With the final confirmation of system, we waited there. According to our thoughts, there should be some hints after the task started, or just throw us to the starting point of the task, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened. The system hint suddenly started after the task started. There was no sound and no picture, which made us froze for a long time and didn't react to what happened.

"What kind of situation is this?" After waiting for a long time to confirm that there is really no prompt, Da Guofan asked suspiciously.

"Check the mission record." Rose reminded everyone with a sentence, and then we opened the records one after another and flipped through them. As a result, they found something for us.

"Hey, it's really there." Da Guofan moved very fast. First, we opened the task list, and then we opened the list one after another. It turned out that a country’s governing line appeared in our task list. There will be an option to apply for a task. After clicking in, a prompt appears below to tell us that we have been selected as a participant, and then there are two options below, you can choose to participate or not to participate.

After seeing this thing, most of us stopped, but as many people choose, the impossible is the same. For example, the foolish child directly ordered the big pot of rice, and then we saw that the big pot of rice was black. light flashed The whole person is gone.

"Fuck me, will you enter the mission now?" After discovering that the big pot of rice was missing, we knew that it must have been pulled into the mission, but then we started the crystal communicator, and it was actually divine by the army. Ability I know that the signal of the big pot meal is blocked.

Rose thought for a while and said: "It seems that my worries before are unnecessary. We should be doing tasks in the regular task space, and the crystal communicator is shielded over there."

< p>"What shall we do now? Are all of them going in?" Hong Yue asked.

Rose thought for a while and said: "Let’s go ahead and talk about it. We don’t know anything about the content of the mission now, and we can’t discuss it here. So we should go in and collect some information first, at least I have to review the content of the task before I say it."

I nodded and said: "Then all go in."

As soon as I made a decision, everyone immediately clicked the confirmation. Button, and then we saw the people around us shua~ shua~ shua~, and the shua~ shua~ suddenly lost more than a half. I also quickly pressed the button, and then I felt lighter, and then there was an obvious sense of weightlessness.

"Fuck me!" The surrounding pictures flashed and the environment had changed, but after I saw the environment clearly, I found that I was actually in midair and was falling down. I don't know if this damn task system only did this kind of wicked thing to me, or if all the people in our guild came in with this treatment. Thanks to the fact that all members of our guild have flying units like the guardian creature long spear, otherwise this start alone can kill at least half of them. I now know why the system says this task is a super difficult task. Even the start is so abnormal, it's really not a one-click task.

Although my body was still falling, I didn't panic. After all, I can fly, so I don't care even if I fall from a high altitude. While I was falling, I moved around and scanned around, only to see two small black spots besides myself, one of which was on the bottom left of me, about more than three hundred meters away, and was slowly falling. , The speed is obviously much slower than mine, it should be because of the levitating technique. The other black spot is just a little bit behind my head, at most fifty meters away from me. From here, I can clearly see that it is Hong Yue, but it is probably because I just came in and haven’t got used to the sudden weightlessness. , She is obviously in a rolling state.

Because I can't see anyone other than these two black spots, I plan to first bring Hong Yue and the person below who hasn't seen who it is for now.

Considering that Hong Yue is relatively close, I directly fired a dragon tendon and wrapped it around her waist. After Hong Yue felt something entangled in his waist, he immediately looked over, confirming that it was me and then did not struggle anymore, and was easily pulled to his side by me.

After wrapping Hong Yue's waist with one hand, I spread my wings and swooped down to the black spot below. The speed of the black spots was much slower than ours, so we quickly caught up. When I got closer, I recognized it. It turned out that the falling black spot was Yingyu Divine Young, but instead of using the floating technique, she spread her wings. Like me, Ying Yu Shen Hina also has wings, but her wings are authentic snow-white wings, which look very beautiful, unlike my silver light, which is known to be made of metal at a glance.

Ying Yu Shen Chi was also very happy to see us, but her happiness only lasted for a while and it ended. Then she began to ask me a little worried: "President, did you see anyone else? When I first came in, it seemed that there was someone below, but he was falling too fast. I didn't keep up. I caught up, but where did everyone else go?"

Hong Yue said: "Since we are all in the air, those who came first must have fallen. But the visibility here is good, we The time error of entering should not fall out of the line of sight. The invisible person may be because the appearance position is not fixed, or there are already several appearance positions."

"No matter how many, use first Contact the communicator and talk about it.” I started to activate the crystal communicator as I said, but found that the communicator had no response at all. Others don't know where it fell, but it's okay to say, but the communicator actually couldn't even connect with Hong Yue and Yingyu Shenchun next to me. "Damn, this mission is too cheating? It actually blocked the communicator."

"What?" Hong Yue was also taken aback, and quickly took out his communicator and tried it, and the result turned out to be Can't get through. "This is terrible. The personnel have been disrupted and the communication has been cut off. What should we do?"

"Anyway, get close to the ground first. Our mission It shouldn't be in midair. , We will find a way to contact other people after we get down."

"Then we can only do this first."

After we made the decision, we began to dive, and then we went through soon. After passing the clouds, I still didn't see other people when I got under the clouds. Even the silhouette that Yingyu Shenyou said she saw before was not found, but we had no choice but to continue to fall.

From the distance of the previous fall, we are at least two to three kilometers above the ground, but because we are moving downwards, our speed is very fast and we approached the ground in a short while .

Originally, we planned to contact other people before landing, but we changed our mind when we were about to approach the ground, because we found out that there was a primitive forest below, so we planned not to land, just Flying above the treetops, because the trees are too dense in the forest, it will be more difficult to find people if they fall. Other people should be able to think of this as long as they are not stupid, so we think it is better to stay above the canopy.

However, system obviously separates us on purpose. We just planned not to land on the ground, and we heard the system hint saying that from now on, everyone should not use the flight ability for a long time, and the maximum continuous flight time should not exceed ten minutes, and every second of flight time consumed, It takes ten seconds to reply. In other words, if we landed after flying for thirty seconds, it would take three hundred seconds to refill the time. This setting is a bit like flying with magic, the flying time is the magic value, and the magic recovery speed is one to ten.

Because of this restriction, our plan to stop at the top of the tree and contact other people fell through, and when we got close to the top of the tree, we discovered that there was a fight in the woods below. The sound forced us to land to see the situation.

Because I don’t know what’s going on below, I let Hong Yue and Yingyu Shenchu ​​land on the branch and wait for my signal before deciding whether to go down, and I went straight through the canopy and landed on the ground. superior.

The trees in this forest are very tall, and the trees generally start to grow horizontally at a height of no more than meters above the ground. Therefore, although the tops of the canopies are close together, they are quite dense. The bottom is still quite empty.

Because there are not many things blocking the view in the woodland, I can see the surrounding situation as soon as I hit the ground. Two people and a group of devil beasts are at war. One of the two is Ziyue and the other is the Son of Night. As for the devil beast opposite, it is a creature I don't know. The shape of this thing is strange, it looks like a big toad with many bone spurs on its body, but their legs are not the same as toads. They are not the kind of shape suitable for jumping, but the limbs like mammals, and their mobility is not special. High, but still flexible.

At this time, the battle is almost over. There are at least dozens of monsters lying around, but Ziyue and Yezizi are very easy to fight. The two of them have almost killed the monster without even calling the monster. Killed all.

Seeing this situation, I didn't need to greet Hong Yue and Ying Yu Shen Chi above, so I jumped down by myself. Yezhizi and Ziyue probably saw us early, so they didn't have any reaction. After easily killing the last few monsters around them, they put away their weapons and walked over.

"Brother, why are you just a few of you? Didn't anyone see it?" Ziyue asked after seeing me.

I shook my head and said, "Do you see anyone else? This is the two of you?"

Son of Night said: "When I fell from the sky before, I seemed to be far away. I saw a white shadow in the distance, but now it seems that it may be the Ying Yu Shen Young."

Ying Yu Shen Young also nodded and said: "It may be you that I saw, but it was too far away. I didn't see it clearly."

Hong Yue suddenly said to me: "Purple Moon, don't you have a ring of love? Contact Rose to try. Our communicator is blocked, and the ring of love may still work. ."

Speaking of which Ring of Love This wedding ring is really very useful. Compared with general equipment, the function of Ring of Love is rarely blocked, even if there are many restrictions on transmission. Such tasks will not shield the transmission and communication functions of the ring of love, so the function of the ring of love is relatively powerful and can penetrate most of the task restrictions.

When Hong Yue said that, I quickly activated the ring of love and contacted Rose, but didn't expect it really got through.

"Rose, what's the situation on your side?"

"We are at the end of the cave, where are you?" Rose asked me back.

I asked in surprise: "The cave?"

"What's the matter?"

"We just appeared in a few kilometers as soon as we agreed to enter the mission. Then we fell all the way down, and now we landed in the forest below, but we didn’t see any caves."

The rose was silent for a while before saying: "As soon as we enter the mission We found ourselves under the water, and then we desperately went upstream and waited until the top to find that there was no air on top of our heads, but rocks. Fortunately, we all have underwater breathing helmets, or we have to drown."

"How are you doing now?"

"Now it’s ashore. We moved in the direction of the current for less than a hundred meters before the water came out, but now it’s in an underground tunnel. At the end. There is an underground channel behind us, and an underground passage in front. I don’t know where it leads to. By the way, besides me, there are Fire Dragon Hime, Masaga Matsumoto, Eagle, and On-Time Dapot Rice. You How many people are there? Are the others with you?"

"In addition to me, there are Hong Yue, Ziyue, Yingyu, and Yezhizi, and others I haven’t seen it."

There was a few moments of silence on Rose’s side before she continued: "It seems that our team was deliberately divided into several groups, and it is likely to be a group of five. Situation."

"That means there is still a four-man team?"

"I'm just guessing, I can't be sure. It's possible that the rest of the people are together Maybe."

I thought about it and asked: "Then how do we meet now?"

Rose thought for a while and said: "We are underground now, so there is no Fa converges with you, I think we should act separately first, you see if there are any clues about the content of the mission, our side is trying to get out as soon as possible. When we get to the ground, we will discuss the matter of confluence."

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly said: "No, wait a moment."

"What are you doing?"

"Anyway, pay attention to the surrounding Does the mountain feel any vibration? I want to do a big move here. If you can feel it, it means that we may not be far away."

Rose immediately said: "This is a good way." , Then you hurry up and experiment."

After hearing Rose agree, I immediately asked Hong Yue to back away, and then directly used the Black Tortoise Armor film and borrowed the skills of Black Tortoise, and raised my foot sharply. The ground stomped hard. Although Black Tortoise's move looks a bit like a war trampled, but the formidable power is not known how many times bigger. As soon as my foot touched the ground, I heard a loud explosion sound, and the surrounding forest fell down like an atomic bomb, and even the ground around us sank more than one meter. . However, when I contacted Rose after stepping on my foot, I was surprised to find that the communication was not working. A very bad probability came out in my mind immediately.

"Isn't the rose right under my feet?!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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