I’m not sure if I’m worried about Medea’s unreliability, but Aphrodite dragged me out of the forge room and started telling me: "I left Essien before. You should

Should you listen to their report before?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, I already know, you just need to tell me what's going on. How is it? Have you learned any useful information in the past two days?"

Aphrodite was nodded, and frowned, "As soon as I came back, I tested the situation of the Twelve Star Gods." , The result is a bit beyond my expectation."

"Testing? How did you test?"

Aphrodite said in a bit embarrassed manner: "I didn't follow yours Command line, but directly reported to Zeus that Iris and the others secretly contacted you."

"What? Did you sell the twelve Star Gods?"

" I can’t say it’s sold, just try it out.” Aphrodite said: “According to the method you said, I can’t find enough information in a short time. The internal contradictions in Pace Divine Race have intensified, and it is easy to expose contacts like me."

After listening to Aphrodite’s words, I pondered for a while, and then said: "Your plan is indeed more efficient, but in case the Twelve Star God is really cooperating, this time I will be hurt by you!"

Aphrodite With a bitter face: "This is what I thought was unexpected. I didn't directly reveal that they had taken refuge in us. I just told Zeus that before escaping

I heard the guard talk about it. "

"How did Zeus react?"

"This is what I worry about the most." Aphrodite said: "Zeus didn't respond after hearing this news. "

"No response?" After hearing the news, I lowered my head and thought again, and after a while, I continued: "I think I understand."

Aphrodite nodded and said: "I just wanted to understand it later. Zeus didn't get angry at the time to show that he knew about it a long time ago, so it doesn't matter whether I report it or not.

But this morning, I heard that Zeus sent someone to strengthen the guards of some of the Twelve Star Gods."

"Aren't they all?"

"No. "

"Then it will be troublesome."

"What do you mean?" Aphrodite looked at me suspiciously.

I thought while explaining: "Zeus might have two purposes of strengthening the guard. One is to guess that you are a spy we deliberately let go, so we strengthened the supervision work. What you call

Those guards, the protection is false, and it is true to monitor those Star Gods."

Aphrodite thought for a while or shook his head: "But Zeus sent people to monitor those Star Gods. What are you doing?"

"Of course, to prevent them from coming into contact with me. If you are a spy released by us, then we will inevitably send a responder to arrive later, just like I am here now.

Yes. Zeus is worried about the two sides joining each other, and he can probably guess that even if it’s not me, it must be a powerful person in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, so < /p>

A large number of people will be sent to monitor in the name of protection."

Aphrodite asked suspiciously, "Isn't it obvious that I have found out that I am an internal response?" "

"No, this is just one of the probability."

"What about the other?"

"The second is that Zeus still guesses you are Spy, but he is smarter. He deliberately arranges guards to protect several of the Star Gods that he deliberately arranges to surrender, so that we will treat these protected guys as being under surveillance, thereby inverting our judgment The purpose of this."

"So there is something to say?" Aphrodite said: "But isn't it impossible to decide which one is true?"

"If this is the case, I can guess something, but the key is that the matter is divided into four directions. The first two are Zeus guessing that you betrayed him, and the last two are Zhou

Si believed you, so he sent guards to monitor those who might betray, or he deliberately reversed the black and white reverse protection, so that we can reverse our judgment."

"This is not the same as before. Are the two the same?"

"Not the same." I shook my head: "If there are only the first two, or only the latter two, then we can determine the correct answer as long as we know whether Zeus is smart enough.

, but now we not only need to figure out what Zeus thinks, but also whether he suspects you. Even I think Zeus might send troops just to confuse me

People, he may not know anything."

Aphrodite frowned said: "Then we don’t know anything?"

"So Said that Zeus is so powerful, he actually thought of using this method to deal with us."

"Then what shall we do now?"

"It seems that Wisdom is hopeless, it is true If it doesn’t work, attack. Anyway, with Zeus’s current strength, even if he attacks, he may not be able to take advantage. Don’t forget. The people of Hades are all with me

, and I can also influence the two temples of light and dark. If it doesn't work, I will ask the mother of the earth for help. "

"Mother of the earth?" "Aphrodite covered her mouth in surprise, and after a long pause, she asked: "Can't she not intervene in human affairs?" "

"Yes, you really can't intervene, but the rule is that a dead person is alive. Even if you don't actively intervene, you can still help a lot. "

Aphrodite is not stupid, and I understand what I mean after a little thought. "Well, do I go back with you right now, or continue the previous task to investigate which gods think Want to

leave the Olympus Divine Race? "

"You still continue your previous tasks, but there is a bit of time in a hurry, so you don't want to ask them one by one. Arranged in order of strength and the tendency of possible rebellion

If you come out, you don't need to worry about the little trash fish of average strength. Anyway, it doesn't matter if they fall to anyone. When we start to act, we will ask how many to count, so that the efficiency will be higher.


"Understood, then I will do it now. "

I nodded and said: "If Hephaestus is done here, I will let him send someone to your temple to inform you. "

"I understand. "

After sending Aphrodite out, I turned around and returned to Hephaestus's smelting room. This guy is taking his gang of disciplines and struggling to beat a few pieces. Metal, and on the other side

On the outside, the thin, tall, gentle young man is sitting behind a table with something that looks like a Microscope in front of him, and he holds two pieces that look like chopsticks in both hands. The special tool is

What is drawn on a metal plate.

"How is the progress? "

Because the few people over there are obviously not very suitable for interruption, I naturally turned my goal to Medea.

"The progress is much faster than I thought. "Medea was obviously very happy and said: "I have never seen Hephaestus be so excited before. He was humming while hitting metal just now.


"He is in such a good mood. Does the equipment he comes out must be very good?" "

"It can't be said that it must be very good, but it is definitely a very distinctive equipment. Of course, in most cases, the attribute is absolutely great, at least for so many years in the state of excitement, he has never played bad equipment. "

After listening to Medea, I felt relieved and nodded said: "Now, when Aphrodite comes back, I will have a way to explain it. "

Medea, who was still excited, immediately stepped down when she heard this. I originally thought it was because she had a bad relationship with Aphrodite and didn’t want to hear other people. Speaking of Aphrodite

Ludite, but before I had time to persuade, Medea spoke first. "That, you may still be unable to explain to Aphrodite. "

"Huh? Why? "The sudden jump in thought made me a little puzzled.

Medea smiled bitterly and pointed to the position of an apprentice on the other side and said: "Look over there and you will know. "

My gaze instantly turned to the position of Medea's finger, and it happened that an apprentice was making a mold. Hephaestus was still working on metal refining, so I paid it for now


I can't see what it is, but the mold has a shape, and the internal structure is obvious at a glance.

"Damn, who is this thing to call? "

From the shape of the mold, it is not difficult to see that what Hephaestus is making is simply not a defensive equipment, but a weapon, and, most importantly, this thing.


Fludite can’t be used at all, and the reason is—this is a Warhammer with an axe blade.

The specific structure of this Warhammer is not clear for the time being, after all, the inside of the mold The shape of the weapon is the shape of the weapon. Only the general structure can be seen on the outside. From the mold, you can see that the handle is at least two meters long. The side of the hammer head is a flat hammer surface. On one side is a huge axe. The other end of the hammer handle is not flat, but is equipped with a three-sided thorn. Look

It can be used in reverse.

" I..." After seeing the hammer, I immediately planned to rush to stop it. Didn't expect was dragged by Medea as soon as he took a step. "Why? "

Medea shook his head and said: "You'd better not disturb him. Hephaestus's inspiration is not fixed. His current inspiration can strike a hammer, indicating that it is not suitable for building other equipment. ,

Even if you stop him, there will be no benefit unless the hammer that may become a Divine Item can no longer be completed. "

I was planning to stop Hephaestus, and I immediately fell silent after listening to this. Yes. People’s inspiration is not fixed, even if I interrupt him now, I will eventually remove

It won’t do any good besides miscarriage with that hammer. In desperation, I can only take back the leg I just stepped out and calm down again. Pray that Hephaestus will pay back after hitting the hammer. There is the remaining spirit

The sense can be used to set Battle Armor to Aphrodite.

Because of the excitement, Hephaestus's work efficiency has improved significantly. Hephaestus, who completed the metal tempering in only ten minutes, immediately put the finished metal solution into the mold, and then used magic to cool it quickly. speaking of which Hephaestus Toss’ cooling equipment is quite personal, because he uses a heat-eater to cool the metal. This strange

half-energy creature likes to absorb heat, and the hotter things are The more it likes it. The metal mold is only hugged by it for a while before it is directly condensed, and the metal hammer that is taken out has basically no heat


The hammer that is taken out of the mold In fact, it can be regarded as a rough shape. Of course, post-production requires a lot of work, but the disciplines of Hephaestus in this part can’t help. The young man and Hephaestus.

I have already seen that this gentle young man is a profession similar to an enchanter, and his job is probably to be responsible for carving magic arrays.

< p>After the young man and Hephaestus personally adjusted the roughly completed hammer, it was quickly decorated into a very gorgeous Warhammer, and it was also inlaid with many gems

. Of course, the inner magic array is also indispensable.

The final finished product is a super-machine sledgehammer with a length of two meters and a shiny golden light on the surface. Look from the side of the hammer. It looks like a small beer barrel, and on the other side is a huge battle axe

, the connection point between the axe and the hammer surface is connected to the hammer handle, and the other end of the hammer handle is a The root is a three-sided pyramid with cold light shining, and the length is half a foot, and the surface is full of murderous

blood troughs. I believe that as long as it is stabbed by this thing, even a blood cow will have to be released. To anemia.

"hahahaha, finally finished. President Purple Moon, come and take a look at my proud work. "Hephaestus obviously has forgotten Aphrodite's equipment in the Mariana Trench

, and he was embarrassed to show off his hammer at this time.

< p>I walked over with a cold face and took the hammer. I wanted to teach Hephaestus. Didn't expect the hammer sank as soon as I started it. If it weren't for my reaction, I used all my strength. Go

Resist, this thing almost fell directly to the ground.

"Damn, who are you going to use this thing for? "After spending the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, I made my face blush and I managed to erect the hammer and let it stand on the ground with its big head

I want to know my basic attribute. The point is 13 points, and I have more than two thousand and one hundred levels. Even if I don’t consider the equipment bonus and the attribute points of those extra rewards, I now rely on the basic strength gained by doubling the level.

It should be more than 27,000 points. If you include the percentage support of extra power and equipment, my actual power value is at least 40,000 or more. But

, even with such a high power , I was so tired that I barely lifted the hammer. If this is an ordinary person, let alone lift it. Put the hammer on him and it will be directly crushed to death.

< p>Hephaestus not only did not express sadness for what I said, but rather said happily: "This shows that it is a high level Divine Item. High level Divine Item will always choose the owner

, if the hammer I hit can be used by anyone, isn’t it a low-level item? "

"That's okay? "I thought for a while and said, "Isn't putting it that way only Aphrodite can use this thing?" "

Hephaestus immediately asked in confusion after hearing my words: "I can use it because I am the one who made it, but why do you say that only Aphrodite can use it?" "

"Didn't you customize it for her?" Is there anyone else who can use it besides Aphrodite? "

"Customize? "Hephaestus was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted and exclaimed: "Oops, I forgot Aphrodite's equipment, ah, what should I do now?" She will definitely kill me when she comes! "

"Well, do you just remember it now?" "

Hephaestus wandered around the room with a depressed look, and finally grabbed my hand helplessly and asked for help: "President Purple Moon, what can I do now?" Please help me think of a solution

Let's do it! Otherwise, Aphrodite must come back and tear me apart! "

"Do you still have to think about this kind of problem?" Wouldn't it be enough for you to play a set of equipment yourself? "


"You won't have the excitement, you want to re-stimulate it, right?" It’s okay, although I don’t have much Qiongyeyuye, but I’m not good at wine, so I just give it to you. You can continue to read the information. Anyway, you may not finish reading all the information of our guild even if you sit there for a few years. "

"no no no, I didn't mean that. "Hephaestus shook his head and said: "Um... I accidentally ran out of some special materials when I was excited, so what... The acquisition may take some time, so..."

"Stop talking, tell me what I want and where I can get it. "

Hephaestus immediately said when he heard this: "There is no shortage of other things, but two materials are missing, one is the stamen and petals of the golden thread flower, and the other is the star fragments. "

"Damn, what's wrong with you Olympus Divine Race?" "

Hephaestus looked at me in confusion, so he asked: "What's the problem?" "

I dragged a large bag of star fragments directly from Fenglong Space and threw it to him: "This is your fault. I think it’s weird. How come the equipment produced by the Olympus Divine Race needs to be repaired or rebuilt with star fragments? "

"I can't decide this either! "Hephaestus helplessly said: "The Star Shards can stabilize the anti-magic characteristics of the equipment under the premise of strengthening the equipment attribute. Your equipment does not

use it because you don’t know this feature. If you go back, Give it a try, I guarantee that you will definitely want to add a little bit of star fragments in the future when you see any equipment. "

"But we have also tried adding star fragments before, it's not as effective as you said! "

"That's because you added the wrong amount. Too much will have the opposite effect. It should be added according to the proportion, and some metals will affect the release of the star fragments. You must increase it a little bit.

The amount is fine. Of course, this also needs to be calculated accurately, and random addition is impossible to get any effect. "

"It's strange. "I nodded and said: "I don't worry about this, anyway, you can teach me the recipe to those technicians when you come to our side." Now let’s talk about the gold thread flower you want. I seem to have heard that stuff, but are you sure you are not mistaken? You are a blacksmith and not a Potion Master. What do you want plants for? "

"Plants? "Hephaestus said disdainfully: "You won't say that after you have seen golden thread flowers." "

"Okay, tell me where they are, and I'll find them for you. How many do you want? "

"How many? "Hephaestus looked at me in surprise: "You can get me one back and it will be enough for me to use it for a few years. Of course, if you have the ability to get three or five, I don't mind. "

"Damn, where does that thing grow?" It seems to be terrifying to you. "

Medea suddenly opened the mouth to help Hephaestus and explained: "The place where the golden thread grows is not too complicated. With your strength, you can definitely get close, but I just want to get it down. trouble. No

Anyway, you can try it first. We tell you now that it’s useless. If you don’t try, there is no way to know if you can get it. "

I thought about it for a while and said: "Then I will go check it out first, and I won't contact you again. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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