"hahahaha..." After I proposed to stop, Jehovah laughed loudly, as if I had said some terrible joke. After laughing for nearly half a minute, this guy stopped laughing and looked at me squarely. "Purple Moon, do you think the problem is too simple? You destroyed my Temple Mount before, and today you suddenly said that you can’t fight with me. Who do you think you are? If you say you’ll fight, I’ll fight, you say If I don’t fight, I’ll have to stop? Do you really think that our Holy See is not your opponent?"

"Is it an opponent? You know in your heart. The existence of Olympus Divine Race, I can take it If you dismantle it, you will be even more talked about by a poor force like you. I propose to suspend just to tell you something, but if you don’t want to talk about it, then we can continue. Anyway, I won’t be afraid of you. "

"hahahaha...what a big tone." The Lord seemed to be True Qi crazy this time. He pointed at me angrily and said: "I won't stop today, I see what you can do with us."

"Since you are doing this against me so much, then I'm sorry." I said Suddenly, he took out a wish fruit, and when the Lord on the other side saw it, he was immediately stunned.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

"Don't do anything. Your face has been swept away by you, I will charge some interest."

"You, you, you … I tell you, don’t mess around. Otherwise, the Holy See will not let you go!” Although the words of the Lord sounded to be warning me, they were really not deterrent. I think he is very scared. In fact, it is true.

Wish fruits are not easy to come by, but relatively high risk has high rewards. Once you get it, you can make a wish at will. Of course, this randomness is not really random, but has a scope. The higher the level of wish fruit, the greater the wish, and vice versa. If a wish is made beyond the scope of the fruit of the wish, there are two possibilities. The first is that the fruit is discarded directly, and nothing happens, and it disappears. The second situation is that the fruit takes effect, but not all wishes can be realized, only part of it is completed. Although the second situation is better than failure, it is still very different from making a complete wish by yourself, so most people would rather lower the wish limit and ensure that the fruit is fully effective.

To ensure that the fruit effect does not exceed the upper limit, the easiest way to judge is to evaluate based on the cost paid when doing the task. If your wish is simpler than the task you do, it is basically 100% accurate. If it is a little harder than the task you do, you can usually do it, but if it is more than double the difficulty, then the wish may fail. . In general, the desire for an equivalent to task difficulty of about 180% is considered a safer desire, which can not only maximize the effectiveness of the fruit, but also basically guarantee that the fruit will not exceed the upper limit.

The Lord does not know what level of wish fruit this is in my hand, and he does not know what level of wish I will make, but no matter what the outcome of these two answers is, he does not want to I see, because the fruit of wish is almost like a nuclear weapon, no matter how small the formidable power is, it is considered a weapon of destruction.

"I originally intended to use this thing to do something for myself, but since you make me very angry, I think it's better to use this thing to ease my mood."


"Hey, you, you, you...Don't be impulsive. Let's discuss something!"

"Can you discuss it?" I was surprised and asked: "You are not Did you say you want to fight with me?"

"No, I’m busy decorating these days. I don’t sleep well and my head is a little unclear. I mean we can sit down and talk slowly, no I need to fight and kill."

Actually, I knew I did not raise. The character of Jehovah was known when I first came into contact with the ring of commandments. This guy is not a particularly tough person by nature. If Zeus is a tyrant, then Jehovah is the kind of old slippery politician who likes to be sloppy. If it weren't for being pressed, he would never blush with others. Of course, this is not to say that others are good. He will not be a bit slower than others when it is time to cheat you, and most of them will be very cruel, but on the surface, he will never go against you. Compared to Jehovah, I actually think Zeus is more cute. At least Zeus is a relatively simple person. We can understand his behavior pattern, but Jehovah’s behavior is almost unpredictable except for himself. Of course, given the characteristics of not being tough, once you come up with a strong threat, he is definitely the fastest to subdue soft. This does not require prediction, this is the final conclusion.

Because of this conclusion, I know that Jehovah and I absolutely do not raise. I am not an egg, and Jehovah will never hit a rock, so as long as I don’t push him into a hurry, he will always Won't fight me. Of course, it is necessary to behave for the sake of face.

"Since you want to talk, let's talk about it." I said, scanning the surrounding situation, and then said: "It doesn't seem to be very suitable for negotiation, right?"

The Lord quickly jumped up and moved towards the surrounding men and shouted: "Don't surround yourself, what should you do." He said to me as soon as he finished saying: "Let's go to the Conference Hall to talk." After speaking, he turned around and immediately found the room with a big hole, then his eyebrows jumped twice, and finally turned helplessly to the other side and stretched out his hand: "Let's go to the reception desk!"

< p>The reception desk should actually be understood as a task release center, but this place cannot be put into use for the time being, because a large part of its exterior has not yet been completed. Even this reception desk is barely counted as having four walls. In addition to the roof, doors and windows, even the tables, chairs and benches were moved in from outside after we came in.

After the door was closed and all the unrelated personnel had exited, Jehovah put away his smiling face, and instead returned to a state of expressionless expression. I know that his external image is always for others to see, and there is really no need to continue acting for someone like me who knows the basics of him.

"What the hell are you going to say?" Jehovah asked in a cold voice.

I was sitting on a simple bench, with one hand on the table next to me, knocking casually, until the Lord had finished asking, I looked up at him and said, "I should be asking you what you are going to do. "

"What do you mean?" The Lord looked at me in a way that I didn't understand.

For Jehovah’s disguise, I just smiled slightly, and then nodded and said: "Don’t play dumb puzzles with me, you know." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (Qidian.com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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