In the end, the sad welcome banquet allowed us to live in peace. After all, the Queen Piranha presented food instead of poison, so if you really eat it, you won’t die. Of course, no one can actually eat it without eating it, so...

There is a saying that "the method is forced out." I think this is very reasonable. Facing the food that is hard to swallow, I was forced to feel helpless, so the solution came out. The first is to classify the food. The food Mermaid Race arranged for us is basically raw seafood. Although it looks disgusting, it tastes good when cooked. Like the very expensive sea cucumbers sold in reality, when the thing is alive, it is simply a giant black maggot full of thorns, but after it is made, it is very delicious and nutritious, which is very good for people.

Similarly, the things that Mermaid Race prepared for us will not taste too bad if they are cooked. The problem is that they are not cooked. For this problem, my approach is to process it myself.

In the process of my meal, the familiars almost completed their respective tasks and used the characteristics of the training space to directly return to me. This made my familiars gradually return to mine. Around. After the queen had talked with us about the business and let us have a big meal, I directly took out Xiaofeng summon, who had returned, to feed me temporarily as a maid. Although this seems to make people think I’m a bit ostentatious, but considering that apart from the members of the Mermaid Race, there is only one Prometheus present, so I don’t care if they doubt my character. Anyway, I have no plans in the future. Have in-depth communication with them.

There is a maid, Xiaofeng, who feeds me things. The biggest advantage is not the superiority of being served by beautiful women, but...she can cook things. People are only Phoenix anyhow, and playing with fire or something is a basic ability. No matter what the raw seafood is, just pass it through her hands and it will immediately become cooked food. Although no seasoning is added, the raw and cooked tastes are different. Whether it is delicious or not, at least it is not disgusting.

In the beginning, the idiot of Prometheus hadn't noticed the situation here, until after he gnawed half a plate of disgusting marine life with a sad face, he suddenly smelled a smell of meat, and then he Then he turned his head and glanced at me in surprise, and then was surprised by Xiaofeng's skills. Of course, it's useless to know, who told him that he doesn't have a familiar with fire. My Xiaofeng would never lend it to him anyway.

Of course, not everything in the pile of seafood is cooked. Some things are not tasty even if they are cooked, so I thought of another method.

Of course it’s not easy to throw away the food given by others in front of the queen, and it’s not polite to not eat, but there is no need to eat it. As long as people think you have eaten it, it will be fine. So, after thinking of this method, I asked Fenglong to open a space door directly in my mouth, and then I began to pretend to be satisfied with the food and slam the food into my mouth. In fact, I I just stuffed things into the Fenglong space through the opening of the mouth. People thought I had eaten those things, but I didn't touch them.

After we cleaned up the food, the queen immediately asked if we wanted to have more, but before I opened my mouth, Prometheus hurriedly shook his hand and said it was not necessary. Just kidding, I ate a bunch of unseasoned seafood and threw a lot of inedible things into the Phoenix Dragon space, but he really swallowed it, but this is already the limit. When something came up, he would surely squirt out what he had eaten before.

The queen didn't care about Prometheus's refusal so quickly, but they did give up the plan to come back. Anyway, she was just being polite and didn't really intend to let us eat it. After a brief and cordial conversation for a while, I finally left here on the grounds of eagerness to complete the task, and of course Prometheus followed me out. However, as soon as he left the Mermaid Race hideout and arrived in the waters outside, Prometheus immediately leaned on my side and greeted me in a low voice, and then hurriedly pulled back the city scroll and teleported back.

The reason Prometheus bids farewell is because when we came out, it was not only the two of us, but brought three members of the Mermaid Race. Prometheus was afraid they would hear , So I can only explain why in a low voice.

Actually, there is no major event when Prometheus leaves, just rushing to throw up. Although this place is already outside of other people’s territory, but there are still three of them with them, so it is not convenient to vomit publicly. Besides, it is underwater. Prometheus can breathe normally by relying on the underwater ventilation function of the helmet. If he wants to vomit what he eats, he must go ashore, otherwise he can only vomit in the helmet, because although the helmet has an underwater ventilation function, the water will still enter when the mask is opened, so he can only do so first. Slipped away. As for the task, he now knows my strength and understands that it doesn't matter whether he has him or not, so he didn't ask to follow me anymore.

After watching Prometheus teleport away, I greeted the three Mermaid Race members to take a look at the so-called equipment.

The three people who followed me were an equipment maintainer, a guide, and a combatant. The three of them will be responsible for guiding me to find the equipment, and the maintenance staff will also be responsible for inspecting the equipment and determining whether it can still be started, and the combatant’s task is to protect it from the side. Of course, I originally asked them not to send fighters, but the defender on the other side did not believe in my strength, so without the protection of fighters, he simply refused to come with me.

In fact, this guy is already quite bold, because in the entire Mermaid Race who will maintain the equipment, no one except him dares to venture out, even if it increases More accompanying guards did not do it. In contrast, this one that only requires one guard is already quite open.

Food Mermaid Race and American Mermaid Race are genetically close relatives, so there are sonar and other people, and for the convenience of finding the way, I will release the Adina right away after Prometheus leaves. Came out.

Speaking of Anna, something happened in the middle. I didn’t know before. Although the American Mermaid Race and the Food Mermaid Race are close relatives, the two races are very different. When Aanna appeared, the people on both sides almost didn’t fight, and in the end I used strong means to control it. The dispute was settled after living with three members of the Mermaid Race and halting Amina. However, because of this incident, the two sides have been in quarreling on the road afterwards, and obviously the relationship between the two sides is extremely bad.

In fact, the mood of speaking of which is easy to understand. Obviously they are descendants of Mermaid Race, but Eating Mermaid Race and Meimei Mermaid Race is a long alien creature, a long beautiful and unparalleled. Can you say that the two sides can get along in harmony? Mermaids attach great importance to their beauty, and at the same time they extremely look down on the ugly-looking Mermaid Race, while the Mermaid Race is because of the hatred of the United States, similar to the hatred of the rich, and extremely hate these long and beautiful relatives. When the two sides look down on each other, the relationship becomes worse and worse.

Although the relationship is not good, as long as they don’t fight, I don’t care about it. Fortunately, Aanna is a demon, and she has a body in reality. She knows that the things in the game are just a fictional background, so she doesn't take this matter too seriously. Although she still looks down on her in her heart, she is not as extreme as other mermaids. As for the members of the Mermaid Race on the opposite side, although they also hate Amana, they have been ordered by the queen after all, and they and the Meimaid Race are just at odds with each other. They have not reached the point of life and death enemies, so they have a mission. Under the premise, they still suppressed their emotions to ensure that work is prioritized.

Although the two sides were reluctant, but still effective cooperation, we quickly identified the location of the instrument and swam all the way there.

"Strange!" After swimming in the water for more than half an hour, the member of the Mermaid Race who was in charge of guiding suddenly murmured suspiciously.

Although his voice is not loud, I still heard him, so I turned my head and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The famous Mermaid Race member frowned thought about it. After a while, I said: "Don't you think our road is too quiet?"

"Quiet?" Hearing this guy's reminder, I also reacted. According to the introduction of Little Skeleton, the monster here should be closer to the position of the instrument, but we have already walked more than 80% of the distance, and in the end we didn't even touch a monster. What kind of situation is this? Could it be said that the monsters moved collectively? Obviously this is impossible!

Listening to me repeating this, the two Mermaid Race members next to me also became nervous, because they had felt that something was wrong before, but they have not paid much attention to it. Now With this reminder, everyone understood where their uneasy feeling came from.

Just as the three Mermaid Race members were nervous there, when I was thinking, Adyna suddenly said: "This situation generally has only one possibility."

"En? What's possible?" One of the members of the Mermaid Race habitually asked, and then realized that they should not pick up the words of the Mermaid Race.

Amanda has a body in reality anyway, and did not take the opportunity to despise the other party, but directly replied: "There must be a super monster nearby, so Xiao Xiami was scared away. ."

Although "Zero" is just a game, many principles are the same no matter where it is. For example, in reality, wealthy and powerful people generally live in high-level residential areas with relatively low density of households, while ancient high-ranking officials and nobles live in a large area of ​​homes. This is the will of the high-level individual. Specific performance. The stronger the high-level creature, the larger the area of ​​his residential area, and the less allowed other low-level existence activities within this range. Human beings are still gregarious animals, with such obvious manifestations of territorial consciousness, so the consciousness of these wild monsters is naturally stronger. So, if there is no monster here suddenly, then there must be a big guy entering this area.

"What are we going to do now? Should we go back and hide?" When this kind of life is at stake, the Mermaid Race members didn't dare to care about any barriers anymore, so they asked directly. It's better to be afraid of death than to really die.

Although Aanna was asked about it, she is my favorite and naturally gave me the right to make the decision. Besides, the advantage of the familiars is that they can't die. Even if they die, they can be resurrected. Unlike those free NPCs, they really die when they die, so the familiars are not as afraid of death as ordinary NPCs.

Seeing Aanna’s gaze, I immediately shook my head and said, “No, we continue to move forward. Sooner or later we have to meet these monsters to repair the equipment. Hide is not the way. Don’t worry. Even if I can’t do that monster, it’s absolutely okay to hold it and let you leave."

Just as I finished, the guide who led the way immediately said with a weird expression: "Since Purple Moon President, if you say that, then go and block it, we are going to run away!"

"Huh?" Then I discovered the huge oppression force coming from behind.

This is not the kind of false feeling, but a real oppression force that can be clearly felt. After all, it is underwater, not on land. When an object approaches you, it will cause the water flow to move, so a significant change in water pressure can be felt within a certain distance. On land, this phenomenon is called wind pressure, and individual experts can use this to judge the opponent's actions in battle and avoid them in advance without seeing them at all. But in the water, this range of perception has been magnified a lot, even ordinary people can clearly sense it, and people like me who can feel wind pressure even on land are naturally more impressed.

Feeling the huge change in water pressure, I immediately turned around, and it happened to see a monster with a long ugly face and a sinister face rushing towards me.

"Damn, don't you have anything that looks a little bit like Earth creatures here?"

The monster in front of me has an extremely weird shape. Its body looks like a caterpillar with many legs, and its legs are not arthropod-like legs, but mammal-like legs, and there are eagle-like claws at the tips of the legs. Claws.

The main part of this creature is a long fleshy insect. The body surface is obviously earth-yellow, with large green patches on it, which looks a bit like a camouflage. There is no camouflage effect at all in this waters. In addition, this guy's head has a circle of red eyes. Although I haven't counted them, they seem to be at least thirty. These eyes just form a fairly standard circle surrounding a recessed area like an anus, but I know that once opened, that small hole will definitely be bigger than this guy's body. After all, how does this thing look? They all look like mollusks, and the extension of their bodies must be exaggerated.

Sure enough, just as I could see the appearance of this guy clearly, the monster that had rushed to the front suddenly opened its anus-like hole, and then instantly took the small The hole expanded into a tunnel into which you can drive the aircraft carrier directly, and the inner wall of this tunnel is full of circles, bright white, with sharp teeth that are at least two meters long.

This damn thing is simply a mutant leech, and it's a super giant one. Because its oral cavity suddenly expanded and expanded dozens of times its volume, a vacuum negative pressure was formed inside its oral cavity. As a result, the surrounding water and us in the water were all like ants in front of a vacuum cleaner, being sucked in together with a large amount of water. In the mouth of this guy. And the moment we entered this guy's mouth, its mouth immediately began to shrink back, apparently preparing to swallow all of us in one bite.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, the three Mermaid Race members were completely frightened. Although Amina reacted, she is not high-level and has no other ability except self-protection. . Of course, I didn't expect Anana to help me fight. Her main job is to assist, not to attack.


Om... a pale-gold hood suddenly appeared beside us, and Victoria appeared in this hood. As soon as Victoria appeared, she pulled out her newly mutated continuous crossbow directly from behind, and then swept out a rain of golden arrows above her head.

Because we are basically in the mouth of the monster now, it is impossible to miss the shot. The golden arrows fired almost all hit, and this continuous shooting mode can add formidable power. The big insect outside was hit with hundreds of arrows in an instant, and the attributes on his body were instantly brushed with less than half of the standard attributes. Following me, I threw the eternity upward, and the spherical eternity was instantly broken down into twelve double-headed swords, and then began to spin. In the blink of an eye, the twelve double-headed swords turned into twelve revolving sword wheels, and then they hulled away and moved towards the monster body cavity around us and hit them.

At this time, the monster is closing and the muscles of the mouth are contracting to try to crush, grind, and smash us with the teeth, but the gathered teeth first hit the sword wheel and were instantly crushed, and then the sword wheel turned into a rotating circle. Put the monster's flesh wall on the surface, and then all the flesh and blood will be smashed in an instant like a high-speed rotation drill bit, and then drilled all the way into the flesh and continue to protrude outward.

The monster, who thought that food was in his mouth, suddenly twitched. After listening to the burst of puff puff puff, twelve spinning sword wheels suddenly appeared on the monster’s body surface. A circle of twelve blood holes was left in the monster's head. However, although the diameter of these twelve holes is more than one meter, enough for a person not to walk out of them, they are not very large compared to the size of this monster. Therefore, although the pain is very painful, it will not. fatal.

However, the twelve sword wheels did not stop there. After flying out of the monster's body surface, the twelve sword wheels suddenly turned sideways, aligning the thin side with the monster's body, and followed the twelve sword wheels with high-speed rotation to fly back again, and accurately It hit a circle on the monster's body at the same distance from the head and immediately cut into the flesh. In fact, the twelve sword wheels are not just as simple as cutting in. They not only rotate and cut in, but also revolve around the monster while rotating, and shrink the radius of rotation while turning. It's like the twelve-handled cutting sword wheel that is tightening and tightening. In the blink of an eye, a red cutting line was left on the monster's body surface. A large amount of red blood spurted out, and the monster was struggling desperately to think. To get rid of these sword wheels, no matter how hard it struggles, the cutting of the sword wheels has not changed at all, and it is still deepening inward.

Finally, after ten seconds, twelve sword wheels suddenly emerged from the inner wall of the monster's body cavity at the same time, and suddenly accelerated after walking along the inner wall of the monster's body cavity. Flew towards my raised palm. Then the three Mermaid Race members were stunned and hit each other directly on my hands and finally melted into a ball and fell into my palm.

When I withdrew Time of Eternal calmly, the monster's head just detached from the body and sank toward the bottom. Due to the cutting of the twelve sword wheels just now, the head of this monster has been completely separated from the body.

No, this is a bit wrong. In fact, this monster is quite strong. The reason why it was so simple was killed by me. It was all because of the nemesis.

In fact, this monster is very powerful. First of all, its underwater speed is extremely high, and when it gets close to the target, it suddenly swells its mouth to create a partial vacuum, thereby sucking the target organism into the mouth of this move. Basically, it can be said that it is insoluble. Unless you can exceed its mouth volume, it is inevitable to be swallowed. However, considering the space in its mouth that can run the aircraft carrier, there are not too many creatures that can get stuck in its mouth and not be swallowed.

The second part, once you are sucked into your mouth by it, what you are facing will be a muscle channel full of sharp teeth. That's right, the teeth of this monster do not only grow on the outer circle of the mouth, but circle after circle extending inward from the edge of the mouth for a full fifty meters. Within this range, all its teeth are densely packed. As long as it contracts its muscles to move these teeth closer to the center, it can easily squeeze and grind the prey it eats to death. You must know that the muscle strength of this monster is extremely exaggerated. With such a large volume at home, the muscle mass is naturally exaggerated. With such a strong and large number of muscles contracting together, even if a battleship is swallowed, it can easily compact it into a solid iron tuft, let alone a living body. In addition, this tooth channel actually has the effect of a whale's whisker. When it chews on you, it can spit out the inhaled water by the way, but you have absolutely no chance to get out.

The third part, even if you withstand the crushing and grinding of this fangs channel, you will be pushed into its abdominal cavity by its muscles. Here is the digestion system of monster. This digestive system is filled with super gastric juice, which is an extremely terrifying digestive juice whose attributes are similar to the corrosive water made by alchemists. This liquid can not only corrode physical substances, but also energy. Therefore, even if you are wearing magic armor, it can only last for a while. Once the magic power on the armor is corroded, the armor itself will begin to corrode, and then your body. So, as long as you can't run out in a short time, you can only wait to be corroded. What? Why don’t you dig a hole out? Everyone can think of this method, but the problem is that the monster’s Dao Transformation surface is covered with a slippery, extremely soft, but extremely tenacious soft tissue protective film. This kind of membrane is extremely soft and very slippery, so it is hardly stressed. If you use a sword into its structure, you just press it down into a pit. As soon as your sword is drawn out, it will bounce up. Was cut open. Moreover, even if you cut it out of the scar, this thing will heal in a very short time, so unless you have a way to penetrate it all at once, don't even want to go out.

For the above reasons, this monster had almost no rivals in this waters before. Ordinary creatures can't run away from it, nor can it avoid its swallowing. After being swallowed, most of those creatures can't withstand the crushing and grinding of its fangs channel. Even if it passes, the subsequent Dao Transformation is their final destination. After all, that layer is flexible and has its own magic barrier. The protective film is too difficult to deal with. Therefore, those swallowed creatures can only wait to die obediently in the end.

However, it's a pity that it ran into me today. Its 1st move swallowed to be effective, and even if I did it again, I couldn't get rid of it. However, the next steps are unfortunate. My Eternity has the law of cutting. As long as it is not equipped with Law Power, it can basically be cut as smoothly as cutting tofu. Therefore, this guy's proud muscles, strong teeth, and flexible protective film were all useless in front of me, and they were directly cut into a pile of rotten meat.

Looking at the monster that was divided into two sections and gradually sinking to the bottom, the three Mermaid Race members were still there in a daze. I don't know if they were scared by the monster or by me. But I don't have time to accompany them in a daze now, so I still patted them in the past.

"Hey, don't be afraid, the monster has been killed."

After I finished speaking, the three guys still looked at me stupidly until It was only after Grandma reminded them again that they suddenly reacted. The warrior, a member of the Mermaid Race who was responsible for protecting the other two, immediately shouted at me: "You actually killed it? You actually killed it?"

"What's wrong? Could it be that thing?" Can’t you kill it?"

"no no no, I didn’t mean that." The member of the famous Mermaid Race said incoherently excitedly, "I’m so excited. As far as I know, in the ten years since I became a member of the hunting team, a total of 29 large-scale personnel losses occurred, and 17 of them were due to this thing just now. When the supplement hunting team encounters this guy, our supplement hunting team will at least reduce its staff 2/3/2021. This is because we will run separately every time, making it unable to catch everyone, otherwise it will definitely be wiped out. You actually killed it! My god of the sea! Did you start to take care of your people again?"

After that, this guy didn’t know what he was talking about, but his I really understand how I feel. It's like a small country that is always bullied by neighboring countries. One morning suddenly found that neighboring country was destroyed by unfathomable mystery. What do you think they are feeling now?

"Hey hey hey, can you guys not be so excited?" I couldn't help but yelled again watching these guys dancing and dancing.

The guard said excitedly as he jumped: "haha, we can rest assured after this guy is dead, why are we unhappy?"

At this time, Granda finally couldn't help saying: "You want a reason, do you? Look back, there are many reasons."

"en?" The three of them heard Granda's words. At first they didn't react much, but when they looked back, they were completely stupid. Because, in the direction behind them, more than a dozen huge black shadows are slowly emerging, and looking at the outline, it is clear that they are the same kind of creatures just now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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