"What is it that makes you so worried?" Hong Yue asked

Rose pointed to the members of the Light God clan who were being slaughtered in the screen. "If there are only a few hundred people, or even thousands of people in the Light God clan, then I’m not worried. At most, there will be more casualties, but we still have a chance of winning. However, there are so many people here. But, seeing them At the time, I still think we have a chance to win, because if there are too many people in this Divine Race, their divine force core will not be able to support the consumption of too many people at the same time. We only need to make full use of these low-level Divine Races to consume the Power in the divine force core. of Faith will do. Once their divine force core does not have Power of Faith, those Divine Races can only fight on their own strength, when the time comes we have many ways to kill them. But now the reality is these so-called The Light God clan has no battle strength at all, and their strength is even similar to that of an ordinary person, which shows that these guys are not Divine Race at all."

"Not Divine Race?"

Rose nodded. "Yes, they are gods, a kind of reserve Divine Race. On the one hand, they can provide basic services for Divine Race. On the other hand, they are also a talent reserve. More importantly, they can provide ten or even a hundred times more Power of Faith than an ordinary person. So these people are basically the energy batteries of the real Light God family."

"With so many energy batteries, isn't the Divine Race here...?"

" You finally understand what I am worried about."

"Then what shall we do now?" Hong Yue asked.

Rose thought for a while and said: "Now what we can do is complete the battle plan step by step. When we are empty, we may not have the power to fight. Don’t forget the special attributes of your president."

I was reminded by Rose that everyone around was relaxed, and it was really red. stand up. "Yes! The president has the Divine Race killer characteristic. As long as there is enough time, the president can handle it alone."

I have to say that the Divine Race Attribute on my body is really Very good. The basic attributes of Divine Race are actually the same as those of mortals, but Divine Race is much more powerful than mortal creatures. Of course, there are reasons why Divine Race is equipped well, but more of it is the tenfold bonus of divine force. reason. When a Divine Race fights a non-Divine Race unit, their attack and defense attributes will all be strengthened tenfold, which means that even if a Divine Race and a player’s attack power are both 10,000, the Divine Race actually The damage dealt will also be ten times that of the player. However, this attribute does not hold for me. Because my Divine Attribute will offset the divine force bonus, that is, if Divine Race is in front of me, the ten times attribute will no longer take effect. On the contrary, I will get a double bonus, that is, all attributes are doubled, which is equal to Usually more than twice as powerful. The power balance between the two sides will naturally change between Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Therefore, Divine Race is extremely tough in front of others, but when I come to me, it feels as if I haven't eaten for a few days, I feel weak and move slowly.

Because Rose explained the current situation clearly to everyone, everyone is not panicking now. What people fear most is the unknown. Now that you know how the battle will go on, you don't have to worry about anything, just follow the pre-designed method.

I don’t know if it’s the slow reaction speed or some other reason. We all thought that the real Light God family would appear soon. After all, the magic of falling stars on such a large scale, whether it is sound and light effects or magic fluctuations. They are all too strong, let alone blind, as long as one of the five senses can work normally, you are impossible to feel the attack that is taking place. However, the current situation is indeed that there is no Divine Race, so how do you explain this? Didn't the other party find out? Obviously impossible. Don't they care? It doesn't seem to make sense. In short, we all think this situation is weird.

"hey hey hey, what's the situation?" Rose and the others were whispering over there, and suddenly they heard my voice from the ring of love, and Rose quickly unfolded the picture. As a result What I saw was two groups of people fighting on the street. Originally, "Zero" was a game with the main theme of battle. It is commonplace for two groups of people to fight together, but the question is that this should be a closed God World, right? In other words, apart from the people of the Light God clan, there should be only us invaders. However, the two groups of people on the opposite side are obviously not ours, and what's even weirder is that they are not even members of the Light God clan.

"The third and fourth party forces?" Because Rose opened the sharing mode this time, other people also saw the picture I sent back through the ring of love. As a result, everyone was just as stunned as I was. .

"The situation here is really getting more and more complicated!" Hong Yue sighed, squeezing his forehead.

"What the hell is going on now?" Zhen Hong asked as he looked at the screen.

"I don't know yet, but we will know soon." Rose said directly to me on the ring of love, "husband, go and find out what forces are on both sides." , I think this task is not simply asking us to wipe out the Light God clan."

"I will rely on..." I was saying that I was going to inquire, and suddenly I saw a black spot in front of me. The huge black shadow fell to the ground, followed by The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the thick smoke billowed, the shock wave instantly lifted my whole person out. As for the two sides who are fighting... Standing at the center of the explosion. "Thank you to Kristina for me. She just saved me something."

"I suggest you expand your search. There may not be only such a group of people around."< /p>

I randomly stretched out a finger to point at the sky and circled twice, and said at the same time: "How many people do you think are left in this situation?"

"I don't know , But since the opponent dares to operate in the Divine Race sphere of influence, his strength should not be weak. These may be mixed soldiers, and there may be high-end martial power."

"Well, you guys will wait for a while, I will go See if I can get a tongue back." As I said, I kicked the wall next to it and jumped more than two meters high, and then my wings stretched out to fly.

Because of the barriers of buildings, I could only see meteorites falling from the sky with huge plumes of smoke from time to time on the ground. Now I discovered in the air that the city is basically scrapped. Kristina’s falling stars are really too formidable power. If it weren’t for a total chance, few people could carry it head-on, even if it was a genuine Divine Race. Think about it just now. Even I was blown off. It can be seen how big this formidable power is. You must know that I and Kristina are in the same camp, and Fallen Stars are considered magical attacks, that is, they are immune to one's own people, and I'm not standing on the spot. But even so, the explosion of air still took me more than a dozen meter away, which shows how the formidable power of this thing is.

Although this city of the Light God family is well built, the stone-wood mixed structure cannot be as hard as the reinforced concrete air-raid bunkers, not to mention that these buildings are all based on air-raid shelters. It’s useless. After all, the formidable power of each meteorite released by the falling star of Kristina can be compared to a small tactical nuclear bomb. Even a bunker can’t stand this thing. The destructive power, not to mention private houses.


"Where am I."

"Go and ask how long Kristina’s magic can last?"< /p>

"Wait a minute." Rose only paused for ten seconds before replied again: "About eight minutes."

"Then let her stick to two minutes. It seems that there is no need for continuous bombing anymore."

"I think so too."

"Then you have the time, I will find useful information first, this place What a mess. Damn, what is that?"

As I was talking with Rose, a ground in front of me suddenly bulged upwards and gradually rose to a height of more than a hundred meters. Exaggerated height, and this huge pillar of mud and rock actually began to deform again after it was raised. Of course, it’s not a squeaky deformation like the deformed Vajra, but a gradual deformation like a stream of water. Of course, the speed is very fast, only ten seconds before and after, this thing becomes a structure similar to the human shape, the limbs and The head is very obvious, but the face has no facial features, and the hands and feet are just thick pillars, without fingers or soles.

Although the shape is very similar to the plasticine figure made by kindergarten children, considering the volume of this thing, I think it has quite a battle strength. However, it may be the reason for the tall trees attracting the wind, or it may be simply unlucky. Just after this thing gathered in human form, a meteorite suddenly dragged a long black plume of smoke down from the sky and hit this guy. His head, and then saw a large group of red lava exploded on this guy's forehead and instantly exploded his entire head.

"Damn, when did Kristina have this right?"

"That was an accident." Rose corrected.

Boom. Just as Rose finished speaking the last word, the lava from the first meteorite exploded before all the lava fell to the ground. The second meteorite hit the guy’s left shoulder and blasted it directly to the ground. It exploded its entire left arm and half of its shoulder.

"This is also an accident?"

"It should be considered." Rose said as she watched the third meteorite hit the chest of the clay giant who had fallen to the ground. Then this thing was directly restored into a soil mountain and completely disintegrated, but after it fell apart, three meteorites one after another repeatedly bombed the area. Now everyone can see that this is not an accident. Of course, it wasn't even Kristina's intentional manipulation. After all, the falling star itself is uncontrollable magic. The interpreter can only control the attack range and duration of the spell, and has no control over the strength of the spell and the specific attack location. Thanks to this spell, I can’t control it, otherwise Kristina would be able to defeat me and gold coin alone. You think. Thousands of tons of meteorites hit your head at a speed of eight or nine hundred kilometers per hour. If one fails, you can get another shot. He will reward you with two to three hundred pieces in one breath. Hongjun Sect Lord and Kohopura will come. You have to kneel down and sing to conquer.

"Notify Kristina to end the magic. Someone here can manipulate her magic attack position. I don't want anyone to take advantage of it."

"I have already notified." (To be completed Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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