If the magic crystal in the game is equivalent to a complex of oil and coal in reality, then the crystal matrix is ​​equivalent to an oil field or a coal mine, so it can be produced What is the baby equivalent to of Jade Mother?

Is this thing just a golden pen? It is obviously more powerful than the starting point. The crystal mother is already a hen that can lay golden eggs, and the unknown item that may exist in this way is probably the super golden hen that can produce golden eggs. How valuable is this?

"No, this thing must be obtained, and at all costs must also be obtained." I am now completely confused by what I have guessed. Even if we have money in Frost Rose League, one or two colorful magic crystals or crystal mothers don’t care, but this thing can produce colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers. That’s basically the difference between a banknote and a money printing machine. It’s so important. How can I give up something? No matter what the price is paid, I must find this stuff. Of course, the premise is that the thing really exists.

"Ling, if this thing really exists, where will it be?"

Although Ling is not very concerned about the bank’s funding problem, after all, this thing is The value is a bit outrageous, so much so that even Ling started to get serious.

"First of all, it can be determined that if this thing really exists, then it must be in this nightmare zone. Second, if it can indeed produce crystal mother and colorful magic crystal, then its surroundings must be There will be a large number of dense colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers. So, what we need to do is to search for every crystal mother or colorful magic crystal that can be found, and then mark their positions on the map, and finally find the crystals based on these found crystals. The distribution of mother and colorful magic crystal has advanced from low-density to high-density area, and finally you should be able to find this thing. Of course, if the last marked distribution map is a messy image with completely irregularities, then we are basically I can be sure that there is no such thing."

I nodded and said: "It makes sense, but in any case, we must first collect spar."

"That is inevitable. Yes."

Now that the method is determined, start acting immediately. Relying on the unlimited magic power now, I am bombarding and advancing like a bulldozer. I don’t know if it’s because my attacking force is too strong. The monsters around me always show up a lot, and every time I encounter a colorful magic crystal or crystal mother, the surrounding monsters will go crazy towards me. Rushing wildly here. From the crazy power of these monsters, I finally understand why it is called the Nightmare Zone. Think about it, even if I turned on the cheat mode like this, the state of unlimited magic is actually quite difficult. Those players who have been banned want to hack a monster and they will be tired and half dead, let alone so much? But thinking about it this way, it was not easy for the expedition to grab a piece of colorful magic crystal. After all, they didn't happen to be able to use magic like me. They grabbed the colorful magic crystal when it was completely forbidden. Of course, they all died in the end, this is also true, but the ability to grab something has already demonstrated their strength.

Although I was in a hurry every time I was attacked by a tsunami by monsters, the rogue tactics with unlimited magic power and ulterior tactics were finally supported. Of course, with such a great effort, the gain is considerable. After fighting continuously for almost eight hours, I felt that my body was a little too hot, so I had to find an area where monsters appeared less frequently and took a short break to cool my body. During this period, I checked my harvest within eight hours by the way. First of all, I picked up a total of sixteen colorful magic crystals and five crystal mothers in these eight hours. Regardless of adding one piece to only 21 pieces, you must know that these two things are equivalent to a micro-nuclear power plant that can be carried around, and the other is equivalent to an inexhaustible energy mine. How high do you think this is? So it is not too little to get 21 yuan in eight hours, but too much. This is simply pie falling from the sky. Of course, considering the sturdy packaging of this pie, not everyone has the ability to catch these pie and enjoy it. Those who dream of risking their death to grab a piece of colorful magic crystal or the crystal mother who can get rich overnight and eventually die here are directly killed by this pie. So, sometimes even if the pie falls in the sky, you can't eat it without the strength.

In addition to these colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers, my gains in these eight hours also include EXP and Soul Power. The battle strength of these mist souls is very weak, and they have almost no other abilities except that they can be transformed into various devil beasts, and they are generally used for physical attacks after they are transformed into various devil beasts. Magic is a very isolated phenomenon. Moreover, these mist souls have not changed into giant dragons and the like. The largest monster that has appeared so far is just a creature the size of a polar bear. These mist souls, with the size of those small and medium-sized creatures, still have to fight with me, and now I am a big move, how can they rely on it? So in the end, it was a wave of death, and because the EXP of these guys is much stronger than their strength, the EXP I got here is also quite exaggerated, so that within eight hours I went up to Level 4.

What is the concept of Level 1 for two hours? Anyway, I haven't experienced this feeling much since the 100th level. Of course, it can’t be counted when taking the guild leader’s experience commission after the guild battle. I have never experienced this speed since I leveled up to 100 levels, not to mention that I am now more than two thousand levels. How much do you talk about this EXP? It’s no wonder that the wizard in the expedition team just added half-level experience to self-destruct at a time. If he was smart enough to gather all nearby monsters together and then rush to the monster pile to self-destruct, it might not be done at once. It is not a problem for him to return to Level 5. Of course, it is impossible to rely on these monsters to level up. Except for 24 hours when there is a magic short circuit like me, in other states, even if you are already at level 5,000, you are just a dead word when you come in, and there will be no second situation at all.

In addition to experience, I also smoked a lot of Soul Power during the battle. Hades’s Hades’s transformation effect is very good. Every time an enemy is killed, it will automatically absorb Soul Power, and these fog souls can also provide Soul Power, but the Soul Power they provide is not as crazy as EXP, and can only be regarded as normal. The level is similar to Soul Power that kills general devil beasts. However, because there are too many soul beasts here, they are very dense, and it is especially easy to kill, so eight hours also allowed me to collect a lot of Soul Power.

In fact, to get rid of the above gains, I also got something else here. For example... badges.

To be honest, this harvest is really surprising. The monsters in "Zero" generally do not explode equipment. Only humanoid creatures can directly explode equipment. Generally, monsters only explode materials, and then the equipment requires you to go to the smithy to synthesize the materials. This is the basic rule. However, when I was fighting here, I unexpectedly discovered that those mist souls would explode badges. Although the chance of appearance is very low, it is indeed exploding, and because the base of the fog soul I killed is relatively large, I actually got hundreds of badges within eight hours.

However, although I get a lot of badges, I don’t know how to use it. After appraising these badges using appraisal skills, you will find that the attributes are all the same. The attribute of each badge is written with a name, plus the words "need to trigger". The name of the badge is called the Fog Soul badge, and the attribute is completely invisible. I guess that the need to be triggered is the prompt message. It should be something that must be triggered before these badges can be used. It's just that the prompt is only four words, so I don't know how to trigger this thing at all now. Of course, I have tried methods such as dripping blood and rubbing three times. During the period, I even shouted two times to open the door. Anyway, I used all the methods I thought of, but it couldn't be triggered. But since this thing is an equipment item, it should be valuable. I didn’t plan to throw it if it couldn’t be triggered. It’s all put in a bag and hung on my body. Anyway, each badge is the size of a dollar coin, even if there are hundreds of them. It's not too much.

After taking a short break and confirming that the problem on my body has completely subsided, I started to move on again. Of course, the fog souls I encountered naturally increased when I moved, so my The speed of using magic power is also obviously rising. At this rate, it is estimated that I will have to rest again in another eight hours, because Ling said that when the body temperature exceeds the endurance limit, I will burn completely, and once the spontaneous combustion caused by the magic overload occurs, I have to burn it all out. It goes out, and that's almost the same as deleting the number myself, so I don't dare to try it. Every time I feel overheated, I will stop immediately. Fortunately, one break every eight hours is not too frequent.

Just as I continued to kill for more than two hours and collected three colorful magic crystals and a crystal mother, just as I was going to continue my efforts, a crystal on my body suddenly became violent. Shook up. I quickly took out this crystal from my body, and found that it was the receiving crystal corresponding to the distress crystal in the hands of the group of people I met earlier. At this time, the receiving crystal was vibrating violently at a frequency of once every two seconds, and a yellow beam of light lit up on the top of the crystal, pointing straight to my right front like a beacon at night.

"They actually used it!" I thought those people wouldn't use this thing, didn't expect them to actually use it. However, a promise is a promise. Since I gave it and they use it now, I must go.

"Mind Shockwave." As my skills were activated, a circle of invisible shock waves suddenly spread out, and the surrounding mist souls that besieged me died instantly. These guys themselves are like ghosts, so there is almost no possibility of avoiding mental attacks, and they must bear 100%. With the attribute points in my current combined state, using the formidable power of the mind impact is definitely not supported by these foggy souls, so a safety sector is cleared out in an instant.

"Hold on, hapless guys, don't hang up without waiting for me to arrive." After clearing the mist soul beside me, I said while following the guiding light on the crystal. Fly forward. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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