"Isn’t there only one thing about this?" This is the last thing the three Mermaid Race members can think of, but they just finished speaking and I directly assigned Grandma to Towed away.

Facing the monster group ahead, I know that it’s impossible to rely on me alone. The main reason is that there are three oil bottles behind, otherwise I can completely solve these monsters one by one slowly. It's just that if you don't block them now, those three will definitely not be able to escape. The role of Granda is to remind them to run fast. Impossible really took them to finish the race with the monster. Besides, I still need Anna to show me the way. Without her, I'm here like a lost person in the desert. I can't find East, South, West, North at all.


The golden aperture appeared, and Victoria instantly appeared in front of me. "Is there anything I can do for help?"

"Give status to the guys in front."


Victoria now uses the Arrow of Destiny. I don’t know how much the efficiency has been improved. At the beginning of Olympus, so many Olympus Divine Races were suppressed by her. It was impossible to move even a little bit. There were only a dozen monsters here. Not her limit.

While Victoria launched the arrow of destiny to refresh those monsters, I quickly started to summon the familiar. If there were more than a dozen monsters when dealing with the previous monster, I might not be able to deal with it. After all, the familiars hadn't arrived yet, but this meeting is different. Everyone has completed the task and returned to me. At this time, I am not afraid of anything anymore.

"Sha Yezi."

"Huh? Monster? Let me try if I can control it." Sha Yezi, who had just come out of summon, pointed directly at the front. The monster floated past. That monster obviously doesn’t have a spiritual sense, so you can’t see a pure ghost like Sha Yezi at all, so that Sha Yezi rushes into the body without any intention of avoiding it, and then this guy is like an electric shocked insect. Suddenly twisted into a ball of twists, followed by unfolding, and twitching there repeatedly for a few seconds before stabilizing.

After shaking his head for a while, the monster that was invaded by Sha Yezi suddenly turned his head moved towards the side and jumped on it. The monster next to him was taken aback when he noticed that his companion suddenly rushed forward, but the companion who followed it took a bite on him. Although this kind of monster's mouth is more suitable for directly swallowing things smaller than itself, it is okay if you really want to bite.

Of course, such a big monster will die immediately after being bitten. Although I am surprised at why my companions attacked me, the monster is a monster after all. I don’t know for sure. Since I was attacked, I turned around and bite back. It's as it should be by rights. So, the two monsters just bite each other one bite at a time, while the other monsters around are completely confused and can only rush to me over them first.

Sha Yezi performed pretty well there. I thought about it and gave the prison snake to Summon again. Although there is not much attack power, it is difficult to really kill the target, but the prison snake is definitely a weapon for group warfare. Although this move will not kill people directly, it is not possible to cause you to suffer a hemiplegia. questionable.

As soon as the prison snake appeared, it was directly on my wrist, and then I lifted my head. The ruby-like eyes stared at the monster group ahead fiercely. In the next second, all the monsters seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer at the same time. It took a full two seconds before they gradually recovered. We charge, but this speed is at least 60% lower than before.

"OK, it's much easier now." As I said, I pointed straight forward: "Chili, it's up to you."

Although the chili doesn't seem to have any water The characteristics of the biological species, but they are the real Queen of Sea Clan. Of course, this Sea Clan refers to part of the Sea Clan. In fact, Sea Clan is a general term, just like dinosaurs, mammals, and arthropods. In fact, the scope is quite large. Strictly speaking, the King of Atlantis, Amina and her father, can also be regarded as the Sea Clan King, and the Queen who eats Mermaid Race just before can also be regarded as the Sea Clan Queen.

Of course, unlike the kings who dominate a certain ethnic group, Chili was the super queen who held a huge Sea Clan alliance before becoming my favorite. It's a unit, and the number is amazing. Although ninety-nine percent of them are trash-type monsters, they are strong enough to a certain extent. Moreover, there are actually a lot of high-level creatures that remain at 0.1%. After all, the basic number is too large, even if One percent is also a big number.

Anyway, Pepper’s Sea Clan queen status is correct, so she has more ways to deal with these Sea Clan than we do. Grandma and the others would fight with Sea Clan at best, but Chili knew how to control them.

As soon as Summon came out, Chili immediately understood the surrounding situation, and saw that she suddenly moved towards one of the monsters, and then pointed her finger to the other monster, which was originally pointed at by her. The monster immediately looked towards the side and turned and hit his companion. Then the two monsters rumbled into a ball and rushed directly under us, as if they hadn't seen our existence at all. The remaining monsters did not resist her mental invasion after Pepper appeared. They just struggled for a few seconds before they were silent by our side, and then obediently turned around and stopped at our feet like a group of puppies.

"Okay, master, now I can command them."

"Wow, how did you do it?" Sha Yezi, who just got two monsters, has floated back. , She looked at the group of monsters parked in the vicinity in surprise, and then asked while shaking the arm of the chili pepper.

Chili smiled and replied: "In fact, it’s nothing. There is a universal thinking wave frequency band between Sea Clan. Just connect to this frequency band, and then input your own thought energy into it, relying on your own thought force to press across. The other party’s mental defense, the rest is almost the same as playing with puppets."

Although Sha Yezi is not a type specializing in souls, she herself is a wraith, so you must know some of these things. Yes, Chili explained that she understood a little bit. However, it is clear that it is impossible to copy. After all, this skill still relies on spirit strength to suppress the opponent’s thinking. Although wraith is a Spirit Physique, it is easier to release spirit strength than ordinary creatures, but if you want to defeat such a large creature, you have to do so much at once. It seems to be a bit strenuous. It's not as fast as her control one by one.

There are many speaking of which, in fact, from the monsters rushing to the peppers to control them all, in fact, it took less than five minutes before and after, and Anna took the few Mermaid Race fans. The members were called back by me before they were far away, and when they saw the eleven monsters parked around, they were all scared and ready to escape, if it hadn’t been known in advance that we had controlled the monster’s grandma Pulling, they probably disappeared again.

After being dragged back forcibly and confirming that the monsters were really under control at close range, the three Mermaid Race members finally felt relieved, and then they began to follow closely after being relieved. Excited. In fact, the reason for their excitement is indeed quite correct, because we almost never encountered a monster in the process of going to the location of the instrument. The powerful deterrence of this group of monsters made the surrounding little monsters dare not approach at all. Even if a few more powerful fools rushed in, they would be beaten to death by eleven monsters.

The three Mermaid Race members feel very comfortable with the current situation. Before they entered this water area with fear every time, now there are eleven monsters that they thought were completely invincible to protect them. , They are naturally extremely relieved. However, they think so, but I don't think so.

According to the description of the little skull before, the monstrous here don't like this self-luminous water area very much, they prefer the relatively normal dark water area on the other side. So, according to this theory, if these monsters are really the top predators here, then why should they be kept in the dark waters that are more comfortable and have more food resources to run to this piece of water without staying? The environment is terrible and where food is extremely scarce? Does this make no sense at all? Therefore, there is only one answer, and that is, there must be more powerful and true top predators in the dark waters ahead.

Although I have guessed that there must be more ruthless monsters ahead, until we reached the junction of the dark waters and the light waters, the top predators still did not appear. Of course, we encountered a lot of little monsters in the apprentice, but all of them were swallowed by the eleven monsters we were carrying, which did not cause any trouble at all.

"This is the new hole, right?" At the junction of the two waters, I asked the three Mermaid Race members next to me while observing the big hole in front of me.

The guide of the famous Mermaid Race nodded and said: "Yes, there used to be a stone wall here, but a big hole was opened due to the earthquake. But there was no problem at the beginning, until one day later. The naughty little fellow hid in this waters while playing hide-and-seek with his companions, and then the child never came out again. The second day clan sent many people here to look for the missing child. As a result, I didn't expect that because there were too many people, it attracted a large monster over there. When the monster rushed out, it completely smashed the already cracked Yanbi into fragments, and then more monsters chased after it. The monster in front rushed out and smashed the hole into the size it is now. After the disaster, our race had to hide in the area where we live now."

I nodded and started. Observed the hole carefully. The shape of the opening is a bit similar to the school playground, it is like a rectangle with two semicircles added to each side, but the area of ​​the opening is indeed a little bigger. Visually, the width of the opening is at least 200 meters, and the area with the largest upper and lower span is more than 500 meters. It is not difficult to seal such a large hole simply, but the problem is that it is underwater and it is not as easy to construct as on land. Secondly, it is not a Safety Sector either. It is not a simple matter to construct in a monster pile. Besides, even if it can be constructed, how thick do we have to repair the wall? In the past so many years, the monsters hadn't hit the wall not because they couldn't move, but because they didn't know that there was food. In the previous cognition of monsters, this is a wall. Even if it is very thin, there will be no monsters going to bump into it because it is not necessary at all. But now it’s different. Monsters already know that there is food here. Even if the water environment here makes them feel uncomfortable, food is the most important thing anyway, so even if we seal the exit, it must be There will be a monster rushing it away again.

There are only three ways to prevent monsters from breaking through this wall. One is to leave the guards watching here; the other is to physically reinforce the wall to the point where the monster can't hit it; the third is to go directly to the magic protection system, which is the safest.

The first of the three methods is obviously unreliable. The second method sounds very good, but it is somewhat difficult to implement. To build a strong line of defense for such a large hole is almost the same as rebuilding a wall. If it's on land, even if I build a house and lock all monsters in, I won't bring frowned. The 800,000 engineering troops raised by the Frost Rose League are not just for fun. It is a medium-sized city for three days. This efficiency can scare people to death. If you build a defensive wall, it will be like a house. But the problem is that it is not repaired on the ground, but in the water. We do have 800,000 engineers, but there are less than 8,000 capable of underwater construction. And a lot of equipment and materials can't be used in water, at least don't expect fast-drying cement or something. Underwater construction can only use steel structure welded to form a frame, and then make a rust-proof protective layer, and finally install strip stones on both sides to assist. This is the only construction method, but in that case, not only will the investment be huge, but the construction period will also be It grows to an unacceptable level. The most important point is that this investment is only to complete a task, which is obviously a bit unreasonable. As for the magic barrier, I didn't even think about it. If I have that money, I might as well buy some magic crystal to use as a bomb to blast the whole place, why bother to build a protective barrier so hard?

Finally, after measuring for a long time, I gave up my plan to block the entrance and exit. It was not that I could not do it, but the cost was unacceptable. "Sure enough, we still have to clean up the monsters here!" I sighed helplessly as I looked at the huge hole.

"What? Clean it up?" The member of the Mermaid Race who was in charge of the defense looked at me in surprise, thinking I was crazy. "Then what, President Purple Moon, are you kidding me?"

"What? Do you think it is impossible to complete?"

Although the other party did not answer the conversation, the meaning is obvious , I just think I can't figure it out. Although they were still excited after gaining control of eleven monsters before, they gradually reacted after they got here, knowing that the absolutely impossible we control is the strongest monster here, so they still feel that The monster here will be so powerful that we can't handle it at all.

I didn't bother to explain their suspicions. The best way to explain them is to prove them with results. Anyway, it doesn't matter if they believe or not, so I don't need to rush to explain.

"Anyway, go and check that device first, right?" I changed the subject and proposed.

The three famous Mermaid Race members were nodded, and then they began to lead the way to the location of the instrument. Originally I thought the difficulty of this task was to deal with those monsters, but obviously I underestimated this task.

"This, this, this..." When we reached the location where the device was supposed to be, what we saw was a huge pothole, but now only a bunch of them are left in the pothole The metal support frame that is fixed to the wall and has been severely twisted. As for the so-called equipment...I didn't see it anyway.

The pepper swam to the gap and checked the rock section and the location where the metal bracket broke, and then said: "There has been an impact here. The other party should not be directed at the equipment. It may have been accidentally hit. , Or the collision caused by the head."

"If this is the case, the equipment should be in the vicinity. The water flow here is very smooth and will not affect the landing point. According to this logic, things Eight achievements are in the bottom of the water below." Adina said afterwards.

When they heard what they said, I nodded and said: "Let’s go down and have a look before talking."

After getting the confirmation, everyone started to dive together, and the pepper was paid along the way. After carefully inspecting the rock wall near where the device was originally located, it turned out that a scratch and some metal fragments were found more than 30 meters below. Based on this, we can basically determine that the device has rolled to the bottom. Go down.

Dive all the way down the rock wall, because the rock wall itself has an inclination to our side, so the equipment that fell is equivalent to rolling down a slope, so from time to time along the way Some impact and scratch marks can be found. However, it is very happy to find one or two such traces to help us confirm that we are not looking in the wrong direction, but seeing so many traces makes us unhappy.

The member of the Mermaid Race who was in charge of the defense asked with some worry: "I have rolled down this road and bumped so many times, can that thing still be used?"

Technical The member of the Mermaid Race said with some uncertainty: "There is a protective shell on the outside of the device, and there is a large gap between it and the device itself. In theory, it should not be broken. It's just that the road is rolling and bumping. , I am afraid that the internal parts of the equipment will be damaged due to vibration. Although the equipment itself has no moving parts, there are still some precision parts that cannot be shaken. But this is also possible. Everything has to be checked after the equipment is found. ."

Although the impact marks along this road made us all worried, but after looking for such obvious marks along the way, we did not make a detour, and we directly found the so-called equipment. It's just that when we saw it, everyone felt a little bit in their hearts. Looking at the thing that looked like a rotten lychee shell, we basically lost any hope. If this thing can still be used, it would be a miracle! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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