Although I prayed that the spaceship of the Iron Empire is not just a bunch of flying ships, it is clear that the fellow Jehovah did not help. By the way, some time ago, I just hacked the temple mount of others, so if I can listen to my prayers, it would be a hell. Therefore, spaceship = a flying ship is unfortunately established.

The spaceship of the steel empire is completely modeled on the European galleons of the great nautical era, but compared with the ships in the sea, the spaceship is significantly smaller in volume.

There are actually more than one kind of spaceships in the Iron Empire. The smallest of them is about the size of a lifeboat. It’s not bad if you can fit eleven or two people in it when you are full. The most common model is a flat-bottomed boat with a length of about 20 meters and two layers of cabins. It seems that I don't want a battleship, but I really want a ferry in the river.

Of course I am not interested in this kind of boat, but fortunately, there is no big guy here. There are actually three large ships in the airport. It is said that this is the largest model of the Iron Empire and the capital ship of the Iron Empire Aviation Fleet.

The appearance of this battleship is obviously much more beautiful than the conventional spaceship. The blue-based hull is equipped with many golden patterns, which looks quite gorgeous. The structure of the battleship is completely designed in accordance with the European-style galleon structure, except that there is no sail on the top of the deck, it is basically the same as a surface ship.

According to the information provided by the muscular man, the length of this spaceship is 70 meters and the width is more than 30 meters. It is not as slender as modern battleships, but rather fatter. There are 5-Layer cabins inside the hull, and the bottom fourth layer is all composite cabins, that is, the cabin in the center of the cabin is isolated separately for stacking materials. There are two rows of artillery along both sides of the outer hull, facing the left and right sides of the hull. This is the same as the galleon, except that the artillery deck of the European galleon is placed on the uppermost layer, while the artillery of the spaceship is At the bottom. But think about it, the sailboat is sailing in the water. Putting the gun higher will help you get a greater range and a better view. At the same time, the running gate above the water is not easy to enter the water. However, the spaceship of the Iron Empire does not need to be launched at all, and their main job is to attack the ground rather than air combat, so the lower the gun position, the better.

Except for the fourth layer cabin below, the Fifth Layer cabin above is basically where the personnel housing area and the flight power mechanism are located, and the structure here is also composite like the bottom layer. The power mechanism is in the center of the hull, and the outer circle is the residential area. Up to the top is Deck Zeng. This is basically the same as a normal sailing boat, but because there are no sails, there are no spider web cables, which looks refreshing.

"How Young Sect Master guns does your ship have?" I asked as I walked around the outside of the ship.

The muscular man immediately replied: "There are 128 side cannons on the fourth layer deck. There are two giant cannons at the bow, and there are also ten Six Sects of the same type as the side cannons at the stern."

When the muscular man talked about guns, I remembered the kind of shore defense guns on the coast. The formidable power of that thing is still fresh in my memory. "Is the cannon you mentioned the kind of cannon mounted on the coast?"

"No, it's not." The muscular man shook his head quickly when he heard it, "The circle on the coast is a coastal defense gun. It’s too big for the spaceship to carry so much. The two giant guns on the bow I just mentioned are that kind of guns, but they’re bigger than the shore defense guns you’ve seen. Both the sides of the hull and the stern are used It is a medium-sized artillery, and its range and formidable power are incomparable with that of magic guns. In addition, there are several shotguns on the deck, which are used to suppress personnel during the war, but we are currently considering whether to abandon this This kind of deck gun, because it seems that I have never used it."

"It sounds pretty good, but with so many guns, does your ship move?"

"There is no problem with the air magic stone in terms of lift. However, because the lift of the air magic stone is relatively slow to adjust, the maneuverability is not very good, but it is enough if it is only used for ground attacks."

I shook my head and said, "Of course it is enough for you to stay here without contact with the outside world, but if our guild also uses air magic stones to make spaceships, it won't work. The sky is not just for us. Many of our enemies can fly. If our ship doesn’t have the ability to fight in air, it’s basically a waste!"

The muscular man said helplessly: "Of course we also know that this can’t work. But the technical problem cannot be solved, we can only use it like this first."

The old man suddenly said, "The technical information provided by you in the technical field, we will definitely have a significant improvement in the future. , It’s just that many things can’t be solved by technology alone. Although we live on this island protects us from the invasion of external organisms, we are also trapped here, so the various ores and other products outside We simply can't get it, but with this little resource on the island, even if we have the technology, we can't make many good things."

When the old man said that, the fatty who rarely interrupted immediately immediately Then he said: "Yes, President Purple Moon, our island is too closed. We didn't want to go out before. Later, after contacting some powerful creatures from the outside world, we finally realized that we will stay here sooner or later. We are invaded by powerful creatures from outside and defeated by them, and what is waiting for us at that time will be a huge disaster that may exterminate the dead, so we hope that President Purple Moon can consider to see if you can give us some assistance?"< /p>

"What kind of assistance do you want?" The other party took me around the city for nearly a day, and now they finally put forward their ideas, but I guess this is also related to my performance just now. When I visited before, I had always been quite indifferent to the things of the Iron Empire. The things they thought I would startled did not scare me, but just now, I showed some different emotions when I saw their spaceship. , And this is exactly why they said the request at this time. Because they finally found what I was interested in.

The so-called strange goods can live, if I have no interest in the things of the steel empire, then they are eager to surrender and can only be mixed with a dispensable side force, so although they have the intention to cooperate before They didn't take the initiative to say it until they just saw that I was interested in spaceship. They finally realized their value, and as long as they are valuable to us, the treatment after turning to us will naturally be different.

That fatty didn’t rush to answer after I asked what kind of cooperation I wanted, but said: “I don’t dare to talk about this kind of thing. I believe that with the ingenuity of President Purple Moon I should be able to feel our willingness to cooperate. I just want President Purple Moon to give us a clear attitude. If you really have the meaning of cooperation and have a promising way of cooperation, you may wish to consider the specific content carefully. The evening banquet may be a good place to talk about things."

Everyone is smart. The work of the three guides is just to ask for my clear attitude depending on the situation, so that their senior staff can prepare in the evening. Good corresponding information to facilitate in-depth communication. Well, now that things have been clearly stated, the work of the three guides is basically completed. Of course, apart from sending two guards to report on the situation, the others still stayed with me to continue to visit the airport.

To tell the truth, the technology of the Iron Empire is really lame and very difficult to deal with. They have achieved outstanding results in the technology they are good at. Many things are two or three generations ahead of our guild’s technology. There are many, but some other technologies make it unreasonable to be backward. I attribute this imbalance to the narrow repercussions. Because of the narrow land area and few mineral resources, they simply have not seen many special materials, and science and technology are basically based on materials science. If you don’t have any basic ore for training, the upper-level technology will naturally not be developed. Therefore, they can only concentrate all the technology on those disciplines supported by ore. As a result, the entire technological system of the Iron Empire is a cripple on one foot, with some technologies. The cows are terrible, but some are completely improvising.

Without the task, the words of the three guides are a lot more than before, especially the old man. I always thought this guy was a bit dementia before, but now it seems that he is not dementia, but because there is something in his heart, he is not good at this kind of communicative behavior with double goals, so he has always been a little nervous. Now without these restrictions, the old man has become more talkative than the muscular man, but his talkative direction is all technical. According to the muscular man, the old man seems to be their high-level scientific researcher here, which is very local. A well-known scholar, having him is basically equivalent to bringing a technical encyclopedia of the Iron Empire.

Under the guidance of the old man, we boarded one of the large-scale spaceships, and then entered the cabin to visit it. There is still a big difference between the actual observation inside the ship and the impression constructed by listening to the commentary outside the ship. For example, at first, I thought that the deck of the fourth layer in the spaceship was all high, large and wide, but after I went in, I found out that the deck with artillery on the fourth layer below was very low, although I didn’t have to lower my head to drill in it. , But you can really reach the ceiling by reaching out.

In addition, the artillery on the flying battleship also surprised me quite a bit. Because I have seen the preconceived impression of the shore defense guns of the Iron Empire, I always thought that these so-called side guns were also huge magic guns with formidable power, but when I actually saw it, I realized that the side guns they used were actually. It's really a cannon, and it's a front-loading type.

"Is this artillery too bad?" I looked at the blackened artillery in front of me and asked the old man in disbelief: "Don't you have magic cannons? Why use artillery? ? Even if I have to use it, can’t I install it afterwards?"

The old man was replied after I was asked: "We do have magic cannons. You just saw it in the bow of the ship. It’s magic. The gun, but the thing is too big, although the formidable power is big enough, but if we install all that kind of things, we can only install 20 weapons in a ship, and we can’t install other weapons. In comparison, Although the artillery is far inferior to the magic cannon in terms of formidable power and range, it is light enough and can be easily pulled up a lot, so for the purpose of vitality density, we gave up the magic cannon and used artillery. As for what you said What kind of rear-mounted cannon, does it mean to load shells from behind the cannon?"

Obviously the old man didn’t even know what the rear-mounted cannon was, and I introduced him to the rear-mounted cannon and the front-mounted cannon. After the technical difference of the gun, the old man actually replied: "Although I now know what a rear-mounted gun is, our steel empire still cannot use the rear-mounted gun, because we can’t seal the barrel. If we use the rear-mounted gun, we The artillery can not only leak the bottom fire, but it may also explode."

At first, I was wondering why the steel empire did not have to use the front-mounted cannon instead of the rear-mounted cannon. Now I listen to the old man’s explanation. It immediately understood. The impression that the steel empire gave me before seemed to be very advanced in science and technology, but in fact it was an illusion. Their technology is completely based on magic technology, and the biggest difference between magic technology and real technology is that magic technology requires almost zero parts accuracy.

For example. In reality, if you want to make a large windmill, the bearing part of the windmill must be very precise to ensure that the bearings will not wear out due to the lack of roundness when rotating. In addition, the blades of the windmill must also be precise, because if the windmill is The weight of the blade and the installation angle are not symmetrical, so when the blade rotates, it will continue to generate biased traction, causing the bearing to continuously hit the surrounding fixing mechanism under the huge torsion force and eventually cause metal fracture or severe wear. These things seem unremarkable, but they actually affect the operation of the windmill, and the larger the volume of the windmill and the greater the wind at its location, the higher the requirements for this accuracy will be.

But what happens if you use the magic windmill instead? First of all, we can replace the bearings with the suspension array and the static force field array, so the wind blades of the windmill can be completely separated from the host. Then, since the blades and the transmission device itself are not in contact, then what is the wear and tear? Let alone the irregular structure, it doesn't matter if the butt part of the blade and the transmission rod is round or square. Anyway, they only rely on static force field to transmit power, and there is no direct contact at all, and the shape is meaningless. As for the blade or something, the same situation is true. There is no impact if there is no contact. As long as the weight of the blade is too ridiculous and the entire blade is thrown out, there is basically no problem.

There are actually many situations like this in the game. Generally speaking, the magic technology has no requirements for accuracy or very low requirements. The iron empire is good at magic technology, so their precision processing ability is quite bad. Although it may be good compared to other places, it is true if it is judged by the standards of a technological power. Can't see it.

This post-installation cannon seems very simple to us, but it is a big trouble for the Iron Empire. Their precision control technology is inadequate, so if rear-mounted guns are used, the gun doors are most likely to be unsealed. This is also the reason why their submarines did not dare to use iron shells before, because they are afraid that the seals will leak.

In fact, even if the accuracy problem is solved, the strength of the steel empire may not be able to make a rear-mounted gun, because their metal materials are not strong enough. Although magic technology does not require as low precision as for material processing, it is definitely not much higher. Therefore, the metal smelting technology of the Iron and Steel Empire is also quite backward. Their metal strength is very low. It is not high, so it can withstand it. If a large-caliber rear cannon is designed, the explosive formidable power will go up, and the cannon will be dead. If the formidable power is lowered, what is the need to install the gun?

Because I proposed a series of benefits of after-loading cannons, the old man always wanted to coax and pester with me about the after-loading artillery technology, but at the end I told him about their processing accuracy. If they can't come up, even if they lose a blueprint to them, they still can't get a post-installation gun. Even if it is forced to manufacture, it is a defective product of the castrated version. Although these words stopped the old man from pestering me, it completely stunned him. As a result, after disembarking, the old man returned to his previous state and began to pretend to be dumb.

Although the time of one afternoon is not short, the Iron Empire is a small country after all. We just want to visit it and it will be almost at night.

According to what I said before, the high-level steel empire hosted a banquet in the evening. Although Poseidon was unwilling, I was still pulled over. Of course, she is not the protagonist, just to show Politeness. After all, this is my welcome party and her farewell party.

Although the steel empire has a small area and a small population, the scale of the banquet at night is not small at all. I guess at least three-four hundred people will attend. Probably the entire steel empire’s management is on duty. All the things that can't be left are here.

The opening of the banquet was naturally a nutritious scene and time. Everyone expressed their feelings, and then started the formal banquet. However, after the banquet started, I left the venue with the real leader of the Iron Empire and was at the banquet venue. At the corner of the city, they specially prepared a small room. There are only four people in the room except me and Ling. These four are the actual leaders of the Iron Empire. Except for one president, the remaining three are responsible for the economy, military, and research. The status of the legal department of the Iron Empire is very low, because this country is a nation of soldiers, which means that the country is strictly speaking without civilians. In such a country, plus its own small population, many people know each other, and any two people in the country can get kinship through only three people. Such national laws are really useless.

"Well, a few of you, I have heard your thoughts from the guide you arranged for me in the afternoon, so let’s be straightforward now. With your steel empire, I do have the meaning of cooperation. , But I can only accept two ways."

"Please speak." The President of the Iron Empire said aloud.

I nodded and said: "The first way is to exchange technology, that is, to sell us all the valuable technologies in your country, and our guild provides equivalent technology, currency or Resources, this can be up to you."

"no no no, we don't want to sell technology!" Those from the Iron Empire shook their heads, obviously they were not willing to this plan.

Looking at their reaction, I went on to say: "Then, apart from the first one, the only way I can accept is complete merger!" (To be continued. If you like For this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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