The mage began to explain to us carefully after repeatedly confirming the confidentiality to us.

"Our kingdom of Kaslan is nominally an independent kingdom, but currently in China, the power of the Holy Sect Palace, that is, the Light God Palace, is also exercising part of the state power. For example, the temple is in our country. They will often try their so-called heretics for various reasons. Although most of the people on trial have no impact on the country, sometimes some important figures are tried. In the most serious time in history, a duchess was even ruled by the Holy See. The heresy was judged, and in the end a large-scale conflict between the army and the temple of Knight broke out, which almost turned into a religious war, but fortunately, it did not really fight in the end.

Of course, the king was very concerned about this situation. Annoyed, but because the power of the Holy See is too strong, there is no way to openly oppose it. It can only be restricted from all aspects. And the Holy See cannot blatantly oppose the kingship, so the two sides have been in a state of mutual restraint.

Because Light God Palace preaches the Light God creation theory, that is to say, the Light God created the world, and we are all creations of Light God, so everyone should believe in Light God, and all Dark Element’s Things, especially the Necromancer, who manipulates the dead, are the main targets of Light God Palace’s strict crackdown. Although the king’s purpose is to restrict the Holy See, he has always adopted the views of the Holy See to clear Necromancer and the Dark Mage. The principle of quietly sheltering secretly. But at least on the surface, the king can’t protect Necromancer and the black mage in front of the Holy See, so it’s a bit scary to openly call out that you are Necromancer as you did earlier."

After listening to this guy’s explanation, we understand why he reacted so much. After a long time, Necromancer is a wanted criminal here. Although the king wants to protect them, he can’t do it blatantly. Therefore, the average Necromancer, even if he is a real Necromancer, can never stand up and shout everywhere.

After hearing the entire process of development, the Night’s Son asked again: "Then since Necromancer can't appear here, what about my assessment?"

The Master One Hearing this immediately laughed and said: "So the King Your Majesty has been trying to help you Necromancer. Although the Holy See has asked us to eliminate all undead and dark mages, the professional appraisal is not opened by the Holy See. We are the King Your Majesty. Courtiers, of course can’t listen to them. However, due to the influence of the Holy See, we can’t just and honorable give you the Necromancer badge."

"After talking for a long time, I still can’t post it?"


"It’s not that you can’t post it, but you can’t post Necromancer. You must change one." The mage said: "We usually arrange this. Necromancer we generally send summoner badges uniformly, and dark wizards we all make uniform hair styles. The badge of the mage, which can roughly indicate your professional characteristics, and prevent the Holy See from catching the handle."

I nodded asked: "Then we still need to test our strength now?"


The mage nodded and said: "Of course it is necessary, because I will send you two badges, one is usually hung on clothes to deceive people. Of course, this is also a regular badge we made, so I won’t worry about it. It was found out. You can hold another real badge, but don’t take it out at ordinary times, especially if you can’t let the people of the Holy See see it. This kind of real badge can directly indicate the Necromancer profession, so you still need to know your strength. , Besides the fake badge, there must be a strength mark."

Night son said: "It is reasonable, then how do we start the test?"

The mage said: "Since you are Necromancer , Then what kind of undead spell do you generally use to fight? Is it summon undead creatures or directly use undead spells to attack? Or are you a curse specialization?"

Son of Night said: "I am summon and attack type The undead spells are very good at it, and the curse type is also a little bit."

The mage nodded and said: "In this case, we will not test the curse type. For the summon type, you can summon first, and you can summon. Let’s take a look at the strongest undead creature."

"Does it have to be the strongest?"

Mage nodded means must be the strongest.

The Night Son had no choice but to start preparing for spell. I saw him standing in place, raising a hand, and then starting to chant. With his incantion, a small blue spot of light suddenly appeared in the air in front of him, as if he was spot-welding something in the air with an electric welding rod. , Electric sparks and small spots of light splashed around, and then a few seconds later that spot suddenly became larger, and then within a few seconds, it expanded into a huge circular Space Crack with a diameter of more than 30 meters, followed by a white mist As if mercury was flowing out of the Space Crack, at the same time, accompanied by a loud dragon roar, two huge translucent dragon claws, which seemed to be composed of fog, suddenly buckled the two ends of the crack, and then slammed outwards. Tear, as the crack was further torn apart, two huge hideous dragon heads actually got out of the crack at the same time. At the same time, we all felt the sharp drop in the air temperature, and the room had dropped below zero in just a while. The breathing started to puff out white smoke.

With the appearance of the dragon's head, the terrifying creature no longer hesitated. His claws grabbed the edge of the crack and pulled back, and then the whole body got out of the crack. Until this time, the mage Only then can I see exactly what the creature in front of me is. However, even if he saw it clearly, he couldn't make an appraisal of this thing, because he didn't know it at all. Although in theory he can probably be sure that this is a ghost spirit dragon, but the problem is that ghost spirit dragon doesn't seem to have two heads?

While that guy was silly there, the Night’s Son suddenly reminded: “This is my strongest summon thing, the dragon Lich Frost robber, which was transformed from the death of a two-headed dragon. Dark, undead, and frost three-series enhancement. Ignores physical attacks, soul attacks, and immune to all magic below the intermediate level. Basically all immune to the spells of the undead, darkness, and frost. There is no negative bonus to the light spell, and no Light Element energy is feared. I am good at magic strikes and have strong melee ability."

"This, this...this thing is your summon?"

"Didn't you see it?"< /p>

"But this is too...too terrifying, right? This thing, let alone adventure missions, you can face an infantry phalanx on the battlefield!"

Children of the Night Some proudly said: "Actually, I think it's okay to face a Legion head-on. As long as the opponent doesn't have the spell strike power, many people will be useless. After all, my dragon is immune to physical attacks, and the soldiers can't attack magically. "

After listening to the mage, he exclaimed that he was too strong. In the end, we reminded him that this guy remembered to continue the test. "Well, I just saw it. It takes about fifteen seconds for you to summon this undead two-headed dragon. Can you summon continuously? How long does it take between?"

He said: "The summon time is unlimited. Once one summon is over, the next summon can be started, but at the same time, the number of summon cannot be higher than three, and my magic power can only be connected to the summon six at most without supplementing. Second."

"What? Can you summon three of these things at the same time?" The mage felt that his little heart was going to strike.

Yezhizi corrected him: "Not three summons at the same time, but one summon at a time, but as long as the previous summon is not killed, I can let the three appear by my side. The fourth summon, the first summon will automatically disappear."

"Terror, it's too terrifying!" The mage said directly, "Your undead spell does not need to be tested. , I’ll just give you a badge in a while."

"Then what level am I?"

"Divine Grade."

"Method God?" This was called by the guard who brought us. This time he sighed vigorously. Fortunately, he was more polite to us before. Otherwise, if this offends a Fa-God, then he really doesn't know how to die.

After testing the level of the Nightborne, the mage did not show us the badge immediately, but only made a record, saying that it would be issued once after we all tested it.

After the test of the Night Son is over, the next step is the test of the Yingyu Divine Young. The mage looked up and down the Yingyu god young man and asked: "Are you not from Light Element?"

Yingyu god young man nodded and said: "I am from Light Element, but my bright spell Most of them are offensive, and the auxiliary class only accounts for one third."

"The offensive's bright mage?" The mage thought for a long time or let the Ying Yu Shen Chi put a magic test first, but with For the foreshadowing of the Night’s Son, he also realized that our group is a bit abnormal, so he can’t test it according to ordinary people’s methods, so he thought about it and said to Ying Yu Shen, “You don’t have formidable power to reach your strongest attack magic. Formidable power is half of the spell? Or other ratios are fine, as long as there is an accurate ratio."

Sakura Yu Shen Hina thought for a while and said: "I have a spell, which is my strongest attack magic. One third of formidable power, is this okay?"

The mage repeatedly nodded and said: "Yes, you can, as long as it is proportional. You can use this magic to test it."

" Then where do I put it?" Ying Yu Shen Chi asked.

"Wait a minute." The mage immediately went to the wall and turned it over for a long time after speaking, and then drew a small car from the pile of debris. There was a big rock on the car. He pushed the stone and ran to the center of the room quickly, then pulled it on the trolley, and the stone immediately fell to the ground, and then he opened the car body and split it in half, bypassing the stone, and pulled it back to our side. "Okay, that stone is the target, just use your spell to attack it."

Sakura Rain God youngster heard the mage’s words and asked with some embarrassment: "But my spell formidable power It’s very big, what if I break through the walls of the room?"

The mage immediately shook his head after listening, "Don’t worry, the walls and floors here have been specially treated. Yes, even the Dharma God cannot be penetrated by a single move. Besides, you are not using the strongest skill, but the one third of the most huge might, and the target is the stone, and you won’t be able to penetrate the wall."

"Then this is what you said, just don't blame me in case something goes wrong." Ying Yu Shen Chou looked towards the mage and waited for confirmation from the other party.

Although the mage was said to be a little bit ridiculous by the Yingyu God, but thinking about it, he still firmly nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, I am responsible for the problem."

Seeing that the other party was so firm, Yu Shen Chi couldn't say anything, and immediately began to gather magic power. Because this skill is not the strongest attack, and only the strongest skill one third has the formidable power, the Sakura Rain Divine Young Girl prepares to spell very quickly. It is almost ready to be completed when he raises his hand, and then uses the stick to face the stone a little, After that, a white laser beam-like light hit the rock instantly, and then it was completely over.

The mage saw that there was no problem after the attack, so he was relieved a lot. After all, I looked at the level of the overnight son before, and then looked at our equipment. He estimated that the level of our group might be. They are all the same, so he was worried that Yingyu Divine Young was also a super abnormal mage. But now it doesn't seem to be as exaggerated as he thought. The other party just fired a beam of light, which seemed to have pierced a small hole in the stone, which was not too serious.

However, because the spell doesn’t seem to be very destructive, the wizard plans to study the destruction of the stone. He just didn’t pay much attention to it before, but he suddenly felt it when he got close. Something is wrong.

"This...this..." Originally, because of the distance, he just saw a small hole on the front of the stone, which was probably thicker than his finger. He didn't take it seriously at the time, but after getting closer Looking at the hole, he found that the hole was actually connected, which meant that the stone had been pierced through.

Be aware that this is not an ordinary stone. In fact, this stone is a special cover for testing. It has strong resistance to magical attacks, and more importantly, this stone. There is also a magic array under the stone, which is specially added to the stone like a magic shield. However, even with these two layers of protection, the opponent's magic still pierced the stone. However, even though the stone was worn, he just felt that Yingyu Divine Young's attack power was very high, and he didn't care much. However, when he turned and was about to come back, the magic elevator behind us suddenly moved. Then when the mage came back, the descending elevator came up again, and an old man was also sent.

As soon as the old man got out of the elevator, he yelled: "Babos, what happened just now?"

The wizard who gave us the test looked surprised and rushed up. The old man asked: "What did you say to the tutor?"

The old man grabbed the wizard's clothes and shouted: "I was watering the magic plants in the garden just now, and suddenly one shot from the magic tower. The light made a hole in my kettle. What are you doing just now? This magic tower is protected by city-level magic. How can magic shoot out?"

Shocked. "What? Did the magic just pierce the wall of the tower?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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