The facts proved the Master’s guess. After further checking the tower wall behind the rock and the ground, the Master finally found a small hole on the ground that was exactly the same as the perforated rock. Looking inside this hole, you can directly see the garden outside, and then everyone ran into the garden together to see the so-called punctured kettle that the old mage just rushed up, and finally found it in the kettle. There is also a small hole in the ground behind that can match the ray path. Later, the mage used a rod for cleaning the fireplace to reach into the hole and tried it, but it didn't reach the end.

Because of the super meaning this time, the mage has already adjusted the very high level we have positioned on the Internet, and his instructor, who came later, is also excited to visit with us. Our testing activities.

Although the walls of the Mage Tower were punctured, it is actually very easy to repair. This place was originally a magic test, so although the repair is very strong, minor damage is still commonplace. Therefore, something similar to cement is used to repair the building. As for the protective magic on the tower, let alone worry about it. That thing will be automatically repaired only if it has magical power.

After this, the follow-up test of Yingyu Shenchi is no longer necessary. Even one third formidable power can't be stopped. If she uses her full strength to zoom in, it will be a problem if the tower is still there. Therefore, the mage directly set the Divine Grade and other assessment results for Yingyu Divine Young.

It was Hong Yue who did the test after the Yingyu Shenshu. Her test was still carried out in the same way as Yingyu Shenshu, but was asked to choose a larger magic test. The result was In the end, Hong Yue found a skill that only had one-thirtieth of the formidable power of her strongest attack magic, but even so, the target rock was blasted into stone dust, and even the walls of the test room were shocked. It was a crack. If the magic array had not withstood most of the attacks, maybe even the tower would collapse together.

In view of Hong Yue's super performance, the master can only identify the standard of Dharma God for Hong Yue, but according to the consensus of him and his mentor, Hong Yue should actually be considered above Dharma God. Level up. In fact, according to their meaning, not only Hong Yue, but even Yingyu Divine Young has actually exceeded the standard of the Dharma God, and even the Son of Night is the strength of the Dharma God Peak. But because their highest appraisal standard here is Dharma God, there is no higher level than this, so both of them can only be awarded Dharma Divine Grade, but in fact they have already lowered their strength assessment.

After finishing Hong Yue’s test, the mage’s instructor walked up to me with excitement and said, “It seems that you are the boss from them, so are you better than them? ?"

I heard Yingyu Shenyou preemptively say: "Of course our president is the most powerful."

Hong Yue also followed: "This is what you guys There is no doubt that if you can set a higher level than the Dharma God for me and Yingyu Divine Young, then our president must still need a higher level. Our level and him are obviously not Level 1."

The old mage immediately asked me in surprise: "You are so much stronger than them?"

I looked at Hong Yue and said, "I haven't tried it under any specific circumstances, but the three of them Even if I join forces, I can solve the battle in five minutes, and I basically won’t have any serious injuries."

The younger mage said: "If you are really that strong, Then we won’t be able to test it for you. Tests at your level are simply impossible indoors! But do you have the strongest offensive skill with one-thousandth formidable power or lower formidable power to demonstrate?"

"Do you have any more targets?"

"There are two more."


Hear me Asked, the mage directly took another stone target from the side, and then I looked at the target, and I kicked it on the side of the stone, and the whole stone immediately flew out. While the rock was still flying, I directly threw away a red light, and then followed the rock and exploded into the sky of stone dust.

"This is the skill you want to watch, but it is only one thousand two percent of the attack power of my strongest skill."

"The god of law is more than the god of law God, God, our appraisal laboratory actually produced four Dharma gods a day!"

The one who gave us the test was a little confused this time, because he was so excited. Not only because there is nothing to surprise when he is too idle, but more importantly, he just thought that he might be rich.

In order to reward and stimulate the people in the laboratory to work actively, the king has given these Appraisal Masters an extra reward that as long as they walk out of a mage, they can get a gold coin reward , And if it is an intermediate mage, there are ten gold coins, and the higher one will have a higher reward. Dharma gods can be regarded as peak existences. Once you find a Dharma god in the appraisal, the Appraisal Master here will collectively receive 100 gold coins, while the direct tester can get 10,000 crystal coins. Rewards.

The 10,000 crystal coins are already exciting enough, not to mention that this time they are still four at a time. Forty thousand crystal coins! How many things can you do?

In this ecstasy, his tutor calmly took our test application form and looked at it, and then we were just as surprised as the mage when he saw the thing. For a moment, but at any rate he was more calm than the young mage. After a short surprise, this one immediately began to take us to do the rest of the test.

The part after the spell test is the fighting test, which is the test of the warrior class. For this item, only Night’s Son did not tick it. The other three of us all chose this option. But think about the boy of the night son being restricted by the system, and even walking has to rely on teleportation instead, it also understands why he can't fight.

The three of us left to test from the lowest battle strength according to the old master’s suggestion, so the first one to go up was Hong Yue. Originally, her strength was higher than that of Yingyu Divine Young, but because the test is now fighting, and Hong Yue is mainly based on the mage, her fighting ability is actually at the upper-middle level, and it is still good to deal with ordinary players. Compared with me and Ying Yu Shen Chou, it is really far behind.

"Okay, how do I test?" Hong Yue asked after we came to the fighting test site.

The old mage beckoned directly, and then a dozen or so demon arrays suddenly lit up on the ground next to him, and then a creature slowly floated in each demon array. These are basically elemental creatures, among which the more numerous are Earth Element and Water Element. After all, these two elemental creatures are more common and their battle strength is also decent.

After seeing this large group of creatures appeared, the old mage explained: "Originally, we only needed one or two of them when we did the test. However, given your previous exaggerated performance, I think The standard is not high, so I activated all the elemental creatures at once, and directly cancelled their battle strength restrictions. If you find it difficult, you can call a pause at any time, they are all set. Elemental creatures, as long as they hear you call pause, they will stop all activities."

"Sounds pretty awesome." Hong Yue said.

The old mage nodded and said: "There are often warrior violent deaths here, and those guys only challenge one or two elemental creatures. You deal with 18 at a time, and there is no limit at all. , The difficulty is much higher than them, so if you can’t do it, you can stop as soon as you can, or use magic directly, but if you use magic to prove that you have reached the limit, I will assume that you have voluntarily admitted that you have been defeated."

Hong Yue nodded and said: "What a problem, let's just start."

After being urged by Hong Yue, the old mage retreated to the outside of the venue and waved forward. Those who had been there since they appeared The elemental creatures who hadn't moved where they appeared immediately took a step forward at the same time. With this step, all the elemental creatures came to life at once, and then rushed towards Hong Yue.

The battle that was supposed to end soon turned into a protracted battle in the eyes of the old and young mages. They originally thought that Hong Yue would be very strong, but apparently they got the situation wrong.

Hong Yue’s main strength is focused on the profession of mage. She is not good at fighting or anything, but her strength is very average. Moreover, Hong Yue’s real melee combat ability is actually mainly manifested in her werewolf After the transformation, in Hong Yue's opinion, wolf transformation is a shame, so she simply won't be werewolf in this state. In fact, Hong Yue has only used Werewolf Transformation in the naval battle that bit me so far, and apart from this no one has ever seen her use this trick. Therefore, in today’s environment, she would never use the skills that she would never use without being forced into desperation. Because of this, Hong Yue’s close battle strength has always been relatively mediocre. It may be considered expert, but it is far worse than a professional. Fortunately, these elemental creatures are not very powerful characters, so although Hong Yue played rather embarrassed, he was not dangerous.

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour before it ended, and the final result was that Hong Yue voluntarily gave up. In the end, there were about three elemental creatures left on the field, but Hong Yue himself was about to get tired. After all, standing behind the team throwing magic and wielding a heavy weapon are two concepts. Even if the magic battle strength is strong, Hong Yue will still be tired from fighting for so long.

Because Hong Yue didn’t manage all the elemental creatures, she was impossible and gave her the highest level result. In the end, the recognition level that Hong Yue got was advanced warrior, which is basically martial power. It’s OK, but it’s not too high. .

After Hong Yue finished the test, the old mage asked Yingyu Divine Young if he needed to adjust the number of elemental creatures, but he was directly rejected. Compared with Hong Yue, who mainly relies on magic to fight, Ying Yu Shen Hina is actually more inclined to fight physically. Although her magic is also very strong, but more often she only fights by physical attacks, and magic is just an aid.

After confirming again and again that Yingyu Shenyou does not need to reduce the number of elemental creatures, the test began. The elemental creatures that came out of the resummon are still the same, but the number has been filled up, and because of the resummon, the blood loss has also been restored.

Compared to Hong Yue, Yingyu's battle is obviously much stronger. As soon as the mage announced the start of the battle, she saw Ying Yu Shen directly holding her weapon that looked like a staff and long spear in both hands and rushed towards the group of elemental creatures. As soon as the two sides touched the Sakura Rain, a beautiful squat side slide slid past the two Earth Elements, then jumped up and swept the staff horizontally, and the two Earth Elements were directly cut off and their heads shattered into one. Earth dregs.

After the two elemental creatures were easily killed, the battle of Yingyu Divine Chicks did not stop. On the contrary, the more they fought, the more smoothly they fought. The elemental creatures did not touch her side from beginning to end, and it was only eight minutes on the field. Just lying on the ground with fragments of elemental creatures, the Ying Yu Divine Young didn't even pant, and there was no trace of scars on his body.

pa pa pa pa... "It's amazing." The old mage and young mage and the guards who brought us all clapped involuntarily at this time. They obviously didn't expect to look charming Sakurayu God Young is actually better than the imperial sister Hong Yue. Although it took eight minutes before and after, she always cleared all the elemental creatures anyway, so the final evaluation was Sword God Early. -Stage. This evaluation is not the highest, but it can basically be regarded as the existence of extreme cattle fork. After all, according to the old masters, the Sword God and Dharma God here are actually a level of existence, and reaching the level of Sword God, even if it is the primary level, it can also be taken from the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. The admiral's first class. With this kind of strength, he can already walk sideways here, not to mention the evaluation of a Fashen.

Sword God, Dharma God, dual Divine Grade expert. The two wizards who were in charge of the appraisal didn't know what to say. They knew we were strong when they gave us a magic test, but they didn't expect to be so strong. Today we have continuously updated their guesses on our strength N times, but now it seems that all the previous guesses are inaccurate, and it is a million miles apart.

After verifying the battle strength of the Yingyu god young, the next one will naturally be me. According to previous experience, the old mage temporarily went to get a few devil arrays, and then out of summon and out of the elemental creatures, he also created a lot of devil beasts in the room, and these devil beasts are not of very good level. Low. However, despite this enhancement, the final result is still to make them startled.

The Master had guessed before that I might be very strong, but didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. They knew I was the leader of the team before, and they knew it. What I am good at is close combat. Refer to my previous magic test again, it is not difficult for them to estimate how terrifying my strength is. However, even after taking countermeasures for this, I still could not fully test my strength, because...

Because I only used one trick to clear the screen.

There are at least two hundred elemental creatures and devil beasts in the field. This standard has far exceeded the War God test requirements, but it turned out that I cleared the field with only one move. In an instant, there was only a piece of elemental dust left by the death of elemental creatures in the entire test hall, as well as a lot of devil beast corpses.

"This, this..." The old mage looked at me in surprise and asked: "What trick did you just use?"

"Storm of Swords. Why? Yes. What's the problem?"

"Ah no, it's not necessary."

"That's good."

In fact, the old mage has no idea at all now How should I rate me. After completing the test for us, he asked us to rest for a while, and then he took his dísciple and ran to the corner to discuss in a low voice.

"Teacher, how do you think we should evaluate them now?"

Old man hate iron for not becoming steel patted the young mage’s head and said: "This Do you still have to ask this question? Their strength is already not in the normal range of human strength. I feel that today is like a test for a few Spiritual Gods who take time out to play, how can these data be humans can do? Of?"

The young mage said: "Actually, I don’t think the Spiritual God in general may have done them, especially their Captain, the guy named Purple Moon. His strength is absolutely capable of fighting with Spiritual God. Contend."

Just when the two spells were discussing our situation secretly, we were actually discussing their problems here, but compared to theirs, our discussions were professional too much.

"Do you think there is a problem with the professional assessment?" I asked Hong Yue aloud.

Hong Yue nodded and said: "I feel that our strength is set too high?"

Ying Yu nodded and said: "Yes, yes Ah. The strength of the guild leader is the highest, but what kind of wizard test, even ours can reach the highest level, and according to their opinions, there is no higher level title. What is this situation? It means that there has never been a person higher than ours here? So how much do the people here have to waste?"

The Son of Night also followed: "There are also those who were destroyed by us before. The group of temple Knights, from the information we inquired from the wizard before, the temple Knights should be considered relatively powerful combatants here, but they turned out to be unable to defeat even the leader’s miscellaneous summon creatures. On the contrary, Being crushed, isn’t this kind of strength a bit too bad?"

I thought for a long time and finally thought that this kind of thing is best for Rose to consider, so I activated the ring of love to connect to Rose’s. He told her about our situation and told her all our questions. Rose gave the answer after a short silence. Because the broadcast mode was on, Hong Yue and the others also heard Rose's answer.

Rose said while thinking: "After listening to your questions, coupled with a comprehensive analysis of the various situations we encountered along the way, I think that more than 90% of our probability has entered a low Demon’s mission world.”

The so-called low demon world is relative to the high demon world and the non-magic world. The real world is actually a low-magic or non-magic world, where there is almost no supernatural power. As for the main world in the game, it is the standard high demon world. Here is true Fiendgod walking all over the floor. There are great powers that can move mountains and suppressing seas everywhere, and those ghosts, goblins and the like are here. They can only be low-key people, because there are so many things that can crush them in this world.

However, the task world we are currently in is obviously an intermediate low-level world between the main world and the real world in the game. There are magic civilizations here, as well as various gods and demons, but all these supernatural powers here are very weak, and even the basic powers of the entire world are very ordinary.

Rose finished her guess and began to explain: "According to Purple Moon's description, the temples that are considered expert here should already be considered high-end martial power, but they are just five-six. Hundred-level goods, even Purple Moon’s Qilin warrior can crush them. According to the mage who helped you test before, the magical power of the night child is already what they can recognize Divine Grade and other Peak powers. Now. But what is the state of the strength of the Night Son? In terms of level, it is actually only about 1,500 level.

If you say that 1,500 level is their high-end martial power here. What is the average state of the high-end martial power here? Twelve thousand? That is the strength of ordinary players."

Hong Yue asked: "Doesn’t that mean we can do The people who will come here are basically the people here whose Peak strength is even beyond their cognition?"

"No, it can't be said that all are beyond the cognition." Rose said: "Actually, according to the information we have gathered here, the Spiritual God of this world is the same as the Spiritual God of the main world. It is a real existence, not a fictional spiritual existence. In other words, there is a Spiritual God on top of general cognition. Such a special level, but because the locals do not think that mortals can become Spiritual Gods, they did not add Spiritual God to the professional level as a level. However, they dare not add us but can add it, that is, Purple Moon, you are actually equivalent to a Spiritual God walking in the world now."

"Damn, this is okay?"

Rose followed: "In fact, I I think it’s not just you. Gold coin, Kristina, Masaga Matsumoto, Zhenhong, and Hong Yue, August Kaun, Fire Dragon Ji, Ziyue, and Sakura Yushin, your guilds rank among the top ten basics It should be regarded as Divine Grade."

Hong Yue asked suddenly: "What we are doing now is the task of the ruling guild. Before we came in, the system also specially reminded that this task is super difficult, but if it is really As you said, it’s a low demons world. After we arrived here, almost all of us have become god-like beings. What is the difficulty of this task? Throw a group of adults into the kindergarten and children Can playing adversarial games be called difficult missions? "

"No, because of this, our task is particularly difficult. "

"Huh? Why? "This is not only Hong Yue, but Yingyu Shenchu ​​and I are asking there together.

Rose explained: "Actually, I think I already roughly understand the content of this task. "

"Have you found the task?" "

"In fact, it is not to find the task, but we really have nothing to do except this task. "

"Are you talking about killing gods?" "I finally remembered what the rose meant.

This world is a low magic world. All creatures are very weak, and ordinary creatures at level 1,500 can even be the highest. On the top is the Spiritual God world, and the average level of our group has exceeded 1,500, which means that we can actually be regarded as a Spiritual God team. A Spiritual God team has fallen into such a world. , System also told us that this is a difficult task, so what can we do? Obviously impossible is to fight humans, so the rest is only the spiritual gods.

As soon as I said it The other people also reacted to the killing of the gods, and then everyone frowned. It was not that our guild had never done the killing of the gods, but it was based on the strong logistics support of the guild. At that time, we could be dispatched. It’s not such a small number of people who entered the mission, and we brought a lot of mobile angels for Divine Race, including a special addition version of the liquefied magic crystal steam type mobile angel. After that, we rely on various magic items and the financial resources of the guild. , Almost forcibly piled up those Divine Races. In addition, the Divine Races we attacked were not very powerful Divine Races, and those Divine Races were actually half-mutilated before we launched the regular attack. But it is. Under these conditions, we are still winning quite hard.

But now, we have no support and no supplies, and what is worse is that we will face a group of very complete Divine Race. The only possibility The good news is that the number and overall strength of the opponent may not be as sturdy as the Divine Race of the main world, but since it is Divine Race, even if it is not so sturdy, it is probably not bad. Is the enemy. No wonder the system tells us that the mission is extremely difficult. It seems to be extremely high and extremely powerful.

"If our enemy is really Divine Race, then we should now For what? "Yezhizi asked.

Sakura Rain God young not even think followed and shouted: "Of course, first find the Divine Race through the temple, and then find a way to annihilate it. "

"No, we can't do that, otherwise our chance of failure will be as high as 70%. "Rose stopped.

"What should I do? "

"Contact the king here as soon as possible through your current professional laboratory. Since he is opposed to theocracy, I believe he would be happy to see the Spiritual God all finished. Use his power in the world to become our backing to replace part of the supply and support functions of the Frost Rose League. At the same time, as soon as possible through the temple forces to find out the specific situation of the Divine Race served by the other party, at least we must first find them in Where does it work? It is also very important to try to combat the status of those Divine Race in people's hearts. No matter which world’s Divine Race is supported by faith, once the people here don’t believe in them, even if we don’t take action, they will run out of mana and die over time. Of course, we don't have so much time to wait for them to slowly starve to death, but as long as it can be interrupted, even if it is to reduce the number of believers and the degree of faith, it will be of great significance to our battle. "

"OK, since the plans are all out, let's proceed according to the plan. "I clapped my hands and closed the communication, then turned around and shouted at the two mages who were still discussing over there, "Have you finished discussing it?" "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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