Because we don't know the situation opposite to Transmission Formation, we can only deal with the worst plan, which is to assume that there are many Light God family members around Transmission Formation. If this guess is correct, then as soon as we appear in Transmission Formation, we will definitely be besieged by many Light God tribes immediately, so the first group of people in the past will inevitably endure tremendous pressure. In view of the above reasons, it was finally decided that the first three people who passed by were me, Gold Coin and Kristina. As the three strongest people in this guild, if we can't stand the attack at that moment, then others will be useless in the past.

"Are you ready?" Hong Yue asked while standing on the sidelines while pressing the teleport switch.

"Wait a minute." I directly held Eternity in my hand and activated the Combination skill. Familiars instantly appeared beside me, and then disappeared by my side again in the blink of an eye, and my body It was also with a rising magic flame that instantly turned into a fit mode.

Seeing that I am so careful, gold coin and Kristina are also busy starting their own super form. The super form of gold coin is relatively simple. Just take out the magic treasure bag and it will be finished, while Kristina has opened a huge colorful butterfly wings behind her, and various colorful lights began to appear beside her. Soon a large dreamlike space was formed around us.

"It's okay now." I said to Hong Yue when the two of them had completed their changes.

Hong Yue stretched out three fingers on the other hand that did not press the button, then curled one and counted down: "Three". When she curled one finger again, she immediately counted: "Two", then when she counted to one, she slapped the button hard, and a white light shot up from the magic array under our feet. Kristina and I only felt a brief sense of weightlessness. , And then the surrounding scenery becomes inside a white building with white light shining.

Almost as soon as the white light appeared around us, we began to gather magic to prepare for the ultimate move, and when the white building was brought into view, our ultimate move was completed, and then waited for the image to stabilize The big move in my hand burst out in the first moment.

"The thunder is shining." A thick lightning from a well fell from the sky and directly blasted a big hole in the roof where we were, followed by the lightning hitting my body without delay, but the current was not right. I caused any damage, but all the blades I inserted into the ground were led into the ground, followed by a blue arc shock wave began to spread around, the rays of light avoided Kristina and gold coin and pushed all the way, the room In an instant, I remembered a scream and scolding. Obviously, the other party was also ready to greet us, but we didn't expect that we started so quickly and actually rushed ahead of them.

The scattered arc shock wave directly blasted all the surrounding Light God tribes away, but before they landed, gold coin threw the magic bag into the sky, and pointed forward at the same time shouted : "Ten Thousand Swords Array-Open."

oh la la, tens of thousands of flying swords of all kinds flew out of the magic treasure bag, and then the entire building's roof It was lifted off, and the Flying Sword that followed the flying shot regrouped in the air, and then all the hilts turned inwards and the blades turned outwards, forming a huge sword ball. As soon as the sword ball was formed, it whizzed down towards the ground. Many Light God tribes tried to stop it along the way, but it had no effect on the sword ball itself except for one or two swords. These have the ability to knock. Flying Sword people will usually be scraped into pieces of meat by the tumbling sword ball in the next second.

Taking advantage of my magical clearing and the suppression of gold coin's sword array, Kristina finally completed her magical preparations. As she gently knocked the staff in her hand to the ground, a lot of small dark clouds appeared in the sky above us, and then the dark clouds that appeared became bigger and bigger as they rolled. Finally, they were connected to form a whole piece of dark clouds covering the entire sky.

The Light God tribe on the ground originally thought we were going to use spells that were burdened by thunderstorms or whirlwinds, but just after the formation of dark clouds, some dark red spots appeared in the clouds, and with As the light spot gradually expands, its brightness also increases. Finally, one of the dark red clouds suddenly spread to both sides, revealing a large hole, and then a huge sphere with red cracks on the surface covered with blood vessels rolled over the breakthrough clouds moved towards the ground and rushed down. The black sphere swooped down and continuously disintegrated in the air as it rolled and broke into some black and red fragments. Compared with the main part, these black pieces are like piglets around the elephant, but Even these "piggy" are each at least the size of a family car.

Just when the Light God tribe was frightened by this black meteorite, there was a tumbling and rolling in the clouds, and then a dozen meteorites of the same size as the previous one also came from Drilled out of the clouds, and it seemed that more were flying in from behind.

"Kristina's variant version of the stars has fallen really well." The rose's voice appeared in the Transmission Formation. According to the previous agreement, they will start a second transmission ten seconds after we transmit. This time the personnel are Rose, Zhenhong, Masaga Matsumoto, and Hong Yue. Hong Yue, Zhenhong, and Masaga Matsumoto are all powerful personnel. The main purpose of sending them is to help us support the defense line. As for Rose, it is a powerful auxiliary personnel. The main reason is to worry about the casualties of the first wave of raids. Rose is uncertain. Can be rescued. But after the rose came out, only a simple scan and found that I was worried in vain. The defense force here is obviously not as strong as imagined, let alone casualties, it seems that we simply did not make an attack.

As Rose sighed, Hong Yue and the others also looked up at the meteorite group that was still falling, and then I said to them: "First build a line of defense based on this building and fight for Let Kristina release the complete volume of the stars to fall."

Matsumoto Masaka and the others rushed out of the room one after another. This building should be a transmission hall or the like, but the area is not very large, after all, there is only one Transmission Formation here. There is a dead circle of roads outside the building, and the traffic is very good, but for us this is not a good defensive structure, but considering that Kristina can only hold on here.

The starfall of Kristina is definitely a super forbidden spell that is even more perverted than the Legion spell. It not only has a super large kill range, but also has infinite formidable power. The meteorites that fell from the sky each weigh two to three thousand tons, and the meteorites with only one layer of crust are filled with hot lava. You can imagine taking a balloon filled with water from the roof of a dozen or so floors. Throw it down, and what happens when the balloon hits the ground. The only difference now is that the rubber skin of the balloon has become a rock shell, and the water has become lava. Of course, the volume and speed have also increased by N times.

It can be said that the formidable power of each meteorite landing is no less than that of an ultra-small tactical nuclear bomb, and it also naturally comes with splash damage and continuous burning attributes. This large meteorite hits the ground, it is no different from the nuclear bomb washing the ground, anyway, except for some individuals who are particularly against the sky, most of the buildings or the personnel, they have to turn into gray. This kind of spell formidable power is so large, there are naturally many restrictions. First of all, it takes nearly 30 seconds of preparation time to open the spell. Even if it is released in Kristina's super form, this time can only be compressed to less than fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds, not to mention the exaggerated players and NPCs in the game, even the ordinary person in reality will definitely have time to run and stab you... Maybe there are two or three knives, fast barrels 20 or 30 Knives are also possible. So, although this magic is used by a single player, Kristina would never use it when she was alone, otherwise she would kill herself if she couldn't spell it out. Because this magic cannot be moved after preparation or even release. During the preparation period, spell will be forced to terminate the release of spell once the spell is moved, and the Sorcerer will be injured according to the proportion of completion of the spell, that is, the closer it is to completion, the more unable to move it. In addition, after the falling of the stars, although the spell has been released, the wizard still cannot move, because this spell will continue to consume mana until the wizard's mana is exhausted or actively terminates, so it can't move at all during the magic release process. Although moving will not hurt the mage as long as the release is successful, as long as the power magic is over, it is equivalent to reducing the formidable power.

I just said that letting Kristina release the complete volume of the falling stars is to drain her magic power. In terms of the total amount of Kristina's magic power, when the basic High Level her magic power is exhausted, the city outside this building will be completely reduced to ruins. This is a real city-level destruction magic.

If the Light God clan here did not react when we first started the raid, then they should have fully reacted now. Such a large-scale magic attack, simply impossible is accident or something else, the only explanation is a premeditated invasion, and here is the nest of the Light God clan, the only connection point with the world is Transmission Formation, and there is only one So, when seeing the magic bombardment, all the Divine Races in the city all reacted and started rushing towards the Transmission Formation side.

Because I wanted to protect Kristina and release the magic, I rushed out of the teleportation hall like everyone else, but after climbing on the roof to see the full view of the city, I was surprised by the sight in front of me .

According to the general rule, the population of Divine Race has always been a soft underbelly. So far, except for the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, I haven't found any Divine Race that is particularly prosperous. Of course, this is not the reproduction rate. If you really want to calculate it, the people of the Olympus Divine Race can be considered very prosperous. After all, there is a super breeding pig like Zeus, and the reproduction rate cannot be lowered. The person I am talking about Ding Xingwang actually refers to the total population. Although the reproduction rate of the Olympus Divine Race is not low, the total number of people is very small, and other Divine Races are also similar, and the total number is usually not high. However, the shock of the city in front of me was quite astonishing, because its area was even larger than Yunxiao City.

Yunxiao City is one of the three main cities of the system in China in the early days. Although now with the gradual prosperity of the player city, Yunxiao City has become a second-tier city, but after all, it was once the main city of the system. That area is quite good. Even if the space is not compressed, it is conservatively estimated that it can at least meet the normal life needs of hundreds of thousands of people. However, the city in front of you is actually about the same size as Yunxiao City, how many people can you live in? Even if Divine Race is more particular about the quality of life, the per capita demand for living space is greater, but in turn, Divine Race does not carry out production activities, so it has a lot less living facilities than ordinary races, so one positive and one response should be offset by each other. In other words, if the city is completely filled, there will be at least a hundred thousand Divine Races here. What is this concept? Hundreds of thousands of Divine Race! That's not hundreds of thousands of ants!

"I suddenly have a premonition that we are going to be unlucky." Hong Yue said this after climbing up the roof and seeing the scene in front of him, and everyone else expressed the same feeling.

"Rose, you better come up." Because the roof has been lifted off, I can see the rose and Kristina who is explaining the law as soon as I look back.

Rose heard what I said and ran over and was pulled up to the wall by me, and then she also saw the situation outside, followed by eyes shrank. After a short pause for two seconds, Rose woke up suddenly, then patted me on the shoulder and said, "Go to the residential area and find the local creatures in the houses of different specifications to try, and leave your love ring open. , I want to watch the live."

"Understand." I directly activated the ring of love and jumped over the eight-meter-wide street and flew directly into the window of the opposite building, confirming that this is not my residence. Go out through the wall from the back of the building and enter a relatively low building area. The street here is relatively narrow, only more than four meters wide. There are already many Light God tribes running out of the room on the road. It seems that they all heard the explosion and prepared to come out to resist the invasion.

Since there are so many Light God tribes here, I don’t need to enter the building to look for it. I just threw myself down from behind and threw down a Light God tribe who was running on the road. My colleague took my hand at the moment of contact. The eternity that he was holding was turned into a dagger and pierced into the place where the guy's neck was connected to his collarbone. The expected resistance did not appear, this guy was solved by me with one move, and he died very simply.


I just uttered a suspicious question, and the voice of the rose in the ring of love has rang. "Kill a few more, it may be an individual phenomenon."

When I heard the sound, I immediately reacted to the eternity and integrated it into the surface of the dragon soul suit's whole body blade, although it would reduce the attack power. , But can greatly increase agility and attack frequency. The enemy just now made me feel unexpectedly weak, so I gave up the high attack and chose higher efficiency. Of course, this so-called abandonment of high attack is only relatively speaking, no matter what kind of attack power becomes eternal, it will not be low.

The falling of the stars released by Kristina has entered an explosive period. From time to time, a meteorite falls to the ground, and then blows up a building or crowd. The explosion and flames are mixed with screams. I Compared with those meteorites from space, the sound of just killing a person was really like a mosquito hum, and it didn't attract anyone's attention at all. Seeing no one spot me, I immediately speeded up and rushed forward. I saw a guy who was behind, wrapped his neck around his neck from behind, and then forcefully, accompanied by a slight click, the guy instantly lost resistance and softened. Go down.

With the previous reminder from Rose, I was not surprised by the weakness of this goal, but continued to move forward. This time I directly popped out the claw. My target seemed to hear the sound of claws popping from behind, but when he looked back, he only saw a cold light flashing by and didn't know anything. After cutting off this guy's head, I started rushing forward again. In order to cut my head, only one blade was ejected from the claws on both sides, so that the cutting resistance was less. After cutting seven or eight heads all the way forward, I was discovered because someone in the alley I walked back had just left the house and saw me.

The yelling guy was shot in the eye socket by a flying knife from a long distance, and he fell back immediately, without any reaction at all, but the person in front had already noticed it because of the guy’s shouting. My existence, so many people began to rush back, many people took out their weapons, but the result... still chopped melons and vegetables. I feel like I'm not fighting Divine Race, but hacking ordinary players. The strength of these guys is probably equal to the level of ordinary players with more than 1,000 levels. Among the players, they are also a mid-range player. If you encounter a battle strength list like me, it is simply that the polar bear has fallen into the flock, and it is more powerful than the wolf. too much. Those people are all like porcelain dolls in front of me, and they will die or be injured if they touch them a little bit. It's not a level of feeling at all.

Standing on the outer wall of the teleportation hall with no roof, the rose watched me cut the fruit like a fruit chop, frowning and killing flies. After hesitating for a while, Rose still waved two maneuvering angels against Divine Race, then pointed in the other two directions: "Attack forward, kill all enemies you see, but don't chase, turn on the communicator all the way. Live transmission."

"Command confirmation." The thrusters behind the two mobile angels began to roar, followed by the blue ion flames, and the two mobile angels took off at the same time moved towards the direction pointed by the rose. go out. Just after crossing the street, they found the target one after another, then dived down and started fighting, but the result was exactly the same as mine. Those so-called Light God tribes are like kindergarten children in front of professional boxers in front of the mobile angels on Divine Race. They are drawn into the sky by the mobile angels' battle method, and the attacks of those guys are not only difficult to hit. The mobile angel, even if it hits, will only leave some scratches or blackened marks, and it can't cause substantial damage at all.

"Damn, isn't this simply breaking defense." Of course, the crystal communicator in the guild is not like the ring of love. People next to it can also see the content. No one else saw my previous battle, but Hong Yue, the mobile angel, they saw it through the display crystal in Rose's hand. This combat effect was completely unexpected.

Hong Yue looked at the battle screen and said with confidence: "If the Light God clan is of this strength, I think this task is easy. At least we can kill Kristina's magic. Most of the Divine Race is now."

Compared with Hong Yue's ease, Rose’s expression on the screen is getting more and more ugly, and the people around gradually noticed that Rose’s expression was wrong, so Hong Yue asked: "Why do you have such a weak enemy with a worried expression? Do you see any problems?"

Rose was nodded cautiously, and the surrounding atmosphere immediately cooled down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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