The NPC supervisor who was suddenly caught immediately frowned and looked towards the guy who was holding him, and only after discovering that it was him, his expression eased slightly. After all, he is also a big customer, so his attitude is naturally better. However, compared with me, this NPC supervisor thinks I am more important. As for the reason... The coercion and affinity attributes on me are not beautiful, let alone I paid the money back.

Despite the unpleasant expression, the NPC supervisor stopped and replied: "Yes, the other party specified this task. Why? Do you want to take it? I remember that you just tried it once. Didn’t you fail?"

If the guild grows up to the point where he doesn’t care about the other party, he also knows that there is no point in quarreling with the NPC, so he just gave up talking to the other party and went straight to me after he got the answer he wanted. Ran over.

Sitting in the VIP area, I naturally noticed the situation here, but I didn't move at all because I knew that the other party was not here to fight.

The guy quickly rushed to my side, breathed a little, and said: "Hello, President Purple Moon, I am Prometheus, the president of the Stargate of the Greek Guild."


"pu...what do you say your name is?"

"Prometheus!" Prometheus looked at me with an unidentified expression.

I know that the other party didn’t understand why I was so surprised, but I didn’t bother to explain to him, but said with a smile: "Your name is really special. By the way, you came to find me in the end What's the matter?"

"Um, first of all apologize to you for what happened at the door."

I waved my hand and said, "Anyway, I also hit your person. , It’s even."

"Thank you." The other party bowed first to express his gratitude, and then continued: "The second thing I came here was to ask about the task. You seem to have taken the task of Sea God Temple, right?"

I nodded directly admit that there is nothing to conceal anyway.

"But, as a foreigner, why would you remember to help us with map tasks?"

No matter who does this kind of thing, the people in the country where the map is located It's actually a good thing. The map in the game also has resources produced. Not to mention the ore that needs to be excavated, just adding a few leveling areas should be a very big asset. Besides, hidden maps generally have some special functions, or they are produced by special ores, or obtained by special props, and special missions may also be released. In short, they must have very special and important auxiliary functions. Therefore, the opening of any hidden map is a great help to people in the country.

I am Chinese. Although China and Greece have no hostile relationship, I don't need to come and help them with map tasks, right? Although the rewards for doing map tasks are also considerable, the main benefit of this task lies in the benefits after the map is opened. The reward for the task itself is only one hair from nine oxen, so I am willing to run to help them open the map. This is a bit strange.

"Do you think I shouldn't help you foreigners?" I asked Prometheus with a smile.

The other party directly nodded admit.

I immediately said after seeing his answer: "Your thoughts are not wrong at all. I really don't mean to help you. I opened the map because my mission needs to go to the Sea Emperor Palace, but you Actually, I haven’t created this mission map yet. In order to prevent my mission from getting stuck here, I can only do something for you. Anyway, I’m not doing it for nothing, at least I can get the mission reward."

The other party thought for a while and then suddenly said: "Although you did not do this to help us, we are the beneficiaries after all, so please let us help."

Originally, Prometheus had already thought about it and started arranging manpower when I agreed, but I didn't expect it, but I shook my head and refused. "No need. I've read the introduction about this task. It's not that the more people the easier the task. If you rely on more people alone, wouldn't your guild have completed it long ago?"

In fact, I went to the forum before on the way here and read the guide for this task. There is a piece of information that happened to be the task progress of the guild in front of me. In fact, they have passed the three consecutive tasks, and each time it was because of someone's negligence that some small links of the branch were wrong, and the result was a total failure. It can be said that they have not completed this task until now, mainly because the attitude of the people has not been corrected. If they brought everything to their hearts cautiously from the very beginning, then this task would have been completed long ago.

Prometheus didn't expect that I would refuse. When suddenly I refused, he forgot to explain. However, the NPC supervisor over there quickly came over and began to hand over the task with me. After paying the task deposit, I took the scroll smoothly.

Although Prometheus was rejected by me, he did not give up. Instead, he gathered a large number of people to follow me. Even if I do not allow him to assist, he will lead people to follow, just to prevent any mistakes and prompt guidance. After all, once the mission is passed, their entire home in Greece can benefit from it, so they all hope that I can complete the mission.

The map mission of the Sea Emperor Palace is divided into 37 branches in total, requiring at least 37 groups of people to carry out separately. Of course, you can also complete all the missions by yourself, but because the distance between the mission locations is very long, And there are chronological requirements between each other, so if it is done by one person, it will take at least several years to complete it completely.

Although I am a person, I am an animal trainer. For our profession that claims to be able to fight a battle alone, the most feared thing is the crowded tactics. After leaving the city of Athens, I summoned 21 ringtone Knights, and then arranged a hundred Qilin warriors for each of them as helpers, so that I completed 21 side missions.

Of course, the remaining sixteen missions have to be completed, but Qilin warrior alone is definitely not enough. Fortunately, I have a lot of familiars. From my familiars, I select fourteen leaders with high intelligence and close to human form or can be transformed into human form as the leader of the fourteen teams, and then send one hundred Qilin warriors to each of them to fight, so that there is only one left. Only two branches.

These two side missions will not be sent for the time being. It is not because my manpower is not enough. After all, with my current level, Qilin warrior I can summon more than 20,000. There is simply no problem of insufficient points. . There is no shortage of Familiars who lead the team. We must know that there are as many as nineteen familiars on the large body of Purple Moon that are recognized as humanoid familiars by the system, and there are still five humanoid familiars who have gone out in fourteen teams. Besides, in addition to humanoid pets, such as Xiaofeng, Lucky, and Plague, they can all transform humanoids, and they can also lead the team. In other words, I am not short of people at all.

The reason why these two tasks are not sent is mainly because these two are the main tasks, the most difficult, and require high-intensity combat, so it is not suitable for a certain familiar to take someone to perform it alone. I plan to leave one of these two tasks to do by myself, and the other will be accompanied by Ling and the familiars under the name of Yinyue. In addition, I have arranged Yeyue to help Ling, so that the battle strength will be fine. .

Prometheus brought a group of people over. He was planning to arrange someone for me when I was short of manpower. I didn’t expect that I shuaa~ created thirty-six teams. Then each team pulled out more than one hundred people, and this 3,600-strong force appeared out of thin air, which really shocked the group of Greeks behind. But I didn't bother to care about their feelings. After the team was divided, Summon Ye Ying jumped up.

"Okay, target the Poseidon Cave, and move forward." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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