As Hephaestus told me, the place where the golden thread grows is really not too difficult to find, because that place is called the Olympus Temple.

The Temple of Olympus, the seat of the Parliament of Olympus Divine Race, is equivalent to the Great Hall of the People of our country. This kind of place is certainly not difficult to find, but if you want to get close to it, it is extremely difficult.

The Temple of Olympus is located on the top of Mount Olympus. Behind it is the palace of Zeus, and not far in front is the Academy of Olympus priests, which is specially used to train saints. And the place of the low-level Olympus Divine Race. On its left and right sides are the Olympus torch and the Heavenly God Palace.

The torch is a place where the Olympus flame is stored. It is a more important place, but there are not too many guards. After all, this thing is not so easy to steal, and others can't use it, so you don't need to pay too much attention to defense. The Heavenly God Palace on the other side is more troublesome than the Olympus Temple, because it is the place where several high level Olympus Divine Races handle government affairs, similar to the State Council Office Building.

The Olympus Temple is empty when it is not in a meeting anyway, so as long as you don’t come during a meeting, there won’t be too many people, but the Heavenly God Palace has to be completely reversed. NS. The situation here is that at least one or two high level Divine Races will sit here, except for meetings at the Olympus Temple, and sometimes even double-digit high level Olympians will be found here. Divine Race is also very common.

The Olympus Temple is surrounded by four buildings, and the Zeus Palace behind it is a minefield, a place that you can’t get close to. Heavenly God Palace is even more terrible, here is simply a natural trap, more dangerous than Zeus. The Academy in front of the mountain didn't have any outstanding guys, but considering Zeus and those high level Heavenly Gods behind, it was still in the restricted area, because as long as one person was alarmed, a group would soon be recruited.

Three of the four directions are forbidden areas, so there is only one Olympus torch. With no choice, I can only consider a breakthrough from here in the end.

According to Hephaestus, golden thread flowers should have grown in the flowerbeds on both sides of the square in front of the Olympus Temple. Of course, all the flower gardens are impossible. They should be planted together with a plant called the flame sunflower in the flower garden. However, the colors of the two are very different, so it is easy to distinguish. The real trouble should be how to approach them. This is the biggest problem.

The square in front of the Olympus Temple is quite wide, and there is a defensive spell barrier on the square, any spell-like abilities will be invalidated here, that is to say, Camouflage Technique and stealth are not available here. use. Without the help of these two skills, if you want to pick flowers in the big square here, you can't be discovered by others, this is a bit difficult!

"It's really troublesome, do you have to dig a hole in the mountain to get the flower away? Mount Olympus seems to be all rocks? When does this have to be dug?"

< p>While I was worried here, Zeus and a large group of Olympus Divine Race on the towering Olympus were also getting together and sighing sadly. As for the reason for sighing, no Asked, of course because of me.

"Tell me, what is the situation now?" Zeus looked at the group of his men and asked faithfully. Although the reputation in the Olympus Divine Race is quite bad, as the Divine King of the Olympus Divine Race, there will still be a group of diehards under Zeus. Now Zeus is putting aside the Olympus Divine Race Council in discussing issues with his diehard gang. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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