"Does this thing really work?"

"I don't know." The technical Mermaid Race member quickly swam to the place where he was lying. Next to the equipment in the middle of a pile of gravel.

As the technician said before, the internal structure of this device is basically covered by a large shell, and what we can see now is this shell. . This cylindrical, water-storage-like shell is the equipment we need, but because the shell is not completely broken now, the internal situation is not visible for the time being. But at present, the shell is basically broken. Its surface is full of pits and pits of large and small. In some places, the whole is collapsed. Depending on the thickness of the shell, the impact force is definitely not small. However, if you want to know the internal situation, you still have to wait for the technician to open the shell.

The volume of this device is not small, and there is also a space between the outer steel shell and the inner structure. In previous inspections, technicians drilled in through the entrance at the bottom of the steel shell, so after carefully inspecting the shell and confirming that only a few places were penetrated, the technician asked us to help turn the equipment over.

Because of the rolling fall, the bottom of this device is now diagonally inserted in a pile of rocks, so the technicians can't get in at all. But because of the help of the monster controlled by Pepper, it's easy to turn it over.

After Pepper commanded the monsters to turn the equipment over, the technician immediately swam to the entrance and wanted to go in. As a result, he was completely dumbfounded when he saw the handle of the door.

The door at the entrance is something similar to a pressure door on a ship. There is a turning handle like a steering wheel on the outside of the door. By turning this handle, the cabin door can be opened. However, the original flexible turning handle was already twisted like a ball of twists, so you don't need to try it, and at a glance, you know it's absolutely useless.

Of course I have seen such a simple and obvious damage, so I took the initiative to fall to the door without waiting for the other person to speak, and then drew Eternal to aim at the edge of the door, and then turned to ask the technician: "It won't hurt the equipment if you plug it in from here?"

The technician immediately said: "No, the equipment is at least two meters away from the case." When I heard him say that, I immediately The eternally changing dagger was inserted into the door, and the technician hurriedly shouted: "That's water-sand steel, you can't poke..." He wanted to remind me that this thing is strong and I can't move it at all, but He swallowed it only halfway through what he said, because when he was talking, I had cut the steel door from the outer shell like a cake.

I grabbed the door that was completely separated from the shell and pulled it out. I threw the door out with a bang. "Okay, let's go in."

The technician looked at me dumbfounded, and reacted after a while. "Oh, okay. But you'd better lend me your knife. There are a lot of support beams in it. It must have been deformed now. I guess you can't get through without cutting off these support beams."

"Then I'll stay with you. You can't use my weapon." As I said, I made a gesture for him to advance, and the other party realized that the eternal dagger in my hand was gradually deforming. , This kind of weapon with deformation ability must be the high level equipment of Artifact Spirit, which is really not used by ordinary people.

After the guy jumped into the inside of the device, I followed in. Because the water in this area of ​​water glows by itself for unknown reasons, even the inside of the device is not dark at all.

It's just like the technician guessed. The various deformed support steel pipes are crooked and twisted between the outer shell and the equipment. If you want to move forward, you have to open all the support columns. But I just glanced forward through the gaps in those twisted metal pipes and gave up my intention of taking the researcher into it. There are too many things here, even if Eternity is sharp, it will definitely take a long time to cut this path.

"If this shell and these supporting columns are all removed, it will have no effect on the equipment itself, right?" I turned my head and asked the technicians.

The other party said while looking for a gap to go through: "The shell is used for protection to prevent some aquatic animals from damaging the internal equipment. It has nothing to do with the equipment itself."

I nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I just remove the shell, it is too troublesome."

The researcher thought about it and said: "Also, but is it not troublesome for you to dismantle it like this?"

"Of course it's not troublesome. Anyway, it's not me." As I said, I opened the wormhole on the inner wrist directly in the surprised eyes of the technician, and then I saw one by one. The ghost worm crawled out of the cave and quickly crawled everywhere. These beetles quickly materialized themselves as soon as they appeared, and turned into shiny beetles like diamond crafts. Following them, they began to crawl around and gnaw on the metal shell and supporting steel frame. Although an insect gnaws slowly, a densely packed layer of insects can gnaw much faster together. Suddenly, the entire metal shell and the supporting steel frames collapsed and softened as if performing a rapid decay process in front of us. In the end, the entire shell of the device was gnawed away, but the internal devices were intact. "It's much more convenient now. Let's start checking."

We didn't have any hope for this thing before removing the shell. NS. However, when the shell was gnawed off by the ghost worm, we suddenly raised some hope.

"I should really thank the designer of this thing for making such a powerful case." I stroked the instrument that seemed almost intact and said: "The designer of this thing knew Will this thing fall from the top?"

"That's not it." The technician said: "However, rocks sometimes fall off the cliffs where it was placed before. This shell not only prevents the destruction of aquatic life In addition, the main thing is to deal with those falling rocks."

"Speaking of which falling rocks fell from above and the device fell down by itself, the effect is not the same?"

"So The shell can protect the equipment.” The technician said after he said, “But don’t get too excited. I found three penetration injuries on the shell before, which means that something has entered the shell. I haven’t found it yet. There are any scars on the machine, I hope they are blocked by the support beam."

"If it is just a wound, we can also help you find it?" I asked aloud.

The researcher nodded and said after thinking about it: "That's right, you all come together to find out, just to confirm whether there are any impact marks or scratches."

It is not really necessary to look for bumps or scratches on the surface of this device, because the device itself is not like its shell. The shell was originally a flat cylinder, even if it was smashed with potholes, there were only some undulations, and the structure was not very complicated, so you can tell at a glance what kind of holes are there. However, although the equipment inside is a pillar as a whole, there are many high and low protrusions on its surface, and some places are connected with pipelines and some special grooves. It takes a little effort to find a wound on such an irregular surface. But fortunately, at least we have a lot of staff, and the efficiency of finding together is not low.

——After ten minutes——

"Hey, I seem to have found one." In the end, it was the member of the Mermaid Race who acted as a guide who first discovered the problem, so everyone They surrounded the past together.

According to the guy’s guidance, we soon found a fairly obvious breach in a densely packed area, and after seeing the outside structure, everyone was the same His brows tightened. If a hole was opened in a relatively flat area, we wouldn’t be so worried about it, but now the hole is in a position where so many pipelines are connected together, which shows that the location must be a very important transit point. If a hole is punched in this place, then the probability that affects the operation of the machine will increase indefinitely.

"How? Is there any important part damaged?" I looked at the technician and asked after worrying.

The other party did not answer directly, but frowned said: "This is a very important area, the equipment behind is quite dense, and 80% of the probability equipment has been damaged, but you can’t be sure if you don’t open it and see. Yes. But there are too many equipment pipes in this place. If you want to open it, you must first disassemble all of these things. If I do it alone, it will take at least five or six hours to open. If there is a foreign body that penetrates into the interior than expected It’s deeper, and the parts inside may have to be disassembled later. That time will be more terrifying."

"So?" After hearing the other party’s words, I thought for a while and said: "How do you install this thing? Is it closed with screws and locks, or is it closed directly with magic?"

"It's just an ordinary turnbuckle. This is not a high level magical equipment that has strict requirements on volume. It is closed with magic. The cost is too exaggerated!"

I nodded and said: "If you say that, then I can help you quickly disassemble it."

The technician listened quickly. He threw himself on the device and shouted: "You can't use those insects anymore. It doesn't matter what the shell is, the things here are all useful. Any damage will affect the operation of the device!"

"Are you an idiot? Of course I know that this device body can't be gnawed. I mean I'll find two helpers for you." As I said, I gave Brigitte and Inverite directly to summon Came out.

Although Brigitte and Inverite are Thor and Fire Essence Spirit King, they are actually constructed creatures, which are similar to the magical version of robots. Although their thunder and lightning and Fire Attribute are greatly restricted in the water, if they only help to screw the screws, it is still no problem. As a robot-like existence, it goes without saying that everyone knows how fast they can remove screws.

Although the Mermaid Race technician didn’t believe them when I first saw Ivorite and Brigitte, but after reluctantly letting them try to remove a pipe, the technician Was completely conquered.

As long as the construct creatures in the game have a soul core, they will inevitably have their own attribute-mechanical proficiency. This attribute was originally used for constructing creatures to repair themselves after damage, just like Paladin's own healing technique. However, in fact, the scope of application of this skill is much wider than imagined. In addition to self-repair, this skill can also help construct creatures to accurately grasp the working principle of machinery and understand how to use and maintain these equipment.

Of course, all of the above situations were accidentally discovered because there were too many magic puppets in our guild. But now it comes in handy. Ivorite and Brigitte are both constructed creatures, so they can roughly understand the function and operation of the device by just looking at the appearance of the machine. If someone guides them, it will be easier to get started.

Under the guidance of the technician, Brigitte moved to the side of the equipment with her hands like a doctor preparing to go to the operating table, and then her hands suddenly oh la la folded into the wrist. In the middle, along with the two front ends with special rollers, something like a vise is stretched out. Use these two things to clamp the fixed nut at both ends of a pipe, and then I saw a mechanical turning sound of whining, and the screw cap began to fly upward. The screw cap, which originally required a technician to hold a wrench for half a day, was unscrewed from the fixed post in less than two seconds. Then Brigitte raised her hand slightly, and the pipe was removed with a click.

With the experience of the first pipe, the technician knew that it was okay for them to dismantle the pipe, so he stopped staring at them one by one, but directly told them where to dismantle, so Brigitte and Inverite started to dismantle them one by one. The fast technology had not had time to number the parts before they found a pile of pipes next to them.

"Ah, why are you so fast? Somehow, let me make a number? How can I restore it after being messed up for a while?"

The technician just finished shouting, Ivor Ritter said directly: "We have precise memory capabilities. We can accurately remember the position of each removed part. Don't worry, as long as we remove it, we will definitely be able to put it back."


"Of course."

"Well, let’s start removing this lid now."

The technician compromised and started to instruct Ivorite and Brigitte tear up other things. Without the barrier of the pipe, the punctured hexagonal cover was exposed, but this thing was fixed to the machine by twelve screws, so it had to be screwed further. Because this time it was a screw, not a screw cap, so Brigitte and Inverite put the pliers in their hands into their wrists, and then turned out two screwdrivers that looked like electric drills. After aligning these screwdrivers with the screws, there was another whine, and a screw nearly ten centimeters long was unscrewed directly. If this is to be screwed slowly, I don’t know how long it will take.

Since the construct creature can do two things at the same time, both of their hands are screwing two screws respectively. Brigitte and Inverite worked together, and the cover was removed in less than ten seconds.

After removing the cover, a large hole was exposed on the machine. From here you can see densely packed pipelines and some parts exposed with the crystal shell. It looks so complicated. .

"What kind of equipment is this? Why is it so complicated inside?" I looked at this thing and asked.

The technician took the time to explain to me while instructing Brigitte and Inverite to continue dismantling things. "This is a background wave balancer, specifically used to monitor the changes in the gravity field, and at the same time feed the change signal to the gravity generator, and then generate reverse gravity to offset the changes in the gravity field."

That is, the attraction field formed by universal gravitation. On Earth, the gravitational field in most areas is basically stable, but it is different in the sea. Because the density of seawater changes with many factors, and special changes such as tides caused by the moon's gravity will affect the gravity of the seawater, making the gravity field in an unstable state.

Transmission Formation uses space magic, and space itself is affected by changes in the gravitational field. If the gravitational field between the start and end of the transmission has been changing in a symmetrical way, then it doesn’t matter how the gravitational changes. This is like as the tide rises, the boat floats. Regardless of the water level, if a person wants to climb from the water to the boat, the force required for this process is always the same, because the distance between the ship’s side and the water surface has not changed. However, if the gravitational field between the start and end of the transmission does not change in a symmetrical manner, but one becomes higher and the other lower, or there is a difference in the magnitude of the increase, then the transmission itself will have a problem.

The analogy of a boat in the water. If you want to throw a tennis ball from the water onto the ferry next to it, you must have a range of power. If it is small, it will hit the ship’s side and bounce back. If it is too large, it may fly over its head and fall back into the water from the other side of the ship. If you record the force of throwing the ball onto the boat and set this range as a safety standard, then if the water level changes, you still use this safety standard to throw the ball, naturally there is no problem. Because you and the boat are rising or falling together with the change in water level. However, suppose that a lot of cargo is loaded into the big ship, causing the hull to sink a lot. You haven't changed. You still use your safety force to throw the ball, and the ball will fly directly to the side of the ship.

The principle of Transmission Formation is similar. Setting coordinates between two Transmission Formations is actually setting a safe power range. As long as it does not exceed a certain range, the transmission itself will not cause problems. However, the change in the gravity field of the sea water will affect the position of the seabed near the Transmission Formation. Therefore, if no adjustment is made, the Transmission Formation will still use the original coordinates for transmission, and the result will probably be that you don’t know where to send the person. went. It is lucky to fall near the Transmission Formation. If it happens to fly into the turbulence of time and space, the fun will be great. Therefore, this balancing device is the key to the normal operation of Transmission Formation.

What? You said why not adjust the coordinate data of Transmission Formation to adapt to changes in the gravity field?

Is the Transmission Formation data so easy to adjust? Let's not talk about how troublesome it is to import data, even if it is simple, do you have to send a data change notification to all Transmission Formations in the world every time the gravity field changes? Therefore, it is unrealistic to modify the coordinates of the Transmission Formation. The best way is to stabilize the coordinates of the unstable Transmission Formation so that it is always maintained at this coordinates, so that others will not have problems as long as they transmit according to the coordinates.

After the technician explained the purpose of this thing to me, the disassembly work was basically completed. The end result was extremely shocking. Yes, it is indeed extremely shocking, because the unknown foreign object actually passed through a key area full of important equipment, and several through holes were opened in various fixing plates and support frames along the way, but it was a magical function. The parts were not touched either. In other words, this device is fine at all.

"Damn, this is really dogshit luck! I got home! The whole thing was beaten and nothing happened!" In the end, even the technician couldn't help but start to sigh. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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