Starting from self-interest, the young king is full of motivation. Our lost companions were found within an hour before and after, but this position is a bit disturbing.

"What? I was caught?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes." Although our business is very important, the king can't stay with us all the time, so now it is replaced by the old mage who was talking to us. At this time, the old mage was talking to us about the information just sent by the secret channel.

After getting the affirmative reply from the old mage, we did not immediately show any tension, but began to think about the probability of this matter, of course, because the matter is more important, so I even rose with them. Got in touch.

The old mage probably knew that we were going to discuss some secret things, so after finishing talking, he explained that we can find him whenever we have something to do. He is next door, and then he took the initiative to leave for us. Room.

Since there are no outsiders anymore, I simply turned on the broadcast mode so that everyone from Rose and us can join the discussion.

Rose first asked: "Are you sure that they were all arrested?"

I said very positively: "The numbers have been checked, except for our two groups. Everyone has been arrested."

After a little thought, Rose said directly: "Then don’t worry."

Hong Yue is very curious why Rose said there’s no need to worry, but still Before she could ask, she was preempted by Yingyu Divine Young.

Rose explained earnestly: "If apart from the ten of our two groups, the remaining 14 people are arrested, it means that Christina and gold coin should also be arrested. I was caught, but do you think it is possible to be caught quietly with their strength?"

Hong Yue thought for a while and said: "It should be impossible, even if they are caught, they will definitely come up with Disaster Grade. Other things come, it is absolutely impossible to be caught in such a quiet."

Roses followed: "So they are definitely not as simple as being defeated and caught. It is very likely that they were directly caught as soon as they entered the mission. The state of being caught."

"I was arrested as soon as I came in?" After thinking about it for a while, I also think this answer is more reliable. After all, Kristina and Gold Coin are not ordinary people. When the two of them are attacked by the enemy, they will definitely make heaven shaking, earth shattering, absolutely impossible so quiet.

Rose waited for us to digest the problem just now, and then followed: "Now I suggest you go and rescue them. After all, this task is too difficult. It is difficult to complete the task if there are not enough people. And rescuing them may be the key to triggering the mission. Now although we have roughly guessed the content of the mission, after all, there is nothing in the system record, so we have to try as many situations as possible to trigger the mission."

Because everyone felt that what Rose said was reasonable, the decision was quickly passed unanimously, and there was no need to discuss the following matters, and it was useless to discuss before everyone was found.

Before cutting off the communication, I also asked Rose about the current situation on their side. The answer was that they encountered a large group of dark races under the ground, but they have become Allies, these dark races will also help when we deal with the Light God clan.

When we heard this, we just sighed. Thanks to everyone not in a hurry to meet, otherwise if Rose and they gave up the underground passage, the final task can still be completed, but the difficulty will be greatly increased. Promotion, after all, without an ally, we have to bear more pressure.

After reporting the recent situation of the two sides, we started to act separately. Although Rose has established an ally with the underground race, it is said that the underground race there is also facing strong pressure to survive, and Rose is leading people to help them solve various problems. This action can not only earn affection. In addition, it can also increase the strength of the underground races. In the subsequent battles, they can do their best to help us fight the Light God race without any worries.

When Rose was busy with their work, we also began our task, which was to rescue the remaining personnel.

"You are going to hijack the prison car?" When we told the old mage our next action plan, the other party was obviously quite surprised.

"Why? Is there any problem?"

The old mage said with some worry: "It's not a problem, but worry. You don't know, your companion seems to be affected by Light God Palace’s unprecedented attention. The Light God Palace headquarters in the capital sent a very large Knight regiment to pick up the escort team a few hours ago, and the escort team is already very large, so the opponent’s strength is very terrifying. , It is said that there are four real Light God tribes among the teams sent by the Light God Palace headquarters this time, so..."

"So you are scared?" I asked aloud.

Although the old mage did not answer, the meaning was already obvious. They are just scared. Although they have been fighting the Light God Palace before, the royal power faction is actually a struggle between people. Not only the people of the Imperial Family, but also the people of the temple, everyone is actually human. This is the struggle between people. This kind of struggle is resourceful, resourceful and a little bit of luck. But now it's different. Divine Race has appeared in the team, a group that hardly ever appeared in the world before. Even though the old mage does not believe in God, he knows the power of Divine Race, so he is worried, afraid, afraid that if the opponent takes this opportunity to fight back against the royal family, then their soldiers will be just as paperless in front of Divine Race, simply defending. Can't stop them. The royal family is so scared because of the obvious gap between their strength and Divine Race.

Seeing that the old mage had acquiesced to me, I continued: "Since you are worried, you don't need your help." Seeing what the old mage wanted to say, I quickly reached out and stopped him and said first:" I’m not saying that the plan to eliminate Light God Palace has been cancelled, but that you don’t need to take care of the prisoner car hijacking. Of course, you can send someone to observe it in person, and I will let you know that Divine Race is really not counted for us. What."

The old mage thought for a long time and still felt that this matter was not easy to make a decision, so in the end he let us wait for a while, and then hurriedly ran to report to the king.

In terms of personal strength, the old mage is obviously more powerful than the young king, but after all, the old mage is old and does not have the adventurous spirit and drive of the youngster. After hearing the news, the young king only thought for a few seconds before making a decision. He not only wanted to support us in completing this prisoner car robbery, but he even led his guards to personally assist us in the robbery of the prisoner car. I understand that the other party is sending us a message, which means that they have already cut off one's means of retreat, and we should not even think about retaining any strength.

I was a little surprised about the king's stake all on one throw and I started to look at each other a little bit from then on, this youngster is indeed still a bit courageous.

Compared with the bravery of the king, the old mage immediately objected when he heard that the king was going to take part in the prisoner car hijacking himself, but the young king said that this time he was reluctant to compromise. In the end, the old mage had to He listened to the king, but he had to follow along together. In this way, if something went wrong, he would at least be able to transport the king away, which would be regarded as an insurance for the king.

During our preparation process, the prison car has been moving, and the longer the time is, the closer the opponent is to the capital. According to the king’s secret information channel, the connection channel between the God World where the Light God family lives and here is in the Light God Palace in the royal capital. Therefore, if the team is brought close to the royal capital, then the prisoner car will be hijacked by us. A large number of Divine Races are likely to be found in the process, so our actions must be fast.

The king's guard is not the group guarding the Imperial Palace, but a secret force with only more than 300 people, but the battle strength is quite high. Of course, this is calculated according to the local strength. After all, the so-called royal guards are only about a thousandth level. If you pull one out here, you can go out and walk sideways, but for us this is also It is the level of an ordinary player, and there may be a lower-middle part.

Because the number of the opponents is not very large, I didn’t let them ride horses in a hurry. Instead, I asked the king to prepare a few small boats and stuffed the three hundred people like sardines. After being in the wooden boat, I directly summoned lucky, plague, and the small three-one dragon grabbed the wooden boat and flew up.

Actually, we could get more flying units to make them more comfortable, but when they came out, they heard that we were going to deal with Divine Race, and they immediately became very disdainful. They think we are bragging, and they laugh at us. Although I did not argue with them, this did not prevent me from putting on small shoes for them, and directly using three boats to cram 300 people to retaliate against them.

Of course the king and the old mage didn’t have to squeeze the boat, they were lucky enough to sit on Asuka’s back with me. Although there are only two air grooves on Asuka's back, I can only stand on Asuka's back and let them lie in it.

In fact, standing on the back of a bird is very windy. After all, there are flying creatures like jets under your feet, and then stand on top and fly at high speed in the air. The cloak behind is hunting in the wind. , That feels pretty good. However, this kind of cool behavior is not something everyone can do. Your Majesty, the young king who just sat on the Asuka, planned to stand there and pose with me. As a result, the feathers on the top of the helmet disappeared as soon as he stood up, and the whole person was almost blown down by the wind, scaring him. No longer dared to extend any part of the body beyond Asuka's air trough.

Even though they were not flying fast because of luck, our speed was still more than 300 kilometers per hour. Although the Knight group of Light God Palace set off when we first entered the mission, it hasn’t been six hours until now. After all, the mission we entered in the morning has not yet reached noon. At most, the cavalry can run two hundred kilometers. It was over half an hour away from us at this point and flew there.

Thanks to the huge diameter of the longan, the eyesight of the giant dragon is very good. Seven or eight kilometers away, I saw the cavalry regiment in the distance, but they are still moving in the same direction as us, indicating that they have not yet joined the escort team on the opposite side.

The young king and the old mage, after hearing that I saw the Knight regiment, directly asked whether the other party had joined the prison cart team, and the old mage excitedly said: "Very good. We are faster. We can intercept the prison team directly before them, and then save your companions and evacuate."

Compared with the excitement of the old mage, the king is not so happy. Locally, I know he actually wants to see how we fight Divine Race. Although I didn't mean to take care of the king's ideas, I really didn't plan to let these Divine Races go. After all, the mission this time is likely to destroy the opponent's entire Divine Race. Instead of letting the opponent concentrate on fighting against us, it will save a lot of trouble if we can solve the four first. Apart from Celestial Court and Buddhism, I have not seen any Divine Race with a particularly large population, so the four Divine Races must be a very important force for each other, and the more important this force is, we After we get rid of them, the benefits will be greater for us.

"No, let's solve this team first." Amidst the expressions of the old mage's astonishment and the expression of excitement of the young king, I said our decision.

The old mage immediately shouted: "Are you crazy? Divine Race exists in the opponent's team. Why can we go around and fight against them?"

The young king I also want to know this answer. Although he prefers to fight, he also wants to know the reason.

I explained directly: "Because our goal is to annihilate the Light God clan, we are going to fight these guys sooner or later. Divine Race is not like a human being. They usually don’t have too many individuals. Killing four in advance is similar to removing one and a half of your country’s five major Legions. You can’t afford this loss, and Divine Race can’t afford it either."

Hear me The explanation of the two people suddenly realized, but their expressions did not change at all. The old mage was still worried, and the young king was flushed with excitement.

Although I have decided to deal with these people first, I didn't plan to just rush to fight with them like this. That is not my habit. First inform the lucky ones to bypass the road and fly to the front of the Knight regiment, and let Hong Yue and the others prepare for battle, and I summoned my guardian long spear again, and then transferred the king and the old mage up. Followed by himself, stepping on the flying bird to speed up and flew towards the front of the road.

Even if I want to fight this team first, I have to figure out the position of the prison team first. Otherwise, hitting the prison team halfway and rushing to surround us in the middle will not mean that the other party has come to prepare team? Although we are not afraid, if the king's guards die too much, it will be a bad thing for our future cooperation, so I have to detect where the prisoner cart is.

Without other passengers and other units dragging down the speed, Asuka's speed advantage finally broke out. The instant breakthrough reached three times the speed of sound, we disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye, and then we flew back in less than a quarter of an hour.

The flying bird that broke out at three times the speed of sound easily flew more than a hundred kilometers away within a few minutes, and then saw the team of prisoners on the way. It can be said that the team is huge, and the strength should be reasonable, but because the prison cars are all metal, and the power of each car is only four very ordinary horses, it is not difficult to imagine what the speed of this team is. Looking at the fast-moving team, I knew that they would have to walk for nearly an hour to reach the current position of the receiving team. Of course, the supporting teams themselves are also rushing here, but when I go back we will start attacking them, then they will not be able to continue to welcome them, so the two teams will have at least 40 contacts in the end. Minutes, I believe this time is enough for us to deal with those guys.

When I threw a large group of ghost worms and candle bees over the prison cart for surveillance, I returned to Hong Yue and the others.

When they saw me coming back to Hong Yue, they quickly asked me about the situation in front of me. After learning that there were still forty minutes before the two teams could meet, the old mage was obviously more worried, but the young king did not continue to be excited. , But he only showed limited worries and didn't mean to shrink back. As for us, we have completely relaxed.

Although there are a lot of people in the following gang, but what kind of stuff are those so-called Bright Knights we have tried before. Even the Qilin warrior can be crushed. What's the use of more? As for the fact that there may be powerful people in the opponent’s team, we don’t worry about this. Anyway, our king’s guards seem to be useful. Besides, the courageous old mage is actually a very difficult to deal with. Role, so they are here, it should not be difficult to fight those so-called experts. As for the four Divine Races that the old mage is most worried about, we are the least worried.

There are only four Divine Races. Except for the fact that Nightborne alone may be a bit mysterious against a Divine Race, everyone else should win. As for the one that the Night’s Son can’t deal with... Oh hahaha... The Divine Race is estimated to be worse than the Divine Race we dealt with, because the opponent he will face will be the mobile angel against Divine Race. That's right, it's the mobile angel. This mission has a limit on the number of people, but there is no restriction on the use of items. It happens that the mobile angels are defaulted by the system as guild items, not personnel, so we brought a lot of mobile angels this time, and there are many things right. Divine Race uses mobile angels, which is the main reason why we are not nervous at all after knowing that our opponent is Divine Race. With so many Divine Race killers around, ghosts are afraid of Divine Race.

"Now, all land. Land on the curve over there and prepare for battle after finishing the formation." I yelled to other people in the sky, although the old mage wanted to say something, but Because the king didn't speak, he could only bear it. As for the guards... They don't have wings, and now they rely on my dragon pet to fly them, so I said they have to land wherever they land.

Because the distance is still far, our landing process was not discovered. After landing, under the supervision of the young king, his guards performed quite well, and it only took less than 30 seconds. The whole team was completed, but because they didn't bring their horses, the gang became infantry now. But don’t worry about this, anyway, the first wave of charge has Qilin warrior. When Qilin warrior finishes the opponent, it will almost become an infantry. When the time comes, it is the same with or without a mount.

Seeing that everyone is ready, I stood directly on the lucky head and waved forward: "Start, the whole army assault." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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