"So, does your boss agree or disagree?" Aphrodite asked.

"Of course it is opposed!" Hailong replied sadly: "If Poseidon's idiot can approve this plan, why would we use such trouble to sneak here to meet you? "

Aphrodite understood for a while. Indeed, things are just like what the other person said. If Poseidon really agrees to quit, then he only needs to take the divine force core of Shanghai Divine Force to run away. Hades didn't dare to do this at the beginning, not for asking us for help. One was because there was an array of energy disintegration in Persephone who could not be resolved for a while, forcing him to endure it. Another reason was that the Olympus Divine Race was still relatively strong at that time, and had enough strength to restrict their departure.

However, things are different now. After Hades and the others defected, the Olympus Divine Race itself had already lost a lot of strength. In addition to the changes in people's minds, the overall strength also dropped. At this moment, Zeus has been struggling to maintain the internal stability of the Heavenly God system. How can he manage these guys of the Sea God system? So, as long as Poseidon makes up his mind to run, he simply doesn't need to pull any foreign aid, he can leave Lima after he rolls things up. As for whether to find a place to stand on their own, or which force to join, it can be determined slowly. Anyway, if there is a free body, I am afraid that no one will fail? The Divine Races in "Zero" are all highly sought-after products. As long as any Divine Race member becomes a free agent and shouts on the world that I want to transfer, it is definitely a group of Divine Races rushing for it.

Aphrodite originally thought that in this case Poseidon should be hurriedly thinking about the early transfer. Didn’t expect Hailong’s answer was actually against, this result But there is a huge discrepancy with her prediction.

"Against? Poseidon opposed?"

Hailong nodded and said: "A few of us who have a good relationship with Poseidon, the Guardian God, have all tried Poseidon. Dong's tone, now we can basically be sure that Poseidon does not want to betray."

"You are all mixed up to this point, why does he not want to betray?" Aphrodite asked inexplicably "Once the work of the Poseidon family resumes, when the time comes, the part of the people who were seconded will be equivalent to not being members of the Poseidon family. This means that in the future Poseidon will not only pay this group of people, but also this group of people. It’s not under his control and doesn’t help him. He also does this thankless thing?"

"We don't know about this!" Hailong said quite helplessly: "We just can be sure Poseidon disagrees with our job hopping, but why he disagrees with us is no way to ask. After all, you also know that once we let him know about this matter, we will be in trouble if we want to run again."

Hailong Just finished talking here, another guardian god of the sea god interjected: "Actually, I think Lord Poseidon knew we were about to quit. Master Saidong should react no matter how slow it is."

"Then according to what you said, did Poseidon deliberately let us go?" Hailong asked with some uncertainty.

Another Guardian God said: "I also think Lord Poseidon deliberately wanted to let us go. When I went to check my breath, the adults seemed to point me consciously, but At that time, I didn’t react. After I went back, my wife reminded me about this!"

"Then you said Master Poseidon deliberately asked us to contact the Frost Rose League, Then use us as bait?" asked a Guardian God who was very courageous.

The Guardian God who spoke before said: "I don’t think it’s possible. After all, we are all the right arms of Lord Poseidon. Even if Lord Poseidon wants to trap the Frost Rose Alliance, Can’t you pay us all? I’ve heard of a strong man breaking his wrist, but have you ever seen a strong man breaking his wrist until he chopped himself with an adult stick?"

"That’s true." Hailong nodded and said: " Could it be that the adults really pushed us out? But we all ran away, didn’t he become a general without an army? Even if we only run on our own and don’t take our hands away, there are only a bunch of low-level sea fighters plus some miscellaneous cards. Little god, can't you support the work of the Poseidon family?"

Aphrodite thought for a long time and finally felt that he couldn't understand, so he opened his mouth and asked: "Are you shielding communication equipment here? "

"I don't know." Hailong said: "The Poseidon Pillar itself does not isolate energy fluctuations, but after all, the walls are very thick, and I don't know if your equipment is affected."

"I just got this thing, try it." Aphrodite took out the crystal communicator and connected to the communication, but his communication was not received from me, but directly Picked up Isinger. The military god transferred Aphrodite’s communications directly to the guild think tank. After Aphrodite understood that the think tank was a department that specifically helped analyze problems, he immediately explained everything. The Guardian God group of Sea God Pillars also nervously gathered around to hear what the think tank has to say.

After Aphrodite finished narrating what happened, I thought the other person would think about it for a while before giving the answer. Who knows that she just finished talking here, and there was a message from the other side. Beautiful voice. "Have you guys stayed under seabed for a long time without getting water in their heads?"

"Hey, what do you little fellow say? What do you want to fight for?" This group of Guardian Guardian God usually exists under one person above ten thousand people in the sea, and suddenly he was scolded by a little girl without thinking.

Somi is not on the scene, they can't fight at all, besides, she is not afraid even if these guys are by her side. These guys want to take refuge in the Frost Rose League, and they will be ours from now on. Although Divine Race of the guild should be the superior organization of the guild, because of my existence, the Frost Rose League and Divine Race of Chaos and Order are actually in a state of equality. Moreover, in most cases, I personally want to transcend the Divine Race status of chaos and order. In other words, if these Poseidon were merged into the Divine Race of Chaos and Order in the future, they would be at the same level as Somei at best. With Somei IQ, it would be strange for her to be afraid of them.

Seeing that the other party still dared to get angry, So Mi immediately used her advantage and cursed loudly: "If you are stupid, you are embarrassed to get angry? If I were you, I went to the corner and circled."< /p>

"Where are we stupid?"

"I can't tell such a simple question. Isn't it stupid?"

"Is this problem simple?"

"Of course it's simple." Sumei said with certainty: "Now summarize the information you have obtained. First, the current situation of the Poseidon is bad, and the situation will only get worse if it continues. Second, Bosai Dongming knew that you were going to quit and didn’t stop it. He even took the initiative to show you the direction and encourage you to quit. Third, Poseidon is absolutely impossible to implement the decoy plan at the expense of so many of your men. Fourth, Poseidon. I really insist on not leaving the Olympus Divine Race. Based on the above four points, the answer is simply ready."

Heard this group of Guardian Gods have actually reacted a bit, but Hailong still speaks. Unwilling to admit defeat, he said, "Then what do you say is the answer?"

When So-mi asked, Aphrodite couldn't help answering first before Su Mi had time to answer. "Stupid, the answer is that Poseidon can't rebel with you!"

Somi immediately choked after Aphrodite said: "Look, Aphrodite You all understand, don’t you understand? Many factors indicate that the transfer is more beneficial, and Poseidon’s refusal to transfer must be due to other factors that affected his decision. Based on the character of Zeus, we Basically, it can be ruled out that Poseidon was not willing to transfer because of his brother's feelings. Besides, his support for your transfer also explained this problem from another side. Therefore, my judgment is that Poseidon was controlled by Zeus in some way. Lived."

"What? Lord Poseidon was controlled by Zeus?" After listening to Sumei's analysis, Hailong's name for Poseidon also changed back. Aphrodite before. Hearing Hailong's tone when he first arrived, he complained about Poseidon, but now he understood that Poseidon also had difficulties, and immediately adjusted his attitude back.

Because, like the sea dragon, several other Guardian Gods are constantly crying out for Poseidon, so Su Mi had to speak out to quiet them down, and then she said: The energy collapse array installed on the earbuds indirectly controls Hades, combined with the fact that the twelve Star Gods have also been installed with the energy collapse array recently, your boss Poseidon estimates that most likely it is also installed with the energy collapse array. It may also be that someone else who Poseidon cares very much about is equipped with an energy collapse array, or it may be due to other reasons, but the probability is very low. The biggest probability is that Poseidon himself has a collapse array on his body."< /p>

"The energy collapse array is installed on our boss, so all the despicable means are used, and Zeus is too vicious!" Hai Dragon Qi said angrily.

"Anyway, the hearts of the people are now distracted. As long as Zeus can control the Olympus Divine Race, he will not immediately collapse, and he will not be able to control so much for the time being. So Zeus installed on Poseidon. The probability of the energy breakdown array is very great.” So Mi said after finishing her words: “Poseidon encourages you to transfer, probably because he knows that he can’t run away, but he doesn’t want to hurt you to suffer with him, so I think I want to spend your money so that you can at least run each one. It’s better than being pinched by Zeus."

"It turned out that the boss wanted to let us escape. Suspect him!" One Guardian God said that he slapped himself sharply, and the faces of the other Guardian Gods blushed together, as if the slap was on the faces of seven of them at the same time.

After a long silence, Hailong was the first to recover and ask: "Since we know the situation, we can't run away by ourselves. At least we have to fight with the boss of Poseidon. A handful."

Hailong’s words as it should be by rights were endorsed by the Guardian God, but Su Mi still spoke out to persuade you: "I advise you to get excited. If Bo Sai If Dong is really equipped with an energy collapse array, our guild will be able to solve it. We just passed the method to Hephaestus before, and he has successfully helped the twelve Star Gods complete the suppression of the energy collapse array Work. However, before we do anything, you must not do anything extreme to stimulate Zeus, otherwise as long as he a single thought activates the collapse of the array, your boss Poseidon will probably become a divine force even if he does not die. There is no useless person. In addition, everything before is our conjecture, we actually don’t have any direct evidence. Although the result of this conjecture is very reliable, we should check with Poseidon as soon as possible. Only he himself admitted. , This matter is finalized."

"Yes, let's go to the boss and ask." Hailong is probably because he suspected Poseidon before and felt guilty, so this will appear Particularly positive. But before he could turn around, Su Mi stopped him.

"Wait a minute."

"en? What are you doing?" Hailong who was about to turn around was forced to control his body again.

"Confirm that this must be done, but it cannot be done by you. Although we speculate that Poseidon should be controlled, this is after all our guess, in case he really is If your head is flooded and you are going to use all of you as bait, then even if you ask, you won’t be able to ask anything, because he will act as you think, so that you can give him the bait with all your heart. So, want to be true. To confirm this matter, only our people will ask, and it must be someone of sufficient value. In this case, if Poseidon really intends to use you as bait, then as soon as our people arrive, he will already The plan can be executed, so the decoy plan naturally does not need to be maintained."

The Guardian God heard it all nodded, and finally Hailong said: "Then putting it that way, you have to send one The two capable people have talked to Master Poseidon."

"Don't bother you? Isn't Purple Moon just over here?" Aphrodite interrupted suddenly.

Sumi confirmed: "Yes, President Purple Moon is on your side, so I will contact him and ask him to confirm. You just have to wait for the news."

< p> After cutting off the communication with them, So Mi immediately contacted me who was still flying at sea and told me everything. After confirming the news, I immediately diverted and flew to Athens.

Originally, after receiving this task, I should fly to Sea God Temple to find Poseidon immediately, but why should I fly to Athens first? Is this the reason...Greek players have to be blamed.

As I said before, the Sea God Temple and the Seven Sea God Pillars are both hidden maps and cannot be entered at first in the game. To activate these maps, someone must complete the activation task. As long as one person completes the task, these areas will be open to the outside world. From now on, everyone can enter like normal maps, or they only need to meet some simple restrictions to enter. However, the mission maps of Greece's Sea God Temple and the seven sea god pillars are currently all closed, and the Greek players have not opened a map.

Although Aphrodite works for us, she is the Olympus Divine Race after all, so she can enter these hidden maps. But the problem is that no matter how strong I am, I am still a player. I am just a particularly powerful player in front of the system, but even the most powerful player is still a player, and NPC is not a concept at all. It is also because I am still recognized as a player by the system, so these maps are the same for me and everyone else. No matter how strong I am, I still can't get in.

Now when I fly to Athens, I'm rushing to pick up the mission. In order for the Divine Race of Poseidon to successfully join our guild, I have to contribute something to the Greek players this time. Although they may not receive my love, I have to do it! Otherwise, you won't see Poseidon at all! Of course, it is possible to get Poseidon out, but this method is a bit difficult. After all, Poseidon is the main god of the Poseidon family, just like Zeus and Hades can’t run around, Poseidon can’t wander around if there is nothing to do. , So it really took a little effort to draw him out. If I have that time, I might as well just go ahead and finish the map mission in Greece, anyway, it won’t take long to complete this mission with my strength.

"Why is it so noisy outside?" In the largest mission release office in Athens, a guy dressed in gorgeous Battle Armor followed by a large group of younger brothers frowned and asked the younger brother behind him.

A guy who looked like a scumbag immediately said: "President, you take the task first, I'll go see what's going on." After that, the guy got out of the crowd and ran to the mission hall. Outside.

The first thing the guy rushing out of the hall saw was a huge circle-shaped crowd. Why do we say that the crowd is in the shape of a circle? Because there is a person in the center of the circle, and there is an absolute vacuum area within five meters of this person, it is as if an invisible wall separates him from the crowd. All people consciously dodge beyond this range, but everyone I wanted to watch this person, so the end result was that the crowd formed a huge circle outside this range. There is no one inside the circle, and a vast crowd outside the circle.

After glanced at the crowd, the sly-eyed guy immediately moved his attention to the person surrounded in the center of the circle. You can't do it if you don't move over. The people around you are hiding on the outside, just standing in the center. This contrast is so obvious that everyone will notice here.

At first, the guy thought that someone had killed a terrific monster again this time, and then returned with the monster's head to hand in the task. Last time he encountered a guy who killed a BOSS-Rank heavy armored Tyrannosaurus, and then deliberately did not dig the Dragon Crystal required by the mission, but dragged the entire dragon back to show off. At that time, the crowd of onlookers was the same as this time. It was also on the third floor and the third floor outside the mission hall that surrounded the stairs outside the mission hall.

However, this time he miscalculated. The person surrounded by the crowd did not carry anything extra at all. Of course, the thing that attracted everyone's attention was indeed on him, because this person was wearing a shiny armor covered with crystals. That mighty and hideous shape, that gorgeous and noble color, that light and visually impact structure, no matter what it is, it all means that this is a set of top Battle Armor, and it is a set of equipment.

Up to now, players have generally passed the 1,000-level mark, so the equipment has been significantly improved for everyone, but no matter how you improve, the suit is still a very rare equipment. It's not that this thing is difficult to handle. In terms of the probability of appearance, the appearance probability of suits is not much different from that of ordinary equipment. The key problem is that even if the suits are obtained, not many people will usually wear them.

Is the outfit bad? Of course not, its attributes are quite good, and because there are joint attributes between the kit components, in fact, even in the case of the same system rating, the performance of the kit is generally higher than that of the parts. But why is no one wearing it? This reason is actually easy to explain. Think about the brand-name and compatible computers in the computer market? The suit equipment is that brand machine, and its performance is generally slightly higher than that of compatible machines. However, just as technology will progress and computers will always be eliminated, players will also upgrade, and their equipment also needs to be replaced frequently. However, if you get a piece of equipment, once you find a better one, just replace the original one immediately. Players will not worry about anything. However, the suits and equipment are all complete sets. You have to change them together once you change them. Otherwise, if you only change one, the overall performance of the suit will immediately drop by one third. Who will suffer from this situation? Therefore, players nowadays can try not to wear suits without wearing suits, otherwise they will have headaches when they wait for the level to find new equipment.

Of course, the above are just ordinary suits, and there is another suit that is the best of the best, everyone wants to rush to get it. This is a suit that can grow equipment. Because it can continue to grow with the master's battle, it saves the trouble of replacement. Also, the growth direction of the growth equipment is not fixed. If you wear it for melee combat every day, its growth direction will move closer to the melee system, and if you wear it for archery that jumps up and down, it will develop in the direction of agility, of course. The words of the mage will develop towards mana attack and defense enhancement.

A piece of equipment that suits you best, is there anything better than this? No matter how gorgeous the attribute is and it doesn’t match your routine, it’s still a waste product. Therefore, the growth suit that can automatically grow with the owner is the best for everyone’s year for something even in dreams. It is more attractive than Divine Item and Holy Spirit. Of course, it would be even more perfect if there was a growing Divine Item set.

In fact, there is another hidden advantage of growth equipment, that is, it is particularly profitable. Not to mention that such good equipment is very valuable in itself, and the value it creates is incalculable. Everyone in the game has a fixed probability of acquiring equipment. It does not mean that you will never get other equipment if you get growth equipment. But because you have growth equipment, you don't need to change equipment anymore. So what about the newly acquired equipment? Of course it was sold. This is an intangible income. Of course, those who change equipment can also sell obsolete equipment, but don’t you think, what is the most expensive? Of course it is the equipment that the market urgently needs. For most ordinary players, their levels are not much different, and the equipment you don't use is basically not available to others. How can this equipment be sold at a high price? However, if it’s the good equipment you just got, it’s not the same. It’s good equipment and it’s right for you, which means it’s also suitable for others, and you don’t need to change equipment if you have growth equipment. This equipment can be sold immediately. Sell ​​it before the market needs it. At this time everyone is rushing to ask for it. You can naturally raise the price. In this way, you can earn more than ordinary players simply changing equipment. So growth equipment is not only good attribute, but also can help you make money.

The thief-looking guy has now confirmed that the person in front of him is wearing a growth-type equipment, because ordinary equipment is based on a certain routine no matter how high the level is. For example, the armor of the warrior, as the level continues to rise, although it will become more and more gorgeous, but its texture and everything are roughly the same. Just like in the real world, things produced in the United States, Japan, Europe, China, and Russia basically have a certain style. Sometimes you only need to look at it to know which country it is a product.

The appearance of the equipment is also roughly the same. In fact, even if it is the highest level equipment of the warrior, it is also developed on the basis of the warrior set of the novice village. Although there is almost no common structure between the two, normal people can immediately confirm that the two are of common origins at a glance. The only difference from these standard equipment is probably those self-made equipment and growth equipment. However, most of the structure of self-made equipment has defects. After all, most of the players are not professional art designers, and the equipment produced is a bit strange and normal. Only the growth equipment is constantly changing according to the user's way of use, so there will be obvious differences in the shape. Therefore, as long as you see special style equipment that is not in the equipment sequence, and find that its shape is perfect, then this thing is most likely to be growth equipment.

A player wearing growth equipment, but a player wearing high level growth equipment, probably a Divine Item growth suit. What level of person does this have to be? The thief-looking guy was surprised and almost forgot to breathe.

The guy was in a daze, and the crowd had retreated to his side, because the attention was not here, so this guy didn’t react for a while and was almost knocked down by the pushing crowd, but he almost fell. When he went down, one hand supported him. He suddenly turned around and found that his boss didn't know when he had come out, and behind him were other high-level players in their guild.

"President!" The guy yelled in embarrassment.

Their president just helped him up, and then stood there, and the group of younger brothers who followed him naturally rushed up and pushed the crowd aside. Those who were pushed aside were originally prepared to resist, but at first glance they did not dare to speak, and all of them obediently let them to the side.

The crowd was moving, they moved with me, but the president did not move, so he gradually passed through the circle formed by the crowd and entered the area inside the circle.

For this guy who is standing at the top of the steps and looking down at me, I don't even want to talk to him. Seeing him standing in that position and taking advantage of the height of the terrain to look down at me, and with his hands wrapped around his chest, followed by a large group of younger brothers, he made it clear that he was ready to step on me to show off his prestige. As for why he stepped on me, do I have to ask? Obviously it was because of my equipment that made him feel challenged. I know him at a glance. It is definitely the influential figure of this place at ordinary times. Whether he is good or bad, it is sure to attract people's attention. Such people don't care whether they are admired or cast aside by others, as long as they are paid attention to, they are very happy, and whoever dares to steal the limelight must be prepared to accept his fierce revenge.

Although I saw the guy across there a long time ago, I didn't care about this guy. I walked calmly in front of him, and then raised my head and glanced at him as if I had only discovered him, and then I just turned around and walked around him.

That guy has obviously never met someone like me, because anyone who is blocked by him either directly begs for mercy in a low voice, or he fights against him and is repaired by him miserably. It was the first time he met someone like me who regarded him as an obstacle and planned to go around as soon as he turned around, so that he didn't react when I got to his side and was in a daze.

However, although he himself was stunned, his little brothers reacted. One of the guys suddenly moved a step sideways, then stretched out his arm to block my way.

When I touched the arm blocking me in front of me, I slowly raised my head and looked at the guy who was in the way. Seeing that I turned my attention around, the other party glared at me with a very arrogant expression, and then pointed at their boss with a disdainful chin. The meaning was obvious, and he asked me to talk to their boss. As for the guy who was hanging there by me, just taking advantage of the fact that he missed the opportunity to intercept him in a daze before, he just stood there and pretended to be deep.

Ignore the guy before it was just annoying, but now this guy's behavior is not worth giving up. Of course I did not act according to his instructions, but continued to stare at him. The guy glared at me more ferociously like an idiot, and then deliberately put on an expression that I was a bad person, threatening to raise his hand and make a wish The act of slapping me. He didn't really want to slap me, it was just an act of deterrence, equivalent to intimidation. However, precisely because I knew his intentions, I deliberately misinterpreted his meaning.

Just after the guy raised his palm and made the action of preparing to slap him, I suddenly kicked him on his chest like a lightning bolt. Because the action was too fast, people around me felt saw a flash, and then the man flew into the mission hall with screams all the way, and then heard a scream and exclamation in the hall, and finally came a ping-pong-pong-pong table and chair turn Down the sound.

Because it happened so suddenly, that group of people were stunned, and when they finally realized that I had actually reached the top of the steps, and I was heading into the great hall. Go. One of the guys who reacted the fastest immediately pointed at me and yelled at me, then put a hand on my shoulder and tried to turn me around. But turning him around turned me around, but before he could speak, I kicked his chest and followed him and flew out like his companions. It's just different from the hapless guy in front. The guy flew into the great hall at once, so the visual effect was not too shocking, but he flew on the empty street.

The adventurous mission release site itself is a fairly large building, and its base is about five or six meters higher than the city foundation. Only through the wide stairs located at the edge of the foundation can you step up and build the Foundation Establishment seat. Enter the great hall, but this design creates a certain height difference between the mission release office and the opposite building. In addition, because the slope of the steps is not large, its length appears to be relatively long. In order not to extend the steps to the road in front, the entire task release area is retracted a bit, which makes it across the street. The buildings have relatively large intervals.

This guy who was kicked by me just took off directly from the top of the steps, and then did not fall, but flew diagonally upward along the parabola, and then began to enter the descending stage, but still Before the end of the parabola, he opened a hole in the roof of the building opposite and fell into the building with a big bang, and then he was thrown out again in the next second. At that time, he was already a corpse, because the sign on the opposite building clearly read-City Bank. Obviously, the door of the bank is always open to customers, but if you try to get in through the window, I'm sorry.

The two who intercepted me in the blink of an eye one killed another injured. Although the one who died was not killed by me, at least it died because of me. Such a violent handling method immediately caused the guy at the door to run away. . However, even though he has a problem with his head, he is not all fools around him, at least the one who looked like a slapstick is still a smart person. Seeing me turning around and continuing to walk into the great hall, the guy hugged one of the legs of their president who was trying to chase me, and then clung to me not to let go, and at the same time he persuaded: "Don't be impulsive." Ah! That person, we can't afford to offend!"

"hmph, who in this land of Greece can't afford to offend?" The very expressive president is like a cripple The same guy who hung on his lap was dragged into the great hall, while venting boldly.

When he heard this, the guy with eyebrows and mouse eyes quickly said: "Did you not look at that man's chest?"

"Chest? He is not a woman, I stared at his chest What's the difference?"

"No, boss, I'm talking about a badge! The person with an ice rose badge is hanging on his chest, and it's a three-dimensional one!"

" Frost Rose?" Their president was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look at his little brother and exclaimed: "That guy is from the Frost Rose League? Wait, you said he was wearing a three-dimensional badge? That thing is not Can the president bring it? Could it be that he is..."

Seeing their boss finally reacted, the thief-eyed man dared to let go of their boss's thighs, and then took a breath and relaxed. . However, just as soon as he took a breath, their boss suddenly moved and turned and ran into the great hall. Seeing that their boss ran away, the thief-squirrel-eyed man immediately rushed to hug his thigh, only to touch the edge of the armor after half a beat, without any hindrance at all. Seeing that their president had already taken a step forward, he called out in a hurry, "Boss, you know, what are you going to do?" He, didn't expect to see that they would continue to rush in under their feet, but his voice floated from afar and said: "I'll apologize! Otherwise, I really wait to be stepped on?"

When the president rushed into the hall, the first thing he saw was that his little brother was dragged out of the counter. After flying in, this guy plunged into a counter and kept hitting. He pierced through the counter and crashed into the file cabinet at the back. If it weren't for the cabinets filled with documents, he might have to face-to-face with the granite wall

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