"Where are we?" Standing on the bow, I asked while looking at the dark sea of ​​clouds around me.

At this time, our spaceship is in a position a little bit above the clouds, and the entire bottom of the ship is traveling through the clouds, it looks like a ship sailing in the sea of ​​clouds. The reason for flying at this altitude is because there is a sea of ​​clouds below. As long as we descend slightly, we can hide in the clouds as a whole. When the time comes, even if individual flying units pass by nearby, we won’t notice us anymore.

The player I asked took the map and looked at it for a while, but still couldn’t answer my question. It’s high in the sky and no landmark reference objects can be seen, so the location cannot be determined. More importantly, The player’s own system map now has no coordinate range to query, so that thing is not helpful now.

I waved my hand indifferently to signal that the player didn’t care, I was about to say something, and suddenly I saw something flashing away in the sea of ​​clouds in front of me, but when I took a closer look But it's gone. Although the thing only stayed on my retina for a very brief moment, I am Dragon Clan, not a human, and there are no hallucinations, so I was almost immediately sure that I did see things.

"Attention, an unknown object was found in the direction of eleven o'clock."

Almost accompanied by my shout, a huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​clouds in the direction of eleven o'clock. He suddenly jumped out, and then hurriedly past the bow of the ship and jumped onto the weapon deck, followed by the thing bounced again directly past the central island bridge and landed on the flight deck. However, before we could react to this thing, a huge Flying Insect like a centipede suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​clouds in front of us. However, this thing appeared at the wrong time, failed to avoid the bow, and was hit by the bow as soon as it emerged halfway up.

Our spaceship has a self-weight of 450,000 tons, and the Insect can weigh three tons. The weight difference is so big that our spaceship doesn’t have anything after hitting it. The sensation of impact is as if an oil tanker traveling in the sea accidentally hit a remote-controlled toy ship. Even if I witnessed the impact, I didn’t feel any vibrations in the ship’s hull.

Although there is nothing wrong on our side, the centipede that was hit was miserable. It was hit by the bow of the ship in an instant, and the short-term V-shaped acceleration stunned the guy almost instantly. , And then saw the upper part of the thing hit the front deck directly, and then slid down the hull. However, this is not over yet. As this thing slid down, the sea of ​​clouds was tossing as if boiling, and then a large group of mixed formations of thunder eagles and griffins rushed out of the clouds at a fairly fast speed.

Those guys saw our spaceship as soon as they appeared. After all, our boat is like a floating mountain in front of them, and it is impossible to see it. However, if I saw it, it was not so easy to hide. The huge hull is too wide, because it is facing the opposite direction of flight, so the relative speed is quite fast. The thunder eagle and griffon flocks hardly had time to react like it was raining, and they were installed on all parts of the hull. Some of the quick response from the periphery can barely wipe the hull and escape, but the ones in the middle can only brace oneself and hit it up. As a result, in an instant, I felt like driving the car into the chicken farm. The feathers in the sky float down like snow flakes.

After watching the group of griffins and thunder eagles in amazement, after installing the spaceship, we reacted and hurried to shout, but before we had time to react, the people on the ship had already ran away. come out.

Although those small points hitting the hull will not have any impact on the hull, but the people in the bridge can see it, so I saw so many griffons and thunderhawks hitting the hull. After that, they immediately sounded the sirens inside the hull, and as a result, a large number of combatants rushed onto the deck.

Although spaceship has not yet been equipped with mobile angels, part of the weapon system has been loaded, and more importantly, the anti-landing forces on board have been on board, so now our ability to attack ships is not yet complete. Operation, but our hull self-defense ability has basically reached the design standard.

Actually, the Griffins and Thunderhawks are not wild. In the collision just now, I saw a large number of players fall from the Griffins and Thunderhawks. These big flying creatures are not airplanes after all. The players driving them are all riding on their backs. Even with special seat belts, many people still fell off their mounts under this impact. Now There are at least dozens of such players on our ship.

Although there are many outsiders on the boat, I am not worried about it, because the other party is obviously not coming at us. If the other party knew that we were going to pass from here, they would never crash into the boat like this, so this may be just a pure aerial traffic accident.

The armed personnel called on the deck quickly ran to the flying creatures and the player who fell on the deck. The two sides immediately entered a standoff, and I also rushed to the scene immediately before the start of the fight.

Because the impact happened so suddenly, these people were unprepared. Many people were still confused after getting up, but they reacted quickly when they saw the people around and the steel under their feet. The deck was immediately guarded.

The quality of those people is pretty good. The person who wakes up immediately pulled the others together, but because of the different impact points, the crowd did not form one place in the end, but was divided into three encirclement circles. . But because I didn't plan to fight with them, I moved the team that surrounded them, and finally circled them all together, so that it was convenient for me to confirm which was the odd one.

After the successful reunion, the nervousness of those people has also been relieved, and their mounts have also landed beside them in a fighting posture, but after those players saw the number of people on our side He didn't dare to take the initiative to provoke, and desperately grabbed his mount.

The team quickly stabilized under the restraint of both sides. One of the guys surrounded by them got close to the guy riding the black creature who got on the boat first. Now I can see clearly, this guy was actually a dragon riding a dark shadow before. However, this is not a giant dragon, but a Divine Dragon. To be honest, the number of Divine Dragons is so much less than that of giant dragons. At least I have never seen anyone bring Divine Dragons in China. Although giant dragons are also rare, I have seen many players with giant dragon familiars.

Although this guy’s mount is a Divine Dragon, it looks strange. First of all, the size of this Divine Dragon seems to be a bit small, not as powerful as we imagined Divine Dragon. Secondly, the color of this guy turned out to be black, which is considered a very rare existence among Divine Dragon. The giant dragon is born with the Black Dragon of the dark attribute, but the Black Dragon of the Divine Dragon is a very bad color, so the Black Divine Dragon is a relatively rare existence. In the end, in addition to the size and color, the dragon's head seems to be wrong. The horns on the head are not two, but one, which grows in the center of the head and points diagonally forward.

"Small dragon girl, see what happened to that dragon?"

Since Divine Dragon is relatively rare, everyone knows them except for the god Dragon Clan himself. It's very rare, so I can only ask a small dragon girl to help me see it.

The small dragon girl has no room for training at all, she just took a look with my eyes and replied it directly: "This is not Divine Dragon."

"Isn't it a dragon?"


The small dragon female confirmed: "This is a magic dragon, a hybrid of dragon and snake. The offensive is much stronger than our Divine Dragon, but the actual battle strength is not stronger than Divine Dragon, and the overall quality is even worse by million miles. apart ."

According to the explanation of the small dragon woman, this kind of magic dragon is basically a mad dragon that can't spell. His battle method relies entirely on hand-to-hand combat, and the battle method is extremely crazy. It can almost even match Divine Dragon evenly without spell. But because the blood volume and protection ability are not as good as Divine Dragon, plus only one or two Life Source spells, so if you really match Divine Dragon, you will basically be finished in minutes.

When we analyze the other party, the other party is also analyzing us. The guy who rode the Devil Jiao and the guy who rode the centipede, plus a few guys who seemed to be the leader of this group, got together, and then they discussed in a low voice.

The guy riding the centipede said: "They must have a bad intention to surround us with so many people. Why don't we break through first and then think of a solution?"

"What break through? "A player riding a griffin next to him pointed to the top of his head: "Didn't you see the flag above?"

Because he said that other people thought of looking at the flag, after all, the hull was too big. Before, no one didn’t expect that there would be a flag on the top. In fact, many people here have not realized this spaceship. After all, they have not seen the whole hull of the ship. From the point of impact, they I feel more like hitting a mountain.

As soon as this person reminded everyone to look at the flag, it turned out to be shocked.

"Damn, this is something from the Frost Rose League!" Someone finally noticed the meaning of the banner. As soon as this person said it, the others quickly went to look at the crowd around them, and found that most of these people were NPCs, and they all carried the guild symbol of the Frost Rose League. As for the one standing in front of the crowd I was even recognized by the other party. After all, the gang in front of them are all domestic players, and it is impossible for me, the president of the domestic leader's guild, to completely unknown.

"Purple Moon President? What? This is your thing?" After seeing me, the other party didn’t discuss any breakthroughs. The dragon rider greeted him directly, and then passed the old man. Shouted far away. Of course he did this to let me know that he was not here to fight, so he shouted in advance to show his attitude.

I also knew that it was mostly accidents, so I didn't plan to fight them. Besides, it was them who seemed to suffer. Therefore, when I heard the shout, I waved my hand to let the guards put their weapons away, and then stepped forward and asked: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"We It’s a member of the Flying Alliance.” The dragon-riding guy said, “Our guild was in response to your call to go to the north to prepare to fight against the Russian invasion. Just on the way, who knew that this one who hit you head-on just out of the clouds? ...This...what the hell is this? I don't remember that there is a mountain here!"

Sure enough, as I thought, the other party actually regarded spaceship as a high mountain extending out of the sea of ​​clouds.

Although the other party made a mistake, I did not intend to continue to lie to them. It is not that I don't want to hide the spaceship, but if I follow him now and say that this is a mountain, I will wear it later. Since this lie is destined to be useless, what do I say it does? "Of course it's not a mountain." Since I didn't intend to lie, I just told the truth. "What you are installing is our guild's flying boat."

"Fei Feifei...spaceship?" Because there is still a little distance between us, my voice is not small, opposite. Everyone heard what I said, and the crowd was immediately confused. Many people began to look around for evidence that this was a ship, and some Shinobu even climbed up the mount and let the mount fly up, trying to get a clearer view. However, when they were preparing to act, I shouted first.

"Can you please be quiet first? I have something to ask you."

My identity is here after all, I heard me use such a formal and polite tone When he spoke, the other party fell silent immediately. The players watched me stop there and waited for my follow-up. The dragon-riding guy also said: "President Purple Moon is too polite. Just tell us if we have anything to do. If we can do it, we will do it."

I nodded and said: "In fact, it doesn’t count. What trouble?” After a short pause, I continued: “My request is to help me keep it secret.”

The player on the other side thought it was a troublesome thing, and suddenly listened to it. When I said that I wanted to keep it secret, it was obvious for a moment, but everyone was not stupid, and quickly realized what I was talking about.

Such a big spaceship, supposedly it should be quite exaggerated, but they have never heard of it. What does this show? This shows that this thing is a secret weapon, and once the secret weapon is exposed, it is just a weapon. Because of this, the existence of this spaceship must be kept secret, which is well understood.

& Weapons must be kept secret, so I hope everyone can help me keep this secret this time. If you want to visit anything, you can watch it, but please don’t use the record crystal, let alone post what you see tonight on the forum, at least Before the spaceship of our Frost Rose League appeared on the battlefield for the first time, please don’t say it."

The dragon rider heard that it was only a secret, and immediately turned around and said to the person behind. "You all heard it. After I went back, I shut my mouth tightly. If anyone leaks things out, he is against me, Tang Fei, against our pilot alliance. Do you understand?"

< p>All the players in the back responded one after another. Although their voices were a little messy, no one opposed it. Obviously, everyone understood our reasonable request. Of course, this is just my insurance for the secrets of spaceship. After all, people have the habit of showing off, and knowing some secrets that others don’t know is a good show off material in itself, so many people will be very good at showing off. The desire to say this thing, even if you agree to me today, it may not last long. It may even be agreed tonight, and it will be posted on the forum tomorrow morning. Of course, I don't care if the news is really leaked. Anyway, the battle strength of spaceship, the calculation of the other party's knowledge in advance will not affect us too much. Of course, it would be better if you can suddenly appear on the battlefield at some point, but it doesn't matter if you can't keep it secret.

After the other party accepted my request, I naturally asked the guards to remove it, and the other party unanimously asked to visit the spaceship. Even if you can't say it now, you can say it later. We built spaceship impossible and kept it hidden. As long as spaceship appears on the battlefield, there is no need to keep it secret. Besides, when they think about it, the Russians are planning to invade our country again, so they estimate that spaceship will appear on the Sino-Russian battlefield soon, when the time comes, if they know many secret data about spaceship, then they can. Bragging to others. Because of this idea, everyone didn't take confidentiality seriously before, and it didn't take long anyway. Of course, because of this idea, they even want to visit spaceship. In this way, when the time comes, people only know the shape data, but they can tell how long and wide the ship is, how fast it is, how many weapons it has, and what special abilities it has.

I also understand everyone’s psychology, so in order to make them willing to keep it secret, I naturally don’t mind letting them see it. Anyway, we need to take out the crystal ball for video or something, and we can’t take them if we follow them. Things, so even if they leak the secrets, they are just superficial articles, and have no effect on our battle strength.

As a spaceship with mobile angels as the main attack force, the berthing area on the ship is naturally quite large, and everyone’s mounts are arranged in the berthing area. Then I personally took them to visit the spaceship. Among the various functional areas, of course the most shocking is the solar furnace. At the beginning, this thing shocked the tops of our group of Frost Rose League. This group of ordinary players who have never seen advanced magic equipment is of course nothing more difficult. At that time, many people saw this thing with excitement. The whole body is trembling. After all, a large moving Fireball is suspended in front of you under the constraints of a bunch of machinery. That scene is quite shocking.

After spending more than an hour to visit the main areas of spaceship, this group of talents left the spaceship with unsatisfactory intentions. Before leaving, they asked me to take a photo with them with the bridge as the background. Naturally, it is difficult for me to refuse.

After the group photo, everyone finally left the spaceship contentedly, but their excitement did not last long, because when they flew under the clouds and saw the ground below, they immediately wanted to cry without tears. . We didn't stop when they were playing on Spaceship, which means that Spaceship has been moving westward for more than an hour, and their goal is northeast, which means that our direction is basically the opposite. Taking into account the speed of the spaceship, this more than one hour voyage almost offset the distance they flew in one night. They had completely forgotten about this because they were too excited before, but now when they remembered it, they flew under the clouds and found out that they were actually closer to the west than they were when they left at night, which meant that they were all wasted all night. Hurry up.

The Aviator Alliance can leave them alone. We are very happy to fly anyway. But this air crash also reminded us that this thing like spaceship actually needs a kind of equipment similar to radar to assist the flight. This time I just hit some flying devil beasts. In the future, our guild's spaceship will increase. It is difficult to guarantee that our own people will not hit our own people. Therefore, we must install a device that can detect targets at a long distance. However, our guild does not have any technical reserves in this regard, so for the time being, we can only make a research plan first, and it is estimated that there will be some results when the specific results will be produced.

The speed of the spaceship has increased significantly after sending off the Flyer Alliance. It is estimated that the captain is worried that not being able to reach the steel city before dawn will expose the existence of the spaceship. Fortunately, we are not far from the steel city. , I soon saw the defensive buildings outside the steel city, and there was a black area next to the steel city. It was the insect race base where my parasites expanded, but these guys reproduce super fast, It seems that it is not very suitable for fighting, but it has very strong auxiliary ability. For example, when it comes to moving materials, the enemy's insect race army is amazingly fast.

The steel city is obviously well prepared for spaceship a long time ago. At the end of our line of sight, there is a large piece of complex steel frame structure. The entire area is composed of towering all-steel support columns and various beams and passages. Looking at the structure composed of these steel frames, it should be the take-off and landing platform for spaceship.

Because the spaceship's speed at this time has been reduced to about three kilometers, and the altitude is very low, so the people below have spotted us a long time ago. Several messengers rode on wyvern and landed on the spaceship, then greeted me and ran to the bridge to help the captain lead the way.

Under the guidance of this group of messengers, the captain gradually slowed down the spaceship and slightly adjusted its direction. The entire ship glided forward for a short distance by virtue of its inertia, and then just stabilized on the upper side of the landing platform. A little bit of location.

Seeing that after the spaceship stopped, hundreds of mobile angels flew up on the landing platform below. Each of them carried a thick steel cable. These mobile angels flew on the ship. They quickly connected the steel cable to the anchor bolts on the hull. After confirming that all the steel cables are connected, the winch on the landing platform below immediately began to rotate, while the spaceship gradually moved to the top of the landing platform under the traction of more than one hundred steel cables. The body was gradually pulled towards the take-off and landing platform.

With the gradual tightening of the traction cable, the spaceship itself is slowly reducing its output power. After about ten minutes, the spaceship finally landed accurately on the landing platform with a bang. superior. Since the support points on the take-off and landing platform are designed specifically for the structure and shape of the spaceship, it just happens that the spaceship can be stably stopped on the platform. Moreover, in order to reduce the impact during landing, there is still some support under these support columns. With the cushion spring installed, our spaceship actually settled down for a certain distance after landing as the power gradually shut down before it completely stabilized.

As soon as the spaceship stopped steadily, a lot of protective panels and support frames were immediately deployed on the take-off and landing platform, and many workers also ran out of the previously hidden bunker and began to be like an ant colony. The spaceship surface became busy.

While the workers were busy completing the final preparation for the spaceship, dozens of huge spiral staircases were also extended from the landing platform. The lower part of the spiral ladder extends to the ground, and the upper part is connected to the spaceship's take-off deck. This connection position should also be specially designed, because the top of the spiral ladder just faces the waterproof gate on the side of the spaceship's take-off deck. Of course, the gate is at this time Open state.

As the erection of the spiral ladder was completed, there was immediately a group of mobile angels in the lower part of the steel city, rushing out in a neat line, and then these mobile angels chose each one after reaching the ladder. A spiral staircase began to walk online.

These mobile angels are obviously ship-based mobile angels specially configured for spaceship. From the appearance alone, there is not much difference between these ship-based mobile angels and conventional models. They look like the previous air combat mobile angels. Of course, there are still many differences inside.

Because of the technical support of the Iron Empire, all the new mobile angels have replaced the solar furnace power unit, which increases the explosive power and 100% of the mobile angel without changing other equipment. Two-hundredths of the battery life, the most important thing is to reduce energy consumption by 30%.

In addition to the complete replacement of new energy sources in terms of power, the new carrier-based mobile angels also have small-scale changes in the driving devices they are equipped with, but they are all small-scale improvements, without large-scale replacement. In terms of performance tuning, the tuning of the shipborne type is closer to the air combat type, that is, lightweight and high-speed combat are the main focus. However, compared with the air combat type, the armor protection of the carrier type has been strengthened, so the weight has increased slightly, but because of the new energy source, the maneuverability has been enhanced, but the battery life will not be as good as the air combat of the replacement of new energy sources. type. After all, the carrier-based mobile angels always have spaceship to accompany their movement, and can return home to replenish energy at any time, so the endurance time is not a problem for them.

Actually, the ship-based mobile angel is only the main mobile angel carrying mode on the spaceship, not to say that there is only this mobile angel on the spaceship.

According to the actual capacity of the spaceship, if all the mobile angels are filled, the final load may be as high as several thousand. However, considering that our guild does not have so many mobile angels to carry, so in the end The verdict is that this spaceship only carries 1,200 mobile angels. Although it is more than half lower than the actual maximum capacity, the battle strength is actually quite terrifying.

The final assembly work of spaceship will take about one day, after which a series of tests will be carried out to understand the various extreme performance of spaceship, but we can't wait for that test now.

When the spaceship stopped steadily on the take-off and landing platform and began to load mobile angels, in fact the sky on Isengard's side was a little bit bright. The geographical location of Steel City is much closer to the west than Isinger, and the two are not in the same time zone, so although the sky is still dark here, Isinger is actually almost dawn.

In order to save time, I returned to Isengard before everyone went online, and then I started to lap between the various warehouses of the guild. I could use everything I could think of. I prepared some of the things, and finally I decided that there was nothing to install before I went to look for Rose. At this time, the eagle was already online, and the others were going online one after another.

"It's still early, why did you come up so early?" Seeing that the eagle was already online, I asked casually.

As soon as the eagle wanted to speak, he saw the silhouette flashing around. Hong Yue and Da Guofan appeared beside us at the same time. Because everyone was offline when they went offline last night, so after going online, they all focused on the agreed meeting point, which is the conference hall of the guild.

After Hong Yue and Da Guofan appeared, there was no time to ask about the situation. There was a crowd of people around shuaa~. In the end, I was almost missing the son of the night.

"Isn't it eight o'clock? Why is it all up at seven o'clock?" I looked at everyone in amazement and asked.

Hong Yue directly explained: "I want to add various medicines and daily necessities before doing the task, so I plan to come up in advance to prepare."

Eagle also nodded and said: "I mean the same."

"You guys didn’t plan like that, did you?" After I asked, I found out that everyone around was nodded. Thought of going together.

Looking at them together, looking at me and waiting for me to explain why I reacted so much to their early arrival, I simply threw out 22 identical suitcases. Because our guild players are equipped with phoenix dragons as standard, everyone’s storage space is very large. Considering that some people may not have time to prepare during the war, our guild has specially customized this kind of storage box, which can be used in advance according to the needs of the task. All the things in the box are put into the box at one time, and when the war starts, you only need to send a box to each member. This is much more efficient than letting everyone buy medicines, food and other supplements by themselves.

As soon as everyone saw the box I threw out, they immediately understood why I had such a big reaction. The guy named Mohammed said directly: "I knew that the president, you were prepared, I wouldn't be able to afford it so early!"

"Why are you planning to go offline and sleep again?" Standing in Moham The guy next to Mord called the sleepwalking guy teased.

Mohammed gave him a punch with a smile, and before they continued to quarrel, he saw the son of the night popping out between them. Seeing our big circle of people staring at him together, the son of the night immediately began to apologize, but only after seeing our weird face did he remember to look at the system clock, and found that it was not that I was late, but that everyone was too late. early. He just came up and found that he was missing from the crowd, thinking that the clock in his home was wrong.

"Okay, the equipment is in the box, and I have brought all the supplies I can think of. When I call the rose back, we will prepare for the mission together."

"No need to call "I tone barely fell when I saw Rose walk in from outside, and then threw a bunch of things into Matsumoto's hands. "You four, put on this."

Matsumoto was puzzled to shake off the things in his hands before he found out that it was a cloak, so he threw the other three directly to Akatsuki. The three of them then asked, "What do you do with this?"

"Because I just found out that we misread the mission scroll before."

"Huh? I'm wrong. Right?"

Rose opened the scroll directly and pointed to the paragraph above: "Pay attention to these two sentences. At first glance, they seem to say that the task is carried out in Independent Space, but I carefully I thought that it didn't mean that. We misunderstood this sentence. The meaning on the scroll should be that the mission was carried out independently by our guild, not that the mission location was in Independent Space. Of course, I might have misanalyzed it."

When Rose said so, we all re-read the scrolls, and found that the paragraph about the mission location seems to have some grammatical problems. It is a sentence of unknown meaning. You can understand it as completing the mission in Independent Space. , Can also be understood as completing the task independently in space. In this case, because of the different position of the sentence, the task location may be different. Originally, if it were a general guild, then simply don't care about this issue. Anyway, the task is the task, which is the same everywhere, but we have a problem here, that is, the four identities of Matsumoto Masaga cannot see the light. Originally we thought it was done in Independent Space. In that case, it doesn't matter to bring four of them. No one can see it anyway. But if this sentence is understood according to the rose's pronunciation, it will be troublesome. If people see Masaga Matsumoto and the others openly doing tasks with us, then the identities we arranged for them before are equivalent to being completely helpless. But we were lucky, at least Rose found the problem ahead of time, and it seemed that she had prepared a coping strategy.

Matsumoto Masaga and the others realized the seriousness of the problem after reading the mission scroll, but they didn't worry about it after they read the cloak they got.

According to Rose’s introduction, this kind of cloak is called a cross-dressing cloak, which is a pure entertainment prop without combat attributes, but this thing has a very good function, that is, it can be disguised on the player. A layer of clothing, and this layer of clothing also has a mask. It can be said that with this thing, there is basically no need to worry about being recognized. Of course, don’t worry about this, it just means you don’t need to worry under normal circumstances, you still have to be careful when fighting. After all, this thing is just changing the costume and preparing a mask for the player. The player’s combat skills have not been moved at all. Therefore, for some special signature skills, you must be careful not to use them in front of people, or they will be seen. It is likely to be recognized. But we are not too worried about this. After all, we have 24 people. Even if the battle is on the main game map, we should not always do missions in places where the crowds are par

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