"I think I can help with Kameda's problem." Seeing Poseidon frowning there, I couldn't help but remind him.

Poseidon looked towards me in a very surprised way. I asked: "What can you do?"

"I can't say what it is, it's just that I went to the Sea Emperor Palace before. It was Kameda who introduced me to see you at that time, so he knows a little bit about what I did when I came out this time. If I tell him the facts, I think there will be at least 40% credibility, when the time comes You can find some more topics between you, won’t you be able to get it done?"

"It sounds good, but what about Exus?"

"Sorry, I don’t know much about this Exus, so you have to think about the solution. But you don’t have to worry too much, it’s really impossible. I have another solution that is not a solution."

" The way?" Poseidon looked at me suspiciously and waited for my explanation.

I helplessly explained: "The so-called method is not the way, it is the last way to use when there is no way. In fact, it is very simple to say. Anyway, we have made up our minds and finally convinced Exus. That is to say, by the time we need to convince him, we should have been recognized by others. At this time, if you can’t convince Exus to believe you, then I will personally help you temporarily suppress this Kxas, then you only need to enter the Poseidon Pillar to bring out the divine force core, won’t the problem be solved?"

Xas is very strong. You may not be his opponent alone. Fortunately, we also have the Guardian God of the Seven Sea God Pillars. With seven of them, it is easy to subdue Xasus."

"I'm not his opponent?" I looked at Poseidon in surprise and asked: "Do you know my strength or Exus is really fierce?"

" What? Do you think you can defeat Exus independently? We are not going to kill him this time. Although you want to suppress him, you can't hurt him. Are you sure you have such strength?"

I nodded and said: "He alone can't be stronger than Zeus and the guards on Mount Olympus, right?"

"Of course it is impossible, but Exus is really strong. Just be careful anyway. When the time comes, I will let the Guardian God of the Seven Seas God Pillar go with you. Let you do it first. If you feel that you can’t control him by yourself, then ask them to help seven. . As long as any three Guardian Gods join forces, it is enough to suppress Exus, so even if you have no battle strength at all, bringing seven of them can be guaranteed to be foolproof."

"In that case, everyone Just act as soon as possible."

According to the plan, I finally returned to the Sea Emperor Hall first, and then asked Kameda out. The guy Kameda seemed very excited when he saw me. He obviously knew that I had helped Poseidon do things when I went out before, but he didn’t know the details. Now he is naturally quite excited to see me coming back, because from My expression can tell that my task is successful, otherwise I won't be so easy.

After a brief exchange with Kameda, I looked towards him and asked to find a safe place to tell him some secrets. Kameda thought I had received some secret notice from Poseidon, so I found it immediately A safe room asked me to talk about things, but when I finished talking about Poseidon to him, this guy stayed there as if he had become a wooden man and had no reaction at all.

"Hey, come back!" I knocked on Kameda's head and shouted twice before this guy regained consciousness as if he suddenly woke up, but unexpectedly he didn't ask immediately. What I just said is not true, but directly asks me where Poseidon is now.

I looked at the Kameda in front of me in surprise and asked in confusion: "No? Anyway, you are also her chief manager, Poseidon suddenly changed from a man to a woman, and his race became It’s not strange for you to be a mermaid? Anyway, it’s your Boss, do you care about it?"

"Because I am the interior manager that Lord Poseidon comes into contact with most often, so I Only then will I believe what you said." After getting used to my news, Kameda became unusually calm.

"I don't quite understand what you said."

Kameda explained with a smile: "As the internal attendant manager, Lord Poseidon's daily life is handled by me. Yes, so, someone may be better than me than loyalty or ability, but compared to the knowledge of Lord Poseidon, I am definitely the number one in the Poseidon family. I usually find Lord Poseidon’s life strange , You don’t know, many of the adult’s living habits are very special, and at the beginning I didn’t understand the reason. I just thought it was an adult’s special hobby. Now that you say that, it’s more than what I guessed. Well, it explains the reasons for the weird behavior of Lord Poseidon."

"What the hell does Poseidon do? Does it make you think she has special quirks?"

Turtle Tian thought for a while and said: "In fact, it's nothing, it's all trivial things."

"For example?"

"For example, Poseidon's appetite seems surprisingly small. , I even think that adults simply don’t need to eat."

The Divine Race in the game does not require food as in the legend. In "Zero" Divine Race also requires food, and the amount of food. Generally not small. The Olympus Divine Race is obviously no exception, so the normal Poseidon should need to eat, and as the Chief Manager of the house, Kameda is naturally also responsible for Poseidon's diet. However, every time the food delivered under his supervision is almost always how to go and how to come back. Poseidon simply doesn't care about the taste and appearance of the food, and whether the food is good or bad, she can eat just a little bit.

Before, Kameda could not figure out why Poseidon ate so little, but now I understand it when I explain it. If what I say is true, it means that Kameda was serving an Avatar of water before. Perhaps this Avatar could replace Poseidon in fighting, but it definitely cannot replace Poseidon in digesting food, that is to say, the water Avatar cannot eat at all. Even if you eat something in front of everyone, it's just temporarily putting the food into your body, and you have to work hard to get it out afterwards. It's uncomfortable not to mention the trouble. Poseidon, who exists in the form of the Avatar of water, is an elemental person. If you put food into your body, it will be like a normal person's belly with more Insects. Not only is it very uncomfortable, but it also damages the body after a long time. Poseidon used to try not to eat as much as possible. She can’t hide her food until she eats something, but because she deliberately pretends that she has a small amount of food, Kameda doesn’t prepare too much food at all. Poseidon usually asks his maid to help him eat some, so even if he has half of the food left, Kameda won’t say anything, only that Poseidon’s appetite is really very small. As for the maid who helped eat the food, she was naturally the only person who knew the identity of Poseidon except for the Guardian God Mosanna of the third pillar. Because the other party is Poseidon’s personal maid, she knows Poseidon too well. Even if the affairs of the Avatar of Water can fool Kameda’s impossible, she has deceived this maid, so Poseidon has won her for a long time. I came over and became my own helper. Afterwards, it proved to be very effective. At least for so many years, no one found that Poseidon was originally a woman, and no one knew that she was still a beautiful Mermaid Race.

Listening to the reason Kameda said, I was really surprised. Really didn't expect Kameda to discover Poseidon's secret only by this. Of course, although he didn't figure out what he really wanted, he got the tail of the truth. "You are really good at observing! We originally expected to use great efforts to make you believe us, didn't expect you to believe so directly!"

Kameda nodded and said:" You are the distinguished guest of Lord Poseidon. Naturally, you can't completely disbelieve what you say. In addition, Lord Poseidon’s strange living habits are also very strange, and your words just answer these small questions, so I have no reason not to believe it. If you say All of these are pretexts that you have deliberately thought of. This lie is too tightly designed. At least I don’t understand how you match the various small habits of Lord Poseidon in reality with your lies. Yes, this is not information that ordinary people can grasp. Even if they are good at observing, there are definitely no more than three people who can master these small details by Poseidon’s side."

"Is it true that you, the manager? It's nothing."

After complimenting Kameda a lot, I began to talk about the issue of Exus and the issue of the Archon of the Sea Emperor Palace. Kameda’s opinion is basically the same as that of Poseidon. That is to say, the Archon is basically no problem. That guy is a horror. As long as he knows that the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillar and Kameda believe both, then he will I will definitely believe it. Even according to Kameda’s words, as long as I say Poseidon is the real Poseidon, the consul will definitely admit that this female Poseidon is the real Poseidon, because what he cares about is whether he can safely change jobs. As for Poseidon didn't care about whether it was true or false.

After gaining Kameda’s trust, I quickly met the consul whom Poseidon didn’t like very much. After being introduced to me by Kameda, he did the same as everyone’s guess. , The whole is a slave look, he is polite to me. When I mentioned the true and false Poseidon, he just pretended to think about it and believed me, but I have actually found out that he simply didn't care about it.

After getting the consul of the Sea God Temple, the next part is the Exus that is considered to be the most difficult to get. If we imagine the Poseidon branch of the Olympus Divine Race as an imperial country, then Kameda is equivalent to the chief of the Ouchi, the consul is the mayor of the capital, and the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillar is seven provinces. As for the most difficult Exus, this guy is basically equivalent to the marshal of the empire, the most powerful figure in the country besides the emperor.

Because Exus holds the military power, if he does not believe in the identity of Poseidon, it will be very troublesome. To make matters worse, this one is still a dead brain, a diehard Poseidon. If it is usual, his diehard loyalty will definitely make Poseidon feel gratified, but now this meeting can only make him feel depressed, because the other party is completely blocking his own affairs in the name of loyalty, and even more terrible is to pay back You can't be cruel, after all, the other party is really doing it for your own good, otherwise it won't be that difficult.

After getting all the main personnel except Exus, we had another meeting, but this time it was not in Hephaestus’s nest, but moved to the distance from the lord Poseidon In the nearest first Poseidon Pillar. Although Exus is like a marshal, the Poseidon sphere of influence of Olympus Divine Race is not a real country after all, and they will not spread the army to the border like a real country. In fact, all the main forces of the Poseidon System are all huddled in the Sea Emperor Hall, so Exus basically has no strength control over things within the scope of other Poseidon Pillars. Of course, if Poseidon is there, as long as one sentence, the army still thinks about where to go, but now Poseidon’s identity has not been determined, so Exus’s power is also partially restricted, at least Before Poseidon returned to the throne, Exus's control over the Seven Sea God Pillar was basically lost.

This time the number of people in the first meeting at the First Sea God Pillar increased significantly. In addition to the twenty-one before, there are the newly joined Kameda and the consul, and of course their deputy and Poseidon’s knowledgeable maid. There is a face-to-face testimony from this person, Poseidon The credibility of has risen a lot.

"Well everyone, now that everyone is basically there, let's talk about the next step of action." I saw that everyone was there and started to give orders. Although Poseidon is the head of the Poseidon family, her identity is only temporarily recognized now, and even if her identity is confirmed, she will still be under my hand after being merged into our Frost Rose League, so now I will give the orders. On the contrary, it is more effective.

"Purple Moon, please let me know if you have any arrangements. We promise to complete the task." The Archon of the Sea Emperor Palace really deserves to be a sturdy figure with the highest interests and a practical faction. I am just here. As soon as the task was scheduled, this guy immediately began to take pictures of my flattery.

Although I knew he was shooting flattery deliberately, I didn't care about him either. Just don't get bombarded by sugar-coated shells anyway. It just so happened that since he took the initiative to speak, I took the opportunity to say: "Since you say so, then I'm not polite. Your task happens to be the first one."

"Please do not hesitate to tell me, I will definitely Do your best."

"You don’t have to be so cautious. In fact, your mission is very simple. I don’t care what reason you use, I will ask Exus to get him out, try my best to keep him away from his troops, just make sure that something goes wrong. The later he arrives, the better."

"This is okay."

"Well, the next step is Poseidon's task. You will be with Kameda, Kameda took us into the Sea Emperor Hall, and then we left the entrance to guard the Sea God Pillar. You and Kameda went to get the divine force core as soon as possible."

"No problem." Kameda and Posay Winter nodded.

"Okay, then in the end, other people will guard the entrance of Sea God Temple with me. If Exus comes back halfway, we will stop him and his troops immediately. Anyway. Persevere until Poseidon comes out with the divine force core. Do you understand it?"


"Then start acting." (To be continued .If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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