"Idiot." When Hong Yue and Ying Yu Shen Hina ran past the guy who was killed, they gave a disdainful contempt, but this guy's head has been smashed by Divine. Race made a rotten watermelon with a mobile angel, so he won't feel ashamed anymore, anyway, he has no head and no face anymore.

Compared to the one who died directly, the three Divine Races behind were obviously more surprised. They were just a little surprised and we actually came to them, and the three guys were scared immediately. It starts to flash to the side, but the battle at this level is a wrong step, and there is no room for you to remedy it.

The strongest Divine Race I was staring at began to fly back when I appeared in front of him, and at the same time threw the two knights next to him insidiously to try to stop me. Action, but what made him didn't expect was that the two guards were hit by a purple light bomb that suddenly flew from the side while still in the air, and then the two flew out sideways together, without any blocking effect at all.

As soon as he saw the light bullet appear, the Divine Race realized that there were people nearby, but it was too late for him to turn around urgently. As he retreated at high speed, he suddenly felt that he had hit something behind his back, but before he could react, the thing suddenly disintegrated, oh la la, it completely covered his body surface and completely wrapped it in.

Inverrit’s latest skill-biological core.

This is a newly upgraded skill that Inverite has recently upgraded. The function is very simple. It directly wraps a humanoid creature into his body, just like Inverite's mecha form. Turning himself into a magical armor-like shape, covering the entire surface of the target. However, the ability of Inverite in Magic Armor Mode is to protect the personnel inside, while enhancing the attributes of the encased personnel and providing them with many additional means of attack. However, although the core abilities of creatures are wrapped around the target body like magic armor abilities, their functions are completely reversed. At this time, Inverite will use the internally wrapped personnel as fuel cells. In a short period of time, according to the strength of the packaged personnel, it will greatly strengthen Inverite’s battle strength, and at the same time, it will drastically consume the magic and life force of the internal personnel. As well as soul energy, in short, it is to completely squeeze the internal personnel out, and use his power to strengthen Ivorite himself.

The Divine Race didn’t expect this kind of attack at all, so he reacted a little bit slowly, and he was completely wrapped into Ivorite’s body at once, and then he was a big one. The circle of Inverite twisted violently there like a cramp. Of course, this was not Inverite's own behavior, but the wrapped Divine Race resisting.

Like most of the skills in "Zero", the more powerful the skills, the more restrictions, and Ivorite’s core biological skills are no exception. Although this skill can wrap the target and absorb its energy, it takes a short period of time to control the opponent, which is to completely paralyze it, making it a simple "battery". However, before completing this process, Inverrit would be as it is now, completely unable to control his body, because the two sides are fighting each other, so the whole looks like cramps, and walking is unsteady. However, despite this limitation, this is not a problem at all when our number is dominant.

Just when Ivorite was twisting around, a white spider's silk suddenly flew down from the sky and hit Ivorite’s back, and then pulled it up with a sigh sky. The surrounding Templar Knight wanted to save the Divine Race, but saw that the opponent was dragged into the sky. Although they are Knights, they are not air riders, and they can't fly at all. Following their line of sight, one could see a big spider standing on the back of a giant dragon in the sky, and the other end of the spider silk was hanging around the Divine Race Ivorite.

While this guy was being dragged away, I turned around and rushed towards the Divine Race who was entangled with Ziyue next to me. That Divine Race was originally not Ziyue’s opponent. Adding to the reason for the surprise attack, he is now embarrassed. This time, I was attacked by me from behind. I simply didn’t respond and was pierced by my head. In the end, He didn't realize how he died.

The idiot who was going to single out all of us in the four Divine Races was killed by mobile angels against Divine Race. My target was eaten by Ivorite, and Ziyue focused on this. The position has just been killed, and now there is actually only one left of the four Divine Races. However, this guy is just slightly better luck than his companion. After killing Ziyue's enemies, I immediately turned to the final battlefield.

The Divine Race was hit by the joint attack of Ying Yu Shen Hina and Hong Yue, covered head and sneaked away like a rat. If you want to fight back, you will immediately attract more violent magic. Suppressed and forced him to continue to dodge, but the activity space of that guy immediately disappeared after Ziyue and I joined. After being forced into the middle of us, the guy also realized that he could not run away today, so he planned to do his best. However, just as he was about to gather divine force, he suddenly had a beautiful face and a pair of beautiful faces in front of him. Suffocating eyes, and then he didn't know anything.

"You...you..." Watching us kill the four Divine Races, and the group of temple Knights who followed them didn't react until this time. One of the idiots actually yelled at us. stand up.

Hong Yue turned his head and glanced at them, and then pointed at them, a red and black fire wave swept them like a shock wave, and after the fire wave passed, only the place was left. A pile of scorched bones, and then as a breeze blew by, the bones also instantly turned into fly ash and floated away.

"Completely crushed!" The old mage who was watching the battle in the distance finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he didn't agree with the king's gambling before. After all, gambling with the luck of a country is really too big. However, after seeing the scene where we killed four Divine Races within one minute and Hong Yue raised his hands to burn all the temple knights to ashes, the cautious old mage finally believed the king's judgment. In fact, it can no longer be said to be a judgment. It is like having seen the equation of one plus one. Knowing that the result is equal to two is not a guess at all.

"What about the battle over there?" Hong Yue turned his head and asked me after smoothing out the high-end Knights who followed Divine Race.

I glanced at the battlefield over there, and then said: "It looks like it's almost over. If you don't think it's too slow, you can go together."

In fact, Hong Yue and Zi Yue did feel a little slow, so the two of them rushed up together, neither the Son of the Sleepover nor the Younger Ying Yu, the two of them were relatively quiet and not so impatient.

The group of temple Knights couldn’t even beat my Qilin warrior. When they encountered Hong Yue and Ziyue, they were just like paperwork. After the two entered the battlefield, they immediately began to rampage in the battlefield, and I He also consciously directed the Qilin warrior to move as far away from them as possible to facilitate their magnification.

Counting from the time we landed, it took about fifteen minutes before and after the last temple, Knight, finally fell in a pool of blood, and our loss was only...Two Qilin warriors died, More than 80 people were injured to varying degrees. But having said that, even if the Qilin warrior itself is a summon creature, it can be resurrected automatically when it is dead, but only has a cooling time. As for injury... that is simply not a loss.

"Purple Moon President, President Purple Moon..." The young king ran over after seeing that the Divine Races were all dead, this time he was asking us excitedly "Are we going to save your comrades and then directly counterattack the temple?"

The old mage also followed: "It seems that the strength of several people is completely above those of Divine Race. If you are friends It's all with this strength, then our plan is not a problem."

Not only was I not excited after hearing the words of the old mage, but I was a little confused. "That... Hong Yue, do you feel that the enemy seems too weak?"

Hong Yue also nodded and said: "Yes! It feels completely different from the last time I dealt with the Russian Divine Race "

The previous battle between us and Russia’s Divine Race, apart from me in our guild, only Kristina and gold coin had the ability to completely suppress Divine Race individuals. Everyone Someone must cooperate and rely on quantitative advantages to defeat those Russian Divine Races. However, this time the feeling is completely different. Those Divine Races are completely paper-cut to me. I don't need summon familiars, and I don't need fit skills. I can easily kill these guys directly, even the skills are useless. Although Hong Yue's feelings are not as exaggerated as I am, they obviously feel that these Divine Races are just equivalent to a group of more powerful players, let alone the difficulty, as long as they are a little serious, there is no probability of failure at all. Although we are five-to-four, we got four Divine Races, and we didn't even get injured. Isn't it too easy? If it weren’t for the divine force fluctuations on the opponent, I would have thought that what I had cut was not Divine Race.

The Night Son said while thinking: "I don’t think this is actually a problem. There seems to be only a Divine Race from the so-called Light God clan in this world, and the power of mortal people is so weak, so Their Divine Race may feel that there is nothing in the world that can threaten their existence, so it is only the four weakest members of them who have been sent out to respond to the prison."

Sakura Rain God Young also nodded and said "Yes, it must be the case. Otherwise, I can’t tell you how these guys are so weak. I thought I needed to hold these guys first, and finally waited for the president to free up my hands before breaking through each one. As a result, I was almost alone. Kill that guy."

I thought for a while and said: "Tentatively treat these all are miscellaneous soldiers, but even if the four here are miscellaneous soldiers, a Divine Race is impossible. Soldiers, so be careful afterwards."

Since we only have two days of action, we have no plans to clean the battlefield in this battle against Divine Race. Anyway, even if we are found out, the opponent will It was absolutely too late to react, so we simply pulled away from the battlefield and followed the road to the direction of the prison team.

Because there was a delay in the battle and post-processing just now, the escort team is actually less than ten minutes away from us. We took the initiative to meet it again and ran three times. Both sides hit head-on in four minutes.

The composition of the escort team on the opposite side is different from the team that came to meet them. There are four Divine Races in the support team, so the ordinary temple Knights are relatively few, with only a few hundred people, but there is no Divine Race in the escort team. The strongest are only a few high level Knights. It's the one that was beaten by Hong Yue. In addition to these few high level knights, there are more than two thousand temple knights behind them. These guys are huge in number, and they are definitely a powerful force in terms of local forces, but in our opinion they are just miscellaneous soldiers.

We know that the opposite is the prison car team, and the guy on the opposite side can tell at a glance that we are not here to respond, so neither side hesitated. As soon as we met, we immediately identified the other party as the enemy, so we fell into a melee.

The first to hit the enemy was my ringtone Knight. Their task was to disperse the opponent's array. The only two casualties on our side in the previous battle were caused during the hedge, so this time I directly put Ringtone Knight to the forefront. Anyway, compared to the horse, Ringtone Knight’s Dread Dragon followed the attack. Like a city tank, how to hit it will not suffer. After Ringtone Knight plows the opponent's formation, the subsequent Qilin warrior will begin to slaughter the dispersed enemies, so that the fight is safe and fast.

The high level Knight on the opposite side knew that his front could not stop the charge of Ringtone Knight at all. He knew it was bad, but he didn't panic. Instead, he calmly ordered the cavalry in front to disperse the queue and let the impact pass. The strong ring tone Knight went to entangle with the Qilin warrior behind, and at the same time ordered some people to go to the back to capture all the prisoners as hostages. On the one hand, it deterred the opponent and on the other hand could prevent the prisoners from being rescued. However, although there are no loopholes in his command, it is a pity that the power gap between the two sides is too great, and no matter how powerful a commander can turn things around by resourcefulness alone.

Just when the guy gave the order and the messenger had not had time to turn around, he saw two giant dragons, one on the left and the other right, passing by the jungle on both sides of the road at low altitude, and then Landing directly on the front and rear of the prison car completely isolated the prison car from the entire team.

After landing, the two dragons immediately began to breathe dragon flames one by one forward and one backward. At the same time as the giant dragon landed there were more than a dozen powerful creatures of various appearances. In the blink of an eye, they dismantled the steel-cast prison car into pieces all over the floor. As for the prisoners inside, they were naturally rescued.

In fact, given the strength of these Templar Knights, this kind of rescue mission only needs to control the prison vehicle, and the other parts are simply not a problem. Because I was worried that the opponent would not be able to beat us and threaten us with the captured person, I adopted a frontal assault to attract attention to match the central sneak attack tactics.

Lucky and plague cut off the road one by one, after which my demon descended, and the prison car was dismantled in twos or twos. Finally, the sickle and the spider silk glued everyone together and threw the other section into the air. , At this time Mira flew over, catching the thrown spider silk ball with one claw, taking everyone up to the sky and flying out of this area in one breath. Finally, I took back the other familiars except fortune and plague on the prison cart and took them. Asuka leaves.

The whole plan didn't take 30 seconds from the appearance of luck and the plague. It was almost that the group of Templar Knights had just reacted to what happened and we had already evacuated. Looking at us who have escaped from the sky, the flightless Templar Knights can only be anxious below, but there are not many opportunities for them to be anxious, because the luck and plague that have just flew up have begun to spray all the way along the road. Long Yan cleared the field.

Even in the main world, Dragon Flame is a high-damage attack that must not be touched. Even more how is it used to deal with these thin-skinned Templar Knights? As the two dragon flames sprayed from the front to the back, the entire team was directly reduced to ashes. Except for a few Knights who reacted quickly and stood aside, they rushed into the forests on both sides to escape. Only the group of Templar Knights who were tangled with my Qilin warrior survived. However, those guys didn't actually live long. After all, it is not safe to be entangled with Qilin warrior by their strength. As for the group of people who rushed into the woods, there is no need to worry about this. The king's three hundred guards were all squatting in the woods on both sides, and the group of Knights did not run out of ten people. Three hundred people surrounded them and beat them to death with one foot.

Because there is no Divine Race, although the escort team here is crowded, they die faster than the responding team. The battle is over in less than eight minutes. There is nothing but a corpse. remain. What we have to deal with is Divine Race, no human captives are needed, anyway, they are also impossible to know about Divine Race.

While the king’s guards were chasing down the surviving Templar Knights, I was clarifying the situation with Kristina and the others.

Zhenhong angrily pulled down the rope on her body while complaining: "This damn task is really cheating, actually let us enter the task directly in the form of captives!"

This is the truth about the capture of Kristina and her group. In fact, they were simply not caught, but they were tied up in a prison car like zongzi when they were sent into the mission, and they were also covered with a lot of shackles that sealed magic and physical strength. The result was that they were completely Lost the ability to resist.

According to the mission setting, they are not only captured as soon as they come up, but the temple headquarters is also at first. They know that there is such an escort team on the road, which is why their receiving team will enter the mission from us. I was already rushing here in an instant, all because this was the mission setting.

"Huh? Where's Ms. Rose?" Unlike Zhenhong, others don't have much temper. After gold coin got rid of the shackles on his body, he found that we were missing a few people.

"Except for you who came up as captives, we are not all together here." Hong Yue started to explain to them how we were just entering the mission, and everyone on the other side heard it again. There was a complaint. This is also the devil beast equipment for all members of our guild. If it is a general guild, this task can be said to be over as soon as the game starts. You think. As soon as they came up, more than half of the people were arrested, and it was obviously impossible to save themselves. Half of the remaining people appeared at an altitude of several kilometers, fell along the way, and would surely fall to death without flying. The remaining half are under the water, a little uncomfortable, plus no diving equipment, it is also a death. So, this task from the very beginning is a big trap. If all the guilds in the world do this task again, I guarantee that 90% of the guilds will be judged as failed in the first five minutes.

We are cursing the task system for cheating. The young king over there has already squeezed in with a cheeky, and then began to introduce himself passionately: "I am the local king, and now I am also your ally. Congratulations to everyone for regaining their freedom. If you don’t mind, you can go back to the palace with me and rest before making the next plan."

"Who is this?" The king said he was dumb! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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