Although the Falling Stars ended one minute earlier, the effect did not drop much. The city has almost been raze to the ground, can be seen everywhere large tracts of burning ruins and corpses stumbling.

I don't know if it is because there are no new meteorites in the sky or because the clay giant is completely finished. Anyway, no new meteorites have fallen to this area. I spread my wings and entered the place where the clay giant collapsed. Now it has become a huge pit, not to mention the mud that the giant smashed, even the original opposite is gone.

Looking around the situation around this big pit, I suddenly found a man struggling under a rock not far away trying to climb out, but the rock holding him was too big, so he was struggling. It was unsuccessful for a long time.

Just when the guy was lying on the ground and pushing hard on the slab that he was supporting in an attempt to get his lower body out, he suddenly felt that the slab in front of him was suddenly rolled and flew out. Just when he was shocked, I had come over and squeezed his shoulder and lifted it up.

"You are not from the Light God clan. Who you are? Or what kind of power are you?" I put this guy on the ground and asked.

The guy stared at me for a long time, then suddenly realized that he screamed. "You, are Purple Moon!"

The other party's words made me obviously stunned, because most of the players who can speak like this are players. Although players and NPCs in the game now have no system logo and you must rely on you to identify them, there is a difference between humans and virtual NPCs, so they can be accurately distinguished in most cases. However, the one in front of me obviously made me look away before. I always thought this guy was an NPC, and didn't expect to be a player.

"Are you a player?"

The other party strongly nodded, and then asked a little excitedly: "Purple Moon, why are you here?"

< p>"Here? Do you know where this is?"

The other party gave me a surprised look, and then replied: "Yes, isn't this the relic of the gods?"

"What is the ruins of the gods?"

The voice of roses came from the ring of love on my side before the other party could answer. "Husband, bring him back, I'll ask."

"Understood." In the other's surprised eyes, I grabbed him and jumped on the flying bird that just appeared, and then returned to Chris in the blink of an eye. Di Na and the others are in the teleportation hall.

Rose is obviously more proficient in the interrogation work than I am, and I can ask the general situation in a few words. First of all, this place is not a closed God World, but a copy area in the main game world, named Ruins of God. As for the world that we previously transmitted by the task system, it should be understood as a copy in the copy, which belongs to the Level 2 copy world.

The gang of players I saw just now are all members of the guild who took over the quest and came in to do the quest, that is to say, they are all players. As for the Light God family issue we are most concerned about, this one is a bit more complicated.

According to what this player said, there is no Light God family in strictly speaking at all. These low-strength so-called Light God tribes are actually free NPCs. They are derived from the free NPCs in the cities where the guilds are fighting. According to the meaning of the tongue I brought back, this is actually their mission.

This space has the ability to create Divine Race, but it can only transform NPCs, and the task of these player guilds is to send in the NPCs of their guilds, and then continuously expand the area of ​​the city they occupy, as long as one A famous NPC can become a low-level Divine Race by staying here for two months, and as long as it is guaranteed that the guild will get twenty low-level Divine Races, you can form your own guild Divine Race force.

Needless to say how effective the guild Divine Race of our Frost Rose League is. At the very least, I didn’t run the guild Divine Race. They are also very envious, so they also want to engage in their own guild Divine Race. However, the guild Divine Race is not so well established. First of all, you must have enough Divine Race members, the minimum is 20 people. The reason why our guild did not meet this number when we first owned the guild was that Vina herself was quite special. She herself had the Divine Race leader attribute, so she naturally had the ability to create Divine Race forces.

We have Vena, but other guilds do not, so they have to set up their own guild Divine Race. First, there must be 20 Divine Races who are willing to join their guild. I was able to win Divine Race because of my battle strength. The second is because the treatment and conditions of the Frost Rose League are really great. The third and most important point is that my attractive attributes are exaggerated and natural. The coercion and affinity of the attribute, this contradictory and unified attribute effect makes it extremely easy for me to communicate with NPCs, and Divine Race is also considered an NPC, so I obviously have a natural advantage in doing things like digging walls.

Other guilds do not have the ability like me, so they can only think of other ways, and at this time the relic of the gods appeared. The attribute of this place is to upgrade general NPC to Divine Race level. Although those guilds do not have the ability to dig the corners of the existing Divine Race to allow the great gods to join their guilds, they can control the free NPCs in the city. These free NPCs are just like people in reality. They have myriad thoughts. Some of them are very close to the guild. As long as such NPCs are selected and sent here, they will get the same amount in two months. Divine Race, this job is much easier than digging the corner of the existing Divine Race.

However, this upgrade is limited in time and quantity. Theoretically speaking, the upgrade progress will only advance when the number of NPCs here is less than 100,000, and the upgrade will be suspended if the number exceeds this number. However, it is not a guild that enters here, but seven or eight guilds, and the city can only live in a total of 130,000 people. Although only twenty NPCDivine Races can create a guild Divine Race, which guild does not want to engage in more Divine Races? Besides, let other guilds get their own guild Divine Race, isn’t your guild Divine Race worthless? Therefore, in order to keep the upgrade progress bar moving forward, and to improve oneself and weaken others, this place has been fought many times since it was discovered until now. If it weren't for the city buildings here to be restored automatically, what we saw when we entered here should be a ruined city instead of a magnificent city.

Hong Yue listened to the other party’s narration and exclaimed: “I said why the quality of the people here is so high. When Christina’s falling stars attacked, he didn’t panic at all. It’s too often to get used to it."

Kristina also said: "Although the actual situation is different from our guess, at least Sister Rose’s guess is correct. Here are all reserve Divine Races."< /p>

"What the hell is our mission?"

The real red only finished the question, and our ears suddenly sounded the mission reminder at the same time, and it seemed that I caught it The guy can't seem to hear this sound.

"Attention to all Frost Rose League mission personnel, the necessary triggering conditions for the mission of the ruling guild in China have been fulfilled, and the mission objectives are now announced.

Mission objective 1: In the ruins of the god of destruction The Altar of Divine Soul. (Mandatory mission, must be completed.)

Mission objective 2: Destroy all eight divine ruins and the connection channel between the main world. (Mandatory mission, must be completed.)


Task objective three: expel all players who enter the world. (Mandatory task, must be completed.)

Task objective four: defeat the sleeping spirit and gain its approval. (Optional task, Does not affect the evaluation of the main mission.)

Mission objective five: Transmission Passage between the ruins of the protector and the corresponding low-magic world. (Compulsory mission, must be completed.)

Mission objective Six: Find the lost civilization of the gods. (Optional tasks, but the degree of completion affects the score of the main task.)

Task objective seven: Kill the mysterious creatures. (Optional tasks, but the degree of completion affects the main task Mission score.)

Mission objective 8: Help the monarch Akaron build a new empire of unity of politics and religion. (Quest is optional, but the degree of completion affects the score of the main mission.)

Mission objective Nine: Start the magic net system of the low magic world to evolve to the high magic world. (Optional tasks, but the degree of completion affects the score of the main task.)

Task objective ten: teach the monarch Akaron how to manage A country. (Optional tasks, but the degree of completion affects the score of the main task.)

The above ten tasks are the qualification tasks for the ruling guild. Please collect the information in the scene to judge the specific task information by yourself. , This task is over half time, please hurry up."

"Damn, what about cheating?"

As soon as the task came out, our side panicked collectively. Ten tasks, there are only twenty-four hours left, is this a shit? Even if all those optional tasks are not done, there are as many as four mandatory tasks. Besides, except for the task of defeating the Sleeping Spirit that does not affect the score, the other optional tasks are directly linked to the evaluation. Don't we need the evaluation score? Obviously impossible. Looking at it this way, even if we don’t do all of the ten tasks, we have to complete at least seven or eight to ensure that the score is not too low. However, we have to complete so many tasks in less than 24 hours, and it seems that there are still many super tasks. Major event, this can be fatal!

"Wife, what shall we do now?" I looked towards Rose and asked.

"Let me think about it." Rose bowed her head and thought for a while and said: "In this way, no matter how we can do the tasks in this God World, we will talk about it. At the same time, she will send people out to inquire about the news. Some tasks here sound a bit unfathomable mystery. Information must be collected, otherwise it will be difficult to understand them all.” Speaking of this, Rose suddenly pulled over the guy I just caught and asked: “How many guilds do you have here? ?"


"Do you count yourself?"


Rose thought about it Said: "Do you think that if you bundle the eight guilds together, you can fight with our Frost Rose Alliance?"

The guy shook his head without hesitation at all, "How is that possible? Don't talk about us."

There are enmities between each other, and even if they are really united, it is not enough for you to fight. Counting our black cloak alliance, there are only three large guilds in the eight guilds, and the remaining five are small and medium guilds. Add one piece to only seventy or eighty thousand people, and the average level is more than two hundred levels lower than your Frost Rose League, and the equipment is much worse. If it really fights, it will be over in a few hours." This guy obviously has a very good mind. After saying this, he immediately continued: "Is there something that conflicts with the interests of our guilds? Well, other guilds I dare not say, we black The cloak alliance will never confront you. As long as the President Purple Moon speaks, we will immediately give way."

"student that can be taught." Rose said to this guy: "In that case, you will bring it right away." I’m going to summon the guild leaders of seven other guilds, and the guild leaders of your guild will also be there. Our guild has just received a mission to completely destroy this Domain of God, and I know it’s a loss for you. It’s huge, but this task is very important to our guild. Even if we resort to martial power, we must complete it. If you withdraw your respective guilds from this ruin, our guild will give you a certain amount of compensation. In addition, you You can say to the president of your black cloak alliance, give me a trust in a while, we will give you 10% of the benefits of the guild after it's done. No problem, right?"

"Absolutely no problem. Let’s go now.”

As you can see from Rose’s handling, this so-called ruling guild mission is not as simple as it seems on the surface. To be honest, if we really want to go to war with the eight guilds, we can indeed drive them all out, but it is definitely too late to complete the remaining tasks in twenty-four hours. So, if you have to rely on your strength to fight these ten tasks, the task will actually have failed at the moment you make a decision.

As a national ruling guild, it needs not only martial power, but also political skills and additional capabilities. It can be seen from the contents of these ten tasks that the contents of the tasks basically cover various aspects related to the governance of the country, such as external addition, public opinion guidance, regional security, expulsion of foreign enemies, and transportation security. Investigate the comprehensive governance capabilities of our guild. If our guild does not have think tank personnel, even if the rest of the people can fight like me, the task is probably very mysterious to complete. Therefore, governing a country is not just about having a fist.

Because of the unusual cooperation of this guy who was caught by me, we got a lot of unexpected benefits from him. The first is that when Rose met with the heads of the guilds and talked about the voluntarily evacuation of them, the other guild helped a lot. Because there is an internal response, the opponent cannot form a united front, so the confidence will naturally weaken, and because the confidence is relatively weak, it is impossible to bargain with us. In the end Rose settled the matter in only fifteen minutes. The eight guilds took the initiative to evacuate and promised to help us blow up the eight connecting channels between this world and the main game world, which is equivalent to the completion of mission two and mission three directly. Of course, for these two tasks, we paid a total of 180 million crystal coins worth of funds or supplies. Among them, the black cloak alliance got the most. More, and negotiations will never yield results in such a short time.

In addition to helping us talk about this negotiation, the black cloak alliance also provided us with a lot of information, such as the Divine Soul altar mentioned in the first mission and the fourth mission. The sleeping spirit.

The Divine Soul altar is right in the center of the city, the very tall and majestic building. But this thing has now been blown up more than half, and the remaining part looks like a prehistoric ruin, and it seems to be about to fall.

As for the sleeping spirit, this thing is actually a portrait of a person, standing in the center of the Divine Soul altar, and its function is a bit similar to the assessment system. You can choose to challenge each other to get different rewards, of course this is related to the difficulty of the challenge and the result of the challenge.

In addition to the above two pieces of information, they also know some of the mysterious creatures mentioned in Mission 7. However, since this creature is named a mysterious creature, you can imagine how cunning this thing is. According to the people of the Black Cloak Alliance, they have not really seen this kind of creatures until now, but they know that this thing exists in this place, and there are quite a few. This thing only attacked the single person, and every time it only started from behind, and it was a critical strike. Therefore, although there have been thousands of NPCs and players killed by these things so far, no one actually knows what this thing looks like, how it attacked, and how it appeared in the city anyway. Everything about this thing is a mystery, except that the player's personal information system can see the prompt that he was killed by the fascinated creature, all other information is unknown.

According to the other party's statement, this thing is only active in the city, and there are many in number. At most, six places have been reported to have been killed at the same time, so it can be concluded that there is more than one.

Because of the lack of intelligence on the following tasks, we can only complete the first and fourth tasks first, anyway, these two tasks can be completed together.

Because mission 5 requires us to protect the Transmission Formation, we can’t all go to the altar. The final decision is that I will go with gold coin plus Zhenhong and Matsumoto. Since Kristina has just finished playing her big move, her magic power has not yet returned to full, so I arranged her here to help Rose and the others guard the Transmission Formation.

Since the city has been blasted into ruins, the time for us to find the altar was a little shorter than expected. After all, there is no need to detour. Anyway, the buildings are gone, just fly over.

The Divine Soul altar was originally built in a very majestic building, but what we see now is a pile of ruined walls. Judging from the damage traces, it seems that a meteorite directly hit one side wall of the building and penetrated the interior of the building. In the end, it probably blasted the entire opposite wall outwards, causing the building to lose support and collapse. However, in the discarded outer structure of the knowledge, the altar itself has a magic shield like an eggshell, so there is no damage to the interior of the altar.

It took 3 minutes to dig up the rubble that covered it before we saw the altar. The protective cover outside the altar seems to be used to protect the altar from damage by external forces, not to isolate it. People entered and exited, anyway, this thing blocked the previous meteorite attack and the bricks and rubble that fell later, but it had no blocking effect on us at all, so we just walked in.

The real Altar Master body is like a circular podium surrounded by steps, and the top height is just over one meter. It is engraved with a densely packed magic array picture, and its There are still a lot of light spots on the surface, which seem to be quite powerful.

Like the information provided by the black cloak alliance, the sleeping spirit is standing in the center of the altar, but this thing is a little different from what we imagined. I thought this was a very realistic sculpture before, but after seeing it, I realized that this thing is more like a coffin than a sculpture. The Egyptian Old Shi coffins often have the cover carved into a human shape, and they will be painted with paint. Anyway, they are beautifully made. The sculpture in front of me is similar to that kind of sarcophagus, but slightly smaller in size. There is a human face on the front, and the limbs are also carved out, but the hands and feet are close to the body, and they are not separated. It feels that the carving style is very rough, not the kind of fine sculpture.

What's special about this thing is that there is a hexagonal colored gem on the forehead of the figure, and the volume is quite large, it looks like a huge growth on the forehead Eye.

"Should we destroy the altar first or challenge the sleeping spirit?" Masaka Matsumoto asked after seeing the altar.

gold coin replied before me: "Of course I challenged it first. What if the altar is the foundation that supports the operation of that thing?"

We all think it makes sense. So he decided to challenge this sleeping spirit.

According to the information obtained before, to challenge this guy, just stand in front of him and say: "I want to challenge". Because I am the one with the strongest battle strength here, I will naturally pick up the challenge task, and I am also responsible for experimenting with the requirements of this task. Is it necessary for the sleeping spirit to recognize me alone or to recognize all of us who participated in the task? .

"I want to challenge." After standing in front of the stone statue and yelling the initiation, the stone statue in front of me suddenly flashed rays of light, and then there was one more in front of me, consisting of rays of light. Human form. Compared with the stone statue at the back, the human figure composed of rays of light is obviously smaller by one size, and the limbs are finer, but his face is completely invisible.

After the light man appeared, I stepped back slightly to prevent the other party from making a sudden attack, but the light man didn’t mean to attack me, but suddenly asked, "What do you want? Such a challenge? Is it a level test or do you want to challenge yourself?"

"I just want your approval."

"My approval?" The other party was obviously taken aback and passed He suddenly laughed in two seconds. "'s been a long time since no one wanted to get my approval. Not bad, you made me excited. In return, I accept your challenge." As the guy finished speaking, a silhouette composed of rays of light Suddenly it disappeared. Following that, the sculpture suddenly cracked with a crack, and then more and more cracks appeared. The surface of the sculpture was peeled off like a cracked earth. Finally, a person wrapped in heavy armor came out of the sculpture. Came out.

"Damn, what's the situation? Mirroring Dafa?" Matsumoto and the others were immediately stunned when they saw the person walking out of the stone statue, not because of how exaggerated this person is. It's because... he actually looks exactly like mine, and even the armor and equipment on his body are exactly the same.

"Are you...?" I was also stunned by the self in front of me.

"Since you want my approval, your fighting will must surpass me. In order to avoid the interference of combat equipment and physical attributes, I copied your body exactly like yours. From now on, we The two will have the same attribute data, and I will use all the abilities you have, so that you can shoot interference to test your fighting will. In addition, I found that your summon creatures are unexpectedly many, and I can replicate the same Summon creatures, so I suggest that neither of us should use summon creatures to save some trouble. Let’s fight directly to see if you are worthy of my approval."



It's okay not to summon creatures, it will save a little trouble. Besides, I’m not afraid of fighting will at all. After all, I’m Dragon Clan and my thinking speed can be accelerated. After all, "Zero" is a game made for humans. No matter how difficult it is, it’s impossible to surpass human limits. If I use Fighting speed beyond the limit of humans to deal with the opponent, then stable and able to win. So, I am not worried about this kind of battle at all.

"Since you agree, let's get ready to start. The battle range is this altar, please exit the range of the altar. Please note that I will not keep my hands during the battle, so you may be killed if You want to voluntarily surrender and exit the scope of the altar. Similarly, you don’t have to keep your hands on me. I won’t be killed. This is just a body I constructed, and being destroyed will not affect my existence. Understand Already?"


"Then I will do it." The sleeping spirit suddenly teleported behind me after speaking the last word. Then...then the battle is over.

I said before, in other tests, I may also be defeated by attributes and other problems. For me, it’s a battle to test the player’s neural reflex speed and battle awareness. On the contrary, the most stress-free. I am not a human being at all, and a test based on human standards is a joke to me. When the guy moved behind me in an instant, I turned around and gave him a sword, and the opponent was just an NPC. Due to mission restrictions, he could not use reactions exceeding the limit of human reaction speed to avoid attacks, so even if he could really feel me He couldn't dodge his attack, and in the end, I couldn't die anymore if I was pierced with a sword just as soon as I got close.

"I have to say that you scared me." After I killed the copy that looked exactly like me, the opponent immediately turned into a photoelectric and dispersed and then reunited in front of the stone statue. The bare man with no face before.

"Sorry, you said you don't need to keep your hands."

"I didn't blame you, I just think you are too strong. To be honest, your test data has exceeded mine I understand the scope. I have to say that you are a genius. Then, according to the agreement, you have won my approval. This is a reward." After Guangying finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and flew a light spot on the palm of my hand, and then directly melted it. Went in.

I saw the attribute of this thing after the optoelectronic touched the palm of my hand, and I really didn’t know it. The ability of this thing actually allows me to make a copy of myself.

Actually, I now have a warrior Avatar and a mage Avatar, and I have a Familiar II who looks exactly the same as me, but the copy given to me by Lightman just now is similar to them. It's all different.

My warrior Avatar is fixed in the form of a werewolf, and the wizard Avatar can only use magic, which is an extremely enhanced type, but the actual battle strength is much worse than my own. It is not only the problem of the pet, but the battle There are problems with awareness and response speed. As I just said, these Avatars are all controlled by the system. They can also be regarded as NPCs strictly speaking, and NPCs cannot exceed the players too much, even if I use the human limit reflex nerve speed for them, but That's still human speed, and it's still too slow compared to me. This is the direct cause of the drop in battle strength. As for the monster pet II, his close-up battle strength is indeed good, but the problem is that battle awareness seems to be a little weaker than mine, and he is not good at matching skills, so battle strength still can't really compare with me.

However, the Avatar that Guangren just played to me is completely different. Calculating from the battle strength alone, this Avatar may be inferior to the second and my other two Avatars, but this thing is definitely a good thing for the yin person if it is used well.

First of all, this Avatar will have exactly the same internal and external characteristics as me. The attributes are exactly the same as me, and cannot be identified by any form of detection techniques. You can only guess at your own judgment.

Secondly, this guy’s battle method uses the learning system, which is based on me. In the future, as the number of battles increases, his battle method will become more and more like me, and the most important point is He has no reaction speed limit, and can completely simulate my super reflex nerve. As long as the body can keep up with the nerve reflex speed, it is not a problem to flash bullets and avoid bows and arrows.

Thirdly, this Avatar is manipulated by autonomous judgment and guided by my consciousness. When I have no guidance, he will make judgments based on my usual behavior according to the characteristics of my behavior summarized by the learning system, and if I have guidance, he will perform auxiliary calculations based on my will.

The fourth feature, this Avatar can use all my equipment, including the tokens left to me by Sacred Beast. In other words, I will be able to double Sacred Beast in the future.

The fifth feature is that this guy can also summon the familiars, as long as I have the familiars, he can summon exactly the same batches, but all of his summons are fake. His demon pet is not so much a demon pet, it should be said that it is a physical illusion. The familiars he summon will have the same external characteristics as my familiars, and cannot be distinguished by any discriminating magic. At the same time, these fake familiars are also entities, with the exact same movement speed and defensive power of True Demon pets. However, fake demon pets have no attack power, and their health is only one-tenth of True Demon pets. However, even so, it is a good choice to use it to confuse people and plug the bullet hole with a meat shield at a critical moment.

The sixth and final feature is that this Avatar has the same skill list as me, which means that this guy can replace me with big moves, and then he will accept the skill penalty, and I can continue to fight.

In addition to the above six features, this Avatar also has some limitations. The first is that Avatar summon has a time limit. Each summon can only last for two hours, and it will automatically disappear after the time has passed. Killed by the enemy will disappear. There is also a cooling time for this summon Avatar. If the time limit last time to disappear, then you can summon once a day, refreshing at 12 o'clock at night, without calculating the intermediate time. But if the Avatar disappeared because of being killed by the enemy, then the next summon must be 72 hours later. This is based on time, not days.

Although there is a summon restriction, in general, this restriction has little effect. Moreover, the Avatar is really quite powerful, especially the pile of fake monsters. To save the field, when necessary, take it out and sing the empty city strategy. It's not bad to scare people.

I looked up after checking the attributes and found that the bare man had disappeared. After asking Matsumoto Masaka, they found out that they disappeared after the photoelectric popped up. I thought about it and walked to the stone statue and knocked twice and shouted a few times. The result was useless. In the end, I had to stand in front of the stone statue again and call me to challenge. Sure enough, the bare man reappeared.

"Huh? Why are you again?" Guangren was obviously surprised when he saw me.

"I still have something to ask you, didn't expect you to run away."

Naked people replied a little impatiently: "I was originally not obliged to answer you. I can answer you a few questions on the premise that you get my approval, but don’t pay too much attention."

I nodded and asked quickly: "The first question , Can I challenge you repeatedly? Do I have a prize for every victory?"

"You can repeat the challenge, but the prize will not be issued repeatedly. If you challenge the low-level difficulty victory first, I will issue a low-level prize , If you challenge a higher difficulty to win, I will withdraw the previous low-level prizes and replace them with the corresponding prizes. Because you have already challenged to complete the highest difficulty, you will not get any more prizes no matter how many times you challenge. However, I can win the challenge. Get the EXP, it’s the same as hundreds of wild monsters, but I don’t recommend you find me to level up, because the EXP I gave is much lower than the wild monsters."

I nodded and continued to ask:" The second question. If other players challenge you, will you win prizes like me?"

"This rule applies to all personnel, and not only in the scope of advertisers, but also local residents. You can come to the challenge." This answer is somewhat unexpected. I probably knew before that this thing should be a public item, that is, everyone can use it, and the effect is the same as mine. It's just that the latter feature is more unexpected. I originally thought this thing was only for players, didn't expect even NPCs can be used, according to this way, if I pull the chaos and order Divine Race gang of great gods and little gods over again, wouldn’t it be possible again? Make a lot of benefits?

"Any other questions?" Seeing that I didn't respond for a long time, Kototo couldn't help asking.

"Yes." I hurriedly called: "May I ask if you are that sculpture? If I

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