In order to confirm that the altar is destroyed as long as it is not in this ruin world, we specially pryed the altar up from the ground, and then moved it into the gate of the earth. Because the world inside the gate of the earth belongs to the mother of the earth, it is regarded as an extra space outside the main mission space of the game. When the altar enters the gate of the earth, it is even removed from the relic world.

Facts have also proved that our guess is correct. When the altar enters the gate of the earth, the task world outside will automatically prompt the task goal to be completed, which means that we can combine the altar and the sleeping one. The spirit brought back to Isengard and used it as a guild benefit. We can even open it to our league guilds, at worst, for a small fee.

After processing the altar, I went through the task list again. I just completed one or four of the ten tasks. Because of the previous agreement, the guilds who entered here took care of the two or three tasks themselves. Now only the next six tasks are left.

Of the remaining missions, only five, six, and seven missions need to be completed in this relic of the gods, and the fifth mission is to protect the Transmission Passage. I think this mission is the same as the first The seven missions to destroy and destroy the lost creatures can actually be combined into one mission. Due to the voluntary withdrawal of those players’ guilds, the only thing left in the ruins of the gods besides our guilders is the help we invited and the free NPCs and mysterious creatures sent by the guilds.

Although the dark creature helpers we invited did not find their opponents, because the magic power here is very sufficient, these dark creatures are planning to settle here, and because they were invited by us to help, So now it is our ally, of course it is impossible to attack Transmission Passage. On the contrary, they have to help us protect the channel, after all, they still need to use this channel in the future. Therefore, dark creatures will never attack Transmission Passage.

Although the remaining free NPCs already have battle strength due to the divine force transformation, they were all free NPCs of various guilds before, and they were politically inclined. Before the guilds evacuate, they have informed these free NPCs that they will survive here independently, and told them to listen to us for the time being, so the free NPCs who have survived now are considered our people, although they are still alive for the time being. Can't command flexibly, but at least they won't work against us.

After excluding these free NPCs, the only creatures in the entire God’s Ruins that are likely to attack the Transmission Passage are the mysterious creatures, because now only they are in a hostile state, and the seventh mission itself is Destroy the lost creatures, so the fifth and seventh missions can be combined into one.

In fact, the seventh mission not only covers the content of the fifth mission, but also includes part of the sixth mission. The sixth task given by system is to find the lost civilization of God, and we don't know the location of the mysterious creature at all, so both of them must conduct a large-scale search. In this way, it can be regarded as a two-in-one task. As for the remaining eight, nine, and ten characters, they all need to go back to the low-magic plane to do it, so I can't control that part for the time being.

After packing up the altar, we first returned to the teleportation hall where Rose and them were located, and then everyone got together to discuss the remaining tasks. After I talked about the things that I thought of before, Rose then Then he said: "If this is the case, I suggest that everyone act separately."

Hong Yue nodded and said: "The task of the ruling guild is obviously different from what we thought. This task is mainly to test us. Comprehensive strength, not martial power, so what we lack most now is time instead of battle strength. If this is the case, it is really not cost-effective for everyone to get together. It is better to separate according to the roses."

" But how do you divide it?" Hawk asked.

"According to the content of the task." Rose said: "Task goal ten is a pure teaching task, no battle strength is required at all, I can do it alone. Task nine is an exploratory character, which requires a certain battle strength. , But don’t need too many people, I suggest to lead the team by gold coin, plus Zhenhong and Kristina, the battle strength should be enough, but the number of people is not easy to handle. The eighth task is to establish a new national order. The battle strength required for this task is not high, but it won’t work if there are fewer people. So wait for a while and arrange the personnel for other tasks. Those who are not assigned will be responsible for this task. However, this task requires coordination ability, so Masamoto Matsumoto Congratulations, you must take part in this mission as a leader. The rest are five, six, and seven missions. The fifth mission allows our dark creature allies to help guard the Transmission Passage, and let Crystal Princess assist her and control the field. The ability is very good. Even if there is an attack, she can completely control the situation after a dark creature blocks 1st Strike, so it is enough to leave her alone. As for the exploration of the civilization of God and the search of mysterious creatures, I see Purple Moon alone is enough to be round. If there are too many people, the fascinating creature may not dare to appear. Then, those who have no missions will report to Matsumoto Masaga, and they will all perform the eighth mission."

After listening to the arrangement of Rose, everyone had no opinion. Except for my work a little bit more, everyone else was pretty relaxed. Everyone talked about the reallocation of their respective supplies, and then checked each other's status. After completion, they quickly separated to complete their own tasks.

My task is to search for the civilization of gods and find mysterious creatures. Obviously, this task cannot be done by one person, so I didn’t go out blindly to look for it, but just here in the teleportation hall. While waiting, a large number of ghost worms and Qilin warrior were released to help me search all areas of the ruins of the gods.

The size of the ghost worm itself is very small, coupled with the natural transparent color, so the camouflage is very good, and these ghost worms also have a great ability, that is, they can let themselves enter the ghost form. That is, the state of nothingness. In this state, the ghost worms can directly pass through some physical materials, such as walls or the ground. In this way, ordinary obstacles will not be able to intercept them at all.

Although the ghost worm has a strong advantage in finding civilization relics, I still sent the Qilin warrior out. This is mainly because the people of the black cloak alliance said that the mysterious creatures only attack and fall. Single personnel, I am afraid that the ghost worm is too small to lead to the mysterious creature, and if the mysterious creature cannot be found, then the Qilin warrior can only rely on the Qilin warrior to induce the opponent to appear on its own initiative.

With the dual insurance of the ghost worm and Qilin warrior, I have nothing to do, as long as I wait at the teleportation hall. However, it seems that the fascinated creature is really very confident in its own concealment ability. This thing actually sneaked an attack on a Qilin warrior less than ten minutes after I sent the Qilin warrior out, and the result of the battle was similar. My legend is the same. Qilin warrior is attacked from behind by the enchanted creature and is a critical strike. However, the result is different in normal times. Although Qilin warrior was killed, the beast under Qilin warrior saw the mysterious creature, and then launched an attack on it, but the battle strength of the beast was obviously different from the mysterious beast. Creatures are not of the same level, so I couldn’t hold this fascinated creature until other Qilin warriors arrived. What's most pity is that Qilin warrior’s monsters are not like Qilin warrior entities.

My Qilin warrior now has its own fleshy body in reality, and they are already members of Dragon Clan. Therefore, these Qilin warriors will be like players after they die, and they can be online again when the punishment time is up. If they can see the mysterious creatures, even if they are dead, they can still tell when they go online next time. The characteristics of my fascinated creatures. However, as a result, the Qilin warrior was directly killed as soon as it came up. Although the remaining beasts saw the appearance of monsters, the beasts themselves also have a certain ability to communicate, but they have no entities. They are just animal-shaped NPCs, and they are dead. After that, the Qilin warrior can be resurrected, but the beast has become a brand-new beast, and simply has no previous memories. Anyway, in this attack, apart from knowing that a mysterious creature is active near the teleportation hall, we simply have nothing else to gain. Not to mention that the process of the attack was so secretive that even the scene of the battle could not leave any clues. There are no footprints, no smell, or even magic fluctuations. Anyway, these guys are more ghosts than ghosts, because even ghosts will leave a faint negative energy field in the places where they have stayed, and these guys don’t. Leave any clues.

"It's a nasty creature." I turned my head and said to Crystal Princess: "I have to squat around the scene. I'll leave it to you and my allies. Be safe."

"President, rest assured, I will start to activate the melody magic protection now. Even if the mysterious creature is acting secretly, it will always be discovered when it crosses the magic barrier. What's more, there are so many allies on our side, no matter how strong the other party is, We can't kill him. It should be okay to hold him."

I nodded and said: "If that thing really comes, try to hold him as much as possible. I will rush back as quickly as possible."

"Don't worry, President. I'm not that weak."

I smiled nodded and turned around and flew out directly from the roof. Now, except for the surrounding walls, the teleportation hall, The roof is completely gone, so it is very convenient to get in and out, just fly directly.

According to the connection with the summon creature, I quickly found the corpse of the Qilin warrior that was attacked, but the mysterious creature was strange. It seemed that he attacked my Qilin warrior not for Eat, because the entity has not found anything missing except for many wounds.

After inspecting the corpses of Qilin warrior and the beast, I determined that the volume of the mysterious creature should not be very large, and the mysterious creature had either used a sharp weapon or had a knife on itself. The limb structure with blades such as feet, because the wounds on the two corpses are all incisions, and the incisions are smooth, which is obviously the wounds caused by the rapid cutting of a fairly sharp weapon. In addition, since no wounds were found on the corpse, this mysterious creature is probably a humanoid creature, because only humanoid creatures don't like to bite with their mouths, and animal-shaped or insect-shaped creatures have the habit of biting their prey with their mouths. Of course, it is not ruled out that this time it was just an accident that the other party did not bite. Therefore, it is temporarily impossible to conclude that the other party must be a humanoid. It can only be said that the probability of a humanoid is relatively high.

After inspecting the corpse, I started to go around aimlessly in the vicinity, hoping that the enchanted creature could treat me as a target, because I was sure that I had the ability to block the opponent's attack. However, there are so many Qilin warriors scattered around, although they can’t see other companions between each other, in order to create the illusion of being "single" to deceive the enchanted creatures, but after all there are so many choices, the enchanted creatures may not be there. Treat me as a target.

Sure enough, one minute later, there was an attack less than a hundred meters away from my left back. The Qilin warrior that was attacked was still killed by one blow, and this time even his Lin The beasts were all killed together, and the battle lasted only one second in total, so even I didn't have time to get to the scene. However, the mysterious creature that succeeded twice in a row apparently became bold because he thought he had understood the characteristics of Qilin warrior. When I rushed to the scene to check the body of the Qilin warrior who had just been attacked, there was another attack on the side of my right hand, separated by the two walls and no more than 15 meters away. This time the same. Qilin warrior still failed to react and was killed by one strike certain. However, because of the special connection between me and the summon creature, I knew the moment that Qilin warrior was killed.

Without any hesitation, the moment I felt Qilin warrior was killed, I immediately waved a huge red sword glow in the direction of Qilin warrior. A half-moon-shaped red light blasted off the two walls blocking us in an instant, and then blasted the Qilin warrior's yet-to-fallen corpse along with his undead beast.

Although this trick accidentally injured my own person, the main target did not escape. That fascinated creature didn't expect me to react so quickly, of course, it is more important that he didn't expect me. The ability to release such a powerful skill as formidable power instantly passed two walls and wiped him off.

Although it was only wiped by sword glow, this guy still had an extra cut on his body. Although it had no effect on the battle strength, the bewitched creature was still quite surprised. Having survived here for so many years, the target of the attack is not one thousand or eight hundred. Not to mention being injured, even creatures that have seen him are rare, but today he was actually injured. This result really surprised him. .

No matter what this guy thinks, I just want to kill him as soon as possible. The sword glow just flew over here, and less than a second later, I followed it, and at this moment the fascinated creature was rolling into a shadow next to it.

If you are an average person, you should see a tail quickly disappearing into the shadow formed by a section of the wall, but I have a perfect level of dark vision, so the shadow does not affect me. Therefore, the picture I saw was a creature that looked a bit like an alien in the movie plunged into the wall. Not hitting the wall, but as if we were entering the Transmission Gate. When this guy touched the wall, the wall became rippling like water, and then the monster's head stuck in.

From the picture I saw, I instantly understood why this creature is so difficult to grasp. As far as I can see, this thing has at least three attributes: optical invisibility, shadow transmission, and void force field. To put it simply, this thing is inherently invisible, and even if it is discovered by the detection technique, it can also be teleported by the shadow. However, in addition to shadow transmission, this guy also has a void force field, that is, it can turn anything into a Transmission Gate. The guy does have the ability to teleport shadows, but most of the time he relies on this ability as a disguise to hide the fact that he actually uses the void force field ability.

Although this disguise is simple, it is almost impeccable. Both the shadow teleportation and the void force field produce space fluctuations, so you can't find the loopholes in the energy detection. Since the shadow teleportation is called such a name, as the name implies, it relies on the shadow to transmit. However, there will be blind spots in human vision in the shadows, so this mysterious creature uses a void force field in the shadows and others simply cannot see it. With this double insurance, he can unscrupulously use the void force field to transfer, and the enemy thinks that he is using shadow teleportation, so he will only find his location in the dark corners of the vicinity. After all, the characteristic of shadow teleportation is Teleport from one shadow to another, and the distance should not be too far, and it is easy to be affected by various obstacles. However, the void force field is similar to a large-scale fixed-point teleportation technique. It does not need any shadow at all. This ability can designate any known location as the entrance and exit of the teleportation, and the range is extremely large.

Based on this ability, this guy's flexibility is simply impeccable, so his sneak attack success rate is really high and scary. Moreover, even more terrifying, this is only the ability I saw at first sight. I don't even know what he will be in the first place. But I now know two things. The first is that this thing is absolutely impossible and only such a thing, and the second is that I want to let him run now, and it will be difficult to find him again. Judging from the cautious behavior of this thing before, he is very alert. I just suffered a loss here. I don’t think he will continue to show up in a short period of time, especially the hunting behavior of this thing for the purpose of eating. We are not sure whether it is necessary for him to hunt. It's just one of his hobby, then we must not be able to consume him.

Anyway, you must not let this guy run away now. Once you let him go, you have to waste a lot of time trying to catch him, and what we lack most now is time.

"Absolutely blocked." As my fingers stretched forward, a small spot of light directly hit the monster in front, and then the guy instantly froze in place as if he had been pressed the pause button. , And I dashed forward and pulled the tail, half of the body that had entered the void channel, forcibly pulled it out and threw it directly onto the well-lit street.

"haha, the mysterious unknown creature finally revealed its true colors." After destroying the void channel with one hand, I walked slowly back to the mysterious creature that was still there, and then started to look carefully. This creature has never been seen before. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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