"There is actually not much information about Divine Race, so I wrote a piece of paper in total." I held the paper in my hand and shook it twice to make sure everyone was I saw it, and then I started to say: "The first thing that needs to be stated is that the so-called Light God race here is probably simply not Divine Race."

The first news I said surprised everyone. It's not light. The people in our guild who participated in the mission were pretty good, and basically they didn't have much reaction. Anyway, it wasn't Divine Race who had to fight, but those dark creature foreign aids and the king's people reacted very much.

"You said that the Light God race is not actually a Divine Race? Then what are they?" A golden skull king with a golden light shining like a skeleton made of gold stood up and asked.

"In fact, I also want to know the answer to your question, but the information we have summarized only shows that the so-called Light God race is not a real Divine Race, but there is no evidence for me to guess Their true identities. However, one thing is certain, that is, after these guys suffer a certain degree of damage to their bodies, their divine force will disappear. This is also the basis for us to confirm that they are not Divine Race."< /p>

"Will the real Divine Race divine force disappear with injury?" The golden skeleton asked.

I nodded and said: "We have also fought against several different Divine Race forces before. They belong to different forces and have completely different power systems, but these guys without exception will not Divine force is lost because of being attacked. In fact, if you understand the nature of divine force, you will understand that divine force will not disappear because of whether Divine Race is injured or not. The divine force of Divine Race is actually not generated by themselves. It is derived from the divine force core. The divine force core is the basis of a Divine Race. The Divine Race collects Power of Faith and enters it into the divine force core. Then the divine force core converts the Power of Faith into the divine force and transmits it back to the divine force. All Divine Race individuals connected to the divine force core. Of course, this transmission is also limited in proportion. The main god of the Divine Race has set permissions and can decide whether to give a certain Divine Race divine force support, and how much to give it. It is set by the main god. Because of this feature of the divine force core, there are only two cases for the divine force of Divine Race itself to disappear, one is that the trial core of his Divine Race is destroyed, and the other is that his quota is cancelled by the main god.

Obviously, the main god of the Light God family will not cancel the divine force quota of combatants for no reason, and the fact that the Light God family still exists to this day also shows that the core of their trial is fine. Then, the only answer that can explain the above reasons is There is one left. That is that these so-called Light God races are not simply Divine Race. The divine force on their bodies comes from somewhere else, and they are loaded on their bodies in a form similar to a protective cover. When this name is After the fake god is made to attack and accumulate to a certain extent, the protective cover, that is, loading divine force, will collapse. At this time, the fake god has changed back to a normal creature. This is a reasonable explanation for the disappearance of divine force."

The dark creatures present are basically experts. The number of dark creatures that Rose has contacted in Underground World is actually more than that here. N times, but considering that we have to deal with Divine Race, ordinary low-level creatures are sent to death when they come, so this time they are all powerful high-level dark creatures, at least they should also have Divine Race The strength of a few tricks. It is also because of their super strength that many of them have had contact with the Light God clan here before, and it is true that some people have destroyed the divine force of a Light God clan before, but Because the Light God family usually does not act alone, and these dark creatures are afraid of fraud and dare not step forward to make up the knife when the opponent loses the divine force, so far no dark creature has really relied on this kind of thing to kill Light God. Clan, otherwise, the current Light God Clan would not be so arrogant.

After I explained the divine force problem, the group of dark creatures below were immediately discussed spiritedly. I didn’t immediately silence them, but gave them time to digest, and wait for the discussion to sound. Only after the trend became smaller did I begin to speak out to stop their discussion, and then continued: "The divine force problem of the Light God family is only the first piece of information we found, and there will be other content next." Among other things, those dark creatures immediately calmed down. After all, there was an example of the first message, and they all looked forward to the following messages.

I spoke after they were completely silent: "The second piece of information we have summarized is that the attributes of these so-called Light God tribes don’t seem to be bright attributes."

Wow ...... The following immediately messed up again. The Light God family is not a bright attribute, this subversive theory is really shocking.

Although it became noisy again, because of wonder how we discovered this, the venue was quiet quickly. I continued after they calmed down: "Regarding the attributes of the Light God family, we currently have two sources of information. One is from various historical records and folklore. According to various sources of information, we I found that many books have recorded the battle between the Light God clan and dark creatures. As dark creatures, you should understand that light and darkness exist in opposition to the Two Great Attributes stones, so the Light God clan’s spell is very harmful to you. However, the dark spell recorded in the literature seems to have a normal effect on the Light God family, only the effect of a normal attack, and no attack has launched the imagined huge confrontation effect between the opposite attributes. This is obviously not a normal situation."

Like the relativity of power mentioned in physics, the resistance of magic attributes is also relative. Light spells do great harm to dark creatures, and dark spells do great harm to light creatures?

According to this theory, it is said that the attacking power of dark creatures on the Light God family should be much higher than other creatures, but the fact is that the dark creatures’ attacks on the Light God family are not only ineffective. The formidable power of attribute is not as big as the formidable power of spell. Generally, this situation only occurs when two dark creatures are attacking each other. After all, they are both dark creatures, and their resistance to and absorption of dark elements are too strong. Therefore, if dark creatures use dark spells, the formidable power will be Drop a lot. However, it is not normal that the Light God family also has this characteristic. These guys are Light God clan, how can they have dark attributes on them?

Waiting for the following dark creatures and people in our guild to digest the information in my words a bit, I continued: "In addition to the mutual restraint of the attributes of Darkness and Light, we also have A piece of evidence. When we first arrived in this world, we ran into a group of Bright Knights slaughtering a certain village in the endless forest. At that time, we killed these Bright Knights easily, but the strange thing was that we were inside their armor. I discovered this." I nodded to Emmenes next to me, and Emmenes immediately used phantoms over our heads to create the armors of the temple Knights that we were looking at at the time. As a result, the dark creature below was immediately a riot.

The thing I showed them is the Spirit Gathering Array that we found before, painted on the inner test of the Knight's armor in the temple. This thing is a standard dark product. Not only does the light creature not carry this magic array on its body, it should be destroyed immediately even if it is discovered, but it turns out that all the temples of Knight have this thing, and it seems that they have not done it yet. After any setting, that is to say, even if the Lord of the Temple Knight dies, this array will collect the souls of the Temple Knight together, and simply does not distinguish between the enemy and me.

For the Light God family who yearn for the light, the long-cherished wish of their believers after death should be to enter the Light God world, which is a place similar to heaven to obtain eternal happiness, but according to this demon According to the design of the array, Knight, the temple of death wearing this armor, will not go to heaven to enjoy eternal peace and happiness. On the contrary, they can't even reincarnate. The Spirit Gathering Array will decompose their souls and absorb the soul energy, which means that these guys will flew away and scattered, which is worse than going to hell. This result is completely different from the propaganda of the Light God family, which is equivalent to saying that the entire Light God Palace has been deceived. They thought that working for these Light God clan would go to heaven after death, but the actual situation was that they had to work for the Light God clan while they were alive, and when they died, they would be treated as energy recycling. The Light God clan uses these guys as Old Huang cattle. They have to work in the fields while they are alive, and they have to kill and eat meat when they are old. How miserable it is.

"I sympathize with the guys at Light God Palace a little bit after hearing you say that." A Necromancer said, which caused a lot of laughter.

After everyone laughed, I said directly: "Tell you this is not for you to sympathize with the enemy. Those idiots who are willing to throw their heads and blood for the Light God clan are not worthy of sympathy, I tell everyone This situation is to remind everyone to pay attention to two points. First, in the choice of attack magic, you can consider not to use dark spell as the first attack magic. If you have a choice, try to consider using other departments or simply use it, which will cause physical damage. Magic, such as using the summon type spell to make a meteorite or something. Second, this point requires special attention, that is, don’t be killed near the opponent’s body. If you feel that you are bound to die, I suggest you self -destruct .self-destruct can destroy the other's armor and destroy the Spirit Gathering Array, although you will die in this way, but at least the soul can be preserved, even if it is the worst case to lose power and need to reincarnate, it is better than the soul flew away And scattered, okay?"

The dark creatures I reminded about this time are nodded. After all, this is directly related to their wealth and future, so they can’t be careless.

After talking about this key point, I said again: "According to our knowledge, we have roughly calculated a set of approximate strength ranges for these Light God tribes. The first is the divine force shield on them. , When this thing exists, it will make the Light God family have a strong battle strength, but according to our statistics, as long as it causes more than 100,000 hits to the opponent, this layer of shield will disappear, and once the shield is lost , The opponent will become an ordinary creature, and most of the people here may have the ability to kill the opponent."

"May I ask how accurate your calculations are?" One looks like a hedgehog and a crab. Asked the dark creature of the hybrid.

"We can be sure that the divine force shield is real, because we have killed four Divine Races before and discovered this phenomenon in them, but the specific value cannot be determined. One hundred thousand is just a It is estimated that the upper and lower error should be within 30,000. Who else has any questions?” Seeing that no one answered for a long time below, I continued to say: “Once the divine force shield disappears, these Divine Races will become killable. Dead ordinary creatures, but what needs to be noted here is that the opponent’s attack power will be as perverted as his defense before the divine force shield disappears, so don’t fight too hard in the early stage. Use injury-for-injury play on the opponent’s The divine force shield must not be used until it is knocked off, because your battle strength will decrease after you are injured, and the other party just loses a little divine force armor."

This time, after I finish talking, let’s It's nodded. Obviously everyone thinks what I said makes sense. Then I continued: "Further down, I hope you will pay attention to the combat capability of the Light God family. After our actual testing and intelligence analysis, we finally summarized it. It can be determined that the battle of the Light God family Most of the methods are based on physical attacks. They should all be magical, but they use them very well, and most of them seem to be auxiliary, which means that the opponent lacks group attackers. In view of the above characteristics, I suggest you consider using a small number of personnel Drag most of the opponent's personnel, and then concentrate the superior forces to quickly destroy the opponent's individuals. Divine Race generally does not have too much population. It can be said that if you kill one, you will lose one, so as long as we can drag the large forces, and then quickly eliminate the singles Individuals, then our battles will be easier."

"Purple Moon, I want to ask a question." An Archfiend who was completely black like a fire suddenly stood up. , And then I signaled that he could speak and immediately said: "Since it has been confirmed that the opponent will not attack spell, and there is a divine force shield outside the body, why don't we consider finding some people to unite and use a wide range of powerful forces? Magical coverage, clear the other’s shield all at once?"

"Your question is very good, but we can’t do that." I first rejected the demon’s words, and then said:" The reason is simple. Since the opponent is good at close combat, he must think of mixing with our people. After all, the close combat system only needs to be attached to attack the opponent. Therefore, after the start of the battle, our personnel will soon become a group. The kind of multi-person combined spell formidable power you mentioned may be really big, but the preparation time is too long, we can’t have time to attack the other party before they post it. Besides, the other party is not stupid, simply won’t gather together and wait for you. Clear the field with a wide range spell."

The demon nodded sat down.

In the next time, we began to continue narration and Q&A. It took about forty minutes. Finally, everyone’s problems were basically solved. At this time, the crowds of people here The Light God family also has a more intuitive understanding. Of course, this recognition depends on whether there is a problem with our intelligence screening. If our intelligence screening was wrong last night, then today's intelligence release is estimated to be all in vain, and it may have counterproductive effects. Of course, our daring to post shows that we are still somewhat confident in intelligence.

After reading all the information of the Light God clan, our team immediately began to enter the task assignment stage, because the world where the Light God clan hides, we have no information at all, so the specific tactics are arranged What simply can’t be done, you can only divide them into groups, and then formulate vague orders such as coordination methods. The specific battle layout will have to wait until God World before adapting.

When everything was ready, it was already 7:15 in the morning, and at this time our team was hiding in a row of large carriages. The all arounds of these carriages are all blocked with wooden boards, but the wooden boards are so thin that it is no different from a layer of paper for those of us.

The convoy carrying us is driving out of the palace at this time, and then pretending to be out of the city, driving slowly on the main road of the city, and it is less than 100 meters in front of us on the right. Light God Palace headquarters, when the convoy passes there, we will suddenly rush out to launch a surprise attack on Light God Palace.

da da da ……With the sound of horseshoes, the first car in the convoy has slowly passed the road in front of the temple, but the convoy did not slow down. It must be the fastest to rush into the temple The middle section of the team should be aligned with the gate of the temple, so as to shorten the distance between the people on the head and tail vehicles and the temple. Although this distance may only make them a few tenths of a second at our speed, the details determine the success or failure. Success in the general direction is often piled up with countless small details, so we do not intend to lose points in any details.

"It's now." With a loud reminder, the door panels of all vehicles facing the temple suddenly burst open at the same time, and the scattered wood fragments have not had time to land. The passengers have already shown their divine ability to enter the main entrance of the Light God Palace, and the eight temples guarding them, Knight, have no effect at all. They didn't even understand what happened until their heads fell.

As soon as we rushed into the temple, several colored magic missiles flew in the direction of the palace. Those magic missiles flew high in the air before they suddenly burst into large sparks. Since the magic missiles themselves are very bright and dazzling, and the sky at 7 o’clock has not been fully illuminated, the explosion of these missiles can be seen from far outside the city, and after discovering the magic fireworks, inside and outside the king’s city It moved immediately. The City Guard immediately rushed out of the station to enforce the curfew, and any personnel had to leave their homes. With the help of the city gate guards, the guards on the outskirts of the city rushed into the city, and then directly rushed towards the station of the Knight regiment moved towards the Temple. Although the Knights of the Knight regiment of the Temple have got up, most of them are not armed yet. As a result, they were suddenly attacked. Even with the beliefs of these religious lunatics, they still could not fight the regular army of the kingdom without weapons. Of course, these were not the key points. The key point was inside the Light God Palace.

"This is the Transmission Formation to God World." The guide pointed to the Transmission Formation in front of him and said, and the two Divine Races guarding it were lying next to them, and they had been spared.

I turned around and said to the other people who followed: "I, Kristina and gold coin will go over to build a defense first, and the others will follow. Okay, let’s start the action." (To be continued. If You like this work, and you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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