Because of the air attack, the defense of the royal capital became extremely tense for a while. After flying out of the sight of the royal guards, we used the long spear flying ability to play. After a big roundabout, he circled the royal city for a half circle at the height of the treetops, and then changed from another direction to a ground mount and approached the royal capital.

Sure enough, this arrangement did save a lot of trouble, because the direction we came back was different from the direction we left from the air, so the city guards here did not check. It's very strict. Of course, the professional badges hanging on our chests also played a big role. After all, the thing has a star mark that represents the professional level, and our badges are all a large circle of stars, and the group of guards watching is sweating coldly.

After entering the city, the old mage didn't delay any time, so he took us directly to see Chief-In-Charge, the laboratory in the capital. The Fortress City where we were previously served as a frontline base against the Dark Alliance. Its administrative level is quite high. If you can serve as Chief-In-Charge in that kind of place, the status of the old mage will naturally not be too low. It is naturally easy to see the Chief-In-Charge of the headquarters in his capacity, so we can save money on the newspaper. We said hello to the guard and went straight in, and we saw the Chief-In-Charge of the headquarters along the way. Seeing the old masters all bowed to him. Obviously most people knew him. After all, he didn’t carry a badge or other identification, but those people looked quite respectful. This can only show that they were originally. He knew him, and he also knew his status.

Follow the old mage smoothly into the backyard of the laboratory headquarters. There is a building much lower than the mage tower in the front yard, but although the height is lower, the area is smaller. It's much larger, but because the compressed space technology is not used, the actual volume still can't keep up with the Mage Tower. Of course, generally speaking, this is already a very large building.

After entering this building, we followed the old mage all the way to the top floor of the building. It’s completely different from the next few floors. At the end of the stairs on this floor is a square space instead of a corridor. There is a counter on each side of this space. On one side is a girl sitting on the table and writing something on the table. On one side of the table, there were four warriors sitting together playing a card game. Of course, they stood up immediately when they saw us appear, but three of them sat back after seeing the old mage. Only one person came over.

"Vice-President, why are you back?"

I have guessed that this old mage's status is not low, but he didn't expect that he is the Vice-President of the laboratory. President, it seems that he has underestimated his level before.

The old mage laughed to the guard, then pointed to us and said: "I found a few special friends. They need help from the president for some things."

Although the first one I also paid careful attention to us but didn’t try to prevent us from doing it. Now that they heard what Vice-President said, I remembered to look carefully at our appearance and dress. As a result, we immediately saw the professional badges hanging on our chests. He immediately couldn't help but gasped. The law warfare double profession is nothing more than double Divine Grade. What's more terrifying is that we are all at this level, which is scary.

"Vice-President, where did you find so many great people?"

"Hehe, unexpected surprise." This guard does not seem to have a low status, otherwise it is an old man It shouldn't be talking nonsense with him for so long, but after saying this, he politely paused the conversation with the other party and took us to the door in front of the stairs and knocked twice.

"Don't knock, I can smell the smell of you as soon as you get downstairs." The door opened automatically in a sentence, and a huge desk was facing the door. It's just that there is at least 30 meters away from the door. Needless to say, hyperspace technology is used again here.

The old man was no longer polite when he saw the door opened, he waved to us and walked in, and then the door closed automatically behind us.

This room is more suitable than an office as a library. Except for the straight line from the desk facing the door to the door, which is an open area, there are rows of neat bookshelves extending out on both sides of the door. Books are everywhere in the entire room except for the desk. It feels like a private library.

"Huh? Who are these...?" The president who has been sitting behind the desk hasn't looked up here before. Obviously he is quite busy at work, but when we approached Afterwards, he obviously felt something was wrong, so he looked up and found that besides his Vice-President, there were a few people beside him.

"Hello, we are travelers from a long distance. If possible, we would like to see the king." I said this remark before the old mage, mainly to see this What kind of person is the guild leader? After all, if the old mage speaks out by himself, the guild leader must first consider the other party’s face, and then consider other things, so I can’t be sure that he has his true perception of us in the first place. .

The old mage next to us glanced at me, and then he said nothing. His main task is to introduce him. He originally wanted to help us say something, but since I was the first, he didn't speak again.

The president on the other side looked at us with interest for a long time before nodded to me. "Although I haven't figured out your purpose yet, I think in this period, if you can come here, it shouldn't be what is bad for the king."

" You are very observant." I said aloud.

"No, this is not a matter of observation, but because of the aura in you." The president did not pretend to be profound, he directly told the truth about the matter. It turns out that he doesn't look at acquaintances, just because he feels the obvious Dark Aura in us.

Among the four of us, the Necromancer, the son of the night, is Shizheng, Hong Yue is a standard black mage, not to mention it, after all, even the dragon soul suit on my body is now classified into the underworld. In the classification of saint clothing, we can see how pure the Dark Aura on our bodies is. In contrast, Yingyu Shenchu ​​is the only one of us with a light aura, but she is not a pure light attribute, but also has bloodthirsty and violent attributes under the light attribute. It can be said that She is an angel of killing. Although she is an angel, she cannot be classified into the category of ordinary angels.

The guild leader himself is a very powerful mage. Although he is still incomparable with us, his strength is at least enough for him to feel the aura in us. It was also because he felt the breath in us that he believed that we would not have any bad intentions towards the king. After all, they are now the Holy Church's theocratic power fighting against the king's power, and Holy Church and all the dark attribute people are Natural enemies, according to the view that the enemy's enemy is a friend, it can be said that we and the king should be regarded as natural allies. In the past, the king would secretly fund and protect Necromancer because of this idea. After all, the undead spells are also humans. The king has funded them. They can't take a bite back, right? Isn't that a mental disorder? Coupled with the hostility between Light God Palace and Necromancer, the king's protection of Necromancer is as it should be by rights.

Because the guild leader knew the king’s point of view, he knew that we were combatants of the dark attribute and immediately relaxed his vigilance for a long time.

Compared with the old mage who brought us here, the president here is actually younger, so he also has some youngster characteristics, such as doing things more swift and decisive. After agreeing to our request, this one didn't prepare anything. He put his hand on the table and asked the old mage to help him with it. Then he walked over and asked us to go to the Imperial Palace together.

To be honest, I didn’t expect too. This person believed us so easily. I planned to have a good talk with him. Didn’t expect was useless at all. It took us directly to the Imperial Palace.

Since the Occupational Appraisal Institute can secretly help the King to fund and help Necromancer, it can be seen that this department actually has a very high level of other departments. It is precisely because of this that the president of the professional appraisal office actually enjoys a very high treatment in the palace. No one asked him on the three outermost lines of defense in the royal city, and even the guards who looked like we were obviously strangers did not ask too much. Of course, this state is impossible to maintain, and finally a guard on the 4th line of defense finally came out to intercept us. Although they still had an unusual respect for the president, they stopped us.

The president probably also knew that Impossible would bring us in directly, so he told the guard that we are important guests, and told them not to act rashly, and at the same time told us to wait here first, and then he himself One person entered the defense line first to meet the king.

I don’t know if it’s because of the pressure brought by theocracy that this country’s royal power system has a huge sense of crisis. Anyway, the country’s royal power system does not have the sense of delay of ordinary bureaucracy at all, and all affairs are handled. The speed is amazing. Less than five minutes after the guild leader entered, he saw a mage in a robe and two servants ran out to inform the king to let us in. The guards immediately let go after seeing the token presented by the other party. After all, they were just doing their duty, and they didn't really think that we were intruders. After all, the identity of the president of the professional laboratory was there. No one would think that. He has an attempt to rebel.

The mage who greeted us looks older than the old mage who brought us to the capital. The age that naked eye can see may be over eighty years old, and this is still an uncertain number. , After all, according to the general law, the life of the powerhouse who practices magic will be extended, but this guy is still getting this way, indicating that his actual age is probably more than eighty years old.

Although it seems that he is not young, this Essence, Qi, and Spirit is surprisingly good, at least much better than the old mage who brought us here. As soon as we were introduced into the defense line, he immediately began to lead the way and said, "A few of you are really from outside?"

I asked, "Is this weird?"

"That’s not the case, I just heard that you found the laboratory by yourself, speaking of which you guys with such a strong Dark Aura are walking on the street so just and honorable, don’t you be afraid Light God Palace?"

"Are you talking about Knights wearing silver armor?" Hong Yue asked.

The old mage said: "That is the Knight Group of Light, the main battle strength of the Light God Palace, but there are more powerful powerhouses in the temple."

Hong Yue nodded Said: "It's strange, it turned out to be a miscellaneous soldier."

The old mage seemed to have heard the meaning of Hong Yue's words, and then looked at us in surprise and asked: "You guys from the Bright Knight regiment People had conflicts?"

I took Hong Yue's words and admitted: "We found a village in the forest on the way here. At that time, all the people in the village had been killed. According to our observations, people in the village are ordinary commoners, and even among the members of Dark Element, slaughtering the village is considered a violation of the moral code, so we think that the attackers must be the bad guys."

"You won't just catch up with them and argue with them, are you?" The old mage looked surprised.

"In fact, we think that the people who can do this kind of thing have reached the point of madness, so we have no intention of negotiating with them, and we will kill them all."

< p>"You killed all the people in the Bright Knight group? How many people were there at that time? A squad?" the old mage asked in surprise.

"I don't know their organization, but the number of cavalry in that team is more than two hundred."

When the old mage heard this number, he looked at us in amazement. It took a long time to ask: "Where did you kill those people?"

"On the outskirts of the city beyond the forest."

"Forest? You mean the endless sea of ​​trees. "

"I don't know what that place is called, but the woods over there are really not small."

"That should be an endless sea of ​​trees." The old mage said: " If it’s over there, it’s okay. Anyway, Light God Palace is often attacked there. It’s just the loss of a Knight battallion at a time. The movement is really not small.” The old mage just finished speaking and suddenly said: “But you were at the time. Did you keep alive?"

"There were two left, but they didn’t see us personally, only the zombie attacking and my friend summon, the four of us did not appear in them from beginning to end "That’s good, as long as you don’t see it, there’s no big problem." After speaking, the old spell suddenly remembered the king’s summon and quickly said: "By the way, let’s go over now. , Don’t let the king Your Majesty wait in a hurry.”

Originally, when we heard the word king, what came to our minds was a height of 1.6 meters and a weight of 160 kg. A short fatty image with a Golden King crown on his head. However, the king who finally entered our line of sight surprised us a little bit.

First, not only is this king not short at all, he is a bit taller. With a height of over 1.90 meters, all of us have to look up at him. Second, the king's weight is not as exaggerated as 160 kg. In fact, he is quite good in figure, and looks like the governor, full of power. The third is the look and age of this person. I originally thought this would be an old man with a crooked melon, but what I saw was a sunny boy. That's right, he is a sunny boy. Their so-called king Your Majesty is only twenty-two years old, and he is very tender. With a shiny blond hair and a sunny baby face, he is really a big lady.

Probably the president of the previous laboratory told the king about the strength of several of us, so the other party did not sit in the position to show the music, but immediately stretched out his hands to us as soon as we entered the room Welcomed. But to be honest, considering his height, I actually prefer him to sit there and don't get up.

"A few of you are the high level professionals that my secret intelligence officer said?" The other party came over and asked us very enthusiastically.

Hong Yue and I both bent slightly to him as a salute, and then said straight to the point: "Hello King Your Majesty, I want to talk about our history and strength. I’ve heard your subordinates report, so we don’t want to waste any more time on this point. We are here to see you this time, mainly to discuss with you about the Light God Palace."

< p>Although the king is a youngster, he didn't expect us to be so direct, but he was slightly surprised and he slowed down. Nodded and said: "Your way of doing things is really very direct. Since you all said so clearly Now, let’s sit down and talk."

Since this is a place in the palace that resembles a secret room, the king does not worry about safety at all, and asks the guards in the room to guard outside. After the entrance, he greeted us all to sit down, and then the king began to ask: "I don't know what you want to tell me about the temple?"

I handed Hong Yue a With a wink, Hong Yue would immediately replace me and say: "The King Your Majesty may have heard that we are travelers from far away. Although this is not wrong, it is not complete. In fact, we are not. I wandered here casually, but came here with special tasks."

As soon as we heard that we had a purpose, several people over there immediately became nervous, especially the president of the laboratory. And the old mage next to the king, but the young king was very courageous. He stretched out his hand to stop the old mage who was ready to take action at any time, and then motioned us to continue with his eyes.

Hong Yue continued after receiving the prompt: "In fact, we are similar to those of Light God Palace. We also serve a Divine Race, which is better than the Divine Race that Light God Palace serves. Race is a more powerful Divine Race."

The king, who was quite calm, was obviously a little unsettled when he heard this, but he still resisted not interjecting.

Hong Yue continued after seeing each other’s expressions: “In fact, the Divine Race served by the Light God Palace here, simply cannot be called Divine Race, their strength may be similar to ours. It’s on the same level. It’s no exaggeration to say that we have the ability to kill the gods."

"What?" The king, who had always been compelling to calm down, heard the word kill the gods directly from The seat jumped up. Imagine that the crisis he faces now is just a struggle between the theocracy of Light God Palace and his royal power, and what does Light God Palace rely on? Isn’t it just those Divine Races? However, now we actually say that we have the ability to kill Divine Race directly, then, if what we said is true, and we really kill all the gods, is it possible for the Light God Palace to exist? Maybe there are, but it can't be like this. It can be said that if Hong Yue's above statement is true, then we have the ability to fundamentally solve the king's troubles. How can this not make him excited?

Seeing the king’s reaction so much, I reached out and stopped Hong Yue’s intention to continue speaking, and then took the topic by myself and said: "Just like my companion said, some of us already have the opportunity to be with you. The Light God Palace has the same strength as the so-called Spiritual God, and from this you can imagine the level of the Spiritual God we serve."

The king started after hearing what I said. frowned began to think, but I didn't give him time to think this time, because I knew he must be crooked, so I don't want him to waste time thinking.

"You don’t have to worry about driving away the Spiritual God served by the Light God Palace with our help, and then attracting a more powerful Spiritual God. In fact, we did not arrive here to occupy the faith here. Domain. If you might be unhappy, our god spirit root didn’t look down on this place. He only looked at the Spiritual God here, and not as a subordinate, but as a prey. Those of us are in the Spiritual we serve. God is not a trustworthy existence, so our God intends to give us a chance to prove our ability."

The young king responded quickly, summing up what we said before, and immediately speculated:" Your Spiritual God asks you to overthrow the Light God clan to test you?"

"No, not overthrow, but completely wiped out." I said decisively: "Our Spiritual God said this group of people here The strength of the false god just meets his expectations of our strength, so if we can cleanly and completely remove the Divine Race here, then we have the strength that our Spiritual God needs. Therefore, our task is to kill. All the Spiritual Gods here."

Listening to our rhetoric, the king and the two behind him are now completely stupid. Originally, they just thought that we were going to deal with Light God Palace, but we didn't expect that our goal was actually the Light God family behind Light God Palace. This satellite is really a bit exaggerated.

I have to say that the youngster's adaptability is better. After a long period of dementia, the young king was the first to react. He asked with some uncertainty: "If a few people really have the ability to pick War God spirits, why are you looking for us? Even Spiritual God can be ignored, and Light God Palace is even more impossible. Is it your opponent? According to your statement, just kill it, why do you still need to discuss it with us?"

"This question is actually very simple." I deliberately smiled evil and said at the same time "When your Majesty is fighting someone, you don’t want the other side to be accompanied by a group of dogs to help, right? Even with your strength, killing those dogs is just a matter of raising your hands, but with enemies of the same level. It is also annoying to have such a few dogs in the fight."

The king and the three of them are not stupid, and you understand what I mean when you hear me. Although we have the power to contend with those Spiritual Gods, the outcome is not so certain. If there is someone around the other side to help, even if it is just a bunch of useless goods, as long as the other side influences us a little bit, our chance of winning will be immediately. Will reduce a lot. This is like the last straw that people often say that crushes the camel. Although the straw is very light, the camel stands without it. With it, the camel falls. It can be seen that a straw sometimes can Become a key factor. The Light God Palace is much stronger than straw even if it is rubbish, so this kind of existence must be cleaned up in advance.

The king and the others got together and negotiated a few words quietly after understanding what we meant. They negotiated the result within one minute, and then the young king said: "If we believe If I help you and help hold the Light God Palace in the battle, how sure are you?"

"It depends on your efficiency."

"Why? "The king is quite puzzled.

I said directly: "First, we were not sent to participate in the test of four people, but twenty-four people, four of whom have already contacted us, but the remaining people are currently The whereabouts are still unknown, so the first thing we need King Your Majesty to do is to help us regroup."

"This should not be a big problem, as long as they are within my country, it should be easy You can find it."

I nodded and said: "The second thing. Our Spiritual God is not so good and trustworthy, so he only gave us 48 hours to complete the task, and now Several hours have passed, so everything must be completed before 8 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, otherwise we will be forced to send back after the time."

The king frowned said: "This time is a bit tight, but It should be too late to catch up. What else do you want?"

"The last request is to help hold the Light God Palace after we find the location of the opponent's Divine Race and start a battle with the opponent."< /p>

The king nodded and said: "This is okay."

"If these three things can be perfected, then we can guarantee a success rate of more than 80%."

Hearing this figure, the king and his two men are relaxed. The success rate of 80% is already quite high, and it is definitely worth a gamble. Although if it fails, his kingdom will definitely die, but now it can be said that the kingship has a faint tendency to be suppressed by theocratic power. The young king knew that if they gave up this opportunity, they would become slaves to the temple sooner or later. The difference was only a matter of time, and if they took a gamble, they would most likely defeat the temple and restore complete kingship. Which king can resist such temptation? Besides, the odds of winning of 80% are not low anymore.

After comprehensively analyzing the pros and cons, the king finally made up his mind. "All these things are left to us. You just need to solve the Light God clan finally." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The support is my biggest motivation.)

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