Anyway, the moving speed of our guild was quite fast. The entire steel empire was evacuated overnight, but the so-called evacuating just meant removing the original steel The things belonging to the empire were emptied, not that the islands were also emptied. In fact, we moved far more things this night than we moved. The islands belonging to the Iron Empire happen to be within the Mediterranean Sea. It can be said to be very close to the scope of the Olympus Divine Race. In addition, even Poseidon is ours now, which is equivalent to the Olympus Divine Race. The entire coastal defense has become a decoration. Now we just want to invade the Olympus Divine Race, and we don’t have to worry about being discovered from the sea.

With such good conditions, we are naturally impossible to waste. As long as the space around the island is messed up, and the location of the reef group is marked, it can become our best forward base. Even if we can absorb and master the flight technology of the Iron Empire as soon as possible, we don't have to worry about the seabed space dislocation, just mark the detailed location of the reef area, and then directly use the spaceship to enter and exit. Of course, this premise is that the flight technology of the Iron Empire is not difficult to master.

After handing over all the work here to Rose and the others, I first brought Poseidon to Isengard. At this time, I should have sent Poseidon back to the Sea Emperor Palace first, but now we have encountered a problem, that is...Poseidon's identity.

If the Poseidon in front of us is the legendary Poseidon in history, then we don’t have any problems now. We just send her back to the Sea Emperor’s Palace and let her merge with us. NS. But the problem is that what stands in front of us now is not the beard, horny Divine Race Poseidon, but a glamorous mermaid who wants to be swallowed by one mouthful. The contrast between the two is too big, right? It would be better if Poseidon's men could recognize this Poseidon, what if her men had no idea that Poseidon was actually a woman? No, not in case, but it will definitely be like this. Since Poseidon deliberately concealed her identity, it meant that she did not want others to know that she was a woman, so how could she publicize her identity everywhere? So, it is almost certain that most of Poseidon's men should not know that Poseidon is actually a woman. Even if there are some individuals who know the true identity of Poseidon, that is definitely a very individual character. If it is usual, Poseidon wants to restore his identity, then there is nothing at worst. Just go slowly and explain to these people. But now is the time when the Olympus Divine Race is about to collapse, and the Olympus Divine Race of the Poseidon family is busy contacting the job-hopping issue. If the news that Poseidon is a woman suddenly broke out during this sensitive period, how many people can you believe in the Olympus Divine Race of the Poseidon family? I would never believe it anyway.

"This is the legendary Isinger?" After Poseidon saw our Isinger, it was obvious that he was similar to the original Hades, and he felt like a village girl entering the city.

Poseidon’s surprise, of course, makes me very proud, but now is not the time to show off the city, we must first find a way to solve the problem of Poseidon’s identity.

The Poseidon in front of us is the real Poseidon, but the problem is that her image is a little different from what everyone thought before, so what needs to be dealt with is not the question of true or false, but how to win the trust. . Of course, you must ask the situation clearly before thinking of a solution. At the very least, you must know who knows Poseidon's identity and who doesn't.

After I brought Poseidon to the reception room of the Temple of Chaos and Order, I began to question Poseidon. "How many people in your Poseidon family know about your current identity?"

Poseidon thought for a while before opening the mouth and said: "My maid knew about this. There is also the Guardian God of the third Poseidon pillar who knows this, but other Poseidon Divine Races don’t know about it."

"That means we must solve all Divine Races of Poseidon except them. Cognition problem?"

Poseidon nodded and said: "Yes."

I thought for a while and said: "Then let’s do this first, you should know that Poseidon What Divine Races are there, right?"

Poseidon nodded and said: "Of course I know my own subordinates. But all I can remember is the middle and high-level Divine Races. I can often see that I know all of those creeps."

"It’s okay, the creeps are not important. Just tell me who's cognition of you may affect the merger plan. "

Poseidon thought for a while and said: "That's not much. The main Divine Race of the Sea God System is the Guardian God of the Seven Sea God Pillars under me. They are equivalent to the Empire of Like the lords, everyone rules a group of low-level Divine Race. As long as the seven of them trust me, they can guarantee to take more than 80% away."

"What about 20%?"

"There are two other achievements that belong to the people of the Sea Emperor Hall. This is my immediate territory, so the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillars has no control over here."

"Who else in the Sea Emperor Palace has leadership besides you? I mean, who can help you mobilize personnel?"

"Apart from me, can help me There are only three people who mobilize personnel."

"Who is it?"

"One of them is Kameda."

"You said before My big turtle?"

Poseidon nodded and said: "Don’t underestimate Kameda. Although he is never in charge of foreign affairs, he is my internal servant. He has full authority over everything directly related to my life."

I nodded and said: "Understood, it's just like the general manager of our country."

Although Saidong didn’t understand what the Ouchi General Manager was, she didn’t ask them in detail. Instead, she said directly: “Although Kameda has great powers, foreign affairs are not within his scope of responsibility. He can only be responsible for my palace. That of It divides things, so he can take care of the transfer of the guards in the palace Divine Race. "

"What about the outside part?" "

"There are two more parts outside. One is the Sea Emperor Hall. He is usually responsible for the operation of the entire Sea Emperor Hall. In addition to not protecting the Sea God Pillar, he basically works with the other seven Sea God Pillars. Guardian God's work is similar in nature. "

I nodded and said: "This is even the mayor of Sea Emperor Palace, right?" So what does that one care about in the end? "

"Finally, this is my Poseidon General. He is responsible for commanding all the external Combat Units of our Poseidon System. Although he is not responsible for the most people, in terms of battle strength, his battle strength is the strongest. "

After hearing this, I immediately asked: "When the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillars was going to skip you and defect directly, did this general participate? "

As soon as I asked, Poseidon frowned immediately: "The trouble is here. Exus is a very rigid guy and he is very loyal to me. The reason why I chose him as my general was because he was most sincere. Even if he left me with a large force to fight independently, he would not have any rebellion. idea. But now his loyalty has turned into trouble! "

When I heard Poseidon’s explanation, I also nodded and said: "Yes! The guys from the Seven Seas Pillar had planned to leave you and jump directly, so whether you are Poseidon or not, as long as you are willing to take them to the job, they will say that you are Poseidon, but this Exa Si estimated that it would not be so easy to deal with. If your previous description is okay, then Exus will probably not betray the Poseidon in his heart, so as long as you can't prove that you are that Poseidon, then he won't listen to you, and maybe He will also think that you have taken the real Poseidon and desperately fight with you. "

Poseidon frowned when he heard my guess. "It's really possible that you said that!" "

"So the only thing that really needs to be done is not the guys from the Seven Sea God Pillar. They only care about whether you can quit. The people who really care about whether you are a real Poseidon are probably only sea cucumbers. Are the three in the temple? "

Poseidon shook his head and said, "No, it should be two people." The manager of the Sea God Temple is just a manager, because he is right under my nose, so he has no real power at all. Usually, he has to ask for a little major event. In fact, the person who has the least real power in Sea God Temple is him. I put him in such a position at the beginning because this guy is not so trustworthy, so I didn't release him to independently manage a Poseidon Pillar, but put him in a dispensable position around him. "

According to Poseidon’s statement, then this manager is the least reliable existence. In contrast, the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillars is at least a person who can make Poseidon feel relieved. , From this point of view, this one is more worrying than the seven.

"In this case, then I think it is necessary to ask these people out individually to let you communicate. "

"What if Exus doesn't believe me?" "Poseidon asked worriedly.

"Exus will not tell him first, we need to make distribution contacts. First, we must summon the Guardian God of the Seven Sea God Pillars. One of them knows your situation, which means that you have trusted people among them, and since you sent them out to take charge of a Poseidon Pillar, it means that these seven are still considered in your image. More trustworthy. So conversely, can I think that the seven of them also have a high degree of trust in you? "

Poseidon nodded said: "They planned to betray me before because Zeus made them really unable to do it in the Olympus Divine Race, not because they wanted to betray me. In fact, before contacting Aphrodite, they all asked me about defecting from the Olympus Divine Race. It was because I was unable to respond to them, so they skipped me directly afterwards. Find Aphrodite to contact you. "

I nodded and said: "In this case, their trust in you is still very high, plus there is a Guardian God who knows the inside story, and there is also me, their new boss in the future. , Your point of view is the collective job-hopping they hope. With so many factors, it is very easy for them to believe that you are Poseidon. After they settle down first, we will contact the remaining three. The manager of the Sea Emperor Palace should be a guy who sees the wind. If he knows that the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillars has been under your banner, plus my future owner, I believe he will know what to do as long as he is not too stupid. As for Kameda and Exus..."

"What about the two of them? "Poseidon asked me nervously.

I thought for a while and said: "You can consider trying to prove it to them with something that only you know. Since these two have such a good relationship with you, there must be some personal secrets that only you know, even if it is not very important information, as long as you make sure that you both know it. When the time comes, they can’t help but believe it. "

Poseidon immediately said excitedly after hearing this: "This is a good way, but it's a pity that I can't use the Avatar of the water now, otherwise I can directly take out the Avatar that was used to support the scene. Maybe it can be much simpler. "

"Whether there is that Avatar is actually the same. As long as you have a way to prove that you are the real Poseidon, they will believe it. If you can't prove it, then you don’t need to say anything. Even if you can get that water Avatar again, they will guess what method you used to make a fake Poseidon puppet. "

"What you said makes sense. So let’s just do it, first go to the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillar to prove my existence. "

After finalizing the solution, we immediately began to act. Of course, we could not return directly to the Sea Emperor Hall with Poseidon in such a big swing, otherwise there might be accidents. As for the Seven Sea God Pillar's The place where the Guardian God meets must not be in the sea, because the Divine Race of the Sea God hasn’t confirmed Poseidon’s identity, so it’s not safe there. However, although the sea is not safe, the land seems to be the same. How safe. Now that Zeus’s internal monitoring can be said to have reached Peak status, in this case, if we openly talk about defection on land, it is indeed too dangerous. As for the Olympus Divine It’s even more troublesome to meet in areas outside of Race’s sphere of influence. System restrictions are not so easy to break through. To get these Olympus Divine Races out of Olympus Divine Race’s sphere of influence, you must first go around Due to system restrictions, this job is no simpler than fooling Zeus’s eyes and ears on land.

After much deliberation, we decided to meet on land in Greece, because compared to Zeus, The main system is obviously more terrifying. Of course, the meeting place cannot be randomly selected. The final meeting place we chose is the lava crypt, which is Hephaestus’s nest.

Talk about Hephaestus It’s also good for this guy to stay unwelcome in the Olympus Divine Race, because other Olympus Divine Races simply don’t bother to touch him, just like Hephaestus’s ugly appearance is contagious, those guys Even close to Hephaestus feels uncomfortable. Because of this, when the whole of Greece is covered with Zeus’s eyes, Hephaestus’ Cave Mansion has turned into a Safety Sector instead.

Because Poseidon can’t enter the water now, I contacted the Guardian God of the Seven Seas Pillar through Aphrodite, and I brought Poseidon directly to Hephaestus. They are coming.

The Guardian Gods of the Seven Seas Pillars are worried about the job-hopping problem, so they all move quickly. We only notified the news here, and they ran away immediately. Come here.

According to the requirements, each of these seven came with only the two most important deputies around him, and none of the other personnel were with him, so that the seven Sea God’s Pillars came to a total of 21 Personally. Because we were afraid of causing unnecessary trouble in advance, although we arrived before them, we did not come out to meet them directly. Instead, Hephaestus first greeted them to a special Conference Hall until the 20th. I entered Conf only after everyone was there Erence Hall, and Hephaestus left the Conference Hall and went outside the lava crypt to let us out.

Until now, the 21 people in front of me don’t even know that I asked them to explain Poseidon’s identity. Until now, they thought I was looking for them to provide feedback. Because they had talked to Aphrodite about job-hopping before, the judgment we gave was that Poseidon was threatened, and they wanted me to prove it. In the end, I went to Poseidon, but the result was not to ask about Poseidon’s difficulties, but to find a different Poseidon, and none of these 21 people knew about this. I thought I was here to explain Poseidon's attitude to them.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the room here, the Guardian Gods of the Seven Sea God Pillars over there immediately surrounded me, and then started everyone talking at once and asked me exactly what Poseidon thought. And asked if Poseidon was controlled by Zeus holding the handle as previously guessed.

Faced with these over-enthusiasm Guardian Gods, I could only reach out to stop their random speeches. After reassuring them to their seats, I began to say: "Okay, please don't you." t be impatient. Since I have found you all, I will naturally give you an explanation, but you must be quiet during this period." After a pause, I saw no one talking below, so I continued: "When you contacted us before We have analyzed the situation at the time, and the result is that Poseidon may be controlled by Zeus, so he will be indifferent to everyone's temptations."

"Is that right? Huh?" A Guardian God's deputy couldn't help but asked out loud.

For his question, I directly answered nodded in the affirmative. "Yes, our guess is correct."

With a buzzing sound, it seemed as if the pot was half-boiled, and all of the 21 Divine Race excitedly stood up, and suddenly said something. , And then one after another asked me what it was that made Poseidon dare not resist.

I first stretched out my hands to make a downward pressure motion, until the Conference Hall became quiet again, I said: "This handle is actually quite amazing, and before that, I want to tell you a fact. That's what you thought was a secret appointment with Aphrodite. Actually Poseidon knew about it a long time ago."

"What?" The meeting place was in chaos again, but soon returned to normal. .

When the venue became quiet again, I continued: "Do you think Poseidon is stupid?" Everyone shook their heads unanimously, and I continued: "Since you also know that Poseidon is not stupid, Could it be that he didn't respond at all to your previous temptations?" When everyone heard what I said, they all began to look forward to me, but soon they looked towards me again and shook their heads. After they figured it out, I continued: "Since you also know that he is impossible to find your hint, do you think he will not pay more attention to you at all? Actually Poseidon thought about quitting before you hinted. It’s just because of that handle that has not been able to execute. Later you test his tone, and he knows that you have the same idea, but he can’t change jobs because of the handle, so he can only let you leave. Later, you met with Afu. She actually knew all about Roddite, even he knew many of the details in that meeting. But your behavior is what Poseidon hopes to see, so he did not stop you at all, but pretended to be I don’t know anything."

Slap...A Guardian God at the scene suddenly slapped himself, and his voice was loud and harsh. Although the other Guardian Gods and their deputies did not beat themselves, they just The slap was like slapped on their own faces, and everyone's faces instantly turned red.

Seeing that the atmosphere is so depressing, I quickly said: "Don’t be too busy to blame yourself. In fact, Poseidon doesn’t blame you at all, otherwise he won’t look at you traitors without doing anything to stop him. "

The Guardian God of the first pillar of God heard this and suddenly asked: "Then do you know what the master Poseidon has to be caught by Zeus? If there is a solution, even sacrifice Lose ourselves, and must let Master Poseidon leave."

Listening to him, other Guardian Gods also expressed their willingness to exchange for Poseidon’s chance to escape. It was quite a while. Moving, I guess Poseidon would be very pleased to see this scene before him. Of course, even if you can't see her, she must have been crying rustling soundly. After all, she is outside the door, and the door is not very thick. I guess she has heard it.

Ignore what Poseidon thinks, I first comforted the emotional Guardian Gods, and then I began to explain: "In fact, this handle is quite special, and it cannot be solved by your dedication. Problem, but I have solved more than half of the problem. As long as you can overcome the remaining ideological obstacles, then this matter will be resolved 80 to 90%."

"Thought obstacles? What ideological obstacles?" "Several Guardian Gods looked at me in surprise and asked.

"This is the ideological disorder I want to talk about." I snapped my fingers in the direction of looked towards the door, and then the door opened in response. I saw that Ling Banfu and half pushed the tears still The completely dry Poseidon was pushed in.

Seeing two women suddenly coming in at the door, most of the Guardian God gang was taken aback, because they didn't know the two. However, not everyone at the scene did not recognize these two, because there was a Guardian God whose jaw was already apparently shocked at this time.

After entering the room, Ling closed the door and stood behind me, while Poseidon stood there a little at a loss, not knowing what to say. However, just when those Guardian Gods were going to ask me why I let a woman in, the Guardian God of the Third Sea God Pillar suddenly walked out of the crowd. She walked quickly to Poseidon, then looked around her up and down for more than ten seconds, and then tentatively asked: "Are you... Lord Poseidon?"

Seeing the other party's gentle nodded, the audience was once again caught in an explosion, and this time it was obviously messier than last time, and everyone's emotions seemed to be out of control in an instant.

"Hey, Mossana, what are you talking about?" After the surrounding Guardian God reacted, they surrounded the Guardian God who had just recognized Poseidon loudly. Questioned.

"That...actually I can't be completely sure, but...but...this is probably Poseidon-sama." Mosanna explained with some uncertainty. Although she knew that Poseidon was a woman's business, she only knew that there was such a thing, and she had also seen the true face of the Avatar of Poseidon's water, but she had never seen the real wave. Saidon's body, therefore, she only knew a little bit better than others, and suddenly saw the real Poseidon, she still couldn't turn around. But fortunately, Poseidon had used Avatar to simulate the image of his ontology before showing Mossana. Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome to make them believe that this is Poseidon.

The other Guardian Gods around didn’t think that this would be Poseidon's body, even more how Mossana, the only one who said this was Poseidon, was not firm in what she said, so those Guardian Gods I don't believe it even more. However, when they started asking Mosanna about what happened to everyone talking at once, Poseidon did something. She suddenly stretched out a finger, and then she saw a blue dot of light suddenly lit up on the tip of that finger, and then the dot began to flicker and beating, and at the same time, as the dot of light gleamed , The circles of blue ripples gradually spread with each sparkle of the light spot. At the same time, there seems to be a regular sound like a bell in the air. This crisp ringtone follows the aperture. The circles spread out, and it feels like a mother's caress, which makes people feel peaceful and calm.

However, although this fluctuation makes people feel quite comfortable, and it also carries a kind of calming power, but several Guardian Gods in the field are breathing more and more quickly, some of them Even his face was not right. Finally, one of the beautiful women who looked at her with a slightly incredulous look at her in front of her asked uncertainly: "Who on earth are you? Why did Lord Poseidon breathe in the ocean?"

" It turns out that this is ocean breathing? Sure enough, the name is not in vain." Ling whispered behind me, I took the opportunity to ask before I realized that this trick is not a simple spell, but a super powerful trick. Control field spell. This trick is called Ocean Breathing, and only Poseidon can use it, and the scope can be large or small, and it can even directly take effect on a certain person, which can be described as freely controlled. And the effect of this spell... Basically, it is a hybrid spell of a super-wide Domain of God plus a directional forbidden magic.

Domain of God is easy to understand. It is a super recovery technique. As long as your personnel within this range can get rapid healing, it is equivalent to range recovery technique, and it can be used from the first to the end of the field. Interval treatment without interruption at all. As for the directional forbidden area, this one is more perverted. The forbidden field is easy to understand, that is, any spell is forbidden in this field. The directional forbidden domain is to specify who is forbidden and who can't help it. If it is a pure forbidden domain, it means that the enemy is not divided between the enemy and the enemy. The opponent can't use spell and neither can one's own side. At most, you can prepare more melee power because you know this effect in advance, so it's cheaper. However, the directional forbidden field is a selective forbidden, and there are many ways to choose. You can specify which range of spells are forbidden, which range is not forbidden, or you can specify that someone cannot use magic, someone can use it, or even specify a certain range of spells that can be used, and some cannot be used. Once such a perverted ability is unfolded, unless you are heads-up against others, as long as you bring a few more teammates, it is absolutely no problem to kill the enemy.

Because this spell formidable power is huge and it is Poseidon's trump card skill, the audience was shocked when this skill came out. Those Guardian Gods who don't believe in this will also start to become uncertain, but even if they are a little confused, they will not be so rash to think that the person in front of them is Poseidon's, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

"Okay, well, everyone, please calm down first. I know this thing is amazing, so it's better to let me, an outsider, explain it." They are almost arguing over there. , I just walked out to make everyone quiet.

These Guardian Gods are all counting on joining us in the Frost Rose League in the future, so to them I am their future boss, so I still have to give my face. Besides, this situation is indeed a little messy for them, so they can only listen to me, go back and sit down and wait for me to give them an explanation.

After these people were seated, I started to tell these Guardian Gods about the Avatar of Water I saw after seeing Poseidon and the information I got after arriving at the Iron Empire. After comparing the words that Poseidon said before, many doubts in the middle are all clear. In addition, because Mosanna, the Guardian God of the Third Sea God Pillar, had long known that Poseidon was a mermaid, this matter didn't seem so unbelievable for the time being. Of course, it’s really hard to convince those Guardian Gods that their boss with a cheeky face turned out to be a pretty girl, but at least they’ve already believed in it rationally, and as long as they If you believe it, the rest will be easy. After all, we are telling the truth, and we are not lying to them, so as long as they believe it now, their doubts will gradually be resolved afterwards. After all, this person is indeed the real Poseidon.

After a while of discussion, as the temporary boss here, the Guardian God of the First Sea God Pillar stood up and said to Poseidon and me: "Well, I have to admit, you convinced us. We decided to believe that you are our Lord Poseidon for the time being, but this is only our temporary trust. As for how to confirm the final confirmation, we think there is actually the simplest, direct and most irrefutable way of proof."

As soon as Poseidon heard that there was a way to prove his identity completely, he immediately stepped forward excitedly and grabbed the other person’s shoulders and asked excitedly: "If there is such a way, why didn't you say it earlier? Tell me , Let’s prove it now."

After Poseidon finished speaking, the other party didn’t say that method, but suddenly laughed, then knelt down on one leg and bowed to Poseidon. "I respect Master Earth Seagod. Although there is indeed such a method, we no longer need to verify your performance just now. If you are really a fake, then you definitely don’t want to have a way to distinguish between true and false. The method exists, but your performance just now made you eager to prove yourself, which shows that you are not worried about being seen through. In other words, you are the real Poseidon, so you are not afraid of verification at all."

Hearing the answer from the other party, Poseidon immediately helped him up with excitement, but looking at her subordinates in front of her, she held back for a long time and didn't say a word. She was obviously excited and didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Poseidon is so excited, 80% don’t know how to speak, so I took the topic and said: "Although you have believed that this is the real Poseidon, I think it still proves It’s good, so please tell us how to prove it, so that everyone can feel more at ease before they can be more united."

The first Guardian God over there replied when he heard this: "In fact, this method is very Simple, as long as Master Poseidon goes to get the divine force core of our Poseidon system to the Frost Rose League."

When I heard the other party’s words, I snapped my head and said: "Damn! What am I? Forget this?"

The Divine Force core stores part of the Divine Soul of the members of the Divine Race, and most of the Divine Soul in the Divine Force core can not only absorb the Power of Faith In addition to the role of divine force, there is no control over the core of divine force itself. There is only one Divine Race that can really control the core of divine force, that is, the boss of this Divine Race, the Controller of the core of divine force. This person can manipulate the divine force core at will, and does not require any incantation or control methods. As long as you think carefully, the divine force core will respond. This is the power of the main god, and no one else can surpass it. You can destroy, suppress, or even disassemble and absorb the divine force core of other Divine Races, but you just can't control it. This is a system setting, and no existence in the game can change this basic rule. Therefore, as long as Poseidon can control the divine force core of the Poseidon family, she can only be the genuine Poseidon, because you can fake everything else, but the soul stone is absolutely impossible to fake.

With this method at the bottom, the Guardian Gods present have basically believed that the Poseidon in front of them is the real Poseidon, and in Poseidon they expressed their hope to lead them to collectively jump to After our Frost Rose League came, these guys' support for Poseidon went to a higher level.

After fully believing in Poseidon, the Guardian God of the First Sea God Pillar suddenly said: "But we can't believe in you! We have to find a way to get Kameda and Exus? We? The divine force core of the Poseidon system is still in the main Poseidon Pillar on the Sea God Temple. If Exus and Kameda don’t believe you, we simply can’t reach the Poseidon Pillar, right? Even if we have the ability to force it in, But killing each other for this kind of misunderstanding is not worthwhile!"

"This is indeed a trouble!" Poseidon sighed with a headache. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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