In fact, there is no need to think about the way. Sea Clan has said before, all they need is to quickly change jobs. Zeus is not a good person at all, and everything he does is for his own benefit. Although the Divine Kings of other Divine Races may also put their own interests first, but they are more face-to-face, and most of them also talk about favors. Some of the smarter Divine Kings also know how to hold a bowl of water level. , Pay attention to long-term interests.

However, the above are the characteristics of other Divine Kings. This guy Zeus is completely a martial artist. His status is achieved by fists. In terms of resourcefulness, he is also an ordinary person. It is an exaggeration to say that he is stupid, but it is definitely not that smart. Such Zeus, you can't expect him to have any long-term plans. All this guy is thinking about is shoveling food in his own bowl, and he shouldn't do things like fishing out of the wind too smoothly.

Because Zeus has no long-term plan, when Hades and the others are there, Zeus can take the initiative to suppress the Poseidon element and help the Poseidon element out of balance considerations, but now Hades and the others After rebelling, Zeus didn't want to treat his Heavenly God element badly, so he could only exploit the Poseidon element vigorously. In this way, the Poseidon would become more miserable as they stayed, and it's no wonder that they would hurriedly think about quitting.

Aphrodite nodded and said after the Poseidon described his tragic experience: "I can help you contact the president of Purple Moon, and he also hopes that more Divine Races can join Frost Rose League. But... have you ever contacted Poseidon?"

The divine force core of Olympus Divine Race is divided into three parts and exists independently. The reason why Hades and the others Running so easily is because Hades, the underworld boss, takes the initiative to run, so it is so easy. After all, Hades’s divine force core is all held in Hades’s hands. Once Hades decides to run, they can run away immediately, without having to go to Zeus at all. This is why we secretly transferred so many Pluto gods before, and Zeus didn't even know about it. However, because of the above reasons, the job-hopping of the Poseidon System has become troublesome.

Our plan of action this time is to drag Zeus together with several high level Divine Races of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and then let Vina take a few people to sneak into Divine Olympus quietly. Operate it near the divine force core of the Race, and then forcefully extract the Divine Soul of the Olympus Divine Race who is willing to jump to the chaos and order Divine Race. However, the divine force core that we intend to extract forcibly contains only the Divine Soul of the Divine Race of the Heavenly God system, and the Divine Soul of the Divine Race of the Poseidon system are all in their own divine force core, that is, they are all in Poseidon. Holding it in his hand. Therefore, as long as Poseidon is not nodded in this matter, we must attack the divine force core twice in a row, which is obviously unlikely.

Only attacking the divine force core of Heavenly God series can also rely on sneak attack and delay tactics, but after we attacked a divine force core, what shall we do for the second one? No need to think about sneak attack at all, no one will be stupid enough to be sneak attacked twice in a row. Don't count on the storm. We are almost exhausted after a fight with Zeus, and another fight with the sea gods will inevitably result in casualties.

Our plan this time is to take advantage of the instability of the Olympus Divine Race. If it loses the lives of a few members of the chaotic and order Divine Race, it will not be worth the loss. Therefore, the key to accepting Sea Clan depends on Poseidon's meaning. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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