Since the landing location we chose is located on a V-shaped section of the road, even though we have arranged the attack sequence on the ground, Knight sent from the opposite Light God Palace The regiment failed to notice us in advance, and when the Qilin warrior on our side rushed out of the corner, the distance between the two sides was already less than 100 meters.

Although the Knight group is also considered elite, after all, the Knights are also human, and they also have the reaction of normal people. The running team suddenly saw a cavalry unit rushing out in front and immediately began to decelerate instinctively. After all, normal people have a sense of self-protection to avoid injury, and determine whether the enemy is in front and whether they need to fight with it, these all are High level thinking and physical instincts can't control this part, so the team immediately started to slow down after seeing the Qilin warrior rushing out in front.

Just as the temple Knights instinctively slowed down to avoid the impact, a loud roar suddenly rang in the middle of the team. "Don't slow down, rush over." With this roar, a full-length golden armored Knight rushed out of the cavalry team and rushed to the forefront of the team. With this person's leading role, the speed of the following teams immediately followed up. Otherwise, if they slowed down, they would have to hedge against my Qilin warrior for a while, and they would definitely suffer. What cavalry fights against is speed and imposing manner. Whoever hides first, who slows down, will die.

The distance of one hundred meters is not long, not to mention that there are cavalry on both sides, and they are still sprinting at full speed. This one hundred meters is only a matter of a few seconds. After the Golden Armor Knight rushed to the front of the team, the teams on both sides smashed into each other violently, followed by a group of people turning their backs on their backs. The collision of weapons, the impact of flesh, the neighing of war horses, the roar of beasts, and the screams of human beings screamed together. The two cavalry teams are like compressed accordion bellows. They quickly changed from a sparse team with two section lengths to a small black dense sea of ​​people.

"OK, the first part is complete, Skott, take your people to stabilize the position."

"Understand." Skott patted the dreadlock under his crotch. Mount, and then waved to the other ringtones, Knight. "Follow me all."

"Kill them all." The ringtone Knight who followed Sgoth roared excitedly and joined the battlefield, and their entry undoubtedly brought a lot to the enemy. Big trouble.

Although as the player's level increases, only the 950 Level 10 ringtones of Knights sometimes seem not so sharp, but here, even Qilin warrior can easily grind in the face of this gang Overwhelming their existence, the Ringtone Knights have a huge strength advantage, especially the mounts under their hips are like siege tanks rushing in the battlefield.

The body structure of this creature is very similar to Tyrannosaurus Rex, with a length of more than ten meters from head to tail, and a height of more than four meters when standing normally. This height determines that their huge heads can just bite the Knight riding on a war horse just a little bit down. What's more terrifying is that Dastrodon has a very abnormal ability, that is, it has its own fear aura and Dragon's. Might. This thing is of course useless for high level creatures, but the problem is that the horse can't stand it.

As soon as the twenty-one bell-tone Knight stepped onto the battlefield, many Templar Knight’s horses under the crotch began to poop and urinate to the ground. The quick-reaction Knight was able to jump off ahead of time, but unfortunately he was directly crushed by his horse with one leg and stuck on the ground. No matter how Knight beat these horses, the opponent just shivered and resolutely did on the ground. not raise.

On this chaotic battlefield, the mount is crushed on the ground, unable to move even a little bit. This is a terrible thing. Therefore, the ring tone Knight has not actually started to do anything. A large number of people died on the other side because of their arrival.

After successfully entering the battlefield, the Ringtone Knights simply let go of the mount's control and let them act on their own. Although the Dinosaurs are not high in intelligence, they are still clearly distinguished from their enemies, so there is no need to worry. The problem of accidental injury.

As soon as the Dastrosaurus rushing to the front of Skot entered the edge of the battlefield, it bit the entire upper body of a Knight, and then threw the guy out of the battlefield as soon as he looked up. Listening to the screams from the distance, it is estimated that no one will recognize him after landing. After all, few people can see his original form from a piece of pie.

After flinging a person easily, Sgoth immediately patted the dinosaur on the neck. The dinosaur under his crotch knowingly turned his head and took the other Templar Knight next to him, even the man and the horse. Get up, and then slammed to the side with a thud, and smashed another Templar Knight who was about to swing his sword at a Qilin warrior. All split up and in pieces, followed by this Dinosaur and quickly raised its soles and violently I took a big step forward, slamming a Templar Knight with a man and a horse into meat sauce, and at the same time, one of the two short forelimbs took a Templar Knight next to him and sent it to him. He snapped his head off his mouth, then threw the corpse away.

Seeing that these Dread Dragons are too lethal to ordinary team members, a high-ranking Knight in the opposing team suddenly yelled to let the people around him get out of the way, and then he raised his hip mount to charge. The last two. However, he had just rushed to the distance of seven or eight meters away from the Dreadosaur of Skye, when the horse under the crotch suddenly softened and a dog gnawed mud. Although the high-ranking Knight didn’t expect that his mount would suddenly fall down, he reacted fast enough. When the horse fell down, he jumped up with the help of inertia and was spared from being ridden under him by his horse. destiny.

However, although this guy eluded his horse and rushed aggressively with his great sword in front of Skott, he suddenly saw him when he was more than three meters away from the Dread Dragon Skott's Dread Dragon suddenly turned around and swept across with its huge tail horizontally. He only heard a bang, and the guy flew out. He smashed into the crowd and turned over a group of people before he stopped. However, he stopped. But looking at the angle of his spine, I guess he won’t need it in his life. I want to stand up again.

Call ...... and seemed bothered that Knight's performance, Daspletosaurus ejected a mouthful of black smoke from the nostrils with breath, and then moved towards Knight Templar dense area rushed past, along the way do not know How many Templar Knights were trampled to death.

Frontal battlefield Templar Knight vs. Qilin warrior, the number of Templar Knights is more than 800, and the number of our Qilin warrior is only 300. It’s not that I don’t want to call more, but the forest on both sides of the road is too narrow. There are too many people to line up, so I only chose the most suitable number of people. Of course, there is still a layer of consideration here that is to reserve a place for the king's guards. Can't I just cover the battle and let them be a tour group, right?

Although it seems that the two sides are fighting fiercely now, there is actually no suspense about the battle. The strength of Qilin warrior and ring tone Knight surpasses the Templar Knight group too much, even if the number of people is dominant, they can completely fill the gap caused by the strength gap. Besides, our side is not really unpopulated, but the place is too narrow to expand. The troops are only, because the number of people really suffers, I put more Qilin warrior out to fight back, anyway, Qilin warrior I can summon more than 20,000, and pile them up.

The main battlefield seems fierce but very stable, but outside the battlefield it seems calm, but in fact the undercurrent is turbulent. There is obviously a small group of people behind the Templar Knight group that did not participate in the melee. Just like the four of us, Hong Yue and the king and the old mage, there are about 20 people in the opposite group. The equipment is obviously much higher than the people of the Templar Knight group, and there are four of them I can see at a glance that they are the four Divine Races mentioned in the previous intelligence,

"the four It's Divine Race, right?" Like us, the king also noticed the people on the other side who didn't participate in the battle.

I nodded asked: "We are going to go to war with them soon. If you want to observe, it is recommended to stay away a bit, and it is best to use a few more layers of protection on your body."

"Is it so dangerous?" the king asked with some uncertainty.

Hong Yue said impatiently: "Don't underestimate us and those Divine Races on the opposite side. Any one of our attacks missed may pose a threat to you, so you'd better believe our words."

The old mage doesn’t have any adventurous spirit. Even if we don’t remind, we will definitely pull the little king to a safe distance before allowing him to watch the battle, so after we prompt, he immediately promised to take the king. Try to stay away from the battlefield.

It was confirmed that the king would not have a hot brain and suddenly ran over to join us in the battle with Divine Race before we moved towards the group of people on the opposite side.

Although the road is blocked by the battlefield, Qilin warrior will take the initiative to make way for us. As for Templar Knight...Can they stop it?

We just swaggered across from the center of the battlefield. During the period, many Templar Knights tried to intercept them. Of course, they were dead and unclear. Compared with us, these guys It's really weak, and the level is less than a fraction of most of us. Such a big difference in strength can stop us, it's hell.

Just as we recognized the Divine Race of the opposite group at a glance, the opposite group also recognized us at a glance, but did they simply treat us as a powerful enemy or We knew that this wave of people existed before, and this is only known to them.

Seeing us walking through the battlefield, a Divine Race in the opposing team called a knight next to him and whispered a few words. Knight immediately took the weapon to urge the mount and rushed over. .

"Should I be responsible for this?" asked the Child of Night. The distribution plan discussed earlier is that Ziyue, Hong Yue, and Yingyu Shenchu ​​will each have a Divine Race, and the rest is the matter of the son of the night. If the Divine Race is too strong for one person to deal with, it will be paid later. There are mobile angels for Divine Race to assist in the battle. Of course, the Night Son is not the only one. Both my demonic familiar and the mobile angels that everyone carries can assist him, but the premise is to see the strength of the opponent before deciding whether it is necessary.

Hearing Yezhizi say this, Hong Yue directly slapped him and said, "This is not Divine Race, who are you not going to?"

Yezhizi nodded. It was gone, and then the Knight on the other side suddenly felt that there were more people behind him, and even the Divine Race over there was obviously taken aback. The boy of the night can only move by teleportation. He cannot walk like a normal person, and of course he cannot run. Basically, his leg is an ornament, which can only be used as a support for the body. The system restricts him. The right to walk. However, because of this weird attribute, he has gained the ability to teleport infinitely. Simply put, he can move to any position according to his will, as long as this place is within his line of sight, or he can remember The relative position of where you live and your current location. This kind of teleportation does not produce magical power fluctuations, and there is no preparation and cooling time. If the Night Son is an assassin instead of a Necromancer, I suspect that I have to give him the first position in the battle strength list. After all, this kind of super fast teleportation is really suitable for yin people, and most people can't prevent it at all.

The Knight obviously also belongs to the category of ordinary people. Suddenly there were many people behind him completely didn't expect. As a result, he just felt that something was wrong with his neck when he was touched by the Son of Night.

Although Necromancer is not an assassin, Necromancer is actually somewhat capable of melee combat compared to ordinary wizards. At least many of Necromancer’s abilities are effective in contact, which requires Necromancer to have a certain melee combat ability. Otherwise, those contacts are effective and tired. Spell is not a complete display?

Just now, when the Son of Night touched this guy’s neck, he used this contact-effective spell. The name is called Hand of Corruption. It looks like the Son of Night lightly put his hand on the guy’s neck. But the guy trembled violently as if he had been electrocuted, and at the same time the shiny silver white armor on his body began to corrode and fall off in large pieces at the speed visible to naked eye, and inside the armor, That guy’s body was dehydrated and dried by a colleague and then cracked and shattered. Finally, when that guy’s war horse returned to us with the Night Son on its back, the Knight had already turned into powder, including the corpse. There is nothing left.

"The starting score is not bad." Hong Yue said to the son of the night who had just returned.

Compared to ours, it doesn't matter. The king who was watching our battle with the old mage's observation skills in the distance jumped up excitedly. "Haha, that's amazing. Master Howard, did you see it? That Necromancer killed a God-sheltered Knight just by touching it. That's a God-sponsored Knight! One person can easily deal with thirty Imperial Family guards! I didn't expect that they didn’t even stop anyone’s move."

Compared to the king’s optimism, the old mage calmly said: "It doesn’t matter how many Knights die, as long as the four The name Divine Race is okay, so we don’t do anything, but as long as they can prove that they really have the ability to kill gods, then we have won half of them."

The king also made nodded when he heard it, Then began to quietly observe the battle on our side.

I just wanted to test our strength, so I dropped a high-level Knight, and the Divine Race on the opposite side finally couldn't sit still. Before, they just thought that we were the powerhouse of Human World, but God blessed Knight itself because of the divine force, so they can say that they have surpassed the power of the mortal. This is why the king said that his guard team needs 30 people to deal with it. A reason for God blessing Knight, because people are no longer mortal powers. However, even God Bless Knight did not survive a move. This was the first time that Divine Race began to worry, because they knew that even if they did it by themselves, God Bless Knight did not mean that they could not fight back. of. Although they can win the God-Blessed Knight steadily, and are not too afraid of the opponent to suppress them by their numerical advantage, it is still almost impossible for these Divine Races to kill the God-Blessed Knight one by one. Well, now we have done it, which means that our strength surpasses them.

Despite such inferences, inherent thinking is not so easy to break. The other party obviously did not sense the existence of divine force in us, so although they roughly guessed that our strength was good, they quickly denied their guess. Instead, they guessed that the skill of the night child might be special, so the sneak attack succeeded. Such a conclusion.

With this conclusion, those Divine Races are even more determined that we are not so strong, but even so they still feel that we are not so easy to deal with, so they are not willing to Sending the temple Knight to his death, he simply shot himself directly. Of course, the arrogance of Divine Race determines that they are impossible to fight with us equally. Of course, this does not mean that they are playing tricks. On the contrary, they don't want to fight with us with equal numbers, so they will feel ashamed. So, after exchanging a few glances, the weakest guy among the four Divine Race walked out of the team and walked towards us slowly.

Divine Race is different from the previous Knight. Although this Divine Race is also on horseback, he is now walking. The horse is obviously not suitable for Divine Grade battles. It is better to simply waste it. Dismount early.

Looking at the other person just walked over, Hong Yue and I exchanged glances, but after we exchanged glances, we didn't choose who to take the shot. Instead, five people rushed out together.

To deal with a Divine Race, of course we don’t have to go on with the five of us. We are just worried that the other three Divine Races will run away. Now charge ahead can shorten the distance between the two sides. When the time comes, even if they want to run, we intercept successfully. The probability will be higher, isn't it?

On the opposite Divine Race, seeing the five of us rushing up together, not only was there no tension or fear at all, but it was relieved. In his opinion, so many of us rushing together means that we know that we are not as strong as Divine Race, so we dare not single out with him, so he doesn't have to worry about it. However, it's a pity that his guess is far from the truth. Just when he watched us leaning over and still posing POSS, the five of us suddenly moved.

We were moving before, but we are not in the same state as now. Before, our speed was "normal", but when we got close to that guy, our speed was suddenly It skyrocketed, especially when Yezizi and I appeared next to the other three Divine Race waiting to see the excitement, and the front one was caught by a long sword from behind before he knew what was going on. I picked in midair through it, and even my head was crushed to pieces by a huge slap. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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