As I stepped down, the communication on Rose's side was directly interrupted. As a result, I was so scared that I thought Rose and they were under my feet, but I stepped on it. The collapse was buried. Fortunately, after a dozen or so seconds of communication interruption, I finally heard Rose's voice again, but it was obvious that her situation was not good because I heard her coughing.

"What's the matter? Why are you coughing?"

Rose coughed a few times before replied: "We are near you. The vibration just now was terrible. A lot of soil has fallen up and down! Half of the passage in front has collapsed, but fortunately it hasn't blocked the road!"

"It doesn't matter if it is blocked, you dig up directly, and when you reach the ground, go to the sky Fire a magic bullet and I can find you."

Rose thought for a while and refused to say: "No, we can't go up."

"Why?" I wonder why Rose refused my proposal.

"It’s not that I don’t want to converge, but what if it makes sense for the system to separate us? Who can guarantee that the task has only one main line? What if this is a divisional task?"

< p>The so-called branch task is that a task is divided into many branches. All branch tasks must be completed before the main task can be successful. Of course, some branch tasks do not need to complete all the branch tasks, but complete completion can improve the task evaluation or Is to reduce the difficulty of the final main task. For example, there is a classic guild mission in China to eliminate mutant demonic beasts. The demonic beast in this mission is initially invincible. No matter how strong your guild has battle strength, you can’t beat it, because it is immune to all attacks. , Can't kill at all. However, there is a key NPC in this mission. This guy will make a medicine. As long as the medicine is sprinkled on the beast meat, the demonic beast will eat it, and then the invincibility of the demonic beast will temporarily disappear for a while. However, this NPC was in a state of dying of illness when he was found, so he had to find medicine for him to continue his life if he asked him to dispense medicine. This process of finding medicine requires many ingredients. You can find all of them, or you can find only a part of them. However, if you don’t find all of them, the NPC will take a short response time after taking the medicine, and then he will give you You die during the process of making poison, and then the amount of poison that removes the invincible state you get will decrease, and if the amount of the drug is insufficient, the demonic beast will quickly return to the invincible state. This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the task. After all, the task time is reduced. Shortened. A task like this is a typical distributed task. You can complete all branches or only part of it, but the less you complete, the higher the difficulty of the final task, and it may even turn the main task into an unsolvable task.

Although we have now entered the task space, the system did not give us any hints about the content of the task, so we can only crash everywhere like headless flies. Rose and the others seem to be separated from us in the underground passage, but it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be a branch mission of a certain distributed mission on their side, so we can't let them out at all, otherwise they may directly miss a branch mission.

After I want to understand, I also nodded and said: "It seems that I want to make it simple. In this case, you will continue to move along the passage and contact me again if you have any questions."

< p>"Okay."

After cutting off the communication, Hong Yue and I started spinning around aimlessly in the forest. The conversation between Rose and me just now was not in secret chat mode, so they all heard it, just because we don’t know what the task is, so we don’t know which direction to go, we can only find a random direction and touch it first. try one's luck again. If there is no prompt for the task issued by the generally speaking system, it must be a medium-sized minefield, that is, the task trigger point is turned into a closed circle. No matter which direction you go, you will always encounter the task. of. The system does not give prompts to the task but to increase the exploration element of the task, it will not really make the player unable to find the task.

After we walked in the forest for a while, Hong Yue first remembered that we could summon the local undead to ask about the situation, and then she found an undead directly under a big tree next to us without waiting for us to answer. , And then use the undead resuscitation technique to wake it up and prepare to inquire about the situation here.

This decision is not a problem. Generally, I like to do it when I can't find a task or a way in the game. In fact, it's not just me, many people in our guild like to do this. Because of the dual role of Isengard’s world-class library and the temple of chaos and order, almost all players in our guild have learned the technique of undead resuscitation. This low-level undead spell. Secondly, this spell is very useful. You can use it when you can’t find the way or the mission information. It can be helpful for eight out of ten times. This is the standard of our guild. The way to deal with it.

However, the standard method used elsewhere is a problem here. In fact, the problem is not the undead that Hong Yue wakes up, but the group of humans who have just appeared.

Just after Hong Yue awakened the undead, a group of people rushed out of the forest next to him, and then they saw Hong Yue pulling the undead from the ground by the hand of the undead. After they came out, the group of people took a fighting stance without saying a word.

"Evil Necromancer, prepare to accept the justice." There are only three people in the opposing team, which is less than ours, and we know that the strength is far worse than ours by looking at the equipment. However, the opponent's imposing manner was not affected by the number or strength at all. The woman in the white robe standing at the back of the team screamed while holding a scepter directly, and then the two guys in front of her who looked a bit like Templar Knight raised the shield in front of her and rushed towards us. Come here. Looking at their posture, it feels like it is not that they have few people, but that we have few people.

Although we haven't figured out what's going on, how can we impossible to stand here and let people fight, right? So... So the normal two Knights fell down, and then the little girl who was suspected of being a priest also lay down together.

As I said before, these three battle strengths are not as good as ours at first glance, and the number of people is small, so the victory or defeat is almost determined within a second. Looking at the two Knights who rushed up and the one who was mourning the eulogy behind, Hong Yue directly hit him with a mental shock, and then the two Knights did not hum, as if the running robot was suddenly powered off, oh la la. I rushed directly to the street, and then slid down the grass on the ground all the way to our feet with great joy. Because the spirit strength is relatively strong, the pastor behind is not scumbed to the point where she can be put down by a mental shock, but even so, she was still smashed and sat on the ground, and her eyes were still a little loose, obviously. Was seriously affected. A pastor who is not protected by anyone is still a little unconscious. What battle strength do you expect from her? The Night Son directly teleported over and tapped her head with a stick, and then this one directly followed the two Knights and rushed to the street.

Although the three guys were brought down in an instant, our mood was not good at all at this time, because we felt the violent vibration of the ground.

Generally speaking, the ground shaking is so obvious, there must be a large group of people or devil beasts approaching, but according to the general routine, we just finished three scum, and then a large group of creatures popped up here, if The system is not boring. If we use these three guys to adjust our mood, then these three will definitely pave the way for the task. Then, according to the general practice, most of their companions will appear afterwards, and then these people will give according to the system. Their prepared routines determine their attitude towards us. If they are destined to be hostile to us, then they must mistakenly believe that we killed their companions, and then go to war with us. If the system defaults that they will become friendly with us, then this matter can probably be explained clearly. However, with the difficulty of the task suggested by the system before, we have basically no illusions about the latter situation.

Sure enough, as soon as we discovered the problem, a large group of Knights rushed out of the woodland ahead. These people are all dressed up with the two under our feet, and there are obviously guys in white robes in the team, so...

"They killed Templar Knight! They are heretic." With a certain A guy in a white robe screamed, and the group of guys behind instantly went into a frenzied state. They rushed up without looking at the people standing opposite, and looked at them as if we were already tied up. Like a good lamb, it feels like they can knead it at will.

Of course, what they feel is what they feel, and our strength will not decline because of their inattention. Looking at the rushing crowd, none of us had any plans to explain except for the Night Son who didn't like fighting and didn't understand the situation. Hong Yue had already begun to chant the spell.

"Let me come in this situation." Holding down Hong Yue who was about to cast a spell with one hand, I gently rubbed the guardian of the evil dragon on my finger, and the purple black death fog instantly covered it. In the surrounding area, Qilin warriors who followed me appeared in the woodland.

The strength of this group of Knights is very low. Basically, they are the miscellaneous pawns. They simply have nothing to do with them except that the number is decent. With our attribute, even if we stand there and don’t fight back, we won’t move. , It is estimated that they would have to cut down for an hour to break our magic shield. It's not cost-effective to waste magic power for this kind of miscellaneous soldiers, so I simply let Qilin warrior take our place to deal with these Knights. Anyway, the battle strength of Qilin warrior is really not useful when encountering BOSS. It is better to use the best of all things to help us block the miscellaneous soldiers.

Although the level of Qilin warrior is not high, it is basically not useful when dealing with BOSS, but the so-called Templar Knights in front of them are really scumbags. It is a bit unexpected. I thought that Qilin warrior was going to fight with them for a while, who knows that when the two sides met, the Qilin warrior on my side just pushed it all the way like cutting melons and vegetables, and the knights didn’t fight it at all. It feels like a group of kindergarten children and a group of bulls are playing face-to-face charge, and that group of Paladins are kindergarten children, almost instantly destroyed by the Qilin warrior, the battle strength simply is not the same level on both sides. of.

"The strength of this group of Knights is too scumbag, right?" Ying Yu Divine Young looked at my Qilin warrior, slicing melons and vegetables and ravaging Paladin, and couldn't help but vomit.

Hong Yue speculated: "It is estimated that these people are used to elicit follow-up missions, and their charge may be just a cutscene."

I nodded and said: "It should be That's the case, otherwise, it really can't explain how the strength of this group of people can be scumbed to this level. This battle strength is only at the level of four or five hundred players? It will be finished if we wipe it casually!"

Because the strength of the two sides is not the same level at all, the battle is over quickly, and the battle is over in less than ten minutes. Qilin warrior suffered minor injuries. Only a dozen people were injured and there were no deaths. The Paladin on the opposite side killed more than 80, and there were about 20 more struggling on the ground. If you leave it alone, you will soon die.

I walked over and looked at the nearest guy who was struggling, and then stepped on his chest to organize his rolling state, and then I put a little bit of strength on my legs and immediately let The guy squirted blood.

"Say, who are you?"

" heretics, I want to purify cough cough cough..." Although that guy has been injured like this, but Crazy energy is not rare at all, it seems to be even more exaggerated.

I reluctantly increased the strength on my feet and stepped on this guy’s entire chest, and then looked at the corners of his mouth with black blood, stretched out his hands and turned around helplessly: "It looks like It’s impossible to get information from the captives."

Hong Yue also nodded and said: "These are obviously fanatics, even if they die, they can’t threaten them. Fortunately, the battle strength is relatively rubbish. Although we can't get information, it won't pose any threat to us."

Shen Yushen said: "But at first glance, these are just the little ones. We kill so many at once to bring out the BOSS. What should I do?"

"We are not afraid of the boss, we just can't find the task. If the boss is out early, it will save trouble."

"It makes sense." Ying Yu Shen Both Hina and Hong Yue nodded in agreement. Only the fellow of Night Son ignored our chat and researched the corpses on the ground over there.

Speaking of which Night Son, although he doesn't like war, he is not a pacifist either. The reason why the Night Son does not like to fight may be because he is lazy, not because of other times or fear of blood. You know this guy is Necromancer. Have you ever seen a Necromancer who is timid and afraid of seeing blood?

"Hey, I said Yezizi, what are you researching over there?" Hong Yue couldn't help but ask when we were discussing here for a long time but Yezizi was turning over the body there.

The son of the night who was still there quietly studying the corpse heard Hong Yue's words and immediately turned around excitedly and said: "Look, I found something interesting."

" Fun?" Both Hong Yue and Ying Yu Shen Chou were taken aback. The first time someone heard that the corpse was fun.

The Son of Night probably also knows where the two of them are in a daze, and quickly explained: "I'm not talking about corpses!"

"Not a corpse? Then what have you been studying for so long? "

"This." The son of Night took off the breastplate of the corpse in front of him, and then shook it in front of us.

I took the breastplate curiously and took a look, and then tried to add some strength to my hand, but the breastplate bends instantly, obviously the quality is not good. "A piece of very soft metal, is there anything special?" I said and handed the breastplate back.

The Night Son took the breastplate and unfolded it to show me the inner wall of the breastplate, and then pointed to a small symbol that was almost invisible on one of the less visible positions. Said: "Do you recognize this?"

I took the breastplate and took a closer look, but I found the problem. I quickly put my hand on it and tried it, and I immediately confirmed mine. guess. Hong Yue curiously asked next to him: "What the hell is it?"

I passed the breastplate over and said, "It should be Spirit Gathering Array."

" What?" Hong Yue also froze for a moment, and then she also confirmed that the carving on the breastplate was indeed the Spirit Gathering Array.

The so-called Spirit Gathering Array is actually a magical array that gathers souls, but it is not powerful enough to suck the souls of living people out of the body. Its only function is in the vicinity after someone dies. Inhale its soul into the array and store it in the form of soul energy. It can be said that Spirit Gathering Array is a kind of magic gathering in disguised form that mainly absorbs soul energy, but this thing is usually used by Necromancer. After all, "Zero" is a magic game. All kinds of creatures have souls after they die. Yes, and this soul can be reincarnated or resurrected, but once the soul is decomposed and absorbed by the Spirit Gathering Array, the creature in this world will be completely wiped out, so using someone else’s soul is very evil. That’s why we did Divine Soul for Hades just like we were thieves. After all, even the soul of an ordinary person is very evil, and it is even more dangerous if you want to engage in Divine Soul, or it will anger the gods.

Although Spirit Gathering Array itself is not a particularly powerful magic array, the function is also very simple, and the difficulty of setting is very low, almost even the wizard who is new to magic array can arrange it. However, such a magical array for Necromancer is almost missing, and it will appear on Paladin, which is at odds with Necromancer, which is a bit unimaginable.

"How did you find this little thing?" Hong Yue asked Ye Zidao after reading the Spirit Gathering Array on the breastplate. Ye Zhizi did not answer, but directly pulled a breastplate from a corpse next to Hong Yue. As a result, Hong Yue asked in astonishment after reading it, "Isn't there all of them?"

The son of the night is nodded. "I checked more than a dozen corpses, and each has such a magical array."

"That's not an accident!" I frowned and said, "It seems that we are very close to our mission. Nodded and said: "At least I know what to do next."

Any suspicious places, as long as you pay attention to the investigation, you will usually find the problem . Now that we have found such a big doubt, we just need to find the source of the doubt. As for the source of this...Of course it is the location of the other party's organization.

Although the guys in front of us couldn’t provide us with information at all, it was too easy to find out where they came from. I just let the white waves out and let him track the smell all the way back and look for it. Soon Found a battlefield. This place is obviously a small village, but it is now in ruins. All the buildings have been burned down. There are blood stains everywhere on the ground, but there is no corpse.

This village is surrounded by woodland in the center, not outside the forest, indicating that this is obviously a secluded village isolated from the world, but even if it is secluded, the village is still slaughtered. Their enemies are very ferocious, and we just found here in the opposite direction following the breath of the Paladin. It is not difficult to guess that this group of people should have been killed by the Paladin. After all, they were all killed. It is a fanatic. Compared with ordinary bad people, this kind of person is sometimes more crazy and cruel. After all, no matter how bad an ordinary bad person is, the basic morality and likes and dislikes of mankind will always affect his behavior, but the fanatic will not. They think that everything they do is just and correct, so they will not have any psychological burden when they kill or mutilate others, and they will also have a psychological pleasure of doing good things, so it can be said that these guys are actually better than perverted killings. Madness is even more dangerous.

Although there are no more living people in the village, and there are no dead bodies left, there is a new breath from here. The group of Paladins we killed just now did not bring the corpses of the villagers, indicating that they must have divided their troops. A special person took the corpses back, and the smell left by these people when they left is easier to find. Not to mention the white waves, I can smell the obvious signs of the bloody smell extending out, so we can easily catch up with the bloody smell.

Because of the large number of corpses, and the road in the forest is not very smooth, the opponent's speed is naturally faster does not raise. Compared with them, our speed is much faster, so In less than twenty minutes we caught up with the group of guys who left first.

In order to clarify the situation first, we stopped after spotting the opponent's team from a distance, and then I sent the ghost worm and the darts together to investigate the enemy's situation first.

According to the feedback information, although the number of people in this team is a bit more than that of the gang killed by us, there are obviously more than half of the logistics staff among the people here, which means this Very few of the helpers can fight.

In addition to personnel information, we also found that the team uses carriage except for cavalry, and these all are two-wheeled carriage specially prepared to adapt to the woodland. This kind of carriage is small in size and can be moved in woodland, but because the body is small and there are only two wheels, a branch of the load is concentrated on the horse that pulls the body. This structural feature determines that this kind of carriage simply cannot run fast, not to mention that these cars are obviously overloaded now, and the bodies are all piled high like haystacks-dead bodies. Yes, it is not materials or treasures, but corpses. Corpses of all ages and deaths. The blood was dripping to the ground along the gap under the car, and most of the smells we tracked along the way came from this.

"These guys are so perverted!" I couldn't help but say after seeing the synchronized visual signal.

Hong Yue Although they couldn't see what I saw, they also knew that the other party was pulling the corpse of a villager, so just imagine the situation.

I turned my head to look at Hong Yue and the others, and then asked, "Should we follow them out of the forest or what to do?"

Hong Yue thought for a moment and said: "First destroy the corpses with big moves, and then maimed the opponent, leaving us with a few more mobile ones and we ran away."

I understood what she meant as soon as Hong Yue said it. The other party is walking on this kind of road with such a large pile of corpses. The speed is definitely slow. If we follow them like this, we may not be able to get out of the forest at night, and our mission time is limited. So it can't be delayed like this. However, if we destroy the corpses and kill most of them, the rest will naturally want to report back to the headquarters after we leave, and naturally the speed will be faster when the number of opponents is reduced, even without ours. The mount runs fast, at least much faster than dragging the carriage like this.

Think of the plan and start implementing it. The job of destroying the carriage is naturally the work of the Ying Yu Shen Yu. We only have her and Hong Yue’s plastic energy spell, which are more powerful, but Hong Yue itself is also very good at one-on-one combat, so the big move is given to Ying Yu Shen Yu. Go responsible.

After preparing for a while, Ying Yu Shen Chi directly threw a super big move from the side of the opponent's team, and then the team disappeared with a bang. Hong Yue immediately used a powerful single-body attack magic to blast away all the carriages in the remaining half of the convoy after Ying Yu Shen's big move.

Suddenly the team that suffered such a blow was messed up in an instant, but what made them messier was still to come. Just after the group of people had just determined that they had been attacked, they suddenly discovered that the dead companion who had just been attacked was actually getting up again. The reason why they can confirm that those people are dead without checking... Have you ever seen a person whose frontal muscle tissue has been removed and all internal organs have fallen to the ground and can still stand up and move?

"Necromancer!" A Knight shouted to remind everyone, but the voice not only failed to alert others, but also attracted the attention of Hong Yue. A black magic missile was shot directly from the jungle. Knight blocked the shield in time at the last moment, but he underestimated Hong Yue's magic formidable power. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the guy instantly burst into a red mist, and only two broken legs up to the knee joint were left standing there, and the upper part was completely gone.

After the leader was killed, the originally chaotic team became even more chaotic, and at this time the corpses that had just gotten up began to move. At first, these guys were stiff and slow and looked like they were easy to deal with, but after a few steps, their speed obviously began to increase, and then jogging gradually turned into a rush, and finally some corpses put their hands down and started to look like monkeys. Running, and the speed was surprisingly fast, several people who were close to him were thrown down by their previous companions before they could react, and then there was a terrible howl and splashes of flesh and blood.

"It was strange how you brat got on the battle strength list before, so I understand myself a little bit." I patted the shoulder of the night son and said.

Many people don’t understand the battle strength ranking of Night Son’s 103, but it seems that there is still some truth to it now. At least his violent zombie is definitely not comparable to the summon zombie of ordinary Necromancer. This powerful skill is definitely a powerful skill in multiplayer melee or guild battle mode, and the more people there are, the more useful it is.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people still standing in the convoy, Ye Zhizi turned around and asked me: "Is it almost done?"

Hong Yue said on the other side: "You can start to kill a few of your zombies properly, or else they won't be able to get out for a while."


Control, the previously flexible zombies quickly slowed down, and then a zombie was chopped to the ground by a Paladin, and as the first zombie fell to the ground, the people around gradually reacted. I started to wipe out the nearby zombies one after another, but because the strength of these people was really not very good, in the end, even if the night child deliberately controlled the zombie to die, he still managed most of the remaining people, and finally waited for the zombie to be completely destroyed. After the killing, there were only four people left on the scene, which really made us a little helpless. Encountering such a weak enemy is simply more difficult to deal with than a strong enemy, because a little carelessness will overplay them and kill them all.

After killing all the zombies, these people immediately began to check the dead and no corpse companions. After confirming that there were no living people, these four guys finally divided into two groups, one group facing The previous group ran in the direction of the village, while the other group left in the direction of the previous convoy. Hong Yue and I understood their intentions just by looking at them. Those two guys heading towards the village must have gone to find the team we killed before. As for the two who left in the original direction, they should have gone back to the headquarters to report.

Of course, we will not keep the two guys who went to find the group of people we killed. After we killed them directly, we followed the direction where the other two guys left. Although the two of them were lightly outfitted and simple, they were just riding horses after all, and they couldn't compare with our mounts, so we were quickly overtaken by them.

"I don't know where the headquarters of these guys are, I hope it's not too far away." Night Son said aloud.

Hong Yue shook his head and said: "It should be very close."

"How do you know?" Night Son asked.

I explained to Hong Yue: "The forest here is sultry and hot. The other party uses such a slow carriage to drive back with the corpse. It can be turned into a biochemical weapon in a day."

The Night Son is nodded with a sense of understanding: "It makes sense. Putting it that way we will be able to reach their headquarters soon."


"It should be very fast, at least not more than four hours." Hong Yue affirmed.

In fact, the time we estimated is still a bit longer, because the other party did not intend to run back, but went directly to a very special place in the forest. This place is a forest clearing. In the center of the clearing, a huge metal Transmission Gate stands there. The rotating black hole in the Transmission Gate seems to be able to swallow everything. It seems that people will fall into it at any time.

The two actually didn’t mean to stop at all after they reached the Transmission Gate, so they drove the horse directly onto the base of the Transmission Gate and ran directly in, and we had no choice but to see this situation. Then ran to the door.

Although we rushed in just now when we saw the other party, we didn't dare to enter rashly because we didn't know the situation on the other side. In the end, I had to do this kind of work. After releasing a ghost worm, I easily saw the situation on the opposite side.

The other half of the Transmission Gate is also in a forest. The tree species is probably the forest we are in now, but we are here in the Central Zone of the forest, because when we just came down from the sky I simply didn't see anything outside the forest within my line of sight, so I can confirm that even if it is not the Central Zone of the forest, it is at least deep in the jungle. However, the other end of the Transmission Gate is obviously in the outer circle area of ​​the woodland. Although the Transmission Gate is not directly erected in a place where there are no trees, the surrounding trees are obviously much sparser than this side, and the trees are not too small. It is tall, and it looks like a new tree that has grown a few years ago.

Since it was confirmed that no one was guarding the other side, we swaggered through. Soon we caught up with the two people in front of us again, but they had already left the woods and entered a big road, and their speed was obviously improved due to the better road conditions.

Looking at these two running guys, we naturally followed them immediately, but we didn’t get too close, but hung far behind, but I sent the darts out to follow them in front , With the ability of darts to move at the speed of light, these two don't expect to be able to run away no matter how fast they are.

After chasing two people for less than ten minutes, after passing through a small hilly area, a rather majestic giant city appeared in front of us. The city occupies a large area. There is a thick city wall made of pure stone on the periphery. Although the city wall up to ten zhang is incomparable with Isinger’s city wall, Isinger’s city wall is a metamorphic thing after all. If the city wall of this city is taken out alone, it can still be regarded as an extreme defensive facility. However, even such a city wall does not seem to be completely safe.

Just after the two Knights entered the city, we also reached the outer circle area of ​​the city, and here we can see the city wall more clearly.

Although the city wall seems to be insurmountable in the long-distance, but when you get closer, you can find that it has actually been surpassed many times. Because the whole city wall is covered with patches of stones of different colors, it shows that the city wall has collapsed in large areas. Those areas of different colors should be repaired later, because the stones mined in different periods may come from different sources. Area, and because of the different stacking time, the surface is eroded differently, which makes the stones of different periods can be distinguished intuitively.

In addition, in addition to the exaggerated patches on the city wall, the wall stack on the city wall is also missing one piece, and I found several broken walls at a glanc

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