Shortly after I left the group, I was lucky, or rather unlucky, to run into a crystal mother of amazing value. You know that crystal mother is the core mine that can produce magic crystal indefinitely. This thing is simply a fully automatic money printing machine, and it doesn't even need paper and ink. How could I not be moved by such an exaggerated thing? Besides, my most important job besides leveling is to look for these crystal mothers and colorful magic crystals. Now I suddenly found one that I can't stand it.

In fact, after hearing about the expedition's experience, I already knew that these crystal mothers and colorful magic crystals should actually be regarded as bait. So, when I saw this crystal mother immediately, I knew that there would be a lot of fog souls, but I didn't expect that the number would be so much. The surrounding monsters seem to be never killed. Every time I kill one, a cloud of mist will separate from the surrounding fog and form a new monster. If it weren't for the fact that I had absorbed Soul Power and increased EXP every time, I would have thought that I hadn't actually killed a monster. After all, the number of these guys is a bit scary.

"Hey, Ling, is there a way to solve this situation?" I asked Ling desperately while cutting the surrounding monsters. Now in this nightmare zone, it’s basically equivalent to the Forbidden Domain. I can use magic normally because my magic power is short-circuited, but Ling and the others are not short-circuited. Even if they are my familiars, they still can’t use anything here. Magic power, so except for myself to be able to fight here, my other familiars are almost equivalent to abolished. It's not that they can't fight. In fact, they can still disperse the mist souls in front of them, but they are only disperse. Apart from temporarily losing their battle strength, the basic High Level has no effect. Anyway, they can be re-dispersed anytime after they are dispelled. Gather together.

Ling was not at all anxious after hearing my shout. She seemed to be completely indifferent and said: "What should I say. In fact, I think you should have thought of a solution long ago."


"Ah? What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

Ling helplessly explained: "Think about your current situation, you will understand it yourself."

"My current situation?" I started to think carefully about me while I was fighting. current situation. Speaking of the current situation, the only thing I can think of is the magic short circuit. Since the magic power is short-circuited, my magic will be extremely powerful, and at the same time, my magic power recovery speed will be amazing. After all, the magic power short-circuit state is almost as long as there is magic power in the surrounding space, my magic power will not be exhausted, of course this attribute It’s the same as if it’s there or not, because too much magical power flow rate will cause my whole person to be burned by the magical power, so even with such a powerful effect, I can’t use it. But... It seems that the magic here is limited? Does that mean...?

"Damn, I finally understand what I have forgotten!" I said, suddenly a palm supported a tiger-like beast's chin and raised its head, followed by the right hand and wiped it forever. Its neck, in an instant, the tiger-shaped devil beast disintegrated into a pile of smoke and burned out quickly. After killing this monster, I immediately thrust the eternity into the ground, and shouted: "thunder shines."

ka ka ka boom... a thunderbolt as thick as a water tank suddenly fell from the sky It blasted directly on the top of my head, and following me as the center, a white electric light circle suddenly spread to the surroundings. Those fog souls that saw me one-knee kneels and were going to take the opportunity to touch them were instantly cleared by the lightning ring. A large piece, and my EXP also jumped up a lot.

"wa ha ha ha...Is that the original magical power is this feeling?"

I have to say that the power of habit is really terrifying, even for people like me. Sometimes it will be dominated by habit. Obviously, I came here to level up because my current situation is abnormal. As a result, I actually forgot my current state, and I still use the usual battle method to fight the monsters. But why should I use the usual battle method? In normal battles, I mostly use ordinary attacks, occasionally interspersing a few skills to reverse the battle or to control the field. This is a normal battle method, and most players also fight in this way. However, this kind of battle method appears because players need to save a small amount of magic power to release super formidable power and consume super skills in order to obtain the maximum effect. But why should I save magic power now? I am in a short-circuit state of magic power, that is, infinite magic power. Since it is infinite, why should I save it?

"His grandfather, the magic is unlimited, should he use his big tricks to blast all the way! It's so funny, I forgot about this kind of thing!" The drawn Eternity stood up in front of him, and then he held the hilt with both hands while his eyes flashed. Hearing a buzzing sound, a giant sword with several hundred meters long composed of red sword glow suddenly appeared above Eternal. Following me, Eternal was violently lifted over my head and slashed forward, while the red above The lightsaber immediately followed my movement and slashed forward. Just listening to the loud bang, the entire nightmare zone shook violently, and in front of me was a 100-meter-long vacuum zone with no fog at all, and it was on this straight line. There is also a straight ditch that is five or six meters deep and 100 meters long.

Although normal attacks can also kill Fog Soul, even if I can kill these guys one by one with my fighting skills, the speed still cannot keep up with the appearance speed of the monsters. However, when I let go of the skills, it was completely different. Skills are either the formidable power super-large single attack type, or the large-scale mass killing type. Even if I don’t use the skills to slash the monster, I still do one cut. Naturally, I don’t need those single skills that enhance damage, so all I use are formidable power super-wide range killing skills. Not to mention, the effect of such indiscriminate bombing is really not so good. It feels really cool to kill a large area with one move.

My side is booming, but Ling seems to be idle and I am not arrogant enough, so I actually reminded: "Don't just kill one person? Fit! You don't have the power of Heart Demon now. Not enough, just fit together. The magic power to punish time or something is not exhausted. Will not appear before, what are you afraid of now that the magic power is unlimited?"

I'm not really stupid, just didn't expect for a while That's it, Ling reminded me that I thought of more things instead. "Damn I forgot those things!" I said, I started the integration with a single thought, and then all my familiars appeared and merged into my body, almost instantly my attribute points. The method horse watch generally jumps up a digit fiercely. After the fit was completed, I looked at the magic value again, and found that the number was constantly shaking. Yes, it is the jitter, it has been jumping back and forth between full value and one or two points of consumption, which means that my current magic absorption speed completely exceeds the magic consumption speed required for integration. From this perspective, if I maintain the status quo, then theoretically I can almost always remain in a state of integration without having to quit. This effect is really exaggerated. Of course, if you want to know if it can be used indefinitely, you have to lose a few skills first. After all, I am only in a fit state and have not yet battled. The use of skills in battle is inevitable, so you must first look at the skills. Is the rate of consumption faster than the rate of mana recovery.

Since you want to test the consumption speed, you can't use general skills. It is best to use the one that consumes a lot. And what is the most magical skill in me? Of course it is. I suddenly bounced an azure scale with my thumb, and when it started to fall, I jerked it in the palm of my hand and pressed it to the back of my neck. "Now let's try the full version of Azure Dragon to what extent can it be?"

Yes, the thing I just took out is Azure Dragon reverse scale, this thing not only allows me The real body of summon Azure Dragon, or temporarily transformed into a copycat version of Azure Dragon, also allows me to directly use all the spells of Azure Dragon. Of course, in addition to the summon real body that only consumes the number of promises and does not consume magic, the other two must be supported by magic, so even if I have this thing, I rarely use it. After all, Azure Dragon's skills are like nuclear weapons. But now... Anyway, the magic is unlimited, try it.

After I posted the Azure Dragon reverse scale, the air around me suddenly became a little distorted, and then I heard a slap, and a short electric arc suddenly flashed past me. However, this miniature lightning seemed to be a start signal. The air around me suddenly began to discharge continuously. The large and small arcs rushed back and forth like a group of crazy silver snakes around me, and some even directly spotted nearby plants. And gradually burned.

With more and more arcs, my whole person began to gradually lose gravity and slowly floated up, but I didn’t rise too much, but only ascended one foot and stopped. Come down. At this moment, I can clearly see the existence of a faint white aperture beside me, and above the aperture, various large and small arcs are twisting and entangled crazily, as if the breakthrough aperture will fly out at any time.

Within the circle of light, my whole body is like an angel, my eyes are closed tightly, my arms are slightly open and backward, my body is leaning forward and moving slowly, and following me With the movement, the aperture surrounding me started to move, but all the trees or weeds that were touched by the aperture exploded at the moment of contact with the aperture, and then burned violently.

After flying a few meters forward like this, I suddenly opened my eyes and turned my head and looked towards a side direction, and then I saw that the aperture on my body suddenly huffed and flew out dozens of electro-optical balls to block The trees and bushes in front were all blown up, and even the surrounding fog became thinner because of these lightning electric balls. However, the ball of light stopped after blasting the tree blocking the way, because I had already seen the person behind the tree.

Behind the cleared tree is not a monster, but the group of people I just met. Before I left them, I was surrounded by monsters. If they hadn't discussed my business for a while, I would have come here long ago. Just now I used the big move continuously, so the big movement was naturally impossible and they didn't respond, so they ran over to see what was going on. The next thing is to be regarded as a hidden monster by me, and then the hidden tree trunks were all blasted into torches. If they didn’t flash fast enough, it would be estimated that even them were blasted to pieces. Don't underestimate those light balls just now. This is not a lightning ball thrown by the Thunder Masters. This skill is called floating thunder, which is one of the common skills of Azure Dragon. Think about who is Azure Dragon? That is one of China's four guards, the lower limit of strength is 10,000, and the upper limit is not known yet. Where do you think the formidable power can be made with such a skill?

The people who were frightened by the electric ball stood there and looked at me floating in midair. Although they suspected that this might be me, it was because of the dragon soul on my body after the combination was activated. The suit merged with Silver Moon’s Oath suit, so now this set looks similar to before, but not exactly the same, which is why those people dare not confirm that the one in front of them is me. But they are still smart, and they ran without turning around. After all, even if this is not me but a monster, they should know just by seeing the bombing of the skill just now. Running at this time is dead, so they all stood there without daring to move. Afraid to cause my desire to attack.

While they looked at me with trepidation, for fear of a sudden attack, I slowly floated in front of them, then pushed the mask up to look at them and asked: "Are you coming here on purpose and want to follow me or do you think someone else is fighting and want to come and see?"

When I entered this nightmare location, my black hole-like skin color has returned to normal. At this time After everyone saw my face, it was finally relaxed. Although I don't know how my equipment suddenly changed, but as long as it is not a monster, they don't have to worry about being killed.

The same woman I spoke to before stood up and said: "We just heard the voice and thought that someone was fighting and wanted to see it."

I nodded and said "If you don’t just want to come in for a visit, then it’s best not to follow me. Because I will definitely sweep all monsters and ore in the front, and you can’t pick up anything in the back. It’s better to go the other way. When in danger, remember to use the transmitter, and I will save you. Then, see you later." I clicked on my eyebrows with my right hand, and then turned and floated in the direction I was moving forward. The ball of light never stopped, and everything that got in the way, whether it was a tree or a monster, was shattered. I want to test the limit of the short-circuit state anyway, so I can do whatever the cost is high. In other words, this feeling of squandering magic is really cool to his grandfather!

When I took the floating thunder to open the way, the group of people on the other side were surprised that their jaws almost fell off. It wasn't until I walked all the way out that the young player dumbly asked, "Isn't it impossible to use magic here?"

"It's because the formidable power is down, it's not unavailable." The wizard next to him was here. A small flame was lit on the tip of his finger and said.

The young man said in amazement: "Is he still so awesome after being restricted for formidable power? Then go out? Does he have unlimited magic power? What do you think he is doing? Magic scrubbing?"

In fact, this young man is half right, and my magic is temporarily infinite. It’s just that the magic formidable power is not as exaggerated as he thinks. I dare to play like this here during this time. I really don’t have so much magic power to throw thunder like this when I really go out. Of course, it does not mean that it is absolutely impossible. For example, the same thing can be done with the time-space lock activated by the Ring of Discipline during the previous attack on the Buddhism headquarters, but that kind of thing requires the permission of all Divine Races, so it is very difficult to apply for it. trouble. Unless there is a major battle, I will definitely not bother to apply for that stuff.

While the group of people guessed my magic status, I was looking at my attributes. The floating thunder of Azure Dragon is really not a normal skill, the formidable power is huge, and the consumption is really exaggerated. Every time I use Floating Thunder, the instantaneous mana value will be brushed down and dropped a bit, but almost the mana will be full as soon as the skill is completed. Now I understand that the magic short-circuit state does not have to worry about the lack of Heart Demon. I am now like a heavy machine gun with unlimited ammunition. What I need to worry about is not that there is not enough ammunition, but whether the barrel will be overheated and scrapped due to continuous shooting.

Sure enough, after contacting and blowing up a large area of ​​forest with floating mines, I began to feel that my body was obviously hot. According to Ling’s explanation, this is the initial manifestation of the magic overload. Thanks to the semi-forbidden area, it will only overheat when I use too much magic. If in the normal environment outside, I throw out a magic without hitting someone. I guess it burned first.

This kind of overheating phenomenon is still under control anyway, so I don't need to worry too much, anyway, as long as I feel the heat is unbearable, just stop it for a while. Of course, slowing down the skill release speed a bit can also cool down, anyway, as long as the total amount of magic power used per unit time does not exceed a certain range, there will be no danger.

"Hey, if this situation can be maintained forever." I looked at the attribute and sighed to Ling: "This feeling is really very good. If it can stay like this, I can go now. Zeus can’t recognize him until he’s beaten."

"Don’t dream, it’s impossible." Ling said, "Excessive assimilation does not happen every time, and every element can only Accept one assimilation. This time you assimilate Dark Element. Even if you change the system every time and you encounter excessive assimilation, you can only encounter this situation a dozen times. Besides, except for this This place, if you dare to play outside, I promise you will die. It’s ugly."

"Fantasy! But then again, why are there so many colorful magic crystals here? You said it will be here. Wouldn't there be something like a crystal mother?"

Ling had been paying attention to my physical condition before and didn't think about anything else, but when I reminded her, she also reacted. The magic crystal ore is because of the existence of crystal mother, and it will form the magic crystal ore after a long time. So how did so many crystal mothers and colorful magic crystals come from here?

"Damn, there must be a mother ore that is better than crystal mothers and can produce crystal mothers and colorful magic crystals in large quantities!"

"What? Can produce crystal mothers? Crystal mother? I rely on, how can I let go of this thing?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. .)

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