There is a special area in "Zero" called the Nightmare Zone. This place is located at the border between France and Germany, half in France and half in Germany. Originally, this area should be regarded as part of the national barrier between France and Germany, that is, a special area designed to block the connection between the two countries. However, this area has a feature, that is, you can easily enter this area no matter where you come from, but as long as you enter, you don't think about it.

If it is a general pure combat game, everyone only likes fighting, and maybe no one pays attention to this area. After all, it's scary that this place has the characteristics of inbound and outbound. However, since the user base of "Zero" is relatively broad, and according to the theory that every bird has a bigger forest, there are more people naturally. As a result, a group of extremely boring high level players lost interest in leveling, and then they began to play adventure.

After all, the world in "Zero" is not as plain as the real world. It is full of mysterious unknown spaces, with various treasures and rare beasts. This is simply for the explorers. Custom-made place. Therefore, these adventure-loving players will find and explore everywhere. Finally, they thought of this neglected area. As a national barrier, its range is too large and easy to enter, so it has formed the effect of black under the lights, and this group of explorers ignored it. But in the end they still remembered this area and actually walked in.

As mentioned before. There is no external barrier in the nightmare zone, you can walk in easily. On its edge is a primitive forest hidden in the dense fog that never dissipates all year round. At its edges, you can still see the canopy, and deep down, you can see nothing. Whether it is seen from the ground or the sky, it is just a mist of white mist.

If it's just a forest covered by dense fog, it's okay to say that there is no shortage of this kind of place in the game. However, as the group of explorers entered and eventually all died back, the various conditions in this area were also brought back.

According to the description of the explorers. The area in the thick fog is an environment that is almost equivalent to the Forbidden Domain. One of their team has a high-level fire magic that can burn a small village, which can be used by a more than one thousand and two hundred-level mage, but in the end it only hits A small fire ball slightly larger than the flame of a lighter, not even a leaf was lit. Another Water Element mage a few levels lower than him used the super-range spell to land in Tianhe. In the end, only a glass of water was made, and its formidable power was many times smaller than before.

In fact, in addition to spell skills, even warrior skills are all malfunctioning here. Except for some physique abilities, such as bloodthirsty and frenzied reluctance, they can start to work. Some things related to energy will be in an extreme weakening state here. It's not that it can't be used, but it has no formidable power.

If it's just a seal skill or something, the players are not afraid to come, after all, the game mainly relies on ordinary attacks to fight. Unlike ordinary games, the features of the skills in "Zero" are super high mana consumption and super large formidable power, which means that the effects of skills are very good, but the consumption is also high, and most people cannot continue to use skills. , Can only use skills as a killer move, interspersed in the process of ordinary attacks, in order to obtain the maximum benefit.

Because of these characteristics of skills, players in "Zero" are not too dependent on skills, unlike other games without skills, they can't fight at all. However, in other areas, this theory is true, but after entering this mist, this phenomenon will return to the same as other games, and it will be impossible to fight without skills. As for the reason... because of the monster here.

According to the narrative of the expedition that all returned from the dead, they only encountered one kind of monster in this misty area. At first they thought they had encountered many kinds of monsters, but in the end they checked the battle briefing and found out that the creatures of different shapes that fought with them were actually one thing, because the names given by the system were all called "fog souls." . According to the expedition's inference, the body of this creature should be fog, or something else that has no substance. They have encountered this kind of monster attack many times in the fog, and each time they have a different shape, and at the time they thought they had killed a lot of monsters, but only later learned that they did not kill a monster. , Because the wound will heal immediately after the thing is cut, only to destroy the body structure more than one third or more at one time, or chop off the head, or cut in the middle and other major injuries, otherwise the general cutting injury will not affect at all To them. Moreover, even if they complete the destruction of one third or more, or cut off their heads, the result is that they suddenly burst into a pile of mist and disappear into the surrounding dense fog, but you will not get a little EXP. Because the other party is not dead at all.

A monster that cannot be killed by ordinary attacks and is in an area similar to the forbidden domain. This is definitely a nightmare for everyone. Although the expedition had been advancing in the forest for a long time, in the end no monster was killed until it was tired and could no longer fight back, and then was besieged by the monsters. During the period, they also thought about using Transmission Scroll, but this area unfortunately limits the flow of magic, so scrolls are basically scrapped. In addition, the magnetic field here is also messy. The navigation methods currently found in the game will be invalid here, and various communication skills such as teleportation will be greatly weakened as the distance increases. In short, this place is a huge maze, no matter how well prepared you are , Anyway, as long as you go in, unless you hang up, you don't want to come out again.

However, despite the harsh environment of this place and the fact that monsters are more cheating, this place is currently one of the most desirable areas for players. As for the reason... or because of the expedition. Although they hung back, but also not got nothing.

In the game, crisis is always proportional to opportunity. Although this area is extremely difficult, many players feel that it is an impossible area to conquer, but the wealth of resources inside it is amazing. This expedition was actually not a monster in the mist that didn't kill it. A mage in their team was finally forced to use self-destruct. The self-destruct of the mage consumes the magic power in the body instead of the environment, so the strength of the magic power in the space has little restriction on the self-destruct.

The wizard finally succeeded in self-destructing, and as a result, several monsters were accidentally killed. It is not the kind of suspended animation that destroys the entity of the monster and turns it into a fog, but a real death. This was also the only time this team of explorers actually killed the monster after entering the mist this time. Of course, the cost is a bit high, because the wizard self-destruct is not Level 1 but Level 10, so even if the wizard dies, he will not self-destruct. However, when the mage returned to resurrection, he was surprised to find that he actually only lost Level 9 and a half. After that, he checked his detailed experience and found an amazing result. The monsters he killed gave him half a level of experience. Kill a few monsters to get half-level experience. In this case, players have never experienced it since they passed Level 10. How high can this EXP be so powerful?

In fact, it’s okay if you only have high experience. After all, killing these monsters is difficult, so everyone will only think that this is a purely disgusting setting. After all, you can’t see it or touch it. However, the expedition did bring back the tangible benefits, that is-magic crystal.

Isn't it ordinary? All parts of the world, as long as there are players, there are magic crystal mines, and big guilds like our Frost Rose League mine magic crystal by a ton. So it sounds like magic crystal is not very expensive.

In fact, that kind of white magic crystal is really not expensive. According to the actual resource calculation, the value of white magic crystal is about the same as that of oil, at most it is a little bit higher. Although oil is soft gold, it is relative to oil companies. You exist as an individual, even if you give you a bucket for you to put it in, how much can you carry? If you are exhausted, you are just living a well-off life. So the white magic crystal is really good, but if you want to mine in this kind of place, even if the white magic crystal is piled on the surface for you to pick up, the input and output will be out of proportion. After all, in order to pick up a few pieces of white magic crystal, he would die once.

However, although picking up the white magic crystal suffers, what about the colorful magic crystal or the crystal core?

Colorful magic crystal is a high level magic crystal that can be automatically returned to magic and can be recharged indefinitely. Of course, its greatest value does not lie in the automatic return to magic, but in its super-high mass-to-energy output ratio. Compared with the white magic crystal, the colorful magic crystal can output tens of thousands of times the energy of the white magic crystal in the same time under the same volume. According to reality, the output power is tens of thousands of times that of white magic crystal. If the white magic crystal uses the same speed to output magic energy, let alone how long its own magic power can support, even if its energy is unlimited, the white magic crystal itself will explode due to overload. We must know that sometimes our guild uses magic crystal directly as a bomb. From this you can imagine how unstable this thing is. However, the colorful magic crystal is not so faulty. Not only can this thing output energy with tens of thousands of times the output power of the white magic crystal, but it is also very stable and will not explode. It can be said that the colorful magic crystal is the essential core of top-level constructs. Without this thing, it is equivalent to change the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier into a coal-fired power system. Even if other things remain the same, battle strength will drop a lot.

Compared to the colorful magic crystal, this crystal core is even more exaggerated. This thing is also called crystal mother, which is the source of the growth of magic crystal. Although the crystal matrix cannot be used directly as power, it can absorb the magic in the space and precipitate magic crystal in the vicinity area and make it grow bigger. Although it is said that most of the magic crystals that grow out are white magic crystals, sometimes red magic crystals grow, and even colorful magic crystals appear directly, which is not impossible. Anyway, our guild basically understands the crystal mother as a solar panel, as long as it is placed there, it can generate energy by itself, and it will never be exhausted.

As all powerful guilds are yearn for something even in dreams, the high level crystal minerals, these two things can be said to be valuable treasures, no matter where in the world. If any of these two minerals appeared, it would immediately provoke a bunch of guilds' berserk. However, in this nightmare zone, these priceless crystals are stored in huge amounts. Although it cannot be said that it can be seen everywhere, it is quite common. If you have to have a concept of image point, you can understand them as common mushrooms in ordinary forests, and you can see a small piece of it almost within a short distance. Of course, these two kinds of crystals will not appear as a large piece like mushrooms, but two pieces in each place.

Regarding the existence of these two crystals, the expedition team recorded the images with memory crystals, so the authenticity is not a problem. However, their entire team finally brought one piece back, and the price paid for this was the destruction of the team, because all these crystals in the mist must be surrounded by dangerous areas where mist souls appear in piles. . The expedition team finally decided to try desperately because it had run out of ammunition and food. The result was that they got the items, but the team was destroyed.

What Ling said to me just now, the meaning is very obvious, she just wants me to go to this nightmare zone, as for the reason...Of course not for those crystal mines. Although this thing is valuable, Ling is my favorite, she is not a guild leader, and she doesn't care about this kind of thing. Ling really cares about my personal interests. What she wants me to do most is to use my current physical condition to quickly go there to kill some monsters and level up.

At my current level, most of the monsters in the leveling areas in each area are not enough for me to kill. It's not that the number of them is too low. After all, "Zero" has its own balance system. You can kill it quickly and it can make up quickly, so killing it all is impossible. The key is that the EXP of these monsters is too low. All I want to kill are BOSS, and BOSS is impossible to appear in piles like mobs, so I can't upgrade by killing BOSS. Because there are too few places for me to upgrade, Ling has always been upset about this problem. After all, my strength is directly linked to the strength of their monster pets. Although with Ling's loyalty, my level will no longer suppress the level of the monster pet, but I am still affected by the increase in the battle strength of the monster pet. The level of influence. Therefore, whether it is for my strength or their own strength, Ling hopes that I can rise to the level as soon as possible, and the higher the better. It is rare to have such a state, just suitable for leveling in the nightmare zone.

Ordinary people can’t use skills in the nightmare zone, but the formidable power is too low, and I am just in a short-circuit state. The headache is that the formidable power is too large, and being suppressed by the nightmare zone, it can just balance my Magic attribute. In this way, I was in the nightmare zone and returned to the normal state without any influence, and the monsters there were actually not strong in battle strength. The only difficulty was that they were not afraid of physical attacks, and ordinary people could not use it there. Magic, this created the invincible fighting effect of the monster there.

Now that I understood Ling's thoughts, I thought about it seriously, but I still hesitated. "Well, although what you said is pretty good, what about our conversation with Poseidon?"

Ling looked at me with a smile and asked, "Is there a problem with delaying the day?"< /p>

I thought about it and shook my head and said, "There should be no problem. Although this matter needs to be done as soon as possible, Poseidon is not restricted in a day or two anyway, and one day later is nothing."

< p>"That’s all right. It’s dangerous to see Poseidon in your current state. If you accidentally use magic power, even if it’s passive, it’s bad. So it’s not just a problem of EXP, you Staying in the nightmare zone now has the meaning of protecting your own safety. Besides, you can also pick up gems by the way. I believe Rose, if they know about this, they must raise their hands in favor of you going to the nightmare zone first."

Ling’s words I There is no need to verify that she is definitely right. As for Rose’s character, I heard that I can go to the nightmare zone to pick up gems like an okay person. She would definitely kick me in without the slightest hesitation.

"Well then." I finally compromised.

"A wise decision." Ling said with a smile: "Actually, this is for your good. Your current situation will not disappear automatically. You must let the magic flow slowly through your body. Then after the magic flow time reaches twenty-four hours, you can return to normal. However, because of your current short-circuit state, you cannot use magic in a normal environment, you must use it in a low-magic space that is artificially set , In order to ensure that the magic of the riot will not disappear from the face of the earth. Instead of spending so much effort to create a low-magic space by yourself, it is better to use a ready-made one. You can also upgrade and pick up money by the way. Don’t do it?"

"Yes, I told you to go." After talking to Ling, I turned to Kameda and said, "You have also heard our conversation, I Now this situation is more dangerous, so I have to go to the nightmare zone to hide for a day. When I recover, I will immediately come back and talk to Poseidon. So help me apologize to Poseidon."

Turtle Hearing what I said, Tian Yi quickly and politely said that he would relay my words and let me go with peace of mind. Although it was kind to do bad things, but my situation was caused by their twelve wizards, so Kameda naturally wouldn't make things difficult for me because of the time issue.

After briefly clarifying the current situation with them, I took Ling and a bunch of familiars to leave this room for assimilation ceremony and go to Transmission Formation. The reason why I have to bring a bunch of magic pets is mainly because I can't use magic power now, and it's a bit dangerous to walk by myself, so it's safer to bring a ticket. Although this is a bit ostentatious, you have to admit that most people with normal minds see such a large number of high-level creatures coming towards them. when.

Fortunately, the map on the Sea God Temple has just been opened. Except for the people of Prometheus and their guild, no one knows that it has been opened for the time being, so we did not touch it except for NPCs along the way. Play other players. After returning to the ground, I took the lucky ones back to the ground from the newly opened main passage, and then directly replaced the flying birds and flew back all the way. Of course, in order to ensure that the magic is not activated, I did not dare to ride the bird directly, but let Inverrit put together a set of armor like power armor to wrap me up. This is also something that can't be helped. The armor on my body has a lot of self-activating defensive magic, some of which are self-powered, some use my magic power, and once hit, they will activate on their own, and I can't control it at all. Therefore, in order to avoid the news of "Purple Moon being dropped by Little Fireball" with all players in the world tomorrow, I have to add a shell to myself.

It's obviously safer to have Iverite blocked outside, and when I don't take the initiative to cause trouble, the speed and height of the birds are definitely not something that ordinary people can interfere with if they want to interfere.

Thanks to the super speed of Asuka, more than an hour later I have reached the legendary nightmare zone.

Just like I said before. The Nightmare Zone is currently one of the more popular topics in the game, so the outer circle area here also surrounds many players. Some of them are gamblers who want to die and try to have luck picking a piece of colorful magic crystal or crystal mother, while others are purely powerful spectators on the party. Anyway, they come to pay a visit to this legendary place. When bragging, you can also arrogantly say: "The land of nightmares? I've been to that place..." Anyway, I'll let you blow.

Because of the above reasons, when I arrived here, in this direction I cut into, there happened to be a group of players standing on the edge of the nightmare zone and looking in. As for the reason...because a group of idiots just entered from here. And those onlookers who watch the excitement and never do business are there waiting eagerly to see if they can hear the screams of a hapless guy before he is dying. Of course, it would be better to see someone attacked by a monster in a place where the fog is not too thick and the silhouette can barely be seen. Anyway, the monsters here will not cross the boundary, so they are not afraid.

However, just as these guys were expecting to hear the screams of the people in front of them, they suddenly heard a sound that was not right. In fact, this sound can often be heard in reality. It is the sound of an airplane flying overhead. But the problem is that there are no planes in the game either! There are so many flying creatures, but is this sound clearly the sound of a jet engine?

The people who were attracted by the sound quickly turned their attention from the fog to the top of their heads, and then everyone was stunned together. Because they saw a burning, robot-like thing whizzing from diagonally above at a very fast speed, and when this thing passed over their heads, it was a burst of decomposition and combination, and then A humanoid object with full armor was released from the body of the humanoid robot, and the humanoid robot was assembled again to form another robot, and then the two humanoid objects were plunged into the mist one after another and completely disappeared.

Until the two humanoid objects disappeared for one minute, someone among the crowd suddenly shouted: "Damn, those two were not deformed Vajra just now? Are we playing? Magic game or sci-fi game?"

When the group of people outside was busy creating tomorrow’s new version of the gossip "Vajra is Coming", Ivorite and I crashed into the mist one after another. , And then we rolled and ran into a row of big trees in a very embarrassing manner. After smashing them completely, we smashed into the soil, bounced back and flew over a small bush, and then I seemed to see a group of The dumbfounded expression of the person flashed by, and then I plunged directly into the soil with an upside-down green onion, the whole person holding a big tree under the head and feet stopped completely. Then, in a second interval, Ivorite flew past me, and then was successfully stopped by the next big tree and stopped completely.

Under normal circumstances, our landing shouldn't be so tragic. The reason for this was completely accidental. Who could have imagined that Asuka was afraid of flying birds in the air just like jet planes. As a result, when he landed, one of the jet combustion chambers inhaled a small flying devil beast, and then the body of the devil beast blocked the exhaust, causing The combustion chamber burst, and finally one wing was broken.

Because of the presence of Xiaochun, this kind of damage is nothing to Asuka, but the problem is that it is in a high-speed state at this time, so when Asuka loses the ability to fly, I and Iver Ritter hurriedly slammed into the woods like a bomb thrown by a plane. Fortunately, the speed of Asuka has dropped a lot because it is close to the target. If it has been maintained at several times the speed of sound, it is estimated that it will have to throw us into pie.

Holding the soil on both sides of the head with both hands, I pulled my head out of the ground with force, and then turned over and stood on the ground from the trunk. I got up at the same time, but after saying hello to me he returned to the training space. This ghost place is basically banned from demons, and Ivorite here is equivalent to an ordinary magic puppet, so it's useless to stay.

After getting all the miscellaneous mornings and dirt on my body, I looked around all around for a while, and I realized that there was a group of people standing not far away, and they were watching with silly eyes. Hold me.

Of course it’s embarrassing to be discovered about the embarrassment of the embarrassed crash landing, but I am not the kind of person with a particularly thin face, so after coughing twice, I pretended to be serious and moved towards the nightmare zone. Walked past the central area.

The group of people were all fooled by me. I didn’t know how to react until I coughed, but before they could do anything, I turned around and moved towards the foggy area. Past.

Seeing that I ignored them and left directly, the group of people first glanced at each other and exchanged glances before suddenly chasing them.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

I wanted to leave, but didn't expect to hear their shouts, which made me stop. . I turned my head somewhat depressed and looked towards the direction of the coming people, I can only see what they want to do first.

Actually, those people themselves didn’t expect to catch up with them. So after running to me, they stopped there collectively and didn’t leave and didn’t speak, which made me feel depressed again. . In the end, after the confrontation of big eyes staring at small eyes for nearly 30 seconds, a female player on the opposite side finally reacted and stood up and said: "Hello, we are the adventure squad here to take risks. May I ask you if you want to be with us? Do you work in a team? After all, you should know the environment here. It’s safer for everyone to act together, isn’t it?"

The other party is obviously very eloquent, but unfortunately I have no interest in it. shook the head, I directly refused and said: "Sorry, I have my own business." After I said that, I turned to leave, but the moment I just turned around, I saw a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial Bowl bit into my face. I was taken aback by this sudden appearance, because I simply didn't feel anything approaching before. With my perception ability of airflow, sound and some weak Spiritual Fluctuation, it is actually very difficult to approach me silently. Unless I was attracted by something and didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation, I wouldn't get close by something quietly. However, this thing that rushed at me actually evaded my perception, and it was still in the case that I did not relax any vigilance at all.

"Be careful." 嚓.

The moment I turned around and saw the monster, the reminder sounded behind me, but my movements were faster. Almost the moment the reminder was issued, I had already raised my sword and fell, and that The monster directly blasted into the air and turned into a cloud of white smoke, but as soon as the smoke appeared, it burned like natural gas. The purple flames almost flashed past, and in less than a second, the cloud of smoke was completely burnt up, and at the same time a cloud of black gas separated from the smoke and flew into my body. Obviously, the thing in front of you has been killed, because the soul power is absorbed by the dragon soul suit, which can only be absorbed by the death of the enemy, so the appearance of Soul Power must represent the death of the target.

The group of people who just reminded me are all bosses staring at this time. They thought I was going to be out of luck. Among them, some of the bad-hearted people are still secretly happy, "I told you to refuse to form a team, is this bad luck?". Of course, their pride also disappeared with the disappearance of the monster, replaced by endless fear. In the case of being suddenly attacked, the monster was killed in the blink of an eye, and it was killed by a single blow. This shows that my attack power, reaction speed, and combat intuition are much higher than them, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to such an extent.

"Thanks." I turned my head nodded to the group of people, and then I threw a crystal to the woman who spoke before, she just reminded me. Although it did not help, at least people have this intention, which must be thanked.

The woman caught the crystal I threw and looked quite surprised, because this is not a valuable crystal, but a relatively ordinary white crystal, which is a relatively common resource in the game. Although there is demand, it is just like cement and bricks in reality. Despite the value of purchase, no one will give away bricks or cement, right? Is there such a cheap thing as a gift?

Seeing that the other party didn’t understand, I explained: "This is a signal transmitter. If you want to leave here anytime, or if you have trouble that can’t be solved, break it up, as long as I can I will rush to rescue you when I receive the signal. But first, let me explain that I only stay here for 24 hours. If I leave, I won’t come back. Also, the signal transmission distance of this thing outside is Three hundred kilometers, but it is said that it will interfere with the signal. I have not tested it, so I don’t know how far there will be no signal. This depends on your luck. In short, I will be there if I can receive the signal within 24 hours. "

After the explanation, I didn’t wait for the other party’s response, so I summoned Ye Ying and climbed up. When Ye Ying waited for me to climb up, he stomped forward and trot forward slowly and left the scene. And until the silhouette of Ye Ying and I disappeared in the fog, the group of people here suddenly reacted.

"Damn, that guy is so arrogant, who is he?" a young player asked uncomfortably.

An older player next to him slapped the guy on the back of his head and said: "Don't talk nonsense. That guy is Purple Moon!"

"Purple Moon The young man who was beaten was also taken aback. "You are talking about the Purple Moon of the Frost Rose League?"

"Nonsense, besides him, who else is called Purple Moon can be remembered by us?"

The youth was scolded I don’t know how to talk back, but I think it’s wrong, so I asked: "But it’s not right. Purple Moon’s equipment doesn’t seem to be like this?"

"Idiot, Purple Moon’s equipment is There are only three full set of growth Divine Item suits in the game. The shape of the thing is not fixed. As long as the Purple Moon keeps getting stronger, the thing will continue to deform. The change now only means that the Purple Moon must be again. It has been greatly strengthened."

"But how did you recognize the wrong equipment?" The young man asked stupidly.

This time the woman holding the crystal next to the change said: "Equipment will change into a familiar, but it will not change. Four hoofs float in the air, feet on hellfire, and the whole body is pitch black. That mount is clearly a nightmare. But. Have you noticed? That nightmare has a black crystal horn on top of its head. I don’t know how many nightmare mounts there are in the game, but there are definitely not many. And if it’s a nightmare with long horns, it’s definitely Purple Moon’s. A nightmare transformed from a shadow unicorn called Nightshade. Don’t look at that thing now serving as a mount. It’s really impossible for us to tie a piece together to do that thing."

"It’s so powerful. "

The Captain who has not spoken all the time proved: "Nightmare's attack power is very average, but the skills are too evil. If you really want to fight, as long as the opponent is patient, I am not an opponent."< /p>

The youth heard this, sticking out his tongue and saying: "Fortunately, I didn't provoke him just now." At this point, he looked towards the crystal that the woman was holding and said: "You said we want to really use this Something, will he come to save us?"

"Should be." They Captain said: "Currently, Purple Moon is said to be very cunning, but he has a good reputation. Before he makes a guarantee, he will find ways to fight for benefits, but once he makes a promise, he will inevitably implement it without discount. I think it is not guilty to use his reputation to damage his reputation for our little cats. Anyway, use him. It’s just no effort at all to save us."

"But this is a nightmare zone? Is Purple Moon still that strong if the demons are forbidden?"

If the young man is still with me now, he will definitely answer himself without the slightest hesitation, "it is so strong," but it is a pity that he is not with me now. Of course, in fact, he is going to be finished here, because I am now surrounded by a large group of monsters inside and out. Although there are no corps

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