Although the king was depressed about the rude behavior of gold coin, he did not show any dissatisfaction. After all, he is a well-educated king rather than a street hooligan who dropped out of school. Although in general, gold coin is quite rude, after watching us kill a few Divine Races like chickens, the king can already Tolerate all our insults without pressure.

What's the joke, the other party is an existence that even a god can easily kill, so it's not an exaggeration to call it a god. If you are insulted by that an insult? Anyway, the young king didn't think this was an insult.

Although gold coin disdains the king, I still introduced them to the king's identity. Everyone also knows that the future tasks will depend on the king’s power to do some auxiliary things, so he maintains basic respect for the king. In addition, the king himself also knows our strength so he doesn’t think he is higher than us. Therefore, it is natural not to think that our actions are insulting. Under the premise of the joint efforts of both parties, the atmosphere is fairly harmonious.

After we got the captured personnel, we all moved back to the royal capital, and this special session also let the king fully understand our horror.

It was quite amazing to let the giant dragon take them with them when we came, but when we went back, we used a more powerful method. My demon, Yeyue, directly petrified all the king’s guards into sculptures with petrified pupils, then put them into the Phoenix Dragon space, and then all returned to the royal capital in a long spear. Because there is no giant dragon to slow down the speed, the time to go back actually only took more than half of the time when I came back. After landing, I let Yeyue contribute another saliva, and then dispelled the petrification one by one to the guards. The first reaction of these guys after recovery was to be stunned, because they were clearly in the forest before, didn’t. T expect's brains fainted, and when they woke up, they were in the royal capital. This Space Jump made them a little confused.

I don't have time to care about the confusion of the guards. After arriving in the capital, we quickly listened to the Divine Race information obtained through the king's intelligence system during the time we left.

First of all, it has been confirmed that Light God Palace has a Transmission Formation connected to God World, which means that we have a channel to attack Divine Race. Secondly, the current strength of the Light God Palace headquarters is about 5,000. This number is not a problem for the king. As long as I send a part of the ringtone Knight and Qilin warrior to assist in the fight, I can get this group of people. Third, it is also a real problem. The Transmission Formation to God World seems to be guarded by two Divine Race, and it is said to be much stronger than the four fools we killed on the road.

These three pieces of information are actually peripheral pieces of information, because we still don’t know the Light God family itself until now. We don’t know how many people the opponent has, what types of abilities they have, and what specific battle strengths are. We don’t know all these key issues. It’s not that the king’s intelligence system is not powerful, but that these things are really impossible for mortal forces to investigate. After all, intelligence personnel can’t go to God World, and they can only see the things that people let them see. Therefore, it is completely impossible for God World's intelligence to count on them.

After listening to the information, we asked the king for a safe room, and then began to connect with the rose on the other side. Relying on the ring of love, the twenty-four people who entered the mission finally entered the mission. Seven hours later, the plenary meeting was held again.

"What's the situation on your side?" I asked Rose aloud.

Rose simply replied: "At present, we have completed the union of the dark races and are helping them solve some survival problems, but we have found a solution, and the effect has been a little bit, but at least it will be completed. It takes four to five hours. In addition, even if the dark races on this side begin to build forces immediately after we finish our current work, it will take at least three hours to complete the buildup, plus the road to the royal capital. It’s been delayed for nearly eight hours. I guess it will take at least fifteen hours before we can hope to bring reinforcements to your side."

Hong Yue followed: "In this case, our follow-up missions must be It’s been postponed for 15 hours! Counting the seven or more hours we’ve used now, we actually only have a little more than a day."

Rose nodded and said: "If the previous task Finished, I think the battle itself is not the most time-consuming issue. According to the information we collected on the dark creature side, this so-called Light God family may not have a large number of people, so I estimate that the battle part should be up to four hours. It can be done, maybe if we move fast, we can even complete the task a whole day in advance."

The eagle suddenly said, "But we still don’t know anything about the internal news of the Light God family. Is this okay?"

Rose thought for a while and said: "I think this part can only do this for now."

The eagle asked quite surprised: "Why?"

Rose explained: "From the information collected so far, the God World where this so-called Light God family lives has only one connection point with this world, which is the Light God Palace headquarters. The Transmission Formation. If there are multiple connection points between the two worlds, we can also send someone to investigate the situation, but now there is only one connection point between the two worlds. If you want to investigate in the past, you must activate Transmission Formation, and let the other party It is impossible to find any changes in this Transmission Formation. It is basically impossible to do. Even if it is invisible, it can only hide itself, and cannot cover the transmission process of Transmission Formation. Besides, cross-border transmission will inevitably generate a lot of space energy. Overflow, so this process is almost impossible to proceed sneakily. In case the other party temporarily shuts down Transmission Formation due to our reconnaissance mission, what do you say we do? Not to mention the long time, as long as the other party shuts down for 48 hours, we will naturally wait until our mission expires. It failed. Moreover, even if the other party does not completely turn off Transmission Formation due to this, even if it is to strengthen the guard, it will be enough for us to drink a pot. After all, this Transmission Formation is the only channel between the two worlds. If the other party uses rogue tactics to surround a circle of people on the opposite side of the Transmission Formation, we will send a person over and they will kill one. How do you say we fight? "

The eagle is completely speechless. After all, Rose's analysis is very reasonable. This special situation determines that we cannot secretly detect, and once our intentions are exposed, the counterattack of God World is a joke. If it is after we are ready, Kristina and Gold coin, me, and the three will first teleport to withstand the first wave of attacks, and then cover others to teleport, it is possible, but if the other party is prepared in advance, then Even if the three of us teleported together, it’s useless.

"Since we can’t conduct investigations, what do we do during this time? "Hong Yue asked.

Rose directly said: "You can consider collecting information first, and try to figure out the characteristics of these Light God races, such as their skills, physical characteristics, etc. Anyway, the more detailed the better. I suggest you look for clues from Myths and Legends. After all, they are Divine Race here. Myths and Legends must have their information. As long as you compare and analyze it, it should not be difficult to filter out the unreliable myths, and the rest Part of it should be the real abilities of Divine Race. In addition, according to the offline time given by the system, I hope you will go offline tomorrow morning and take a break, and then go online again at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. By then, our dark creatures should be almost in the capital, everyone, conserve strength and store up. Energy can then go online at this time and raid the Light God Palace in the most perfect state to counterattack God World. "

"Good suggestion, then let's do that. "

After my final word, everyone immediately started to work separately.

Of course the king’s person is responsible for collecting Myths and Legends, but Myths and Legends this thing is big Part of it will be quite outrageous. A certain Divine Race used a rain technique to create a small-scale rain to nourish his garden. It may be said that a certain Divine Race call the wind and summon the rain flooded the three armies, so we What needs to be done is to eliminate the exaggerated and false things based on the information that has been obtained, and squeeze all the water in the mythology, and then the rest is the truth.

This kind of work is squeezing water. It sounds simple, but it is quite troublesome to actually do it. There is no way to distinguish the facts without strong judgment. So many of us act together to sort out all the Myths and Legends collected from the private sector. Let’s take a look. See that the unreliable ones are removed, and then combine the remaining data to find contradictory references, and finally find the correct ability, and calculate the ability to support this scale based on the description of various capabilities. How much magic power, and then calculate the total output of Divine Race according to the magic power value, and finally you can probably get the actual mana strength of the Light God family.

In order to organize these data, so many of us have been tossing all night. , Of course, the main reason is that the information processing ability of our group is too different. The 24 people who came this time are all the top 24 in the guild’s battle strength, but they are not the smartest 20 in the guild. Four people, so many people actually can’t participate in this kind of work. For example, some girls like Bingbing and Bingling who play music, some of them are completely natural, some may be quite smooth, but that It is the intelligence of interpersonal relationship, and the intelligence analysis is not a brain division at all. Moreover, the task of retrieving intelligence from massive information is really too professional. Most people can't get in except to help us move the data back and forth. If it weren’t for the existence of professional intelligence analysis software in my electronic brain, it’s estimated that we won’t be able to come up with any results if we have been busy for three days.

"Hey...I am at this moment How miss the god of war and sister rose! "Gold coin looked at the various materials piled up like a hill in front of him, crying without tears.

The eagle turned a book of mythology and history beside him and said: "If Somei and their staff are here It's great here too! This job is really not done by humans! "

"If you can't hold on, take a break first. Anyway, I've sorted out a lot. "I see that there are all the members in the room like the chickens, so I just let them rest first. It's already more than two o'clock in the morning. I don't want everyone to have this kind of virtue when preparing for the battle with Divine Race tomorrow morning.

Although I was very sorry, but the people here are all elites. Everyone knows that they are useless to stay, so after I persuaded them again, they went to rest one after another. In the end, only me and I were left in the room. Ziyue also has Hong Yue.

Because Ziyue has also done Dragon Clan transformation, she can never sleep like me. Taking a break will not affect her at all. As for Hong Yue, Although she is an ordinary person, her intelligence is relatively high. Don’t look at the people in the house just now. In fact, Hong Yue, Woma and Masaga Matsumoto are the only four people who are really capable of screening this information. I’m because It is Dragon Clan itself, and its intelligence surpasses human beings. At the same time, various specialized auxiliary software in the electronic brain can be used. Although Woma is engaged in scientific research, its intelligence is exaggerated. Masaga Matsumoto itself is a versatile talent, and it is a whole department. The level of genius, otherwise it was impossible by the strength of oneself to support the entire Japanese player group against our Frost Rose League for so long, if it weren’t for the fact that the number of Japanese players was too small and my foreign aid was too much, maybe It really made Masaka Matsumoto lead Japanese players into Chinese territory.

Although only the four of us can interpret the information, Voma is a European. Overtime is based on the European perspective. It seems rather unreasonable, so unless they like to do something and take the initiative to work overtime, generally they will not squeeze their body. As for Matsumoto Masaka, he wants to stay, but I give it to him. I sent it away because of Hong Yue. I didn’t plan to let her stay. After all, they are ordinary persons. If I stay up all night, my state will definitely decline a little bit. If Matsumoto doesn’t rest, Hong Yue will do so soon. I use him as a shield, so I can only send Masaga Matsumoto to take a break in advance.

After everyone took a break, Hong Yue has been busy for nearly an hour. In the end, she has sorted out all the information. Rest on my persuasion. As for me, I stay and continue to complete the final integration. Anyway, I don’t need to sleep.

The rest time passes quite quickly. At four o’clock in the morning, Rose suddenly uses love Huan contacted me and said that the dark creatures over there were already outside the city, and asked me to find a way to get them into the city. After I learned the news, I went to find the young king. This one also didn't sleep all night, on the one hand, he was excited. , On the other hand is also nervous, of course, more importantly, he has a lot of work to do. Because our task is only to deal with Divine Race, and Light God Palace had to solve it by themselves, so the king issued at least 20 secret orders on this page.

When I found the king and told him about this, the king immediately ordered the guards to take secret orders to the city to respond to the dark creatures. With the help of the guards, it should have been night. The city that was never open was also secretly opened, and then all the guards were ordered to stand with their backs to the street, on the one hand, no one would be watching on the road, and on the other hand, they would also prevent them from seeing the dark creatures themselves.

Actually, the so-called dark creature reinforcements are not as many as the king imagined. Although the young king has seen us deal with the Divine Race, his understanding of the battle still stays at the level of mortal combat. So he thought that the so-called dark creature reinforcements were tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dark creatures, but when he waited excitedly for the reinforcements, what he saw was a team of less than 50 people. And a hundred dark creatures.

"This...President Purple Moon, are there too few reinforcements?" The young king said uneasy: "The Light God Palace claims to have more than one hundred thousand knights distributed in various places. How can such a small number of people be enough? Even if the Light God Palace headquarters in the capital does not have that many troops, these few people are too few?"

At this time, Rose has already walked near us, She also heard the king's words. After a brief introduction of herself, she immediately said to the king: "Your Majesty obviously has not figured out the situation. These dark creatures are not to help you deal with the Light God Palace, but to help us deal with the Light God clan. Your guard The battle with the Light Knights is actually simply not the point. Our battle with the Light God clan is the point. Even if you lose temporarily in the battle with the Light Gods, as long as you can hold them back, once our side ends the battle, you too It won’t win. The reason why the Light God Palace is arrogant is because they have the Light God clan behind them. Once the Light God clan is gone, even if the number of the Bright Knight group doubles again? On the other hand, even if You said everyone in the Light God Palace killed all, so what? As long as the Light God clan is still there, they can build countless more Light God Palaces. The war between you and the Light God Palace should actually be said to be a mortal and Divine Race. Without Divine Race, Light God Palace is just an empty shell."

The king is not a fool, but he didn’t turn the corner for a while. Rose gave him such an analysis, and he immediately understood Come here. "I see, the problem is not how our battles are, but how you and the Light God clan will win or lose. If you win, we will not win and we will win, if you lose, we will not be defeated and we will lose."

"student that can be taught." Rose nodded praised the young king, and then turned to me and asked: "How is your data analysis?"

"Although It took a lot of effort without your head to help, but we finally managed to get it done with the crowd tactics." As I said, I raised a piece of paper in my hand. That's right, it's just a piece of paper. When we told the king that we wanted all the legends and information about the Light God family, the other party directly gave us various books, intelligence, and temporary supplementary notes in a room, but they sorted and compared them to filter out errors. After repeating the information, only this piece of paper is left. In fact, the characteristic of being able to fill a piece of paper is quite good. I can even be sure that there must be some discrepancies, but now I can only filter to this point.

Rose took the paper and scanned it quickly, and then said to the king: "First arrange a larger space for us. We need to announce the tactics here, and then gather the team to prepare for war. You are in your hand. If the troops of China have not assembled, then speed up their actions. If they have assembled, they can move into the city. As for the publicity...

The king knew from me that Rose was our high level think tank before Rose came, so he did not have any opinion about what she said, and he did it directly. As for us, we quickly gathered to a comparison. In the empty room, he began to listen to Rose to make tactics. Of course, everyone who went to rest before was also called over to listen to the various Divine Race intelligence we compiled last night. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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