"Damn it, did Purple Moon lie to us? Why hasn't it been so long?" the young man in the besieged player squad asked.

"Impossible, Purple Moon will not ruin his reputation for this little thing of us. Maybe he hasn't received a signal from a long distance, maybe he is still on his way." Captain in the team struggling to kill. The surrounding monsters said.

speaking of which Their current situation is indeed dangerous, but it is not the kind of danger that will die soon. The battle strength of the Mist Soul is actually very general, and the reason why no one dared to come in is entirely because of the unkillable nature of the Mist Soul and the amount of horror. Even though a few of them died, they were all killed at first when they were attacked suddenly. Although the remaining eight people were injured, they were able to support one after they were relieved. It will still be okay.

Here Captain and the young man are talking, but the woman next to him is reminding: "Captain, I think we are better off breaking through than this."

"Go ahead and breakthrough Isn't that a courting death?" The young man was startled when he heard it. "We can't rush forward even if we don't rush out now!"

Compared with the youth, Captain's brain is obviously much smarter, and he reacted when the woman said it. "Yes, all rush forward."

"What? Captain, why are you crazy with the second sister?"

"Stupid." A guy next to him slapped the young man and reminded him "There are so many monsters here. We die no matter where we go, but more monsters means that there are colorful magic crystals or crystal mothers in the vicinity. As long as we can find a piece before the collective death, we are not dead in vain. A piece of colorful magic crystal with the worst quality can now be sold for more than 20 million outside. If it is the best one, it can easily reach hundreds of millions. The value of the crystal mother is about three to four times that of the colorful magic crystal. As long as you can find a colorful magic crystal Crystal, let alone our collective death, even if we all drop Level 3, it’s a bargain. Besides, Purple Moon doesn’t necessarily stop coming. What if someone is really far away and hasn’t arrived yet? Get colorful before he arrives. magic crystal, and then he will save our lives, aren’t these tens of millions just for nothing?"

Others have said so bluntly, this young man is not a real idiot, he reacted all of a sudden coming. "Yes! The second sister is smart! Then we rush forward."

——Five minutes later——

"Captain, did we break into the monster's den?" Why are there more and more monsters?" The young man who was quite in favor of coming over to grab the colorful magic crystal was already wounded at this time, and he was facing the attack of three monsters in turn, forcing him to be surrounded by perils in a hurry.

"Don't worry about the number of monsters, just rush forward." The woman who spoke before loudly reminded everyone around her. At this time, the situation is obviously different. At first, they can still gather together to resist, but because there are too many fog souls and there is a tendency to become more and more brutal, their team is about to fall apart. Several times, individual fog souls rushed into the team and almost broke up their team. If it weren't for their Captain's fighting back, they could barely restore the situation. The members of this congregation must have been divided and surrounded.

"Damn monster, I'm fighting with you!" A mage player whose arm was broken by a monster turned into a foggy soul suddenly lowered his head and rushed out of the human wall, and then slammed into it. In the monster pile. But even after entering the monster group, he still didn't stop, but rushed forward desperately while blocking the monster's attack with his rod. One can imagine how tragic it is for a mage to be attacked by many monsters in close quarters. Although he eventually rushed out of seven or eight meter away, this is the limit. Just as he tried to continue rushing forward, a monster suddenly bit his wrist with a stick, and then heard a cracking sound of skeleton cracking, and the guy’s only hand was directly bitten off. . Without the barrier of the staff, many monsters swarmed up, and then immediately drowned him in the pile of monsters. The players outside can only hear the guy shouting hoarsely: "Come on...Come on, come on, all of you rare beast...you are all going to die with Lao Tzu." After speaking, just listen to a loud explosion sound , A circle of red ripples suddenly swayed, and a large area of ​​the surrounding monsters was cleared instantly.

This is the only use of the wizard in the nightmare zone-human bombs.

Although the warriors can't kill the monster in the nightmare zone, they can temporarily destroy the monster's form, so the warrior's self-protection ability is stronger than that of the wizard. However, the use of magic is prohibited in this nightmare zone, so the wizard becomes a complete waste. However, although they cannot temporarily destroy the monster's form like the warrior, they have the ability to completely kill the monster-self-destruct. Although it is a bit more tragic and the punishment is a bit more serious, this is after all the real way to kill the monster, so you can't say whether the warrior is stronger or the wizard is stronger in the nightmare zone. After all, warrior can destroy monsters on the surface, but a monster will not die on the surface. Wizards can’t deal with monsters on the surface, but they have the ability to kill monsters. This can be considered a balance in disguise.

After the sacrifice of a mage, the front of the team immediately opened up a lot. The players knew that the opportunity was rare, so everyone did not waste the sacrifice of the mage, and took the opportunity to rush forward. Then...

Then everyone was dumbfounded.

& There are five or six colorful magic crystals scattered on the edge of their sight range in front of them. What’s more amazing is that these colorful magic crystals actually shine on themselves, which means that this is not the lowest colorful magic crystal. It is a superb, a superb colorful magic crystal that can cost one hundred million.

"Ah!" It's definitely not a good idea to wander on the battlefield. Everyone was dazzled by the colorful magic crystal in front of them, and they immediately paid the price. A few mist souls rushed into the crowd, and instantly threw down a few people and dragged them into the mist. When the others reacted, there were only five people left in the team. Then, after a rebellion, another person fell to the ground, and the whole team ended up with only four people left. Captain, the woman who spoke before, a young man, and a heavy armored Swordsman.

"Damn it, we'll all be done if this goes on!" The young man yelled and furiously attacked the monster in front of him, trying to protect himself.

Although Captain is also fighting the monster, he is trying to move towards the colorful magic crystal, and the heavy armor Swordsman and the woman are also following him trying to help. They all know that as long as they move over, even if they only get a piece and die, as long as the thing does not explode, then they will get rich. Although the level will drop slightly afterwards, it doesn’t matter at all. With this, they can buy better equipment and better medicines, so that their leveling speed can rise linearly, and they can completely reduce the level of loss. Make it up.

When the youth saw Captain, they didn’t answer at all, so they had to gritted their teeth while slashing monsters and moved to their side to help them break their backs. When the three people over there saw the youth coming to break them, they took Captain as the backbone. Advance forward. Because the four people have just sealed the four directions back to back, the battle strength has been significantly improved, at least there is no need to turn around to consider the threat behind, so the safety of the four people is temporarily guaranteed, and the Captain, which has been blocked by the monster and unable to move forward, has finally begun. He moved forward slowly, but his forward speed was still quite slow, insisting for nearly one minute, it only moved forward by less than one meter.

"No, so we won't be there at all!" The woman loudly shouted.

Captain is panting and looking at the colorful magic crystal which is only eight or nine meters away in front of him, and anxiously wants to speed up his advance, but no matter how hard he tries, he can barely move two steps to the limit. And as they move forward, the density and fighting style of the monsters are changing. They can clearly feel that the monsters are trying to stop them from moving forward, because the more they move forward, the more crazy the monsters become.

"No way, Captain, I can't stand it anymore!" The young man yelled loudly from behind, and as he yelled, a monster suddenly rushed in front of him. The youth strenuously chopped the monster's head in half with one blow, but just after the monster dissipated, the other monster came out from the atomized body of the previous monster that had not completely dispersed and threw him down. On the ground. The young man was pressed on the ground and could only use his hands to hold the monster’s neck to prevent him from biting himself, but the monster took the opportunity to grab his chest with his front paws, and instantly scratched the armor on his chest, blood and flesh. Silk kept rolling out, and seeing the young man was dying.

After the young man here was thrown down, the woman quickly turned around to try to rescue, by the way, temporarily blocked the monster behind, but when she turned around, there was a leopard-shaped devil beast immediately in the direction she was responsible for. She jumped past where she was standing, rushed to the back of the heavily armored Swordsman on the other side and scratched desperately.

Heavy-armored Swordsman was originally concentrating on dealing with the monster in front of him. He didn’t expect a monster to climb onto his head. When he was startled, he slowed his hands for half a beat, and he was caught by a monster. He passed through his defense zone and bumped into Captain who was leading him.

Captain reacted fairly quickly and blocked the monster, but when he looked back, he was bumped into his chest by a large monster up ahead. The whole person immediately hugged the monster. Roll together into a pile.

The woman didn't expect that she just turned around and caused such a big trouble, but now that she has done it, she should save the young man first, or else she will have so much trouble in vain? So she didn’t change her action, went up and kicked the monster lying on the young man’s body, and then killed a monster that had jumped up to make up for it in two blows. Finally, she pulled the young man back to the side of the heavy armored Swordsman, and the heavy armored Swordsman did this. Shi also got rid of the monster on his head, but he just regained his freedom. He didn't expect that a monster jumped out from behind a pile of monsters, and then flew over the heads of the previous monsters and hit it directly. On his chest. Even though he is a heavy armored Swordsman who is known for his strength and defense, he was smashed and staggered a few steps before he could barely stand still. It was only with his movement that the young man was exposed to the monster again. Before he could get used to it, he was caught by another one. The monster, who looked very strong, fell to the ground and bit the door. Fortunately, his helmet was more powerful. Although it was bitten, it was not completely deformed. It was just going on like this, and it was only a matter of time before it died.

The woman found that the young man was thrown down again and immediately attacked the monster that threw the young man down, but before she could start, the other monster touched her from behind and bit her On the left arm of the woman, the slashing sword that the woman was about to drop could only turn around and slashed on the monster, but she was bitten by another monster who touched her from the other side and dragged her thigh to the ground. The woman drew the sword back and slammed the hilt on the forehead of the monster who bit him and smashed it open, followed by kicking it on its stomach to kick the monster away, but before she could get up, she was already watching Then three monsters fell towards her from in midair. Obviously, no matter how she moves, don't expect to completely avoid these monsters in front of her. However, just as she covered her head and face with her instinctive hands and was about to wait for death, a miracle appeared.

Boom...A light ball flying from the side accurately hit the middle of the three monsters that fell towards her, and then the light ball exploded and blasted the other two to pieces together. As the three monsters were killed, the woman hurriedly jumped up from the ground, but when she was holding the sword and preparing to go desperately, she saw that the surrounding monsters were grinning and demonstrating in one direction, and there was a large area over there. The white ball of light flew around as if it was raining, and the monsters along the way would be blown to pieces as soon as they were touched. There was no monster that could withstand those attacks a little bit.

"Purple Moon, it is Purple Moon! Hold on, President Purple Moon is here to save us!" The woman finally recognized me flying in the air, and she hurriedly reminded her companions to hold on, if you die It was really unlucky at the last moment!

"We are here!" The young man didn't know where his strength was, and he broke free from under the monster and shouted desperately. Although Captain and the heavy armored Swordsman did not shout, they were relieved a lot.

Beyond the strange group on the other side, I was floating in the air like a bomber. There were dozens of light balls floating in front of me, and as long as a monster entered the range of sight, I was in the light ball. Immediately there will be one flying away from the formation, and then blasting that monster into fragments.

"It’s really troublesome, it’s so much." Seeing batch after batch of monsters around me die, I feel that floating mines are not enough, but my skills are not limited to floating mines, so I feel After the monster was a little too much, he changed his skills decisively and released a large-scale Spiritual Storm. The surrounding monsters suddenly seemed to go crazy and jumped around in place, and then many monsters bounced for a few times. Suddenly fell to the ground and decomposed into mist and burned. Although some did not collapse on the ground, they were limp and could no longer move.

Looking at the large area that was emptied around, I nodded with satisfaction and said: "Is that right?"

"Purple Moon, please help!" Seeing that I finally got rid of the monster's entanglement, the young man immediately waved his hand to me with excitement to indicate that they were there.

When I looked up and saw their location, I immediately flew towards them. Although the surrounding monsters were emptied, as long as the fog remains, new monsters can continue to be generated here. So when I moved there, the monsters on both sides were desperately moving towards the middle, but their speed was obviously not as fast as mine. Of course, I am not talking about movement speed, but attack speed. Just when the monsters rushed to the middle, a large number of lightning balls had already formed on my side and blasted out, instantly blasting the newly formed monster into scum.

I used floating mines to fight in other places because I wanted to experience the refreshing feeling of infinite magic, just like if you have a mobile arsenal by your side, all the weapons in it are infinite ammunition. , Can let you play openly, then you say you are holding a pistol or a big sniper who usually yearns for it and slowly tapping it one by one, or you can just move a six-barrel machine gun and sweep him first for fun? Obviously, normal people will first take a machine gun and have a good time. After all, big snipers may be very prestigious, but it doesn’t make a big difference whether that kind of thing is infinite ammunition or not. Yes, if this thing has unlimited play, it will be cool if the trigger is pushed to the bottom.

Although I am more rational, I can barely be considered a normal person, at least psychologically. So my first reaction after gaining unlimited magic power was to move those super magics that I usually don’t dare to throw at random, but only occasionally throw one or two super magics, and use them as normal attacks. .

Of course, besides satisfying the psychological pleasure, I am not playing foolishly. The skills in "Zero" are set with skill proficiency. This proficiency can not only increase the skill level, but can also enhance the formidable power, release speed and consumption of the skill in an all-round way. Usually those small skills are used frequently, and most of them have risen to a high level of proficiency. They are both handy and practical to use, but these big moves are a metamorphosis that consumes one by one. And many big tricks have side effects or punishment attributes, so I don't dare to use them when it's time to make a final decision. How do you say that this kind of skill will increase proficiency? It's rare to have an opportunity of unlimited magic power today. If you don't have to hurry up to practice these skills that are usually too exaggerated, when will you wait?

However, it used to be to practice skills, but now that you want to save people, you can’t let go of it. The formidable power of Floating Thunder is great, but it is a little overkill to deal with Fog Soul. To deal with these weak monsters, the best skill is not the formidable power of huge single killing magic like floating thunder, but the spell that wins by quantity like the lightning ball I'm using.

The visual effect of the lightning ball is actually very similar to that of floating thunder. They all create one by one electro-optical ball, and then throw it out to smash people. It's just that I can summon up to eight summons at the time of floating thunder, no matter how much magic power I can't stand it. Even if the magic is unlimited, I can control too much at the same time, after all, my output can't keep up. But the electro-optical ball is different. This is only an intermediate skill, it is not expensive, and it is originally a group battle interference spell. I can easily pull out dozens of light balls to bombard the enemy, and if not all at once. , It can also be manufactured while launching, so that it can form a continuous strike effect.

Now that group of people saw this scene, I saw a ball of light on my body floated straight towards them at a height of about one meter from the ground, while floating around me With hundreds of large and small lightning spheres, it seems that free electrons outside the nucleus orbit around me at high speed, and these light spheres will fly out from time to time during the orbiting process, accurately appearing in a certain range nearby. The monster explodes into waste.

"Too damn handsome!" The young men looked at the monsters who were driving them into desperation. He couldn't even get close in front of me, and I didn't seem to turn my head to see them. Monster, such battle strength is indeed far from them.

Amidst the sighs of the young men, I finally flew to the side of those people. At the same time, I used a lightning ball to blast all the monsters close to them into scum, and then I slightly lowered the height in front of them. But it still didn't touch the ground. "Um... it seems that I am a little late." The opponent's original team of a dozen people will only have four left, and it is indeed a serious attrition.

The young man who just admired me very much just remembered that a lot of his teammates had died this time, and immediately became a little angry and wanted to get angry at me, but before he reacted, I suddenly Reached out to stop his behavior.

"If you want to blame me why I came now, then I ask you not to say it, so as not to make everyone unhappy. After all, I am already helping to save people. This is not mine. Obligation is not my job. Do you understand what I mean?"

That Captain also came over at this time and pushed the guy aside, and then said: "Anyway, many thanks, you can rush Come."

I nodded and said: "Do you want me to send you out now, or do you have other arrangements? Before you make a decision, please explain that if you want to go out, I will send me The devil’s pet takes you away from the sky. If you want to continue to take risks, then I will not come to save you again. So... I decided that you must do it yourself."

"Understand, anyway you It's a great kindness to save us once, and we won't be unsatisfied," the woman said.

I nodded again with satisfaction, and then said: "Then tell me your decision."

"We intend to continue the adventure." The Captain was very sure and directly replied.

"If you are for those things." I pointed to a few colorful magic crystals over there, and the other party was scared like a frightened rabbit and moved quickly to between me and the colorful magic crystal. In the meantime, that meaning is self-explanatory. However, I didn’t care about their behavior, but continued: “If you are for those things, then I can allow you to take away the ones you can see now, but if you get those ones after What else do you have to think about? Please weigh your own strength before you talk."

All these people were taken aback by what I said. At first they thought I would occupy those colorful magic crystals. Although they defined the act of obtaining those pieces of colorful magic crystal as occupying from their own standpoint, they actually knew that it should belong to me no matter what angle it is. Because if I don't come, they don't even talk about those colorful magic crystals, and they can't even save their lives, so those things have nothing to do with them. However, people are selfish. When you are likely to gain a large amount of wealth, but you may lose them only because of some ambiguity, how would you choose?

The four of them chose to stand on their side anyway, and I think most of them will choose this way too. So they selectively ignored the key role I played in this, and directly determined that those colorful magic crystals were discovered by them and should be theirs. Of course, smart people should see my strength and infer from this that these things should not be taken over, because they have no strength at all to grab those colorful magic crystals from me, except for turning my goodwill towards them into hostility. There will be no other gains.

However, these people are obviously not smart enough for that. Perhaps if someone else encounters this situation, they can think of the correct answer as a bystander. But now they are standing there by themselves, facing hundreds of millions of fortunes at their fingertips. There are not many people who can keep their senses, and they are obviously such people.

Because they chose to get those colorful magic crystals, they have already determined that I will propose to possess those things, but they unexpectedly heard me say that they want to take all the colorful magic crystals they saw. To them, don’t you say this is surprising?

They choose to think that they should get those colorful magic crystals. It's just a self-centered way of thinking. In fact, they know in their hearts that the thing should belong to me, so they will only when I propose something to them So surprised.

Actually, I am not stupid. If there are really only so few colorful magic crystals, I would certainly not be polite to them. After all, things should be mine anyway. Indeed, if there were no help from them, I would not come here, and it would be impossible to get those colorful magic crystals, but the same, they would not expect to get them if I didn't come. Moreover, in terms of the final output of the colorful magic crystal, mine is far more important than them, so even if they admit that they found that the colorful magic crystal can get a part, it is impossible to give them all.

Of course, I also understand the above principles, and I did exactly that, and the reason... It's on the ground behind those colorful magic crystals.

Everyone knows that the level affects not only the data displayed on the attribute panel, but it also affects many aspects of the player. In addition, with some bloodline advantages, my vision and Hearing and other aspects are far beyond the average person. Because of this, what I saw was different from what they saw.

These guys only saw a few colorful magic crystals lying on the edge of their vision, but what I saw was lying on the ground behind these colorful magic crystals. There are more colorful magic crystals and a small amount of crystal mothers, and until the end of my line of sight, there are still more colorful magic crystals extending there, and the farther away they are, the denser they are. What does this show? From a close point, this shows that there are a bunch of colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers behind. From a distance, the kind of crystal mother that we guessed that might exist, capable of making crystal mothers, is probably not far in front of this. After all, other places are a large area to find one or two colorful magic crystals or crystal mothers scattered, but here is the appearance of pieces, and the closer it goes, the denser it gets. This doesn't require me to draw a distribution map at all, I can directly use naked eye to see the distribution law.

Because I can see the number of horrible colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers in front, I think that as the discoverer, it is also appropriate to divide the few colorful magic crystals in front of them. However, I very much doubt that when they see the more terrifying colorful magic crystal and the number of crystal mothers in front, they will no longer be limited to the colorful magic crystal in front of them, because people have no desire for greed. Endless. For them, the sudden acquisition of the colorful magic crystal worth hundreds of millions in front of them is already a step-by-step movement, but as long as they see the colorful magic crystals and crystals worth hundreds of billions of dollars behind. After the mother, if they only let them take away these hundreds of millions of colorful magic crystals, they will not feel that they have made a profit, but will feel sad that they have lost, and that they have lost a lot of money. Although, as a bystander, you may think this is unreasonable, but when you are in it, this is the direct reaction of everyone. The so-called ignorance of the true face of Mount Lu, only because of being in this mountain, is probably such a situation.

No matter what I think, the four people on the opposite side haven't found the colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers in front at least until now, so they haven't completely gone crazy for the time being, they are just a little greedy.

After a brief consternation, the most restless young man finally asked: "Are you really going to give us all those colorful magic crystals?"

I quickly nodded and asked him: "Do you think it's interesting for me to lie to you? If you want to grab it, just kill you. Do you think you have the ability to resist? Oh no, I don't even need to do it at all, I Just stop the fire suppression that is currently in progress. Those monsters will naturally take care of you. They did a pretty good job before."

The four people over there finally recovered a bit when this was said. Reason, they just remembered at this time. The reason why they can stand here quietly and discuss the ownership of those colorful magic crystals is entirely because I still use the lightning ball strikes that appear constantly during the conversation. The monsters in the vicinity, as long as my suppression action stops for a while, they will immediately be overwhelmed by the surging monsters.

After trying to understand the situation, the four of them finally calmed down. After discussing with each other in a low voice, the Captain stood up and said, "Sorry, President Purple Moon. We were benefited for a while. I feel dizzy. Now that I think about it, we shouldn’t take all of these things. Of course, we really want it. After all, it’s all money. Who can’t get along with money? You say yes? But, you Since I said to give us all these things, I don’t think it’s just a joke on us, it should be true. It’s just that I don’t understand your motives. Although the external comments on you are pretty good, I just say that you are very You’re keeping promises, but things like fame and fortune seem to have nothing to do with your habits?"

The other party’s words made me laugh directly. "Hahahaha...you are really smart. Well, I don't want to go around with you, just say it directly. You may have guessed it. The colorful magic crystals you can see are only part of this place. There are many more behind the fog. There are more colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers than this. Although you can't take a piece of colorful magic crystal without my help, but after all, I found this place because of you, so I think I will share some of your benefits. Yes. It’s just that I hope you don’t be too greedy. As long as you don’t just squander it, the value of these colorful magic crystals is enough for you to play as you want in the game in the future. You can also exchange some money to reality To improve your living standards in China. I think it’s more than money if your team scores more than a dozen people. After all, that’s a few hundred million. Even if you split evenly, one person can fall at least forty to fifty million. . With so much money, I think it should be enough for you to live comfortably for a lifetime. However, if you want more, then I hope you think about the consequences. I will not allow you to get anything other than what you have in front of you. If you think that you can get more benefits by turning your face with me, you can do it, but if you think that is not appropriate, please stay sensible, take these colorful magic crystals, and have been to your happy ones. The next half of my life."

My words can be said to have analyzed the matter quite clearly. The four of them are still a bit sensible for the time being, and they understand that what I said is indeed correct. Although I still feel a little itchy in my heart, I want to get some more in the past. After all, I said, there are more colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers with higher value than here. However, after thinking about it, they finally understand the good and the bad.

After a little summing up, the woman stood up and said to me: "President Purple Moon, we have a small request, I don’t know if you can agree to it. Of course, you can rest assured , It’s just a small request. If you think it’s inappropriate, then do as you say."

I nodded to signal her to continue.

The woman continued to speak after getting permission: "This, according to your opinion, is to give us all the six colorful magic crystals we can see right now?"

I am nodded.

The other party continued: "You have seen the appearance of these six colorful magic crystals. It shouldn't be a problem to sell 100 million crystal coins for each one?"

I once again nodded.

"You also know that we are just a player squad, which may be considered some strength among ordinary players, but compared with those guild organizations and high-end players, it is nothing. This colorful magic crystal Put it here, we can only go to someone to sell it, and in the end we are charged a handling fee, and we have to pay the country’s personal income tax and the city tax of the city to which we belong. This will change hands back and forth, and each piece of colorful magic crystal can only be taken at most. It's only sixty to

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