"Don't play dumb riddles with me, you know."

"What do I know, I know?" It seems that this fellow, Jehovah, is not being forced to the end of the road. There is absolutely no compromise.

"Since you don't understand, let's just say something you know." I knocked on the table and said, "We have a plan for the Frost Rose League recently."

I approached with a look of interest: "You continue."

I glanced at the Lord, and then continued: "We have a guild, Divine Race, you know this. . But compared to local Divine Races like you, our guild Divine Race is really too weak. Hades in the previous Olympus Divine Race led the Hades to take refuge in us as a whole. You must also Clearly, this matter has inspired us. To grow ourselves, the easiest way is not to cultivate our own new generation of Divine Race, because it is too slow. The easiest, most direct, and most effective way is to directly use other Divine Races. High-level existence digs into our guild. Because of this idea, this action was made."

"Did you go so far from China for half of Earth to come here for this matter? No wonder!" Jehovah's so that's how it is expression was still there pretending to be ignorant.

I glanced at Jehovah’s expression and found that I couldn’t find any weak spot, but I was sure that they did it, so I was not deceived by him at all. Instead, I continued: " Originally this plan was good, but in the implementation process, we encountered a little trouble."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble can be difficult to live in Purple Moon will grow you? Want to know you But with the existence of the Ring of Discipline, even Divine Races like us are very jealous!"

"Don’t talk about those imaginary. You know the rules for using the Ring of Discipline, in addition to defending the City of Discipline, I can’t use it casually. Of course, if anyone offends the Divine Race of the whole world, then I’m pretty sure to call the Ring of Discipline to deal with him. Of course, that’s just a special case. I’m going to say However, our executives in the Olympus Divine Race encountered a little trouble, and the person who caused her trouble was the queen Hera. After our analysis, Hera is impossible for the Olympus Divine Race To interfere with our executors, so she must be working for someone or a certain force. So, who is directing Hera's actions?"

"Yes? Who the hell is it?" Huh?" Jehovah explored the answer like a passerby, but in fact no one knew the answer better than him, because Hera was simply her inner answer.

"Well, I'm submissive of you." Under Jehovah's cheeky skin, I really have nothing to say. "Since I'm all here, and you still don't want to admit it, then I can only talk to you. We already have the exact evidence, and Hera is your internal response, although we don't know what you intend to do for the time being. What can I get from this plan, but this is our plan. No matter what you want, put your hand into our plate and be prepared to be chopped off by us. Even..." said At this point, I suddenly stood up from my seat and shocked Jehovah. Then I walked out and said, "Guess the result for yourself. I will only tell you that we are concerned about the two temples of light and darkness. Both have great influence, and our relationship with Divine Race in Egypt is also very good. Olympus Divine Race is about to be split by us. After that, our strength will grow substantially. If you feel that you can carry our revenge, you Even though you’ve got food in our bowl, you will know how terrifying our Frost Rose Alliance’s revenge is."

After saying these words, I speeded up the door and walked out, and then Outside the building, the summon bird soared into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Lord listened to me in the room for a long time, until I disappeared in the sky, he realized that he rushed outside and wanted to stop me, but at this time I had completely disappeared in the sky.

"Damn!" Jehovah smashed the scepter in his hand with anger.

An unknown group of angels from the Holy See came over to look at Jehovah and asked: "My lord, what happened? Purple Moon did he do something?"

"That bastard We are going to be driven out!"

"Huh?" The angels of the Holy See were all shocked when they heard that they were about to be driven out, but then they realized that what Jehovah said was not to drive them out of the Holy See. Come out, but something else.

Jehovah also knew that he had said the wrong thing, but he was not in the mood to explain it now. While turning around and walking back to the Lord, he said: "I went to a few people to inform the Archangel from various departments to come to me for a meeting. The action is fast."

Following the Lord’s command, the surrounding angels went separately. Notify the Archangel that they have gone, and the elders who received the notification also knew that Jehovah is in a bad mood now, so in order not to become Jehovah’s punching bag, they all rushed as quickly as possible after receiving the order. Come here. Of course, no matter how fast everyone is, Jehovah is determined to find someone to vent his anger. There is no way. In the end, a hapless Archangel arrived a little late because of the last notice. As a result, he was criticized by Jehovah as soon as he entered the door, saying that he almost didn't put his head in his crotch.

After scolding this unlucky guy who hit the muzzle, Jehovah finally felt that his mood was a little better. After making some adjustments, he began to earnestly said: "The plan that we decided to implement before has come out. A question."

"My lord is talking about the Olympus Divine Race plan?" a long Archangel asked.

The Lord nodded said: "Our nail was found. Purple Moon just came to inform me of this. He said that it is their rice bowl for the Frost Rose League, let us not touch his things."< /p>

"hmph, the Olympus Divine Race is an independent Divine Race, when will it become theirs?" a proud Archangel said in a long and angry voice.

Another Archangel who is quite knowledgeable said: "Olympus Divine Race does not belong to anyone, but the Frost Rose League is too strong now. If we are like Celestial in their country Court is the same super Divine Race, so naturally you don’t need to get rid of him, but the problem is that we are considered a relatively weak force even in Europe. If we really want to speak of which, we just barely reached the basic line of the large Divine Race. With the strength of the Frost Rose League, even if we can't be destroyed, we will never be jealous. What's more, the chaos and order Divine Race to which they belong to the Frost Rose League is the guild Divine Race, protected by the guild Divine Race law, our place Sexual Divine Race wants to restrict them too much, but it is very easy for them to attack us proactively."

"That means we have nothing to do with Benna Frost Rose League?" Long Archangel asked.

The former Archangel chief nodded and said: "Basically. And my lord must also understand this truth, otherwise we don’t need to ask us to discuss it."

Sure enough, nodded of approval. "That's right, this is what I worry about. We can now say that there is no binding force on the Frost Rose League, but they can attack us anytime and anywhere. Even if we are a Divine Race faction, the average battle strength is better than theirs. Strong, but they hold the initiative on the battlefield. Even if the average strength is weak, it doesn’t matter. They can send only a small number of elites, or even Purple Moon alone, to make trouble for us. Because his actions are not restricted, he can anytime, anywhere. We can’t defend against him every day, so it’s definitely not a way to go on like this."

"Then my lord meant to abandon this plan?" An Archangel asked tentatively. .

The Lord shook the head. "If I plan to give up, then I don't need to find you. As long as we let go, Purple Moon will definitely not pursue this matter anymore, and we will be hiding. But the problem is that we are Divine Race and we want to develop. I hid today, what should I do afterwards? Are you always whispering company them with a smiling face?"

Another Archangel suddenly said: "My lord actually doesn't need to worry. As long as this The plan is carried out as usual, and in the end we will be able to reap a lot of benefits. Maybe it will also severely damage the Frost Rose League. When the time comes, we have become stronger, but they have weakened. The gap between our strengths is reduced. They will pull away, when the time comes, they don’t dare to move us. Besides, even if Purple Moon is determined to harass, this behavior is impossible for too long. Purple Moon himself has something to do, he is impossible to be with us every day Squatting. And simply relying on this sneak attack to sap is simply impossible to shake our roots, and at most it will add some blockage to us."

"Yes, your analysis is very reasonable. "This is the first time that Jehovah has heard more positive news after such a long discussion, and my mood is naturally much better.

The praised Archangel didn’t know if it was a madness. When he heard Jehovah’s praise, he immediately went on with excitement: "My lord, since I think the plan is to be carried out, we might as well modify the plan. Now. Although we want to despise the enemy strategically, we still need to pay attention to it tactically. We might as well make a further modification to this action plan to ensure a greater attack on the strength of the Frost Rose League and strengthen our Strength, when the time comes, our gap will widen. As long as the gap between us and the Frost Rose League is widened, I believe Purple Moon will don’t dare provoke us even if it’s awesome. Although he himself is very difficult to deal with, but he is not alone. He also has an inheritance. It really pushes us to deal with. He can still toss him to death."

The Lord, who had been moved, heard this guy. "Right, right, right, this idea is very good. Let’s study how to revise this plan."

Just as Jehovah brought a large group of Archangel to work there. While planning how to get more benefits, I have already flown in the direction of Olympus at sea, but if I activate the communication crystal now, I will find that Aphrodite is in front of me. Far under the seabed.

After processing the energy dispersal array of the twelve Star Gods, Aphrodite took them all to Zeus.

Zeus asked Aphrodite to call the Twelve Star Gods. It was not that he wanted to punish the Twelve Star Gods or anything else. The key purpose of his letting Aphrodite go was just to make both parties Contact, so as to test the information he needs by observing the exchanges between them. Therefore, nothing special happened after the twelve Star Gods arrived at Zeus. As for the fact that the energy collapse array on the Twelve Star Gods is shielded, this Zeus would not know as long as the energy collapse array is not activated, because the device we designed is a passive device. Only when the energy collapse array is activated first can this resistance device be activated. It will be started, otherwise no abnormalities will be found at all. After all, Zeus's energy collapse array itself has not been destroyed, it can still function normally.

Because there was no special event, Aphrodite looked towards Zeus after sending the Twelve Star Gods to Mount Olympus and said hello to Zeus and left there.

Before reaching the zodiac, Aphrodite was invited by the Sea Fighter, so after leaving Olympus, Aphrodite went directly to the Seventh Sea God’s Pillar .

The general living conditions of the Olympus Divine Race Poseidon branch are like this. First of all, as the headquarters of Poseidon and the lair of Poseidon, Poseidon Palace is one of the most important strongholds of Poseidon, which is somewhat similar to the feeling of a national capital. In addition, in addition to this Sea Emperor Hall, there are seven Sea God Pillars under the seabed, which are known to support the Seven Seas of the world. In fact, this is purely a propaganda project of the Poseidon family putting gold on his face. The control area of ​​Olympus Divine Race is not to mention Qi Hai. Neither sea is full. Even if they have the ability to repair the Poseidon Pillar to Qi Hai, it is estimated that they will have to be overthrown by the local Divine Race before they are repaired.

In fact, the seven Poseidon Pillars of the Olympus Divine Race were not built in the Seven Seas, but all built in the Sea Territory outside Greece, and their function is not to support the head. The sea is something similar to a defensive weapon. When they are fully activated, they can form a kind of energy barrier, which can attack all non-members of the clan within the range of their own. Simply put, the Poseidon Pillar is seven forts, not real pillars.

In addition to the seven Poseidon Pillars and the Poseidon Hall, the Poseidon family also has some scattered residences, but they are basically individual residences. The only real settlement of the Poseidon family is the Poseidon Palace and the seven Poseidon Pillars.

The place where Aphrodite went this time was not the Sea Emperor's Hall, but the seventh pillar among the seven Sea God pillars. The number arrangement of the Poseidon Column is arranged in the order of construction, not the strength or ranking, so this seventh sacred column is not worse than the other six. On the contrary, because it was last repaired, the seventh Poseidon Pillar is actually stronger than the previous six. After all, the construction staff will always sum up some experience during the construction process, so as long as it is not deliberately sloppy-work, the latter The built building will only be better than the previous one.

"Stop, who?"

Aphrodite just appeared at the entrance of the waterproof barrier on the periphery of the Seventh Poseidon Pillar, and immediately there were two sea fighters. Appeared and stopped her.

Aphrodite did not speak to the opponent's obstacle, but raised his hand with two fists and knocked down the two sea fighters. The few sea fighters who ran up after hearing the shouts saw the fallen companion immediately rushed to attack Aphrodite, but before they even stepped their legs, they were caught by a seemingly higher-level sea fighter behind them. It was held.

The sea fighter did not rush to explain the reason to his subordinates after grabbing his companions. Instead, he first ran to Aphrodite and accompanied them with a smiling face and explained: "Sorry Lord Goddess , Our Poseidon department recently recruited many sea fighters to add in, because the time is rushed and there is no complete training yet, so some people don’t know you, please don’t forgive me."

Aphrodite He waved his hand like a fly to reveal the matter, and then asked: "Is the sea dragon there?"

"Is there." The sea fighter immediately nodded and said: "Goddess Sir, do you want to see Sir Long?"

"It's not that I want to see him, but he sent someone to come to me and tell me that he wants to talk to me."

"It turned out to be Your lord invited you here. I said how come you have time to come to us!" The sea fighter in charge of the guard said immediately: "Well then, let me take you to see Sir Long. Here is a newcomer. There are too many sea fighters, it would be bad if you misunderstand again along the way. I know you will definitely not be hurt by the sea fighters, but our side recruits so many new people because of insufficient manpower. If they are all given by you Clean up, we will be more busy! Please be considerate of us!"

Aphrodite looked at this sea fighter with a little doubt, not because of how peculiar the opponent is, nor is it Because of how strong he is, but because this guy is so good at talking. Why is this guy like a sea fighter who feeds on his fists? This is simply better than selling insurance!

Although it is strange, the Sea Fighter is only the lowest of the Olympus Divine Race system after all, so Aphrodite did not pay much attention to this guy, and directly nodded agreed. The guy's opinion, and then followed him into the inner area of ​​the Seventh Sea God Pillar.

The so-called seventh Poseidon Pillar settlement area does not mean that this settlement is within the Poseidon Pillar. Although the Poseidon's Column is indeed very tall, the square section at the bottom has two more than a hundred meters on each side, but this size is still too small after all, and the thickness of the Poseidon's Column is also amazing. The actual internal space is just a side. A narrow square area less than fifty meters long. Even if it is built into a tower-like structure in such a large area, its internal space is definitely not large, and it is still too narrow to form a settlement.

In fact, there is a hemispherical energy barrier around the Poseidon Pillar. This barrier was like an upside-down bowl, covering the area around the Poseidon Pillar, and there was no trace of seawater in it. The so-called seventh Poseidon Pillar settlement area here refers to the area covered by this huge hemispherical energy shield. Within this range, there is a seabed city with a distinct Olympian style. Almost a hundred thousand Sea Clan residents live in the city. But the Sea Clan here is actually different from the Sea Clan we have encountered before.

The Sea Clan in this seventh sea god’s colony refers to the gods and people of the sea god. Some of them are humans, some are Divine Race, and some are real marine creatures. Not in the mainstream. The mainstream is still human beings, only because they believe in the sea gods, they are called Sea Clan. Compared with the pure Sea Clan of Atlantis, they can only be regarded as the nominal Sea Clan.

Since the settlement is built on seabed, there is no dust at all, and the urban planning is quite perfect. There are beautiful flowerbeds and flat square streets everywhere, if not for the light blue sky above your head. The ripples are constantly rippling, and most people never think that it is under the water. All in all, the feeling here is very beautiful, and it feels much more comfortable than ordinary land cities.

Aphrodite, who was led by that sea fighter, passed through half of the city before finally reaching the bottom of the Seventh Sea God Pillar. Since the seventh Poseidon Pillar is very tall, you can see it from the outside of the colony, but you have to go through half of the city if you want to reach its root. Centrally located. This is actually the political and economic center of the seventh Poseidon Pillar settlement area.

Generally speaking Poseidon Pillar itself is not allowed to be approached casually, so it is surrounded by a circle of administrative buildings managed by the Divine Race of the Poseidon family. These buildings have certain external functions, equivalent to In general cities, career centers and mission release places are just because of the disappointing Greek players, so there are no players here yet, and NPCs are walking around.

Just as there are Netherworld Hell maps and many Immortal Realm maps in China, there are also hidden maps on the Greek side. This seventh Poseidon’s colony and the other six Poseidon’s colonies, including the Poseidon’s colony, are all hidden maps, but the problem is that Greek players have not explored here until now, so there are no players on these maps. Activity.

The sea fighter who led Aphrodite directly took Aphrodite into a very magnificent building, and then he said something to the guards here, and then he He turned to Aphrodite and said, "Sorry, Lord Goddess, my job can only send you here. Later, the guards here will take you in to see Sir Long."

Ah. Frodite nodded waved his hand and said that he could leave, and then walked into the great hall on his own. The guard who spoke to the sea fighter who led the way took over the task of guiding and led Aphrodite into the garden behind the great hall.

At first, Aphrodite thought that the other party was going to meet him in the garden. Who knew that the guard who led the way didn't stop after arriving here, so he led her through the garden. There is a row of buildings at the back of the garden. Compared with the buildings in front, this building is a bit lower, but it has a stronger life atmosphere and more gorgeous. But this is still not the place to meet. Aphrodite followed the guard all the way through the building to the area behind the building.

Behind that building is a large square with a very large area. On the periphery of this square is the back wall of a circle of buildings of similar style. They belong to the annex buildings of the administrative building surrounding the Seventh Poseidon’s Pillar. The entire seventh Poseidon pillar surrounded the center.

The square in front of you is an area surrounded by these buildings, and the seventh Poseidon's Column is at the center of this square. Except for the Seventh Sea God's Pillar, the square is not empty. Instead, there are many flower beds and some large and small fountains, making the entire square like a large garden. But because these plants and fountains are not very high, basically the view here is still very broad.

The guard who led the way stopped after bringing Aphrodite here, then turned to Aphrodite and said, "Master Goddess, Sir Long has already explained it. He is waiting for you in the Poseidon Pillar over there. I can only send you here, please walk by yourself."

Aphrodite has confidence in her own strength, let alone come here. At that time, she also greeted Zeus, and most people didn't dare to touch her if she wanted to come. Besides, she and Poseidon had no grievances, and the other party would generally not harm her. Since there was nothing to worry about, she also generously nodded and walked towards the seventh Sea God Pillar over there.

Passing through the huge garden-like square, Aphrodite quickly reached the foot of the Seventh Poseidon Pillar. The base of this seventh Poseidon Pillar is a huge platform over three meters high. Its all around is a stepped structure, so it can be climbed from any place, but there is only one door for the seventh Poseidon Pillar. You must go around the door to enter the Seventh Sea God Pillar.

The direction Aphrodite came from was not really the direction of the gate, so he had to circle the seventh Sea God Pillar half a circle to find the gate.

The gate of the Seventh Poseidon's Pillar is also in the standard Olympus style. The gorgeous golden gate looks exceptionally gorgeous and dreamy under the rippling blue white rays of light above your head, but if you look down on it, Its defensive power is extremely unlucky. This thing looks like it is made of gold, but in fact it is a specially processed magic alloy, its hardness is even higher than that of fine gold, and the cost is extremely exaggerated. Of course, the super high cost brings super performance. Zeus once said that he couldn't open this door at all. Think about how exaggerated the hardness of an alloy that even the strength of the Divine Race boss can't destroy.

Although this door is very hard, Aphrodite is not an intruder, so she doesn't have to worry about the hardness of the door at all. When she walked near the gate, she found two sea gods standing next to the gate. This is a genuine Poseidon. Unlike the Sea Fighter, they are a regular Divine Race and are much stronger than the Sea Fighter.

This other name Poseidon obviously knew that Aphrodite was coming, and when he saw her appear, he had already reached out and pushed the door open, and then made an inviting action. Aphrodite just glanced at them and walked in, while the two guards quickly closed the gate again.

Although the gate was closed, the inside of the Seventh Poseidon Pillar did not turn dark. On the contrary, the inside is brighter than the outside.

After passing through the corridor of more than 70 meters long, Aphrodite can completely pass through the outer wall of the Seventh Poseidon Pillar. After entering the small space inside, Aphrodite Di Te immediately discovered that Hailong wasn't the only one waiting for him in the room.

No less than a hundred people have gathered in this square room with a side length of less than fifty meters. Although it is not crowded relative to the area of ​​this room, the density is quite high. Big. The most important thing is that this room is not a flat river, but at its core there is an altar with a side of more than three meters and a height of about one meter. In the center of this altar stands a metal device with a complicated structure. Near the top of this device, a blue-white light ball with a diameter of more than one meter is slowly rotating.

Because this machine almost occupies the area on the altar. Therefore, the places where people can stand in the room are actually only those places between the outer wall and the altar, and in order to facilitate communication with each other, everyone can only focus on one side of the altar, otherwise the people who are divided on the other side will be Can't communicate with people here. Therefore, the crowds scattered in this area appear to be quite dense.

Aphrodite immediately attracted everyone's attention after entering the room, and several people standing in the narrow corridor on the altar took the initiative to greet him. One of Aphrodite's keen discoveries was the sea dragon that invited him to come here.

Sea Dragon is the guardian god of the Seventh Sea God Pillar. In the settlement area of ​​the 7th Sea God Pillar, he is equivalent to being a City Lord and the highest commander here. Because there are only eight settlements in the Poseidon family, you can imagine how high the position of the guardian god of the Poseidon column is. It is in China or the United States. It is an official larger than the senior official or the governor of the province. After all, the province of China There are more than eight states with the United States, but there are only eight Poseidon settlements.

As a member of the Olympus Divine Race, although they are not in the same line with Sea Dragon, Aphrodite has seen Sea Dragon several times. After all, their status in the Poseidon family is not low.

In fact, apart from the sea dragon, Aphrodite also knew several people who were with the sea dragon body. Of these seven people, including the Sea Dragon, all are Guardian Gods of the Sea God Pillar, which means that in addition to the Sea Dragon, the other six are the Chief-In-Charge of the other six Sea God Pillars.

There are only eight settlements in the Poseidon family. The Chief-In-Charge of the Sea Emperor’s settlement in the center is Poseidon himself, and the other seven are gathered here. What does this mean? ?

Aphrodite originally thought that the other party just wanted to discuss something small with him, but now it seems that the discussion must be discussed, but the matter is definitely not small, otherwise there is no need to go out so much. Heavyweight.

"What are you...?" Aphrodite asked, looking at the seven sea god pillars approaching Guardian God with some uncertainty.

As the Guardian God of the Seventh Sea God Pillar, the landlord of Sea Dragon is naturally one of the main Chief-In-Charge. Hearing Aphrodite’s question, he did not answer directly. Instead, he first pulled Aphrodite to the front of the altar and then began to speak. It was just that he did not explain Aphrodite’s question, but first. Said: "Aphrodite, did Purple Moon tell you anything before you came back?"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Aphrodite heard the other party talk about it I was obviously surprised, but she was still calm and did not directly reveal that she was a spy. But even if it doesn't leak out, it doesn't make much sense, because the other party simply didn't come to ask her if she was a spy. Obviously, they had confirmed the information.

Hailong saw Aphrodite pretending to be stupid, and immediately said: "Let’s not suspicion and waste time here. I first admit that we plan to leave Olympus Divine Race, but we ourselves There is no ability to form a brand new Divine Race. What we know now is that you seem to be on the line of the Frost Rose League, so we want to talk to you and see if we can recruit us too."

Another Guardian God next to the sea god pillar also said: "Yes, the Frost Rose League sent you back to impossible to dismantle the Olympus Divine Race into pieces, right? They must have given you the opportunity to pull people out. With permission, since this is one of your jobs, why don't you count us in?"

Listening to others, there is no room for maneuver, Aphrodite was depressed at the time. "I said where did you hear that I took refuge in the Frost Rose League?" Aphrodite still wanted to make the final struggle.

The Hailong guy said in a final word: "Don't pretend. Zeus hasn't been out. I don't know how powerful the Frost Rose is. Our Poseidon system has been in contact with Sea Clan in other regions. . You know, the sea is not like land. Some areas are open seas. Except for not allowing us to station for a long time, our actions there are almost unrestricted. We have encountered the Sea there in the Pacific before. Clan, it’s said that they have all taken refuge in the Frost Rose Alliance. According to their description, Isengard should be a Divine City and a fortress city. If you were in your heyday, it might not be true if you came out, but you The armor was smashed when you were caught. With your ability at the time, do you think we would believe that you could run out?"

Aphrodite still has to argue, another one The Guardian God of the Poseidon Pillar preemptively said: "It's useless to explain, we have the evidence. Someone in our Poseidon family has seen Purple Moon enter the lava crypt of Hephaestus, and then he left. Hephaestus is still alive and well, which shows that Hephaestus has also rebelled. And you and Hephaestus have such a good relationship, and then you went in and out several times, how do you treat us as fools? ?"

Hearing such an analysis, Aphrodite really didn't know how to argue. She finally nodded and said helplessly: "Well, I admit, I was released, the purpose is to come back to stand before the Frost Rose League action, to help them pull people."

"I will just Say it." Hailong said excitedly: "In that case, please sign up for us?"

"Hey hey hey, are you really planning to change jobs collectively?" Aphrodite thought before. They found evidence of her rebellion, prepared to force her to admit, and then arrested her. Now it seems that they are not lying to her at all, but they are indeed planning to ask her to help contact us.

Actually, it's not that Aphrodite didn't believe this matter. The main reason was that such a large-scale collective rebellion of the Poseidon System frightened her. You have to say that there are dozens or hundreds of rapes in a country, even if there are thousands of rapes, that is a normal thing, but suddenly ninety-nine percent of the people in a collective said that they would betray their enemies and be rapes. It's too fake. The first reaction of a normal person is that the other person is joking about himself. How can he believe that this is true? However, this seems to be true now.

Seeing that Aphrodite still didn't believe it, Hailong shouted anxiously: "We just want to join the Frost Rose League. No matter whether it succeeds or not, you have no loss. Are you so worried?"


"No, I just think your Poseidon system is pretty good. Now such a large-scale collective job-hopping, is this too weird?"

Aphrodite's words In fact, it makes sense. Think of the original Olympus Divine Race, where Heavenly God, Poseidon, and Underworld coexist. Among them, Heavenly God is equivalent to a unit directly under the central government, with the strongest strength, the best treatment, and the least work. However, after all, they are the central unit, they can't reach out, and there is no extra money to catch. Compared with the Heavenly God system, it is basically the same as the coolie. Normally dealing with ghosts is the work that gets the most Power o

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