"Why no one is talking? Don't you care about the current situation at all?" Zeus asked a little irritably when he found out that no one was speaking. Screamed.

Seeing that no one was speaking, a handsome god wearing a golden armor explained: "Divine King, it’s not that we don’t care, but we don’t know how to say it. Afu Did Rodity escape from the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, or was it bought by them and put it back on purpose. We don’t have a nodded thread at all. Now everything can only listen to Aphrodite’s side words. , What she said is what, we don’t have any other reference, we can’t make a judgment at all."

Someone spoke first, and the other gods also found the topic. One of the guys followed up and said: "Yes, what Apollo said is similar to what we thought. Aphrodite's situation is hard to tell, and the Twelve Star God side may not necessarily be acting according to plan." /p>

A female Divine Race also echoed at this time: "Yes, on the surface, the twelve Star Gods pretended to surrender according to your order to lure Purple Moon to come, but who can guarantee that they don’t Are you planning to really surrender?"

With the words of the first few people as a pavement, the other Divine Races immediately started to say what you said, and Zeus frowned. The more powerful.

Speaking of speaking, the situation encountered by Zeus is actually the same as the situation encountered by me. Because neither of us is sure where the guys caught in the middle are helping, so now everyone doesn't know where the thing is and whose plan is going forward. After all, the plans of the two sides are basically the same in the first half. Zeus hopes to lead me to Greece, but I hope to pretend to make Zeus think that I was drawn. At this point, no matter who the plan is successful , The results are the same, so at present everyone is not sure which plan is really successful.

Different from the first half of the plan, the second half of the plan of Zeus and I are naturally completely opposite, but now that we don’t know who the spies are helping, Zeus and I have encountered the same The problem is that I don’t know whether to let the plan go on. If the plan is running according to your own plan, then calling a stop now is undoubtedly hitting yourself in the foot, but if you let it continue, then if the plan is proceeding according to the other party's plan, the trouble will only be even greater.

Interests and crisis coexist, no one can make a decision. However, compared to Zeus's terrified and over-cautious, I decided very quickly. Helping Hephaestus to get the golden thread flower is the result of my decision to implement the plan, otherwise I should take Hephaestus and the others to leave quickly, or turn the plan into a storm. As for Zeus, he is still looking for someone to discuss it, which shows that he can't make a decision at all.

Although I am more swift than Zeus in the decision on this matter, this does not mean that Zeus is a weak guy. The two of us handled this matter differently because of our different environments.

For us, this action is a windfall, it is a surprise to be successful, and a defeat is nothing but a waste of effort. But for Zeus, it was different. They were now fighting against each other. They can completely regain their vitality and gain a firm foothold to regain development opportunities. If they fail, they will be completely finished, and the Olympus Divine Race will be reduced to a third-rate Divine Race from then on.

In addition, in addition to the cost of success or failure, another reason Zeus is more difficult than me to make a decision is strength.

This strength certainly does not mean our battle strength. If you go heads-up, Zeus will definitely kill me. Of course, he will definitely get hurt, and it won't be too light. However, the more serious problem is the organization.

Chaos and Order Divine Race has the Frost Rose League as a huge support point. Unlike the Olympus Divine Race, Chaos and Order Divine Race is our Frost Rose League’s guild Divine Race, it’s us Own Divine Race, and Olympus Divine Race is just a high-level existence for the Greek people, not recognized by them as their own people. For example, the meaning of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order to our Frost Rose League is just like the meaning of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to the Chinese people. It is our own team, while the meaning of the Olympus Divine Race to the Greek people is the same. Just like the significance of peacekeeping forces to the people of the world. Everyone may think that they are righteous and powerful, but they will not regard the peacekeeping forces as their own forces because they are too far apart.

Because of this fundamental gap, when the Olympus Divine Race conflicts with our chaos and order Divine Race, our Frost Rose League will fully participate in the battle to support the chaos and order Divine Race, but The Greeks will not fight for the Olympus Divine Race, at least most of them will not do it.

The problem is far more than that. In addition to the lack of basic support, there are also internal problems with the Olympus Divine Race. The reason why Zeus is hesitant now is that he doesn't believe in Aphrodite or the Twelve Star Gods. He doesn't even trust all the Olympus Divine Races except for the guys he is discussing. same. Zeus does not trust these Olympus Divine Race members, so they will not trust Zeus either, at least they will not fight desperately during the battle. Contrary to them. Chaos and Order Divine Race's cohesion cannot be said to be high, but at least we don’t have to worry about the loyalty of our companions, so our battle strength is one plus one equals two, or even greater than two, while the Olympus Divine Race’s battle strength Then one plus one is less than two, or even less than one. In this way, even if the Olympus Divine Race is a strong race, there is no deterrent effect now. even more how Olympus Divine Race's most capable Pluto family has just rebelled, and other Divine Race members are also unstable because of this incident. What battle strength can you expect from them in this state?

In addition to the above problems, the problems of Olympus Divine Race are not over yet. In addition to those mentioned before, the Olympus Divine Race also has huge problems in the external environment. Before Hades and they were abducted by me, the Olympus Divine Race was expanding. Although the war was temporarily stopped due to the collective change of the Pluto system, the state of war has not been lifted, which means that the Olympus Divine Race It is currently at war with the two great temples of light and dark and the power of the Holy See of Jehovah. On the contrary, because of my relationship, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order can not only get the support of the two temples of light and dark, but also a lot of cryptic support from other Divine Race forces. This kind of support can be to send one or two powerful personnel to directly participate in the war, or to support one or two special items that are of little value but of great use, or even provide a little bit of intelligence or containment, which can influence the situation of the battle. matter.

Faced with so many problems and troubles, if it weren’t for the Olympus Divine Race that really needed a victory to stabilize people’s hearts, Zeus would never provoke our existence at this time. But he has no choice now, because we have poached all the gods of Hades's Underworld family. If he does not counterattack this, the Olympus Divine Race will inevitably collapse completely afterwards. The gods must try their best to find the next home and prepare to quit. At that time, let alone the strong enemies around the Olympus Divine Race, even if there is no external pressure, they themselves will have to collapse.

In such an unstable situation, all Zeus can do is gamble. Betting that everything will go according to his plan, betting that those Olympus Divine Races are not really alien.

Zeus, who finally figured out the relationship between China and China, suddenly slammed the table and shook the others in the clamor of Divine Race everyone talking at once. "I've been quarreled. In this situation, the only way to believe in the loyalty of the Twelve Star Gods. The enemy is currently, we can't get into a mess. You guys will give me back to my posts as soon as possible. No matter which direction things go, Purple The Moon will definitely come, so we have to do our own things with the unchanging, and the rest depends on how the Wheel of Fate is going to turn!"

We will make a decision on Zeus's side. When I was determined to start preparing, I finally made up my mind and started preparing to approach the Olympus Temple from the flame platform, and at this time I was struggling to climb the cliff. Mount Olympus is full of high-level Divine Races. I don't dare to fly directly up. It is like standing at the bottom of the mountain and shouting that I am coming. It is purely a courting death act. Those who want to stay close to the Temple of Olympus can only climb up from the cliff on the side of the flame. Fortunately, the cliff is not too smooth, and there are still a few footholds to be found.

Climbing the cliff is returning to climbing the cliff. I didn’t plan to climb up like this on my own hands and feet. We have so many advantages in our hands. How can we make good use of it?

Posted on the cliff, I first asked the small dragon girl to perform a reverse Gravity Technique for me. After feeling my body lightened a lot, I began to step on the rocks that protruded from the mountain. Because the output power is great, and the weight has become very light, I can jump up to ten or twenty meters each step, and because I have wings, I don’t have to worry about getting out of the cliff with too much force. The problem of getting to the foothold, so I don’t need to search for a foothold cautiously like a normal rock climber. I basically jump up like whiz whiz whiz like running. There is no difference on the ground.

Because of the high speed and the fact that Mount Olympus is not very high, it didn't take long for me to reach the top of the mountain. In the end, the section of the road is close to the top of the mountain and might be found, so I don’t dare to fly with my wings anymore. I can only climb at full speed and climb carefully. Fortunately, I still have a dragon's tendon cable, in case the skater is back. Can use dragon's tendons to fix the rock and pull himself back.

Slap. On the edge of the cliff where the flame platform on the right side of the Olympus Temple was located, a hand suddenly hit the edge of the cliff, followed by a head cautiously popping out. Because of Hades’s transformation of the underworld, there were two extra long red feathers on the helmet of the original Divine Dragon suit, so now I only wear armor and no helmet. If this kind of lurking approach task is like putting a flag on the top of the head with the helmet, then what concealed approach is there to talk about?

I stretched my head left and right and looked around to make sure that there was no one. I pressed the ground on the edge of the cliff and jumped up with an somersault. After landing, I rolled forward and reached the base of the sacred flame on the edge of the cliff. , And then posted on it.

The torch is not a place for people to stay, so its structure is also special. From a distance, it may be a bit similar to an enlarged pavilion. Its bottom is basically a solid circular base, almost four to five meters high, and may be more than ten meters in diameter. The top of this pedestal is not a wall, but a circle of gorgeous golden columns. However, the top of this circle of standing branches is not the roof, but the result of a circular ring. This ring is exactly the same diameter as the base below and is located at the top of the circle of pillars. Although the ring itself does not cover the top of the pavilion, it actually has a powerful shielding effect because it is a magic device. The inner and outer rings of the ring are all carved with the mysterious Magic Talisman, and the colored streamers flowing on it clearly show its powerful energy reserves. However, I am not afraid of this thing, because most of this stuff is not offensive, otherwise I won't wait for me to get close to this distance without reacting.

After looking around to make sure there was no one, I first released a group of Spirit Armor worms, and then let them move separately. One of them left clockwise along the base, and the other left counterclockwise, while winding along the base to the opposite side. The remaining Spirit Armor worms began to climb up along the wall of the base. When they reached the top of the base, two climbed directly to observe the situation inside the flame, while the remaining two started along a pillar. Go to the top.

With the sight of a few Spirit Armor worms, I quickly got all the situation near the flame stand in my eyes.

On the side of the platform facing the cliff, there is a fairly wide ladder extending from the ground to the top of the base. Two Holy Mountain guards are standing at the top of the ladder, facing the bottom of the ladder. There is nothing superfluous inside the torch, and only a golden mechanical body is placed on the center of the building on the smooth and level ground. This golden mechanical body is basically composed of a metal frame and some lenses. It looks a bit like an astronomical instrument, but there is no similar thing.

There is a strange energy body floating on the top of this golden instrument. It looks like a golden mist, but if you look closely, you will find a lot of shining light. The dots are flowing around.

Although I don't know what this energy group is, I can roughly guess that this should be the Olympus flame, because it is the only thing in the flame platform that can be associated with the flame.

Except for this holy fire and the metal machinery underneath the holy fire, there is nothing else in the whole holy fire platform. With the sight of the two Spirit Armor worms climbing to the top, I will take all the nearby After scanning it again, there was nothing worth noting at all.

After making sure that there is no danger here, I carefully climbed onto the pedestal and hid behind one of the pillars. The support pillars on the base are said to have a circle, but in fact there are only a dozen in total, each with a diameter of more than one meter. It is not a problem to block individuals.

With the help of this pillar, I carefully confirmed the relative positions of the two guards and me. The picture seen from the beetle’s line of sight and my Number One Person said that there is still a gap in viewing angle after all, so I usually use my own eyes to confirm it when possible.

After determining the relative position of the target and me, I started to move one by one along the circle of pillars to the two guys. Of course, I would not be so stupid to move directly to the one beside them. I went next to the two pillars. After all, that place was already standing beside them, and the other side could see me from the corner of their eyes. So I used a little strategy, which was to take out the dart summon, and then let him walk along the outer circle of the flame to the other side of the two guards to stand by.

After the darts were in place, I started to count down with him through contact. "Three, two, one, action." As soon as I called out action in my contact, the dart deliberately knocked hard on the ground with his small paws, and accompanied by a clear impact, the two guards immediately He raised the long spear, which was still on the ground, and turned around, but when they saw the darts at the same time, the darts had already jumped up from the spot, and then they rushed to the face of the guy closest to him. Scratching and scratching. The guy immediately threw away the long spear and reached out to pull the dart off his face, while the guard near me quickly ran to him to help. Of course, I am faster than him, and I have caught up with him as soon as he started. The left hand directly encircled his head and covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming. At the same time, the right hand held the eternal dagger and quickly wiped his throat. The guy's struggle immediately became violent, but it gradually softened in just three to five seconds. Go down.

Seeing that I killed the guard and let go and put him down, the darts over there also jumped off the guy. The guard watched the dart run and was ready to step on him, but a long sword immediately pierced his armor from behind and pierced his heart, and then the blade changed sharply after the point of the sword pierced the heart. Like a hedgehog, a lot of spikes popped up instantly, piercing this guy's heart completely into a sieve.

Such severe damage only caused the guy to kick his legs twice before falling down, during which he couldn't even make a shout.

Confirming that the two guards are dead, I immediately stripped off their equipment, and then summon brought out two Qilin warriors, put on their armors and weapons, and stood at the door to impersonate the guards. Anyway, the guards here are wearing armor that covers the body very tightly, and even their heads are covered by helmets and masks, so as long as the body is not much different, it is easy to impersonate. As for the armors of the two, there is no weak spot. I wiped Number One Person's neck, and there was no damage at all on the armor. Although a hole was pierced in the second person's breastplate, the breach was on the back and the front was not damaged. There are no people in this holy fire platform, even if someone comes in, they will come in from the outside, and they will never see the hole behind him, so they can deceive most people.

Cleaned up the blood stains on the ground, cleaned the scene slightly and threw the two corpses down the cliff. After confirming that there were no more traces, I took back the darts and the ghost bug and started to touch the Olympus Temple .

Before coming here, Hephaestus told me that there is a large anti-magic array in the square in front of the Olympus Temple, so the magic will be invalid when you enter here. But I didn't expect this range to be so large. I felt a different kind of energy fluctuation just after I walked out of the range of the torch stage less than ten meters. This fluctuation is not only very powerful, but also very uncomfortable.

I know that the source of this discomfort comes from the array’s suppression of magic power on my body, so I didn’t care too much, just speeded up and carefully approached the piece in front of the Olympus Temple. square.

Said it is a square, but in fact it should be a natural rock platform. In front of this square, there is a stepped downhill road, from there you can reach the priest Academy. The Olympus Temple is naturally behind the square, and there are cliffs on the left and right sides of the square. The torch platform and Heavenly God Palace that I came over are both in a straight line with the Olympus Temple, slightly behind the square, and the torch platform may be slightly forward.

I moved carefully to the corner between the Olympus Temple and the square. There was a huge stone statue standing here, but I couldn't tell who it was. There is also a stone statue like this on the opposite corner, but it is a female stone statue, and it stands opposite to this one on my side.

Because this stone statue is relatively large, it can just be used as a cover for me. By hiding under its feet, you can completely block yourself behind. Unless someone comes from the direction of the torch, it is impossible to find me. However, even if this thing blocked me, I was still very depressed.

What I want to do is not to arrive here and wait safely, but to pick the golden thread flowers, but the flower garden where the thing is located is actually at the forefront of the square, next to the entrance to the priest Academy On both sides of the mountain road, the straight-line distance from here to there is more than one kilometer. Even if I rush over at the fastest speed, I will definitely be spotted. After all, the square is not empty. In addition to the four guards standing at the corner of the square, there are guards on the downhill road and the entrance of the Olympus Temple.

There is a Holy Mountain guard in golden armor on each of the four corners of the square, and there is also one on each side of the ladder. A line of Holy Mountain guards stood at the gate of the Olympus Temple nearest to me, among them there were two mid-level Divine Races, which were not easy to deal with at all. Moreover, there is a very bad state here, that is, that damn magic suppression array only works for me, and is not valid for the licensed Olympus Divine Race. Therefore, not only can I use magic here, but once I am discovered, I have to rely on melee combat to fight, because my magic simply cannot be used, and because of the suppression of the magic array, even the space channel cannot be opened. That is to say, unless I release all the familiars in advance, if there is a real fight for a while, I can't count on them at all.

"Damn it, there are so many guards!" After scanning the situation here, I directly gave up my plan to run over from the square. If I dare to take the lead now, I won't wait for me to run. When you get to the flower garden, you will definitely have to be surrounded. So this plan has no hope at all.

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly turned around and ran back to the sacred flame, and then released a group of Spirit Armor worms in the magic suppression area Foreign Domain, and then took them and ran back to the stone statue that I had hidden before. Underfoot.

After hiding it again, I looked at the location of the flowerbed where the golden thread flower was, and then released the Spirit Armor insect. These little fellows, like most Insects, have the ability to hang themselves on any surface, and they can stand steadily even on vertical glass. What I need now is their ability, because I plan to let them pick flowers for me.

Except for the Olympus Temple at the back, almost all the front and left and right sides of this square are cliffs, and the guards will not look down the cliffs at all. Besides, given the size and color of the Spirit Armor worm, even if there are guards looking down, you may not really be able to see it.

The Spirit Armor worms who were instructed quickly climbed down from the cliff beside me, and then approached the flowerbed along the cliff, and soon they arrived around the flowerbed.

Under my command, the Spirit Armor insects that arrived around the flowerbed immediately climbed from the side of the cliff to the edge of the square, and then quickly moved towards the flowerbed.

Because of its small size and its almost transparent body, the first Spirit Armor worm easily climbed to the side of the flowerbed, and then quickly got in. In order not to attract attention, I only sent such a Spirit Armor worm to approach, and the other ghost worms hid on the side of the cliff without appearing.

Just like Hephaestus said, Golden thread flower does not grow alone, it has a large number of flame sunflowers around it. The ghost bug that entered the flowerbed quickly passed through the flame sunflower and climbed beside the golden thread flower. Unlike the flame sunflower, the golden thread flower is not only slightly taller than the flame sunflower, but the color and shape of its petals are also different from the flame sunflower, so I can easily find the golden thread flower.

Under my command, the ghost worm easily climbed to the side of the golden thread flower path, and then began to gnaw the flower path. The predecessor of the ghost worm is a species known for being good at swallowing, so their big teeth are very destructive power, even more how golden thread is just a plant, I did not expect it to have any hardness. However, things are often very different from ideas. The moment the ghost bug bit on the golden thread flower fiercely, mutation suddenly emerged.

At the moment that golden thread flower was bitten, the surface of the whole golden thread flower was instantly lit up with golden rays of light, followed by a golden beam of light thick with arms. The flower of the line flower shoots out from the heart and reaches the sky. The only thing that is so obvious is probably blind, anyway, the guards have seen it all.

The quickest response was naturally the two Holy Mountain guards guarding the downhill road closest to the flower garden, but when they ran towards the beam of light, I encountered other problems.

I didn’t have to climb the Olympus Divine Race guys at all because of my strength. As long as the gold thread flower is in my hands, it doesn’t matter if I find it. I can run away anyway, they can’t stop it. Live me. However, just when I was about to darken and steal to steal, I was surprised to find that the pliers of the ghost bug only left two very shallow cuts on the flower stem of the golden thread. At this speed, Spirit Armor The worm would take at least several hours to gnaw off this flower stem.

"Damn it, isn't it? Isn't this flower made of iron?"

In fact, it is an insult to say that it is iron. You must know that ghost worms can easily gnaw down even steel. Our guild in the steel forest on the other side of the steel city relied on ghost worms to put down and smelt those big steel trees one by one. Think about it, these ghost worms can even gnaw on big steel trees. However, it can only leave a small cut on the stem of this golden thread flower. How hard should the stem be?

I now understand why Hephaestus was so surprised before I said a few words. With the hardness of this thing, coupled with the habit of emitting a beam of light when injured, and the guarding power around it, this thing really cannot be stolen. However, this is not the time to sigh, because the guards rushed to the flower garden and did not find the enemy and they started calling for reinforcements. A large group of guards ran out of hula-la around, and then began to search around, scared me quickly. Turn around and run to the flame platform. I must not be spotted until the golden thread flower is handed, otherwise it will be difficult to start it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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