In fact, when encountering such mentally disabled people, the only way to fight is to pretend to be grandsons, but the question is why do we pretend to be grandsons?

"Hey, what's the matter with you? What about you?" Seeing that we didn't respond for a long time, the one who shouted over there finally came over impatiently.

To be honest, if you just came here, if you don’t speak, you’re still pretty good. With a slender close-fitting silver armor, dazzling blond hair and a handsome face, this guy can basically be regarded as a combination of a sunny really handsome guy and a butter niche. But unfortunately, although it looks good, this man's head is definitely defective.

"Hey, what's the matter with how many of you are here?" After that guy walked over, he first glared at the guards beside us, then looked at us again, and then he used a very deserves a beating "Where did you guys come out? Seeing the city guard, you still dare to sit on the horse? Do you want to go to jail?"

Hong Yue waited for this guy to finish. Then he glanced at me and asked: "What should I do now? It seems that peace is unlikely!" I thought about it and decided to fight for the best possible, but I didn’t plan to fight for the one in front of me. After all, he is a mentally insufficient person, so if you can tell him, he is not mentally insufficient. I turned my gaze to the guard who was talking to us before, and then I asked, "May I ask what is behind this guy? If we kill him, can we deal with it? Of course, I think you understand us. It’s not a little bully, know?"

The guard at first knows to lower his posture to us, and at the same time he knows to use words to disturb us to participate in the review, which shows that he is a smarter one. . Hearing my question, the other party also understood what I meant, but he hadn't answered yet, but the brain-disabled child in front of him screamed first. Although he is mentally disabled, he can still understand good and bad things.

"You actually said you want to kill me? Who do you think you are?" The guy yelled arrogantly: "Listen to me the guards, get on together, grab them and send them to the City Guard Hall Prison Come, I'll take care of them at night, hehehe Aiya..."

I really don’t know what to say when facing this kind of brain-disabled person. In the end, don’t talk about us, even the night shadow I’m riding on. He couldn't listen anymore, and then he stepped forward and stepped on him to the ground and put a hoof on him to add a little strength.

Although Ye Ying usually doesn't touch the ground with his feet, that doesn't mean that he can't touch the ground, so he can still do things that are so cool to step on.

After the guy on the ground was kicked down, he immediately began to scream loudly. The voice was almost like a helpless girl who met a rogue. It was a high-pitched voice. Although the surrounding guards disliked this 250-and-five guy extremely, this one was their head after all. If someone trampled their head to death in front of them, they would not be able to explain it when they went back. Therefore, the guards immediately pulled out their weapons and prepared to come up to rescue the driver, but before they rushed over Hong Yue, they threw a magic missile in the direction of the open space behind them, only to hear a bang on the open space. A huge boulder and a few trees that were originally standing are gone. Instead, there is a large pit with a diameter of more than three meters and a depth of two meters.

Although Hong Yue didn't hit anyone, this move immediately frightened everyone around him. They have not seen the magic attacks of the mages, but compared with this, it is the difference between the small pistol and the rocket launcher. This formidable power is about to catch up with the city defense gun.

Judging from the countless experience of these guards, Hong Yue’s just now is at least the magic that can be mastered by the top archmage, and seeing how easy it is to lose, it shows that they have more ruthless tricks. . Once this kind of person enters the public view, it is the sweet pastry that Great Influence is vying to snatch. Not to mention killing a city guard, it doesn’t matter if Sir City Lord is killed, not to mention this is just the concubine of Sir City Lord. The big brother of the close maid, there is a lot of turning around, so even if he really hangs up, probably no one wants to avenge him. At least there is no competent person in accounting.

Stimulated by Hong Yue’s magic formidable power, the brains of the guards seemed to have been developed suddenly. They figured out the cause and effect of the matter in an instant, so they suddenly took a step back together. He put away his weapons, and after looking at each other, the guy who had spoken to us stood up and said, "Several adults, today is really sorry. The guy you caught is actually our boss, but this guy has always been Dereliction of duty, like to use the identity of the city guard to do mischief. If you kill him today, it will be for the people. We promise that we will not be held accountable, but considering that he is a city guard after all, so if you can let him later We know where a few people want to stay, that’s best. We will contact the Shanmen, an occupational laboratory, to serve you, and Sir City Lord may commend you for your courage to correct the ugly phenomenon of the management system. I don’t know. Is it good for an adult?"

"You..." The two hundred and five below finally reacted and wanted to scream, but I patted Ye Ying on the neck and then Ye Ying was on her leg. It took a little bit of strength to go up, followed by a click, Ye Ying's entire hoof stepped into the opponent's chest, but the opponent's body did not spurt and died, but quickly dried out, and finally turned into A pile of corpses like firewood.

The reason why I want to let the night shadow killer is because the guards on the other side have already understood very well. What they mean is that it is better for this guy to die, and that he said that the appraisal department will come to serve him, which has two meanings. One is that we kill people and must be investigated, and the other is to tell us that with our strength, we can make those people look different, so we can enjoy special treatment, and this special treatment, on the surface, is a door-to-door service, but in fact it means It's okay to kill this guy. So, since that guy is okay to kill, then what am I keeping him for?

Seeing that we had killed the brain-dead, the guards were not surprised, but looked relaxed. The leader even said, "Do you need to take a break or find a place to eat when you come from afar? Why don't I show you the way to the best restaurant in the city, and then we will let the laboratory go to the restaurant to serve?"

Just after the other party finished speaking, I suddenly asked: "Is the laboratory you mentioned a dark and swarthy tall tower?"

The guard was obviously taken aback. Because we said before that we are from a different place, but now we are telling the colors and styles of the buildings in the city, which is obviously very strange. Of course, the guards found it strange because they didn't understand the situation, but I didn't find it strange at all, because the tower was across the street from the temple where the two Knights followed by the darts entered. I hadn't noticed the tower before, but when the guard said that he was going to the laboratory, it happened that the darts also saw the sign hanging outside the laboratory, so there was my problem.

Although the guard didn’t understand how I knew what the laboratory looked like, he still nodded and said: "Yes, that’s the building."

I nodded and said: "Then no The service is on the door, and we just go straight over." The laboratory is just across from the temple anyway, just convenient for us to get closer to observe the situation.

Of course the guard didn't know what we were planning, but he thought it was a good thing that we were willing to participate in the appraisal, so he immediately agreed to nodded and volunteered to show us the way.

Because the city is very large, the city has also built fast lanes similar to motor vehicle lanes. Pedestrians are isolated on both sides of the road by green belts, and the central part allows people to ride at full speed. . Relying on the help of this road, we quickly reached the location of the temple and the laboratory in the city center. Because these two are very important buildings, they were built directly on the central axis of the city, so the road conditions are better in the city.

After arriving at the laboratory, we did not go directly to the laboratory, but first glanced at the appearance of the temple. Although I have seen it through the eyes of darts, none of Hong Yue has seen it, but they at least know that the person we are looking for is inside.

Seeing that we have been looking at the temple, the guard said politely: "That is the Light God Palace, the territory of the Bright Holy Sect. Although it is built in the city, it is not under the control of our City Lord. Several people It doesn't look like Light Element, I guess I won't be interested in Light God Palace."

I didn't take the lead to jump off the back of Ye Ying, and Hong Yue and the others also jumped down. After we landed and put away the mount, the guard led us into the laboratory.

Like most offices of magical institutions, in order to show their strength, even if there is no shortage of space, they will make a spell like compressed space in their reception area to show off. This professional appraisal office is also set up in the same way. As soon as you enter the bottom of the tall tower, you can immediately find that the space inside the tower is out of proportion to the outside, and that such a large space is actually empty.

From the outside, the entire tower looks only seven or eight meters in diameter. If the one-meter-thick outer wall is removed, the internal space becomes even more narrow. However, in fact, when we entered the tower, what we saw was a rotunda with a diameter of more than one hundred meters, but in the entire hall, except for the corner opposite to the gate, there was a table far away. Besides, there are no other furnishings in the entire hall. Such an empty hall is simply a waste. Not to mention a diameter more than a hundred meters, even if the space is not compressed, the original hall with a diameter of only five or six meters is definitely enough.

After the guard led us in, he led us all the way to the opposite table, and then knocked down the table to attract the attention of the opposite guy.

In fact, this table is not so much a table, it is more suitable as a huge platform. Its area has exceeded the size of three beds, and the table is also very high, it feels like The counter at the hotel reception is the same.

Originally, even if the counter is relatively high, the guy behind should be able to hear our footsteps. After all, this hall is paved with a marble floor and we wear armor. You can imagine how loud the hard rubber sole and some metal parts of the combat boots can make in this open place when they hit the ground, but the guy in front seems to have not heard it, completely when we don't exist.

"Hey, here are some adults who need to take the test. Get out the application form." The guard obviously knew that the guy at the door had no status, so he was not afraid of him at all, so he knocked a few more. Shouted at him when he got off the table.

The quarrelsome guy finally lifted his head from the pile of books in front of him after he banged hard on the desk, and then glanced at us from the corner of his eye and threw four of them. The application form came out, and then nothing happened again. Fortunately, the guard apparently knew the process, so he didn't ask him at all. He took the form and took a pen from the table and asked, "How many fill it out or do I record it for you?"

< p>"Let’s do it by ourselves." Yezhizi took a form, then looked at it and started to fill it out. When we saw Yezhizi started to write, we had to follow it.

In fact, there is not much content on the form, and obviously the restrictions are very wide. The top column does not even have a name. It is directly called two words, which means that you can fill in what you want others to call you. It doesn't matter if you don't have your real name.

The following are the three basic items of age, race, and gender. The next step is to apply for a career. However, this occupation column is not filled in, but checked. Many occupations have been printed in advance, and there is a small box behind each occupation. To apply for a relevant occupation, just tick it.

In addition to the above, there is nothing on this form, it's a clean mess. We wrote such a simple form in less than 30 seconds, and then the guard did not hand in the form, so he directly took the thing and beckoned us to follow him.

After bypassing the guy who has been reading behind the counter, we discovered that there is actually a fantasy Formation here. There is no problem on the counter side, but after crossing the counter, we will find the original behind the counter. There is also a door, but it was blocked by a phantom.

Behind this small door is a long corridor. There are gardens on both sides of the corridor, but the area is small. At the other end of the promenade is a building that looks like a castle one size smaller. After entering the gate, you immediately see a table in the center of the room, and a crystal ball is placed on the table. The guard said to us: "A few of you can touch the thing, as long as one person is fine."

I nodded and touched the crystal ball, but there was no reaction, but the side of the room One of the small doors opened quickly, and then a guy who appeared to be in his thirties came out of it.

This person is dressed like a mage, but the fluctuation of his magical power is so low that he can hardly feel it. If he didn't set up any hidden attributes, then this guy is probably only more than 300 levels. Looks like a super low-end mage.

After the man came out, seeing so many of us was obviously stunned, and then he asked: "Who is going to test?"

The guard hurried up and said: "It's this The four adults on the side, they come from far away, because they don’t have a professional badge, so it’s not convenient to move on our side. I suggest that they come over and do a test."

This wizard looks like The intelligence is normal. After taking a look at our equipment up and down, he immediately said very politely: "Originally, each person needs to pay one crystal coin every time to do the test according to the usual practice, but everyone is coming from afar. This time we It’s free. I don’t know what profession you want to test?"

The guard hurriedly handed over our application form, and the mage immediately looked at it, but soon he looked towards in amazement. We asked: "Are you sure there is no wrong hook? It seems that more than one hook is hooked on it?"

I asked him, "Is this a single choice? What do we do with many things? "

The mage quickly explained: "no no no, this matter can be more than one choice, but our appraisal, so we have never encountered too many professional personnel before, in fact, I know many occupations There seem to be no more than ten people in the country, and each of them is a powerful celebrity."

"You have a rare dual profession here?"

"It's not just rare, Basically it is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, which is extremely rare. But that’s none of our business. Let’s test it first. The four of you seem to have chosen the mages, so test this first, right?"


After confirming our opinion, the mage immediately took us all back to the tall tower in front, and also ignored the one at the door who seemed to be fascinated by reading. The guy walked directly to the counter and pressed a switch, and then a spiral staircase rumbled down the roof. Only then did we understand why this tall tower looked so high from the outside, but there was only one floor after entering it. After a long time, it was not that there was no upper floor, but the stairs did not open.

When we got to the upper floor, the mage did not stop, but led us to a small room, followed him a few times on the door panel on the side of the room, we immediately felt The floor under my feet rose. After working for a long time, this room is just an elevator, but there is no automatic door.

The magic elevator took us all the way up, and then stopped on one of the floors. After walking out of the elevator, there is a huge room as big as the first floor, but there are a lot of sundries on the wall near us, and I don't know what it is for.

The mage said to us after entering the room: "This is the test item for the mage, but what kind of occupation are you? Mage is also divided into many professional characteristics."

The son of the night said first: "I am from the undead system."

Cough cough cough...The mage almost didn't choke himself to death with a slobber, and coughed him for a long time. Then I asked: "What kind of department do you think you are?"

"The Necromancer is a branch of Dark Element, which specializes in manipulating ghosts, skeleton soldiers and zombies."

The mage stared at Yezizi as if looking at a monster and asked, "You really come from a far away?"

"What's the matter?" We asked him inexplicably.

The wizard nodded and said without waiting for us to answer: "It seems to be true. Before I thought that you just wanted to hide your identity and said that you came from a distance. Now it seems to be true. Yes!"

"Did we say anything wrong?"

The mage and the guard looked at each other before explaining: "It seems necessary to give some Common sense has become popular! But you should listen to this thing now. You can never say it out of this door, understand?"

I was the first to nodded and said: "Hurry up, we promise Don't say it." I have a hunch that this guy's words will have a lot to do with our mission. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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