If you really want to cooperate in a complete merger, it is indeed the most beneficial way for both parties as a whole. However, as far as the leaders themselves are concerned, they usually don’t like mergers. If the two forces are merged into one, then the leadership of one party will become a low-level existence. In this case, the other party You will lose your status, which is something that many people find difficult to accept.

Sure enough, these people from the Iron Empire are not Saints who are not interested in mundane affairs. Besides, even Saints are self-interested. These people fell into silence after I finished talking. They didn't want to cooperate, but they felt that their status would disappear if they merged, which made them feel a little unacceptable.

Of course I know what they are worried about, but I don’t have any plan to appease them. Unless they figure it out, it’s useless for me to say anything. Of course, if I give them some practical benefits, it might be possible for them to agree to the merger soon, but I don't think it is worth sacrificing the interests of our guild for these people. No matter how rich the Frost Rose League is, it is not spent like that.

"You have to think about it. If you miss this opportunity, the next time the alien creatures may not come to talk to you about the alliance."

My reminder At the right time, they interrupted the thinking of several people over there, and then several people gathered together and muttered quietly for a while. In the end, it was the president's nodded expression of grief and indignation that he accepted the merger. Although these guys have considered personal gains and losses, in the end they wisely chose to give up their rights and seek practical benefits. Although cooperation with us is a temporary loss of power, their vital interests will be improved more. If they refuse to cooperate, even if I will not immediately turn their faces, their situation is unlikely to last for a long time. After all, apart from the natural fog barrier outside the island, this place is really a big cake. Everyone wants to take a bite. Before they relied on their own technical prowess to expel Zeus, that is not to say that they really have the ability to compete with Divine Race, but because Zeus itself has been weakened by the system abroad a lot, and at that time they relied on a complete firepower network to deal with it. Zeus alone, even if Zeus himself didn’t want to fight them hard, it was due to multiple reasons that the illusion that the Iron Empire defeated Zeus finally came into being. I guess I’m going to have another alien creature next time, let alone Divine Race, even if it’s one. High level giant dragons, not to mention Tudao, destroying their defensive net is definitely no problem.

Since the other party agreed to the merger, the next thing is simple. Taking into account the special environment here, I plan to turn this island into a forward base for our guild in the Mediterranean area. As for the residents of the Iron Empire, naturally they will move to Isengard or other cities of the guild. .

Iron Empire’s technological R&D strength is pretty good, and the level of education is quite high, so the country’s talent pool can be regarded as a resource, but Iron Empire’s humans seem to have Innate defects in physical fitness, so This race is not suitable for direct combat. Although their technical weapons have greatly reduced the requirements of the human body in the war, they are only reduced in any case, and not completely ignored. Therefore, if other races use the weapons of the Iron Empire, they should be able to increase significantly. battle strength.

Considering the above reasons, I think this group of people in the Iron Empire is completely a logistic race. The most suitable place for them to stay is the large rear without war. Based on this kind of thinking, I think the most suitable place for them might be the new continent floating island research base, or Isinger, Steel City is also a good choice. But I personally think it’s best to put it in Isinger. After all, not all of the people in the Iron Empire are good at doing research, so it seems inappropriate to send them all to a pure research center like Floating Island, at most. Just send the high level technicians among them and it's almost the same.

Because I still have to deal with the Olympus Divine Race side, so I cannot personally supervise the merger on the Iron Empire side. After reaching an agreement, the first thing is to arrange for Isengard to send a transnational Transmission Formation as soon as possible. As for the subsequent work, naturally someone in the guild will take care of it. Large-scale guilds like our Frost Rose League have a detailed division of labor. As the president, I only need to come forward to make decisions when major problems arise. Actually, there are not many things that require me to be personally responsible.

Isinger was preparing for a total war on the Olympus Divine Race, but after hearing me that the steel empire had spaceship technology, Rose couldn’t help but directly use love. Ring teleported to me, and by the way, she also used her phoenix dragon to bring the Transnational Transmission Formation, which was equivalent to establishing a direct passage from the Iron Empire to Isengard in an instant.

Because of the small area of ​​the steel empire, Transmission Formation this thing is meaningless to them, so they have never been exposed to the related technology of Transmission Formation. Now they see that this large Transmission Formation is also quite Curious, but just like I don’t understand the magic technology of the Iron Empire, they are also completely confused about the Transmission Formation technology of our guild. Fortunately, the transnational Transmission Formation was completely adjusted before it was sent over, so Simply do not need to do any more settings, just install it and you can use it.

As soon as the transnational Transmission Formation was completed, Eagle and Hong Yue, the leaders of the guild, were the first to pass it over. After a brief chat with me, they were introduced to the Iron Empire. Those high-level executives, but according to the agreement, their specific positions are still uncertain for the time being. Whether they will become ordinary persons or continue to take up leadership roles in the future depends on their abilities. If their personal abilities are really strong, It is not impossible to assume a more powerful position than before in the Iron Empire. After all, the size of our Frost Rose League is much larger than that of their Iron Empire. So even if we serve as a lower-level commander on our side, we may be more powerful than the President of the Iron Empire. It's all big.

After Eagle and Hong Yue came out, they began to drill here in Transmission Formation, but the first ones who came here were not the reconstruction team, but the bosses of various scientific research institutes, including two Weijiaha archmage and our little beauty Norin.

"Where are the people?" As soon as the old fogey from the research institute came out of the Transmission Formation, he swarmed towards me, and then whether I knew it or not, he just grabbed me and asked Where is the person.

Shocked by the imposing manner of these old men, I didn't know how to answer them at all. I could only point to their backs and sell the original high-levels of the Iron Empire.

Though the steel empires are also based on technology, they have never seen our guild like this no matter how much they attach importance to technology. When they saw the old men rushing over, they thought they were here for a fight. One of the high-ranking officials in charge of the economy was so scared that they were about to turn around and run away. But he didn't run because he didn't want to run, but because he wasn't fast enough. As soon as he had an intention, he was caught by the fastest Norin.

The directors of other technical departments are old man. Although they are now in a state of madness, they are also old man no matter how mad. The speed is impossible faster than Noreen, and they are also constructed. A creature, and it is a fully personified construct creature with a higher level than a mobile angel. We even thought of her as some kind of humanoid creature. Simply didn't expect that she would be a troll puppet.

Because the two Jiahas inherited the memory of the real Jiaha, they all know how terrifying Noreen is. Just now they were doing experiments on the new continent floating island. Suddenly they listened to the guild’s announcement that a lot of technical talents and high-end technologies had been discovered here, and the research departments were asked to come over to divide the technology and personnel. Originally, these scientific madmen were not interested in anything other than research, but when they heard that they were divided into technology and researcher, the gang of scientific madmen immediately ran away, and then all rushed over as if they were beaten up with blood. . Although the two Jiahas are also excited, they are old monsters who have lived for many years after all, so before they came out, they thought that they might not be fast enough, so they called Noreen too.

Norraine's usefulness was revealed at this time. The high-ranking steel empire in charge of the economy felt saw a flash before he could run, and then was held down by someone, and then Noreen asked directly to him: "Are you a researcher?"

< p>The high-level man was frightened, and for a while forgot to resist, she shook her head and said: "I am not."

Norraine immediately asked: "Where are the technicians and research materials? "

"In...in...you ask him, he is in charge of technology."

The Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, a high-level person in charge of the economy, throws all the trouble away. I took it to the senior who was in charge of technology, but there was a buffer before, this one has already reacted, knowing that this is our guild to receive their technical department personnel, so he directly and generously said: "I will show you the way. Well, the merger decision has just come down, and it hasn’t been notified yet. Didn’t expect you to arrive so soon. If I don’t pass, those people won’t go with you."

"Then give me Let me show you the way.” After Norin finished speaking, she directly clipped the person in charge of the technology under her arm, and then oh la la turned out a metal backpack behind her back, and followed the backpack to unfold a pair of metal wings composed of countless metal pieces. Suddenly two billowing objects that looked like large soda bottles popped out from the lower part of the backpack, and then listened to a boom. With two plumes of smoke, Nuolin directly caught the one and shot out like a missile, leaving only what was left. The screams that gradually disappeared into the distance.

Looking at the plume of smoke reaching far away, listening to the screams that disappeared from the ears, the remaining three senior executives wiped out the cold sweat directly, sighing in their hearts that fortunately, I am not in charge of technology. Unfortunately, they seem to have forgotten something.

"Hello, I am the commander-in-chief of the NPC Legion of the Frost Rose League, Oste Vader. May I ask which one of you is in charge of the military? I need to check the status of the army here and reorganize it."


The next time is basically like ants moving. The iron empire speaking of which is not big, but there are tens of thousands of people and an entire island. It was that Tianyang was completely evacuated without even seeing the second day.

How come the people in our guild are like bandits? Could it really be that I had robbed too much in the past and left a bad cultural atmosphere for the guild? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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