which feels like hard plastic. This guy is about four meters in length, but most of it is the length of his tail, and his body is about less than two meters. The torso of the monster is relatively slender and does not seem to be a power creature, and his limbs are similar. Although the muscle lines appear to be obvious, the overall proportion is relatively slender, so it does not seem to feel very powerful. .

Although the limbs and torso alone look similar to ordinary biological structures, the combination is completely different, because the trunk of this thing is not connected to the limbs, but the six limbs. His torso has limbs at the front and rear ends like mammals, but there are also a pair of limbs on both sides of the body near the ribs, so there are two more limbs than mammals on Earth.

In addition to the difference in the number of limbs, this guy's limb structure is also slightly different from the Earth creature. His hind limbs look more like the rear limbs of ordinary quadrupeds, that is, the hind limbs of cats and dogs. However, his first two pairs of limbs are not like quadrupeds, but are close to the arm structures of primates. Its tip has an obvious hand structure, but it is thinner, and its tip claws are obviously sharp.

In fact, besides the strange limbs of this creature, his head is even more strange. The head of this thing is very big, but it's not a huge spherical shape, but it looks like the head of Three-Horned Dragon, but it's relatively slender. The front of this head protrudes forward like a wolf head, but there is no hair on the surface but an outer skeleton covered with black. When the outer skeleton extends to the back of the forehead, it becomes flat and spreads backward into a huge crown. This The edge of the crown is covered with sharp spikes, and there are three black horns in the middle that extend back along the fan of the crown, which can protect and support at the same time.

Although the head is very large, and the front end of the head is similar to the head of a wolf, the teeth of this creature are very short, and it does not seem to have a strong lethality, not even he The canine teeth, which are common in carnivorous mammals, have densely packed small teeth that look like fish.

After carefully inspecting the head structure of this thing, I finally discovered the reason why he does not have canine teeth. Obviously, this thing doesn't need to use teeth to bite things. Their teeth are probably just a simple feeding tool, not a hunting tool, so there is no need to grow too long. After inspecting this guy's mouth, I found that the back of his mouth, where humans have wisdom teeth, had two very special structures.

When I saw this thing before, I felt that it was a bit similar to the alien in the movie. Now it seems that this thing really looks like an alien, because he also has an alien in his mouth that can be ejected. It’s just that the strong offensive thing in Alien’s mouth seems to be an Alien tongue, and the one in this guy’s mouth is obviously more like an independent organ, and there are two on the left and the right.

This special organ is embedded in the bottom of the mouth of the mysterious creature. There is a very long pipe connection underneath. I tried to pull it out, but it was more than five meters long. To be honest, this The length is really surprising. Thanks to the fact that this thing has just been directly imprisoned by me, otherwise I would definitely not have thought that he has this kind of mid-range attack method, and looking at the shape of this special organ, it is estimated that the formidable power is not low.

The rear part of this special organ that can be ejected is a connective tissue-like structure. Its characteristics are the same as the male external genitalia. The hardness can be changed as needed. Of course, this is a killing organ, so it is completely hardened. It's definitely not just as hard as a man's little brother. It is estimated that this thing must be the same as playing through a wall and glass. Of course, this special organ is not entirely made up of connective tissue. There is a hard structure about seven or eight centimeters long at its tip. This part does not seem to be softened, and it seems to be metal. It is estimated that it may be a derivative material such as teeth and skeleton, and a large amount of metal material must be deposited, making the hardness and weight of this thing a bit beyond imagination. Although the section I was holding seemed to be only seven or eight centimeters long and only one or two centimeters in diameter, it felt very tight. It was conservatively estimated that it weighs at least 20 kilograms. I think if this thing can really be ejected like an alien tongue, its kinetic energy It shouldn't be lower than a bullet.

After carefully observing the special organs of this creature, I began to check other parts of his body to see if there were other special structures. Didn't expect really found a lot of things.

When inspecting the torso of this thing, I unexpectedly discovered that the outer skeleton of his chest cavity is not a whole, but a layered ring structure. Using an eternally changing knife to pry open the gap in the outer skeleton, I immediately saw a large piece of net-like structure in the depth, so I immediately confirmed that it was actually something similar to fish gills, and then contacted the huge tail and streamline of this thing. The shape of the body structure, it is not difficult to imagine that he must have good underwater sports ability.

In addition to the gills found on the surface of this thing, I also found a telescopic mechanism on this guy's paws, which means that his paws are similar to those of a cat, and they should be retractable normally. Also, the dorsal fin of this thing is not only very sharp, but there is also a faint blue light at the tip. It is not difficult to imagine that it is a toxin effect, which means that this thing should be poisonous. After discovering that his dorsal fin was poisonous, I re-examined the guy’s mouth, and found that he also had fangs in his mouth. It’s just that the snake’s fangs were flattened and stored in the mouth before, so I haven’t been caught. discover.

When I checked the body structure of this mysterious creature, the other party remained awake, although his eyes were covered under a layer of red valves, so I couldn’t see where he was. Look at the position, but I can be sure that his eyes must have been moving with my movement, but even if he looks at it, it’s useless. There are many flaws in my Absolute Blocking skill. For example, the biggest problem is that the blocked creature will enter an invincible state, so it can't attack the creature that is anchored by me. However, because of the many and large defects, the main function of this skill is also very powerful. It can be said that as long as it is locked by the Absolute Blockade skill, unless I release it actively, or if anyone between me and the locked creature hangs up, this skill will never fail. No matter how much the enchanted creature hates me, as long as he is sealed, don't expect to be able to break free by himself.

"hehe, since I was caught, even if you are unlucky today, let me try what your abilities are." As I said, I directly carried the fascinated creature on the ground Walked into the open door of the earth.

In the ruins of the gods here, I was afraid that the fascinated creatures would run away after unlocking the blockade, so I carried him into the back garden of the Mother of Earth, where he would grow one more Don't expect the wings to run away. You must know that this is the territory of High God. Even the space barriers have been specially reinforced. Even if you have teleport skills and are not allowed here, you will definitely not be able to open the Transmission Gate.

After throwing the hapless and mysterious creature into the door of the earth, I followed, then closed the door of the earth, and then cancelled the absolute blockade.

As soon as the imprisoning power on the body disappeared, the fascinated creature immediately stood up from the ground, and at the same time, the two special organs that I had just pulled out of my mouth were immediately recovered. In his mouth, then the guy leaned down and put his head in my direction in a fighting stance.

"It's not bad. It has an imposing manner. Come and try your skills."

To my provocation, the mysterious creature on the opposite side didn't react at all, I don't know. Is it because he has rich combat experience and knows that he can't be disturbed thinking, or simply doesn't have high intelligence. Anyway, the guy is indifferent to my words, and he didn't make any calls at all, and he didn't know if he didn't have the ability to pronounce or didn't want to make a sound. However, I estimate that the latter may be the majority. After all, there are not many higher creatures that can't make any sound at all, and this kind of mysterious creature is mainly a sneak attack creature, so he may be more accustomed to not making any sound in battle. sound.

After confronting me like this for about ten seconds, the guy finally lost his patience. He started to approach me slowly, then opened his mouth very slowly, continued to open, and then opened. ……After opening to an angle of almost one hundred and twenty degrees, it began to close slowly, and it seemed to be strenuous to look at him, as if he was trying to bite something, but there was nothing in his mouth. No.

When I was wondering what this guy wanted to do, I suddenly heard a click. After the guy’s mouth was closed to only one seam, it suddenly seemed to have lost the previous resistance and successfully closed. However, the clicking sound was obviously not caused by the impact of the teeth, and I am not sure what caused it. However, just before I had time to think about the strange behavior of this guy, he suddenly opened his mouth again, and this time at a very fast speed, and at the same time two shadows came from his mouth at the same time. Shot out.

Almost the moment I saw those two black shadows, I thought of what it was, because I just checked this stuff. However, I really didn't expect these two things to shoot out so fast, it was almost the same as when I saw the thing flying out of the mouth of the fascinated creature, I was hit here. I feel that the whole process is less than zero and one second, and it has completely exceeded my reaction speed.

"Ah..." I was too late to react. I was hit by two steel cones like ejection organs on both sides of the chest. Following a huge force, I was directly lifted away, and the dragon soul There was a circle of cracks like spider web in the breastplate of the suit, but the cracks were automatically repaired before I landed.

Boom. I slammed to the ground before I had any time to react, and saw the mysterious creature leaping towards me from above. To be honest, the speed of this thing is too terrifying, even with my reflex nerves. Unable to intercept. It’s not that I can’t see his movements, but that my brain makes judgments after seeing them, but my body can’t keep up with the opponent’s speed. Almost every time I just want to do something to avoid getting hit, the result is immediately I was recruited, and my body didn't have time to read and move with my consciousness.

Looking at the fascinating creatures that were leaping straight at me, I simply rolled to the side with a series of continuous tumbling to get out of this guy’s pounce, and then slapped the ground hard, and the whole person immediately bounced off the ground. , And at this time the enchanted creature had already reacted after rushing into the air and pounced on me again.

I have to say that the speed of this thing is really scary. Not only is the reaction speed amazing, but the body can actually keep up with this rhythm. I think I am already quite fast, but with this stuff By comparison, I feel like an old man who is faltering.

Boom... I just got up and the fascinated creature that rushed up again came into a solid collision, but the result was a bit unexpected. As soon as I got up, I found that the opponent was rushing over, so I hurriedly defended, so my center of gravity was actually not adjusted completely. As for the mysterious creature, he can turn and rush over after hitting the air, indicating that there is no problem with his body balance. However, after the collision in this state where I was obviously at a disadvantage, I actually stabilized my body with only a slight sway, but the fascinated creature caused the smashed creature to fall and fly out, and after landing, it turned over again and again. Two somersaults stabilized his figure again.

Obviously, the speed of this thing is amazing, but the power is far worse than mine. Of course, you can't just say that the opponent's power is very low, after all, my attribute determines that you can't regard me as a general reference. If you are stronger than me, it must be very strong, but being weaker than me does not necessarily mean that the power is really small, because my power itself is very large. Just now that guy was able to knock me back and sway, even if it is because of my instability of gravity, this result is a good indication of the opponent's strength. You should know that the guy also turned around and bumped into the air temporarily. The distance between the two of us was only less than two meters, so the other party did not accelerate completely, but just hit it hard with his own strength. If the distance is enough, he The impact force is absolutely impossible.

The fascinated creature that I knocked out and turned around a few times started opening its mouth to me as soon as it got up, and then it closed its mouth as if it bit something like the last time. After having an experience, I certainly knew that this was a preparation for launching those two special organs. It can be seen from this action that the mysterious creature ejects the thing not by instantaneous force of muscle force to extend it, but using physical principles, relying on a certain energy storage structure to gather energy in advance, and then release deformation and compression at one time. The kinetic energy of getting up finally achieves the purpose of launching those two organs instantly.

Although this guy's ejection organs are amazingly fast, and the formidable power is also outrageous, but because of this preparation, I am not nervous. Seeing that he started to accumulate energy again, I immediately took out the shield and put it in front. This thing broke the dragon soul suit just now, and I can imagine how high the damage output is. Even if I won’t be a critical strike, I don’t want to suffer it again! However, obviously I still underestimate the intelligence of this thing. I knew he was accumulating the attack, and he obviously knew that I knew he was going to use that trick, so this time the mysterious creature simply didn't greet me, but aimed feet. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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