During the next inspection, we discovered two more holes in the machine. It turned out that a hole was pierced except for an insignificant pipe. The parts were all preserved intact. Of course, due to the problem of the machine itself, some adjustments need to be made to make it run again.

The famous food Mermaid Race technician carefully studied the entire equipment and said: "I have checked the machine. This pipe needs to be replaced, and the power furnace needs to be slightly adjusted. In addition, we may also You have to get another shell out. The machine can't be directly exposed to the outside like this."

"Is it easy to replace these things?"

The technician said: "We still have pipelines in reserve. , The power stove just needs to be adjusted, give me a wrench, and it will be done in two hours. It’s just the shell..."

"Does the shell have any special requirements? Does it just need to be strong enough?"

The technician nodded and said: "As long as the general speaking is strong enough, there is a gap between the equipment and the equipment to facilitate our maintenance, and it is better to leave a door that can be opened and closed."< /p>

"If that's the case, it's easy." I said directly: "I will go to land and order one back."


"Yes. I have a good relationship with Hephaestus. It should be okay to let him make one?"

"Do you know Vulcan too?"

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"No problem, no problem, just surprised. Well, since you are looking for a custom shell from Lord Vulcan, you can just order a balance magic array for us? So that's it. It’s almost reaching the limit of use."

"What kind of thing is it?"

"This is it." The technician directly put a small The metal tray was handed over, and I took a look at it and gave the metal tray directly to Anna to ask her to find Hephaestus to customize a set. Of course, the shell should also be customized together.

After Grandma took the order and left, we asked the monsters commanded by Pepper to help transport the equipment to the place where it had fallen. After re-stuffing the equipment into the cave, we took time to get some The collapsed cave was rehabilitated again. During the period, I asked Brigitte and Inverite to weld the steel lining for the entire cave, but because the equipment shell has not been sent back, it is not easy to seal the cave entrance, but This has also greatly strengthened the defensive power. At least there is no need to worry about falling rocks from the top of the cave and damaging the machine.

"That's almost the same, right?" I asked, looking at the caves that have been lined with steel and a few steel columns have been added.

The technician who eats Mermaid Race also nodded and said: "It is indeed much better than before, but this is not the point. If you can eliminate all the monsters outside, the environment here is not a problem at all. You This steel liner, even if you don’t add a shell, is nothing at the worst."

I nodded and said: "Anyway, I should fix this side first, then I can concentrate my mind. To solve the monster's problem."

Although I said that I would wait until the completion of the work here to start dealing with the monster, but in fact I didn't really do nothing. While waiting for the enclosure to be in place, I asked the small dragon female escort technician to go back to get some replacement parts, and brought back three more technicians. Previously, only one person was sent out because Queen Piranha did not believe that my strength could escort them here safely, so she only sent three people to me in order to reduce casualties. This time, sending personnel to return safely, the queen's confidence has naturally improved a lot, so the number of people coming has also increased.

When Shishi Mermaid Race sent people here, I was also sending people out here, but instead of sending people to repair things, they sent people to investigate the situation.

When the cave wall collapsed, the Mermaid Race was driven out of the original gathering area by the monsters, and the new cave entrance here and the dark waters on the other side, Mermaid Race simply did not investigate pass. As the place where the monsters first appeared, the environment over there can be said that now we have a black eye. If we want to clean up the monsters over there, we must at least figure out what is going on over there. In case it is not a closed water area, but connected to the outside, then it is useless even if we clear all the monsters in the cave, because the monsters outside can come back here again.

Since the waters are full of powerful monsters, the pathfinder team must be strong enough. In the end, after much deliberation, he arranged for Heiyan and Chili to be in charge of exploring the way. As the Queen of Sea Clan, Chili can manipulate some monsters with not very strong spirit strength, and the huge volume and super high attributes of Black Flame can easily suppress most of the aquatic creatures. With these two powerful forces, it should be able to be in the monster cave. Left sideways. Of course, the premise is that there can be no monster like the 8000-level boss we met before in the monster cave, otherwise, even if I go there, I still have to run back with my tail between. However, this probability can basically be ignored. After all, this is a map task rather than a single-player task, and the difficulty is impossible to that level.

Because the time calculation is more accurate, when the reinforcement technicians from Mermaid Race arrived, the custom-made things from Adina happened to be brought back. Originally, the shell was not a high-tech thing. For Hephaestus, three hammers and two axes were enough. The balance plate is not low in technology, but it is also limited, and its size is not large, so Hephaestus quickly got these two things, plus when I left Aanna I asked her to take it with her. Fenglong left together, so they relied on flying birds to lead the way, and things were also stuffed into the Fenglong space. This speed was naturally fast. In the end, the people who left on both sides returned, and Chili and Heiyan hadn't had time to explore the gloomy waters over there.

Although Chili and Heiyan did not come back, because I can use contact with the Familiar to share information in real time, I know all the information they explored.

According to the current exploration results, the monsters in this dark water are not as dense as imagined. Of course, this has something to do with their being too strong and scaring the little monster away. However, overall the number of monsters here is still lower than expected. In addition, according to the changes in water flow, Chili and Heiyan finally found a connecting pipe in that dark water area, but the strange thing is that the water area there is connected to the inland water, which is fresh water.

The water area where the Mermaid Race is located is actually a salt water area. We didn’t express anything strange about it, because we vaguely guessed that it is connected to the sea before, so the passage is The sea water is also normal. Just because of the injection of several small underground Water Elements, the salinity of this water area is much lower than that of real sea water, of course it is still salty water.

The dark waters on the other side were completely independent from the bright waters on this side. There is a stone wall between the two, and the waters on the opposite side are connected to the groundwater of the landing site, so the whole area is fresh water. Area.

After understanding the difference in water quality between the two sides, I seem to understand why the monster over there easily does not want to enter the waters here. As freshwater creatures, if those monsters weren't forced to be helpless, they would definitely not run into the salt water. Even if this bright water area itself is not very salty, it is not the environment that freshwater creatures like, so powerful monsters simply won't enter this area.

In addition to discovering the difference in water quality, Chili and Heiyan also found an area where monsters are extremely dense, but because the monsters are too dense, they can’t get close at all. Heiyan also tried The force charged once, but it had no effect other than triggering a monster riot. Anyway, it is not so easy to explore the area behind the group of monsters.

While Chili and Heiyan were still investigating the dark waters, we also took the time to install the equipment shell, and then welded a layer of steel plates to the caves that were not completely closed before. The outer baffle, of course, the door still needs to be left, but because there is no suitable material, and the requirements for the door are not high, we simply welded a lifting gate that moves up and down, but this thing is just a block anyway. Blocking low-level creatures, even without a lock, there is nothing at worst.

After the gravity field stabilizer project was completed, the technicians supported by Mermaid Race got into the machine and started busy debugging. At this time, the pepper and Heiyan sent out to explore the road were also just right. came back.

After exploring, we now know that the dark waters on the opposite side are freshwater areas. In addition, although the waters are filled with groundwater, they are all very small undercover channels. There is no creature that can exceed the size of a kitten. A regular passageway. The total number of monsters in the waters is between eighty and one hundred thousand. There are a lot of them, and many of them are surprisingly large. In addition, about the area surrounded by monsters, there is still no breakthrough, so I don’t know what is behind for the time being, but it is certain that there should be the source of the appearance of monsters, because the closer you get to there, the more monsters there will be. The strength is stronger.

"It seems that if you want to solve the problem here, you have to check the extremely concentrated area of ​​the monster first. No matter what is behind, there must be the key."

" I think so too." Pepper said: "The gathering of monsters in that place is obviously not normal. Besides, we must ensure the safety here. Sooner or later we have to clean up the monsters over there, so we still have to go in and take a look at the end."

I thought about it and said to the technicians who eat Mermaid Race: "If this is the case, then we will destroy the monster first, and I will leave it to you here."

After hearing my words, the technicians of Mermaid Race were all nodded and said they would do their job well, but we also ask us to get rid of those damn monsters as soon as possible. After all, it is miserable enough for their race to be tossed by those monsters. Naturally, I hope that the monster will die as much as possible.

After bidding farewell to the members of the Mermaid Race, I took the pets alone to the junction of the two waters. From here, the entrance to the dark waters is as deep as Gates of Hell. And horror, if you were a little bit courageous, it would be estimated that even Hanmao would stand up. But I didn't have any reaction to this, so I took the grandiose monsters into it.

Actually, I don’t have many summon familiars now. Besides, not all of my familiars are suitable for fighting in the water. At present, apart from the small dragon girl temporarily acting as a mount under me in her body form, there are only peppers and black flames beside me. The reason why I want to say grandiose is entirely because of the pepper. Before arriving here, Chili had already controlled eleven monsters, but after investigating in the gloomy waters, only three of those eleven monsters died, but she controlled a large group of other monsters. The result is now that we are surrounded by a large group of strange monsters and swam towards the area where the monsters are densest in the dark waters.

Originally because of the small dragon female Dragon's Might, those ordinary rare beasts were afraid to approach, and now they are surrounded by such a large group of monsters, this power is even more frightening. As soon as the monsters along the way spot our team, they will immediately turn around and run away. Even if there are some brains that are not easy to use, as soon as they hit in, they will be rushed up and eaten by groups of monsters.

However, this situation is also impossible to maintain. This is true at the initial extreme. Even if the scattered monsters are relatively strong, they don’t want to single out so many monster clusters. What's more, the small dragon female Dragon’s Might and the pepper’s Sea Clan queen are not fun, and the general monsters are not. Dare to touch their mold. However, as our team got closer and closer to the monster gathering place, this situation began to gradually change.

In the beginning, we first discovered that the nearby monsters started to increase, but those monsters were still hiding from us, but not as far away as the monsters we saw at first, but in us Only at a very close distance did they begin to evade. Moreover, I think it is more appropriate to say that they are making way for us rather than avoiding us. We can feel that those monsters are indeed afraid of confronting us, but they are not willing to leave this area, so they just try to avoid our moving route, but refuse to go far. Moreover, as we continue to deepen, the monster inside begins to become more and more high level. These powerful monsters started to no longer avoid us very deliberately. Although they didn't dare to stop them directly, they didn't actively avoid us like the monsters outside.

After moving on for a certain distance in this worsening situation, the behavior of the monsters has changed from seeing us give way to the point where they don’t know how to avoid it. However, although we will not take the initiative to evade, due to the tremendous pressure from our large group of creatures, even if we are struck by a monster in our team, it is only a symbolic deterrence by barring teeth. No monster really dared to jump up and attack.

However, the above situation also ended when we finally advanced to the entrance of a tunnel.

Although this area was very crowded before, there were long rare beasts like alien creatures everywhere, but the terrain was still open water. The reason why it felt crowded was because there were so many monsters. It's not because the place is narrow. However, after passing through these monster groups, what we finally saw was a huge cave tunnel with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. Although this channel is still very large, it is definitely a narrow channel compared to the waters where the walls are completely hidden from the outside. Moreover, there are not so many monsters here. From the outside, only a pile of densely packed monsters can be seen filling the whole passage.

"Damn, why are there so many monsters?"

After hearing what I said, Pepper did not answer, but reminded me: "Master, there seems to be some kind of The fluctuations are affecting my mental wave."

"It is estimated that that is what we are looking for." I said and looked at the densely packed monster in front, and said: "But what should I do with these things? Huh? It takes at least several days to kill one by one, right?"

"Perhaps Lilith would prefer this kind of scene." The small dragon woman reminded.

"Yeah, why did you forget Lilith?" I suddenly reacted, and then called Lilith out.

"Huh? Is it in the water environment? There are fish to eat here." Lilith said excitedly as soon as she appeared, because every time she was called out by me, there must be something to eat, after all Her battle method is swallowing, so for her fighting is eating.

After Lilith's excitement was over, I said to her: "Did you see the hole in front?"

Lilith was nodded with excitement, and then said: "To connect these outside Will you eat all the monsters together? It looks so delicious!"

I thought about it for a while and said, "As long as it doesn’t affect the progress, you can just eat it. But if you find that you can’t deal with it. Don’t hold on and get out quickly. There may be something weird here."

"Understand the master, don’t worry, I am Immortal Body." While saying that, Lilith has already rushed into the monster ahead. In the group.

After rushing into the strange group, Lilith first rushed to a giant maggot-like monster with a crocodile head in front of its head. From the comparison of the sizes of the two sides, it attached to the monster. Lilith is vicious like a mosquito lying on a person. However, unlike mosquitoes, a mosquito bite can cause a big itching for a few days at most, but Lilith will quickly die.

After attaching to the monster, Lilith slowly sinks into the skin of the monster like a crocodile sinking into the water. After the monster was invaded by Lilith, a huge blister suddenly appeared, and then the blister rose more and more, as if blowing bubbles one after another, and the area was also expanding rapidly. After Lilith's invasion, the giant monster turned into a huge mass of flesh that seemed to be made up of a pile of sarcomas in less than twenty seconds, and the original monster was no longer visible.

This meatball didn’t stop working immediately after it was formed, but kept squirming. After ten seconds, seven or eight tentacles suddenly popped out of its surface, which instantly hit the nearby area. Seven or eight monsters of, and those monsters that were touched by the tentacles immediately swelled all over and turned into new masses, which were pulled back by the tentacles and merged into a larger mass. After that, the meatball began to madly eject the tentacles to the monster in front and ate it all the way, and as its size increased, the ejection speed and number of its tentacles continued to increase. Although many monsters feel the terrifying of the meatball, they can't escape its claws at all, and are eventually pulled into the meatball one by one to become a part of it.

I looked at Lilith who was sweeping the past like a scavenger and shook my head helplessly and exclaimed: "No matter how many times I watch it, Lilith's fighting style is still so disgusting!"

Small dragon female also nodded and said: "Compared to those monsters, I feel that Lilith is more like a monster!"

For the small dragon female, I just laughed, and did not continue to express emotion, but greet Other pets said: "At least the road is clear anyway. Let's see what good things in this passage attract so many monsters." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come. Starting point (qidian.com) vote recommended, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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