"Five, four, three, two, one..."

"Slowly." Hearing the other party counts to one at an unabated speed, and hands The above is obviously increasing strength, I can only call a timeout to stop him first. After all, there are only twenty seconds left, no matter how foolish it is

, I was surprised that the other party didn't mean to delay time with me, so he just swung the knife and cut it down.

Although Kameda's status is not low, it is a pity that he is a servant, and his combat ability is almost zero. Even if it is a normal enemy, he may not be able to handle it, let alone Exus. According to this situation, if I don't take measures, then Kameda will definitely die today, but I will never let this happen. Before even the lives of those little soldiers, Poseidon repeatedly reminded me to pay attention, if this kills her inner

waiter, then she won't fight me hard for a while?

Seeing that the other party has no intention to compromise, I can only use martial power. Right hand lifted, fingers stretched and shrunk, the Avengers above the wrist shot a short arrow straight to the front door of Exus, Exus raised his hand and placed the knife in front of him. The short arrow flew easily, but as soon as he put the knife down, I found that I didn't know when he had rushed in front of him. In a hurry, Exus quickly turned the fallen blade over, and the front

turned towards my waist. I quickly turned around to avoid the blade, and the right hand stretched out and caught it. Kameda's tortoise shell was pulled back smoothly. Exus felt a huge force in his hand and immediately wanted to add

big power to fight for the control of Kameda, but didn't expect my power to far exceed his estimate, not only Kameda He was thrown out by me, and even he himself lost his weight because of too much power and flew towards me.

Without Kameda in the middle, I immediately posted it, right hand, an uppercut hits Exus’s chin directly from the bottom up, directly hitting Exus, who had already left the ground. I flew up, but didn’t wait for him to fall.

I raised my hand and threw a light bullet on it. Hearing a boom, Exus directly dragged the black smoke out of the smoke and fell to the ground. After that, I plowed the ground all the way into a large ditch several meters long before rolling to a stop

At this time, I had caught Kameda and threw it directly into the Poseidon Pillar.

"How long is there?" After throwing Kameda, I loudly shouted at the maid who was blocking the door.

"Eighteen seconds." Poseidon's maid shouted to me after she was born after flying two guards.

"Really slow." With a shake of my hand, I grabbed the last two guards and threw them to the outside of the square. But before I could attack the other two guards, Exus over there I’ve already rushed back, so I don’t have to turn around to block Exus’s attack first, but the opponent rushed back from a distance, the force was quite strong, and I almost flew when I hit it. Get up, but compared to Exus, I have an advantage, that is, I have wings. When I almost got off the ground, I slid the wings back and fixed myself on the ground. , And as long as the foot stays on the ground, there is a place to take advantage of it. Exus originally thought that he could knock me into the air, but

only pushed me a distance and was blocked.

"What the hell do you want, an intruder?" Exus asked angrily while struggling with me.

I know it’s no use explaining everything to him now, so I didn’t say anything at all. Anyway, it will be clear in ten seconds.

Seeing that I didn’t mean to answer at all, Exus knew that it would be useless to ask again, so he suddenly increased the strength of his hand to set me a certain distance, and then suddenly retracted and flashed to the side. I plan to shake me down, but

I’m sorry that I reacted faster than him. When I used him to dodge, I pulled him around like a dance and then went out. Exus immediately took control of I couldn't hold my body, but I took it around

and flew out directly.

Because I just threw him out and didn't make a heavy hand, Exus rushed back immediately after landing. But to my surprise, this guy didn’t start attacking immediately. Instead, he stopped at a place two meter away in front of me.

turned his head to look at the situation on the square, and then took a serious look. Then I asked: "What are you going to do?"

I looked at Exus and still did not answer his meaning, but Exus himself said: "Your strength is very Strong, I feel that you can kill all of us here alone, that is, I can’t stop you either. But now that the battle has been fought, there hasn’t been any casualties on our side. This shows that you I left my hand. Since you don’t want to hurt people, why do you have to approach the Sea God’s Pillar?"

"Didn't expect you to find out?" I nodded and said: "We have ours It’s hard to say, you just have to believe that we are not malicious. In fact, we are helping Poseidon, but we can’t prove it now

show it to you, but just wait a few seconds and you will know the truth. "

"How many seconds?" Exus immediately ran away after waiting for a few seconds. Originally, he saw that we didn’t hurt anyone, so he thought we were not doing something bad, so he stopped the attack temporarily, but I suddenly told

he only had to wait for a few seconds, which meant our purpose. It only takes a few seconds to achieve it, and the last thing he wants is our goal. Regardless of whether we hurt people or not, we are intrusive

in any case, so how can we be considered as intruders, and the intruder's purpose, how many defenders hope that the other party can achieve?

Although Exus stopped just now, he didn’t want us to complete our goal. He just didn’t expect that we can do it in just so little time, so I made a wrong judgment. . However, he

Even if he doesn’t make a wrong judgment, it’s probably the same. Then we’re all right. Anyway, he can’t beat me, and the guards will not be able to rush through the line of defense of Poseidon’s maid for a while. As for us. Kameda, the only one without battle strength

, has been thrown into the Poseidon Pillar this time, so it is not a problem for us to insist on thirty seconds.

Suddenly knowing that there is not much time, Exus immediately gave up the conversation with me, flashed to the side and planned to bypass me to rush towards the Sea God Pillar, but I used the same speed as him. I moved in the same direction at the same time.

As a result, Exus suddenly accelerated in the opposite direction and tried to sway my block. Of course, the result was still the place I saw, and I simply couldn't rush through. Originally, because of our previous words, there were only a few seconds left, but more than two seconds have passed since we flicked back and forth, and Exus's eyes were red in anxiousness.

The rabbit bites people in a hurry, not to mention that Exas is much more ferocious than rabbits, so this guy rushed towards me directly with a Barbaric Dash.

Seeing Exus who was rushing over like a bull, I didn’t even plan to meet force with force with him. I just jumped back directly, and at the same time a huge black shadow appeared on my side. Under him, and then bumped into Exus

. As for the result...the shadow below me didn’t change much anyway, but Exus flew out of the square like a cannonball, and then flew to the road outside after crashing through a wall.

On, even if he is not injured at all, it is estimated that when he comes back, even if I don't stop him, he will not be able to stop Poseidon's plan in time.

"Good job tank, let these guys be quiet." I stood on the back of the tank and directed the action of the tank, and the tank that just hit Exus immediately Turn around on the spot, and then raise the two forelimbs high, and then slam them down against the ground. Only a bang was heard, and a circle of blue shock waves spread out instantly. The Abang guards who were originally surrounded by the gate of the Sea God's Pillar were instantly shocked.

Huhu got up, there were only two or three seconds left.

Although I know the time is almost up, the guards don’t know, and Exus who was hit outside doesn’t know, so the guards insisted on getting up again, and Exar outside Si also rushed back

, but what they didn’t expect was that when they were preparing to fight us desperately, a woman suddenly walked out of the gate of the Sea God Pillar, and that woman’s head There is also a huge ball of light with small light spines on its surface that is covered with non-stop expansion and contraction. Because of Divine Soul's connection, whether it was the guard or Exus present, all realized what it was. This thing is simply the divine force core of their Poseidon system, and at this time it is in an active state.

The divine force core actually has many states, and the divine force cores of different Divine Races may have different types of states. This is mainly related to the ability of the main god that controls the divine force core. But

, no matter which Divine Race's divine force core, as long as it is the divine force core, there must be three basic states. The first is the condensed matter. This is the state when the Power of Faith is absorbed. In this state, the divine force

the core will be very unstable and must be strictly protected, because the divine force core in this state As long as it is slightly affected by external forces, it may have a fatal impact on the entire Divine Race. The second basic state is silent

state. This state is the main state of the divine force core. When the divine force core is not under control and there is no Power of Faith absorption nearby, it will be in this state, and most of the time the divine force core should

That's it. As for the Third Type, it is naturally the state of the divine force core of their Poseidon system that Exus has seen now.

As the core of Divine Race's existence and development, the core function of divine force is not as simple as imagined. I have always said before that the main gods of the Divine Race are almost invincible, not to say

their strength is really strong enough that I can't completely beat them. If I enter a complete state, and spare no effort to use all the disposable equipment and various guild resources on my body, it can be said that now

all known Divine Race highest gods, I have one The power of war. However, if that kind of thing happens, I actually can't beat one of them. It is not because of the difference in strength between us, but because of the core of the divine force behind them.

The core of the divine force is personally manipulated by the main gods of each Divine Race, and the power contained in it is inestimable. Also, due to the special nature of the divine force core, you can’t just treat it as an energy battery. Directly incarnate as a weapon to participate in the attack, and even attach its energy to the body of the main god, so that its own strength can be strengthened several times or even dozens of times.

One main god is enough to kill people. Can you imagine the concept of a main god who is dozens of times stronger? Therefore, the main god connected to the core of divine force is almost invincible. Just like what has been proved in the real world

, the restrainers of many weapons are precisely themselves. Just like the recognized deduction that the best anti-tank weapon in the world is tanks, there is also a recognized deduction in "Zero"

that is able to defeat the master god who masters the core of divine force There is only another main god who has mastered the core of divine force. Others, even if he is Divine Race, even if he is also the main Divine Grade, mainly he is not the highest master of this Divine Race

God, unable to connect to the divine force core, then he is impossible to defeat and master the divine force core The main god.

Exus originally hoped to rush over to destroy our plan, but now he sees the divine force core completely softened. Only the main Divine Grade can be connected to the core movement of the divine force, and the main God of the Divine Race can be manipulated at the core. The woman in front of her can take the divine force core of their Poseidon system out of the original Poseidon pillar, which means that the other party can manipulate the divine force core of the Poseidon system. What does this mean? This shows

The core of Divine Force recognizes that the woman in front of you is Poseidon, the true owner of Divine Race.

"You...you..." Exus is already a little incoherent now. It is not that he is weak in spirit, but the scene before him is really amazing.

Poseidon looked at the utterly stupid guards around him, then glanced at Exus, and finally slowly stretched out a hand to the divine force core above his head and tapped slightly. I immediately thought of a jingle around.

All the guards’ weapons fell to the ground in an instant, while Exus fell to the ground with one-knee kneels desperately supporting it. However, from his rapid gasping, it can be seen that he is also extremely hard at this time.

"Hai...Lord Haihuang...I...we..." After Exas said these few words with difficulty, he suddenly felt light on his body, and the pressure disappeared instantly. As a result, Instead, Exus was a little confused

to know what to do. "Master Haihuang...we..."

Poseidon glanced at Exus, then slowly opened the mouth and said: "Do you understand now?"

< p>Exus shook the head, and quickly explained: "Although I don't understand what you are...what is going on, but I can confirm that you are Master Haihuang, right."

Saidon nodded, and then looked towards the guards and said: "So what about you?"

Those guards also nodded and said again and again: "We can confirm that you are Lord Haihuang, but what do you look like? ......?"

"I have no time to explain my appearance to you for the time being. I will make it clear to you after everything is over. You only need to know that I am still that Poseidon, your sea The emperor is fine.

Besides, don’t be surprised in the future. I am actually the real body. What you thought of me before was just the water puppet I manipulated with Divine Soul."

< p>Although the guards and Exus below heard this a little commotion, they did not question Poseidon's identity. Divine Race and human beings are not the same kind of creatures after all. Compared to people who rely on their eyes to judge things, Divine Race believes in the judgment of Divine Soul more. The information Poseidon just conveyed with the divine force core is enough to prove her identity. It’s like if your relative’s voice changes suddenly one day, you won’t suspect that he is pretending to be someone else because of

this, for Divine Race, just a change in appearance is not a major event at all. As long as Divine Soul is still the Divine Soul, let alone Poseidon only changed from a man to a woman, even if she is transformed into a rabbit or an insect, it is still the same in other Divine Races. Poseidon, just changed the shell.

As we expected before, for Divine Race, as long as the divine force core is obtained, everything else is easy to say. As long as Divine Soul is compared, no one simply doubts the identity of Poseidon. Moreover, because Poseidon is the real Poseidon, after getting the initial approval, she talked to a few cronies about the trivial things in daily life and asked the other party to randomly ask some other people’s impossible to know. It’s easy to confirm the authenticity of Poseidon’s identity, and after these people recognize Poseidon, our next plan can begin.

According to the plan, although we temporarily restored the identity of Poseidon, we cannot let the Divine Race of the Sea defect for the time being, because our purpose this time is not just those of the Divine Race of the Sea God. Zeus’s Heavenly God is for me

We also have to start, and we have to dig and dig. There used to be a bad verse on the Internet saying: As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no wall root that cannot be digged. I think this sentence is quite appropriate here. What's more, the current Olympus Divine Race is no longer the powerful Olympus Divine Race. This building is already riddled with holes and leaks. In fact, the collapse is already not far, I just pushed him along


Although the scale of Poseidon’s self-certification action this time is a bit larger, because everything happened inside the Sea God Temple, we still don’t worry that Zeus will know the real Poseidon is coming back.

love. Although this kind of thing is unlikely to be concealed for too long, as long as certain measures are taken, it is okay to conceal it for a few days. And what we need is just a few days. Anyway, in a few days we will have a showdown. When the time comes, even if he knows it, it will be too late.

"So, what is your arrangement?" Poseidon and the seven Guardian Gods of the Seven Sea God Pillar and the three bosses of the newly joined Sea God Temple are sitting together at this time Poseidon’s original office listened to me

arranging tasks.

After hearing Poseidon’s questioning, I directly spread a map on Poseidon’s one that can be used as a double bed on a super desk, and then I saw Poseidon and the others. I gathered around and studied it carefully


I explained to them against the map: "Your mission is actually very simple. There is a detailed introduction on this map. The specific content is like this..." (To be continued. If you like this You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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