The two wizards who had just discussed the solution quickly ran over and told us about their decision. The final decision is of course to give us two sets of badges, one set is true, with our true strength marked on it, and the other set is fake, with only some occupations that will not be troubled by Light God Palace, of course this The professional level is also quite high, at least others dare not trouble us anymore.

After deciding on the level of the badge to be issued to us, the two mages began to make badges for us. Originally, the badges here are all ready-made, but our professions are a bit too special, so we need to make them now. Fortunately, there are special equipment here, and the speed is very fast. It takes almost a few minutes to complete We made our badges, and it’s not that each person gave one piece to the end, but each person issued two sets of exactly the same, which is said to be a backup to prevent loss.

Seeing that we got the badge, the guard left first. After all, his job is to prevent us from being members of the Dark Alliance, and since it is not, there is no problem.

After the guards left, we started to execute according to the plan. First, we expressed our wish to meet the king to the two mages. Both wizards think this is a good thing, but this is neither the royal capital nor high-level personnel, so we can’t give us any guarantee. They just say that with our strength, it shouldn’t be difficult to see the king. , And there is Necromancer among our companions, so the king should also hope to see us.

Since the other party said so, of course we asked how to get to the royal capital. As a result, the other party said that this was a major event, so the older master specially accompany us to go with us. Because of his identity, it is easier to find the high level Chief-In-Charge directly after the past, so the connection will be faster. . As for the investigation of the local Divine Race, after our simple analysis, it is better to go to the capital to investigate the news of the other party's headquarters. After all, even if there are any secrets, it should not be in this branch.

According to the old mage's intention, it was originally intended to use the carriage from their laboratory to send us there, but when I asked, it would take three days to get to the capital, and I simply refused. Just kidding, our mission time is only two days, OK? Take three days to rush to the capital? Unless our head is caught by the door panel.

"If we have transportation, you just need to show us the direction." I said to the old mage, and the other side thought about it since we had transportation and didn't force it. However, in fact his thoughts are completely different from the actual situation.

The first reaction of the old mage after hearing us that we had transportation was to think that we came on horseback, and he might think that our horse might be a high-level breed, so the speed is faster than carriage. This is His perception. However, although we did all ride horse-shaped beasts when we entered the city, we actually did not intend to ride to their capital.

Please, I used to ride a horse because I didn't know what the task was, and I was too fast for fear of missing the clues. Now that we know where to go and have a clear goal, why do we bother on the ground? Therefore, when the old mage packed up the things he needed and came to the street outside, he immediately began to look around.

"Excuse me, what are you looking for?" Seeing where the old mage glanced around, we haven't realized it for a while. He is looking for a horse that doesn't exist.

When the old mage heard us asking him, he asked us: "Didn't you say there are horses? Where is the horse?"


" That’s right.” The old mage looked at us with a puzzled look: “Should we go to the capital without horses? Or use our laboratory’s carriage? Don’t worry, our carriage is really fast, in three days. It can be there. It’s nearly twice as fast as the public carriage."

"Can it be doubled as fast as this?" Yezizi exclaimed next to him: "Then how slow is your public carriage? Huh?"

"In fact, the public carriage is already very fast. It is always much faster than walking by yourself." The old mage said the truth. Because this is the low demons world, the Transmission Formation this thing is much rarer here than in the main world. In the main game map, although there are not many cities that have the same teleportation temple repairs as Isinger, and international airports, no matter whether it is a big city or a small city, at least there will always be a Transmission Formation, and most of the higher-level cities will have good Dozens of Transmission Formation work simultaneously. However, here Transmission Formation is basically a national-level equipment. There are only a few Transmission Formations for a country. It is normal for countries with weak strengths to not even have one.

Because the Transmission Formation here basically cannot exist as a means of transportation, and the devil beast here is also rare, so the fastest means of transportation here is almost the horse, and the carriage’s The speed is only slightly slower than that of a single ride. Using this situation as a standard for reference, the old master said that public carriage is not slow and correct. However, although the old mage doesn't feel slow, we can't stand that speed.

"I know your public carriage speed is pretty good, but we are still used to our own mounts." As I said, I beckoned, and Asuka immediately appeared next to us. However, because Asuka has no legs, it is very troublesome to land. Under normal circumstances, I will not let him land.

The flying bird that was just released immediately flew up, then played a backflip in the air and swooped down from behind us. Seeing the flying bird rushing over, I grabbed the old mage and jumped up. The flying bird accelerated from under my feet to accurately catch me and then speeded up to the sky. Hong Yue they watched me fly away and released their guardian long spear, jumped up, and then accelerated to catch up with us who deliberately slowed down.

Flying bird is the leader of long spear after all, and the race column in his attribute says blood stab instead of long spear. It can be said that flying bird should be an advanced creature of long spear. This level advantage determines that the speed of the flying bird is far from what the long spear can catch up. If we don't deliberately slow down the speed, the long spear simply can't keep up.

Although to take care of the flying speed of Hong Yue and their guardian long spear, it is also because the speed of the bird is too fast, not that the long spear really flies very slowly. You must know that long spear can also fly at supersonic speed after consuming magic power to activate the supersonic assault skill. Although it is only flying at normal speed now, it also has a speed of 700 or 800 kilometers per hour. This speed is indeed a lot slower than the one thousand kilometers cruising speed of Asuka each hour, but for the old mage who is lying on Asuka's back with me, this speed is quite frightening.

"Ah..." With a burst of mournful scream, the old mage disappeared into the sky, and the little mage who sent us off sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he was not responsible for sending us to the capital, otherwise it is miserable now. Called that to be him.

"Hey, hey, stop screaming!" Under my instruction, the bird erected the air plate on the back and formed a long oval depression on the back. Except for the back, the upper body is wrapped by the bird, so that even if the bird is accelerating, the person lying on his back will not easily fall off, and it can also integrate the aerodynamic force. However, I generally don't use this function. Unless the bird wants to fly at supersonic speeds, I basically don't need to hide in that pit. However, the old mage is obviously not very good at fighting high air currents, so I asked the flying bird to erect the protective plate and further reduce the speed to less than 600 kilometers per hour, although this speed is still fast compared to the running horse on the ground. It's scary, but under the protection of the rectifier board, the old mage can't actually blow too much wind.

The old mage, who had been screaming, realized that the air around him seemed to be weakened a lot after hearing my shout, so he stopped yelling and raised his head carefully, but As soon as his head left the range of Asuka’s fairing gas shield, he immediately felt a huge force smashing towards him. The terrifying force pulled all his hair back up. The tall old man felt that his hair was full. Almost unplugged.

When I saw this situation, I remembered that the old man didn't have a helmet, so he hurried over and gave him a large Knight helmet and fled to his head. Compared with the human head, the aerodynamic shape of the helmet is significantly better, and the most important thing is that it can protect the hair. Thanks to our speed has slowed down, otherwise, if we still maintain a speed of 700 to 800 kilometers per hour, it is estimated that as long as the old man looks up, there will be no hair left. However, even the speed of less than 600 kilometers still caused pain on the old man's scalp. If it weren't for his good hair quality, it would not be impossible to be pulled out by the wind.

"How is it? Are you better now?" I asked when I was born after putting the helmet on the old man.

The old man trembling nodded said: "I was really scared to death just now. I thought my head was going to fly away. But speaking of which, what devil beast is your mount? Not only can you fly, The speed is actually so fast. I feel that even the god eagle is not so fast."

"I don’t know what the god eagle is. This is my favorite bird, and it’s at this speed. It’s not his fastest speed. I let him fly so slowly because I was worried that you can’t stand it.”

The old man thought that this speed was already quite scary, and didn’t expect this. It was the result of our deliberate slowing down to take care of him. Excited, the old man asked directly: "Then how fast can your mount fly?"

I shook the head and said: "Asuka's special ability is speed. He is an alchemy creature. The branch of, you can increase the flying speed by consuming magic power. I haven’t tried his extreme speed so far. But now this speed is like an ordinary person walking, which is really slow. His normal flight speed should be twice as fast as this."

"The normal speed is twice as fast? Isn't the extreme speed many times faster?"

"Of course. At least five or six times faster than the current rate is still very easy."

"My goodness! According to what you said, we won't be able to be the king anytime soon. It's all gone?"

What the old mage said was not wrong at all. According to him, it would take three days to get to the royal capital in the carriage of their laboratory. The running speed of a horse is about seventy kilometers each hour, but that is the speed measured by the horse under no load. Whether you are riding a person on your back or pulling a car behind your back, you are impossible to expect that the horse can still run at this speed. Of course, it is not ruled out that individual special physique horses may hope to run faster than this, but normally they are larger. Some horses can't do it.

Even if we relax the restrictions on the carriage of the laboratory, assuming that this carriage can run for ten hours at a speed of 30 kilometers each hour, it will only move 300 kilometers on that day. You need to know the powerhouse horse of the carriage, and the horse is a creature, not a machine. You can run a car with two or three drivers in shifts, but the horse can't. Horses have to eat and sleep, and no matter how good the endurance of the horse is, it will be tired. A horse that runs for ten hours a day is already a very good horse. Most horses are basically impossible to run at a constant speed for ten hours, otherwise it is not a horse. To be exhausted. However, after we relax the standard and assume that he can run for ten hours, that would only be 300 kilometers a day. It was only 900 kilometers in three days.

Is the distance of nine hundred kilometers far? It is quite far from the ground creatures. Many creatures may have never been outside the three-kilometer radius near their birthplace in their entire lives, and 900 kilometers, even carnivores rarely have such a large range of activity. However, nine hundred kilometers is the ground distance. The road from here to the capital is impossible, so the old master said that three days is road time, that is, the total length of this section of the road is 900 kilometers, of course it may be shorter, after all, three days is a very general According to the data, the third morning is called three days, and the 3rd day is called three days in the middle of the night, but even if it is the 3rd day, the distance is within 900 kilometers. And we can fly straight from the sky, this distance is believed to be no more than 700 kilometers, maybe even five-six hundred kilometers.

Now our speed drops again and again, but no matter how we lower it, we can reach a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour. In other words, even if we don’t accelerate anymore, we will be at this speed at most. It takes just over an hour to reach the capital. This speed was a miracle in the eyes of the old mage.

Because the speed is too fast, the old mage has almost never had time to explain to us clearly the precautions after arriving in the capital. We have already reached the sky above the capital. Of course, a large part of the reason is that the old The mage at first didn't know that we could get to the capital so soon, so he wasted too much time studying the speed of Asuka.

The old mage was shocked after we notified the old mage to arrive in the sky above the capital, not because the speed was too fast, but because...

"Fuck me!" Just after we talked to the old mage about the place, we saw a blue beam of light suddenly rising into the sky below, and the target was directed at the bird that the old mage and I were riding. Fortunately, flying birds are not ordinary creatures, but they are known as the kings of the sky, and their air combat ability is unmatched by any flying creature. A sideways emergency steer easily flashed the beam of light, but less than three seconds later the second beam of light followed and flew, and this time the target was replaced by Hong Yue's mount.

"Fly out, that is the magic defense system of the royal capital. Let's leave the royal capital and land, and then pass from the ground!" the old mage reminded loudly.

We finally realized our mistake after the old mage reminded us. This is the royal capital of other people, even if there is no airspace here, but your UFO suddenly flies over the capital of other people, it is strange that people don't hit you. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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