Because of the careful planning, we acted very quickly. Because of his character, Exus didn't like the Archon, and even hated him a little bit, but despite this, Exus was forced to follow him out. In any case, the Archon is still on the surface of his level, even if he doesn't like it anymore, as long as he doesn't completely turn his face, he still has to pretend on the surface. Exus is just simpler, not really stupid, so he still knows a little bit about courtesy.

After the Archon cheated Exus away, the highest authority in the entire Sea Emperor Hall became Kameda. Exus's men usually operate in the barracks except for a few outposts, so the coverage area is very small. In addition, Exus didn't know that something was going to happen, so they didn't give them any instructions. Although the Archon is not a military attache, he manages the entire Sea Emperor Palace after all, so there are also a small number of armed personnel under him, and unlike Exus's subordinates, the Archon's subordinates all know the general plan. Of course, all they know is that someone wants to enter the sacred pillar, and that the other party is the alliance of the archon, they are not qualified to know other content.

In this kind of situation where one knows and the other does not know, the consul is naturally more confident, and with the presence of Kameda, a noble fellow, the guards guarding the Sea Emperor’s Palace did not dare Intercepted us, and even put us in without even asking.

The Guardian Gods of the Seven Sea God Pillars did not enter the Sea Emperor Hall with us, but entered the Sea Emperor Hall from different directions after we entered. Because Exus, the center of the defense army, was not there, the guards between the gates notified the headquarters after seeing the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillars, but because Exus was not there, no one had it. Right to read these things, so the news is also stuck in this link.

No one stopped us, our plan went very smoothly. After entering the Sea Emperor Hall, we quickly reached the square behind Poseidon's palace, where the main Sea God Pillar stood. However, Kameda’s authority is exhausted here. The maids and servants in the Ocean Emperor Hall respect Kameda, but the first person here is from Exus, so Kameda’s The command is simply useless here. Of course, although the guards here won't listen to Kameda's orders, there is still a minimum of respect. After all, they also know Kameda's identity, and the personal relationship between Exus and Kameda is pretty good. Therefore, Exus's subordinates naturally agree with Kameda relatively high, usually as long as it does not violate the principle. It's okay to make them accommodating, but it's a bit troublesome to enter the Sea God Pillar.

Leave 21 Guardian Gods outside the great hall, ready to intercept Exus and reinforcements who may return at any time, Poseidon and Kameda, and Poseidon. The four of the maid walked into the square and came under the Sea God Pillar.

Kameda’s task is to use his connections and power to try to find a way to let us in. If it doesn’t work, I am the armed insurance. As for the maid of Poseidon, her task is mainly to increase Kameda’s credibility, after all, she is Poseidon’s personal maid. Although she has no right to be on the surface, you must never underestimate her. After all, she is the closest person to the sea emperor, she said at the right time Sometimes even the words of Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillars are more useful. This is her invisible strength. In addition, this maid actually has invisible power besides invisible power, because she is actually a 3000-level Divine Race guard. In other words, if she really fights, she can even fight with me for 18 rounds and then retreat unscathed. After all, it is Poseidon's personal maid. Whoever thinks she is a silly girl who can sell cute, then he is really stupid.

oh la la. As soon as we walked to the front of the Sea God's Pillar, one of the guards, who seemed to be well equipped, walked out and blocked our way. He saluted Kameda first, then looked at me and Poseidon, and finally asked, "I don't know what Kameda-sama is...?"

"Oh, that's it. "Kameda gave Poseidon to the front, and then said: "Master Poseidon asked me to take this person to complete the naturalization procedures."

The so-called naturalization of Divine Race is not a registered household registration. , But it means to split your Divine Soul into the core of divine force. From then on, you are a part of this Divine Race. When this kind of thing is going on, Divine Race must be close to the core of divine force. As for whether the main god who controls the core of divine force is present or not, it is not a big problem. The core of divine force is an instinctive behavior for the devouring of Divine Soul, which can be done automatically without manipulation. But because the core of divine force itself is too important, although this kind of thing does not require the main god to be personally responsible, the main god will inevitably be present. For this reason, Kameda brought Poseidon to the Divine Race, which is pretending to be naturalized.

When the guard heard that it was naturalization, he felt that it was a legitimate reason, but he still felt that it was inappropriate to let us in, so he asked: "If she was naturalized, what did he do?" The guard Pointed to me and asked.

I opened the mouth and said before Kameda could speak: "I am a friend of Poseidon, but today I am mainly escorting her over. You can bring her in. I will Wait here."

Since I said I can’t go in, the guard has nothing to say. After all, he is only the guard of the god pillar and not the guard of the palace. As long as I don't get close to the god pillar, he has no right to intervene.

"But Kameda-sama. You should know the rules better than I am. This kind of invasion can be justified even if Poseidon-sama does not come in person, but at least you can't violate the rules set by the adults? According to the regulations, To enter the Poseidon Pillar, if it is not an adult, you must be present together with the consul and our marshal, but now you are running here by yourself so how can I let you in? If you are the only one I’m still accommodating and accommodating, but you have to bring someone in. Even if you apply for naturalization, she is not ours now, and even if she is naturalized, then she’s just a little god who just joined our Poseidon family. I How can I let her into the Sea God Pillar casually?"

The Kameda, who was prepared for a long time, immediately put on a bitter melon face and said in a frustrated tone: "Do you think I want to Lord Poseidon asked me to bring her to naturalization. Can I ask the lord: Why don’t you go? Isn’t this courting death? We have to do it after we take the task. This is our duty as ministers. You said Of course I know the rules, but when I ran to the consul, I learned that he was looking for your marshal. After that, I hurried to your barracks. As a result, what your adjutant said that your marshal and consul went out of the city together, and I don’t know which direction they are heading. What do you think I can do?"

The guard felt that this thing was really helpless when he heard it, but the rules are the rules, and now it’s Kameda who is embarrassed. He, if he let Kameda in because of this, it would be him who was embarrassed. After all, any violation of the rules is a violation of the rules, which is a felony.

"Master Kameda! I also know you are helpless like this, but I am also helpless! Your lord’s rules cannot be changed, we really can’t do it! If it doesn’t work, you should go back first. Please show Master Poseidon, can you personally issue a warrant or something?"

"Warrant?" Kameda was obviously taken aback, and Poseidon and I were also taken aback, because we actually forgot to pay it back. There is this way.

Although Poseidon is the supreme leader of the Divine Race of the Sea, she is also impossible to tell the soldiers personally about everything, right? So in addition to sending a letter from a cronies, the most useful one is the warrant. The warrant of Divine Race is rune written with the divine force of the main god. Because the divine force fluctuates differently, it is basically impossible to forge, and it is easy to use, safe and guaranteed. Although Poseidon's image has changed now, she is still her after all, and her divine force has not changed at all. In other words, she can still write down the lottery. It's a pity that we actually forgot this, otherwise it would cost such a major event!

After a bit of a daze, I hurriedly intervened between Kameda and the boss to block Kameda, and then loudly said: "We have a hand order! When I came out, I clearly saw Lord Poseidon give it Kameda wrote a warrant. It must have been forgotten by Kameda. We will show it to you."

At the time when I was speaking, Poseidon also reflected the super fast tortoise. Tian took a step and quickly wrote a warrant on his palm with divine force. Because the warrant has only one symbol, and all the content is instilled with divine force, it is written at a very fast speed. I finished Poseidon with a sentence.

After listening to me, the guard over there realized that I was blocking Kameda, and immediately became a little angry, but before he got angry, Kameda had already reached out and pulled me aside. , And then showed the warrant on the palm: "Look, I have a warrant, but at first I forgot it. If you tell me earlier, I will show it to you."

Originally, we thought the guard saw it. The warrant will let us in, but who knows that the guy was surprised when he saw the warrant, then took a big step back and shouted at the same time: "Block them, these guys are enemies!"

The sudden change stunned us all, and even Poseidon was stupid there. The warrant was written by her herself. Of course, there is nothing wrong with divine force, but the guards actually said that they were enemies after reading it. This change was too unexpected, so even Poseidon was confused.

"Hey, hey, this is clearly written by Poseidon to Kameda. How could there be a problem? Have you seen it clearly?"

He questioned the guard, but the other party didn't mean to put down the weapon at all. Instead, he said proudly: "I don't know how you forged Lord Poseidon's divine force, but there is one thing you can't deceive me. If you guys The warrant in his hand was really given by Lord Poseidon, so Kameda is simply impossible to find the consul and our marshal, because only one warrant is enough."

I'll hear the other party's words. I tried to refute it, but what surprised me was that the other party immediately continued: "Even if you can excuse that Kameda forgot the warrant, I can still believe you, but one thing is really wrong. You guys. The warrant of Kameda actually stated that Kameda was ordered to lead the newcomer into naturalization, and he was allowed to enter the Poseidon Pillar, and the Poseidon Guards could not stop it."

"So what?" Kameda and I both looked at that in amazement. The guard did not understand what went wrong with this command.

The guard sneered: "Sure enough, you actually don't know our situation."

"What do you mean?"

"Very simple." The guard said: "We are the Poseidon Guards, yes, but we are never responsible for guarding the Poseidon Pillar. Today is just because of an accident in the Guards drill held yesterday. The mermaid who was originally responsible for guarding the Poseidon Pillar There were a large number of wounded in the guard, so we were temporarily transferred to the top shift. That is to say, Lord Poseidon did not know that we were guarding here, and your performance just now shows that you don’t know that we were not guards guarding here. So your warrant must have just been forged. Although I don’t know how you made a warrant with Lord Poseidon’s divine force in such a short time, you are definitely not sent by Lord Poseidon. I can be sure of one thing."

After listening to this explanation, we turned our eyes to Poseidon, and Poseidon was also a bit sorry for us to see, and in the end we could only defend ourselves: "What do you guys think of me for? This was originally Exus's business, but I want to manage the sea king of the entire ocean. If I have to care about such trivial matters, I shouldn't be exhausted?"

Although Saidong's words are a bit irrational, but she has to admit that what she said is the truth. It’s as if the general of an army is impossible to know the changing time of each soldier and the specific tasks, Poseidon also impossible to know what each of his subordinates is doing, even if the modern army has computer assistance, the high-level commander is also impossible. impossible Knows everyone's situation well, so Poseidon really can't be blamed for this matter today.

When Poseidon's convenience was over, the guys on the opposite side were confused, but after a little thought, they decided that Poseidon’s saying that he was Poseidon was an act of deliberately disturbing their thinking. , So they were ignored directly.

After the guard reacted, he pointed at us and shouted: "One group stepped forward to stop them, the second group and the third group surrounded them on both sides, the fourth and fifth groups guarded the entrance and did not move, and sent a signal. Called reinforcements."

Those guards immediately moved as soon as they heard the boss speak. A team of guards rushed out and quickly arranged an encircling formation. As soon as I saw this posture, I had to draw Eternity out to prepare for the battle. As a result, Poseidon immediately reminded me when I saw Eternity in my hand: "Don't use your sword, these are all my people!"

< p>When I heard it, I remembered that I couldn't kill people this time, so I had to change Eternity. I saw that the eternity that was still in the shape of a sword just turned into liquid in a blink of an eye, and then wrapped up my hands, finally forming a thick helmet on the outside of my fist.

When. I bumped my two fists into a sharp metal crash, and then asked Poseidon: "Is that all right?"

"Anyway, as long as you don’t hurt people, what are you willing to take Weapons are your freedom."

"Damn, don't let me hurt people and say that what kind of weapon is my freedom, except for this kind of weapon without a sharp edge, what will eternally become that doesn't hurt people?"

The group of guards on the opposite side didn't react at all to our quarrels. After setting up the formation, they stopped there and did not rush over immediately. From this we can see that Poseidon’s training level is quite high, because they made the most correct choice. Generally speaking, the guards will take the initiative to fight when they find an intruder. This is a basic human response, and everyone did not find it strange. But the fact is that the guards shouldn't actually appear too brave.

The guard’s job is to protect, not kill the enemy, so no matter what the protection is, at least one thing is that you can’t leave the protected thing, especially you can’t let yourself hang up, because even if the thing is robbed , As long as the guard is still there, the opponent can't concentrate on running away, because the guard can hinder the opponent. However, if the guard rushes up to fight the enemy decisively, it becomes a martial power duel. If the enemy is weaker than the guard, it's okay to say, if the opponent is stronger, doesn't it mean that the guarded thing is lost? Therefore, the guard does not need to fight the enemy decisively, nor does it need to actively kill the enemy. There is actually only one thing the guard really needs to do, and that is-drag time. Usually the guards will not be all the forces that one can mobilize, which means that as long as they hold on for a period of time, their own reinforcements will arrive one after another. On the other hand, as a secret infiltrator, it is impossible to engage in waves like regular battles. Offensive, ladder invasion. There is no reserve team for small thieves, so as a guard, there is no need to meet force with force. As long as the Poseidon Pillar is guarded, their mission is completed perfectly. Whether they can subdue us is not a question they need to care about. .

Although the guards did not rush, we had to rush. The Archon didn’t know that he had taken the Exus film this time, so we can’t estimate his return time for the time being, but in terms of Exus’s rigidity, I think he will not leave the mission area too much during his duty. It was far away, so Exus would definitely be able to come back in a short time after receiving the magical warning from here. The only difference was whether the short time was one minute or ten minutes. Anyway, it was mostly within this range.

Because time is tight, we have no time to waste. Seeing that I was already armed, other people quickly took out their weapons and started preparing, but after all, they were facing their own people, and I was so decisive to start with natural beauty.

Looking at the battle formation in front, I jumped over in one step. The little boss on the opposite side didn't expect that I dared to rush forward facing their battlefield, and quickly waved my hand to order magic interception. But because I was too fast, I rushed forward before their magic took shape. The warrior in the front row was in front of him.

As soon as the row of warriors saw me approaching, they took the battle halberd in my hand and waved over, but I didn’t even flash at all. I grabbed the pierced battle halberd on both sides with my hands, and followed this body. He stepped to the side to avoid the front handle, and then threw off the battle halberd in his hand and stepped over to the front warrior. Before he took back the battle halberd he handed out, he quickly affixed it to an iron mountain and directly hit the guy. Hit fly, and by the way, he took the person on his side and turned over a large area.

After hitting this guy, he ignored the group of guys on the right and directly rushed through the defense line and broke into the mage group. The mages of Divine Race are only good at magic attacks, not good at melee, so they didn’t show any nervousness when they rushed over to me, but it was just a momentary thought, and when I started, these guys found out. It's wrong.

Originally, they relied on being a Divine Race, thinking that even if I was strong enough, I could only hurt a few people. When the time comes, they could still subdue me by relying on the number advantage. However, just as soon as I contacted them, I realized that the trouble was big, because I didn’t get entangled with them as these guys expected. The felled guy never got up after falling down.

The boss who negotiated with us before was also taken aback. As a result, the spell experts in the time guard were half taken down, waiting for the warrior in front to think of it. When returning to the aid, Poseidon and her maid rushed up immediately.

As the Sea Emperor, Poseidon’s battle strength is conceivable, but because she is worried about hurting her subordinates, her hands are softer, so although she still performs quite vigorously, she did not imagine it. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves general efficiency. In contrast, her maid seemed to be even better than her. Of course, it was not because the maid was more ruthless, but because her profession was closer to assassin, so the battle method was very simple, even if it was a killer trick. She became a knockout opponent, and she was still much faster than Poseidon.

The little boss over there originally expected to be able to capture us alive, didn't expect it, let alone capture, he couldn't even stop it. Seeing that we lay down all the guards like cutting melons and vegetables, he didn't know what he was supposed to do for a while. However, although he didn't know what he was going to do, I did.

With a punch, I brought down this stupid guy, and I stretched out my hand to grab Poseidon, who was still thinking about fighting, and threw her through the crowd directly to the gate of Poseidon's Pillar. Poseidon, who was suddenly thrown out by me, was also taken aback, but after all, she was the main god, and her strength was there. After turning her head in the air, she grasped the balance and landed on the gate of the Sea God Pillar. Turning around and pressing it on the seal at the gate, the gate with a special seal opened immediately.

The guards weren’t nervous when they saw Poseidon fall on the gate. After all, if the seal were to be broken forcibly, it would take at least several hours, but this was still in the absence of interference. . There are so many people around now that it is impossible to have time to unlock, so the guards thought that Poseidon could not get in at all. Who knew that the seal that was supposed to be able to block for a few hours didn’t even last for one minute and was touched. Just opened it.

The shocked guards no matter what formation or formation, they all rushed to the gate of the Sea God Pillar with a hula, but didn't expect someone to be faster than them.

Poseidon’s maid directly stepped on a guard’s head with an somersault, and then flew directly over the crowd with a single click, and fell behind Poseidon in a combat stance, and at the same time Poseidon yelled: "You go in first, I'm blocking here."

Poseidon also knew that this kind of time cannot be modest, so she rushed in without any delay.

When Poseidon entered the Poseidon’s Pillar, the guards outside immediately exploded. They all went crazy and rushed towards the gate, but what made them didn’t expect was originally blocked. The silhouette of the maid at the door flashed, and I actually got to the door and blocked their way.

"How long will you take?" I loudly shouted without looking back after I blocked the door.

Poseidon replied in the Poseidon Pillar: "Don't bother me. Hold on for thirty seconds."

"Thirty seconds? That's easy."

I was hit by the guards who rushed up right after I finished talking. These guys are like chicken blood this time. Simply fierce and unafraid of death. Thanks to the sea god’s pillar which has an entrance, and it’s more It's cramped, otherwise I'm a bit unstoppable by myself. Being forcibly rushed to the gate by the crowd, I was completely stuck here. The guy who hit me was knocked out by me, but the people behind still pushed him forward, making this guy unable to fall down even if he was fainted.

To be honest, if I could kill, I would have killed all these guys, but the problem is that these are all Poseidon’s people, and she is here, even if I want to go against her Meaning, you can't do it in front of her, right? So even if it is uncomfortable, I have to endure it first. However, just when I was going to stick to this for thirty seconds, a loud roar suddenly came from the back of the crowd.

"Get out of the way."

Hula, the guard who was still rushing forward gave way, but what I saw was a very tall The handsome man stood at the door, and Kameda was still in his hand. Although the other party did not speak, I recognized this as Exus at a glance. He came back much faster than we thought. It was only 30 seconds from the start to the present, and he actually came back. Obviously, the Archon’s mission was not very good. Otherwise, as long as he can return at the minimum time of one minute, we will be over. Unfortunately, he came back in only thirty seconds!

Although the other party doesn’t know that Poseidon is inside or what we’re going to do, it’s always bad to have the intruder and the divine force core together, so he can just go straight up Kameda. In his hand, he put the knife on Kameda's neck. "Give you five seconds, including the one that goes in. If it doesn't come out within five seconds, I will kill him."

"hmph, he is just a puppet. If you want to kill, kill him." I deliberately pretended to be indifferent, anyway, it would be over in twenty seconds, and it would be a victory if I drag it over.

However, I forgot that Exus is a dead brain, so the way to deal with smart people will not work for him. This guy directly tightened his knife and continued to read: "Five, four, three, two, one..." (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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